Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Days passed; the two-month anniversary of Kyo and Tohru's relationship came nearer. Uo and Hana, as well as pretty much the entire school, still were in the dark about it.
But their secret of their relationship had leaked in the Sohma family. Kyo was fine with this, just as long as Kagura didn't find out. He'd made a point to threaten Momiji and Haru, just to make sure they didn't let it slip around the boar.
Because the secret was now not so secret anymore, Kyo was now able to show his affection more frequently. No more sneaking good-morning kisses, no more hidden glances at Tohru. Shigure tried to enforce his rules to keep Tohru and Kyo a little distanced; Kyo wasn't allowed to be alone in his room with Tohru, he was given a curfew as to how late he could take Tohru out on a date (just to make sure they didn't do anything `indecent', as the dog had put it). Shigure had given up after two days; Kyo had punched him when he interrupted them while they were `studying'.
They had actually been studying fairly often; finals were coming up. Kyo knew he'd do okay on them; just enough to pass. But Tohru had trouble on tests. She had a hard time absorbing the information. So he had spent most of his free time helping her with her studies.
But, finals had just finished, and the class was given some free time to relax. Kyo stretched in his chair; the tests had been a little difficult, but what did it matter? He wasn't planning on going to a university or anything. He looked over at Tohru; she, Uo and Hana were talking.
“You're birthday's coming up, right?” Uo was saying. “Where do you want to go for dinner?”
Kyo perked up. Her birthday was soon? Why hadn't she mentioned it?
“ Yeah, it's on Monday. But you don't have to take me out,” Tohru said, blushing slightly. “It's fine….”
“It's tradition,” Hana said. “We must.”
“Hana's right; it is a tradition. Now pick someplace,” Uo said.
Kyo stood in front of the directory in the local mall, looking for a jewelry section. Tohru most likely had never been spoiled on her birthday, and Kyo figured it was time she was.
He'd thought for a long time over what to do for Tohru's birthday; he wanted to take her out somewhere nice (which he doubted Wave-Girl and the yankee could do), but he didn't want to break any traditions Tohru had. So, dinner wasn't an option.
It had taken a long time of thinking to figure out what to get her. His fashion sense was almost non-existent, and he didn't want to get her something she wouldn't like. A stuffed animal and flowers were stupid; the flowers would die within a week, and why would she want a toy. Then it hit him: jewelry. She would like a nice bracelet or earrings.
Finding a store nearby on the directory, he headed to it, thinking over which type of jewelry she'd like; would a necklace be best? Or a bracelet? Or even a ring? He'd never seen her wear a bracelet, so he doubted she'd like it. Earrings….no. Her hair always hid her ears. A ring? That sounded like a good idea. A simple ring, one that wouldn't bring a lot of attention, but would look nice just the same.
He entered the store, glanced around, and, once spotting a few rings, went over to that section.
After spending close to a half an hour going through each and every ring, Kyo left the mall, feeling extremely satisfied with his purchase. He'd chosen a silver band with a Celtic design carved all the way around it. It was perfect for Tohru.
He looked over his shoulder and saw Hatori coming out of a pharmacy.
“Hi,” Kyo said, waiting for Hatori to catch up. He was in a good mood; maybe he'd walk with the dragon for a bit.
“What're you doing out here?” the doctor asked when he reached him.
“So I assumed, as you came out of a mall. You don't seem like one to shop.”
“I'm not….” He looked down at the plastic bag. “I got Tohru something…for her birthday.”
Hatori nodded. “I've heard you and Tohru are together.”
“Be careful, Kyo,” the dragon said heavily. “Akito knows, and from what I can tell, he's less than pleased.”
Kyo looked up at his cousin. “He-he knows?”
“Word spreads quickly in our family…especially when Shigure is spreading the word. But seriously, be careful. Tohru is the last person any of us want hurt.”
“It's- what happened…between you and Kana…will not happen to us,” Kyo said quietly. “I…I won't let anyone hurt her.”
They walked in silence for a little longer.
“What did you get Tohru?” Hatori asked.
“A ring,” Kyo said, pulling out the black velvet box and handing it to him.
The dragon examined the piece of jewelry, looking at it from every angle. “Very nice….Spent a lot on her, didn't you?”
“….She deserves it though.” The cat replied softly.
A slight smile crept over Hatori's face. “I've got to turn here. Tell Tohru I wish her a happy birthday.”
“I will,” Kyo said.
And they went their separate ways.
I don't' like how I ended this chapter. I'm probably going to add onto it. But, you may be asking, why am I uploading this if I don't like it? Because it's been far too long without an update, that's why.
Oy……I have a feeling within the next….chapter or so I will be getting only angry reviews.