Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



They decided to see a horror flick. Kyo, under no circumstances, would agree to see a chick flick, and he was sure Tohru wouldn't enjoy an action movie. He paid for the tickets and the popcorn and candy Tohru wanted; she offered to pay for her snowcaps, but Kyo refused to let her. It was his return gift to her, and also, she needed to save her money so she could pay for her tuition.


Kyo enjoyed the movie more than he thought he would. True, he didn't pay much attention to it; it was Tohru's reactions that he enjoyed. Every time the ghostly girl showed up on the screen, Tohru would gasp and grab Kyo's hand, or snuggle in close, hiding her eyes. He liked how she would turn to him when she was scared, even if it was only because of a movie. Kyo made a mental note to, if he ever took Tohru to a movie again, to see a horror movie again.





"Did you like the movie?" Tohru asked as they walked home.


"Eh, it was okay," Kyo replied casually. "Wasn't that scary."


"I thought it was really scary!"


"I could tell the way you kept squeezing my hand! I'm surprised I have any feeling in it at all! And how you kept leaning in on me; I could've changed into a cat in the middle of the theatre!"


"Oh….I'm sorry, Kyo," Tohru said. "I'll try not to be as scared next time."


"No…it's fine…..," Kyo sight. Why did he always have to snap at her? But he knew the answer to that; he didn't know how to act around her, so he got a little hostile. He just wished that he could act normally around her. "Even if I did turn into a cat, it was dark…no one would have seen."


They reached Shigure's house. The evening had been perfect, and all that was lacking was a perfect ending; a goodnight kiss.


But there was no need for a goodnight kiss. Kyo lived with Tohru; he wouldn't be saying goodbye to her on her doorstep. They'd merely walk in together, possibly talk a little longer, then go their separate ways. And besides, even if he did decide to kiss her inside, there'd be no privacy, what with that pervert Shigure around.


Kyo so wished for a chance, this chance, to kiss Tohru. Yuki would have dozens of chances, since he was so perfect, and seemed to know exactly what to say to make Tohru swell with happiness. But Kyo….he was too awkward around Tohru, too awkward around anyone. He always seemed angry, which (though it helped greatly in school, keeping all the girls away from him, so there'd be less of a chance of him accidentally turning into a cat) could keep Tohru from liking him.


Once inside, it went as Kyo had predicted. They chatted a little, in peace, about the movie, then Shigure came in and began teasing them over their `date', which made Kyo stomp off in disgust. It wasn't a date unless they kissed.





Later that night, Kyo lay out on the roof staring at the stars. It was his spot, where he could think in peace and quiet. Though, he usually did more daydreaming than thinking. He mostly daydreamed about what it would be like when he finally beat Yuki in a fight, and was welcomed in as part of the zodiac. He would be allowed to attend the banquet at New Year's, and no one would criticize him for being the cat anymore.


He sighed. One day, he'd beat Yuki…..


"Hey Kyo."


Kyo looked over. Tohru was at the top of the ladder that leaned against the roof, a plate of riceballs in her hand.


"You didn't have much to eat at the movies, so I thought you might be hungry," she said, placing the plate carefully on the roof. One of the riceballs tipped, looking like it would fall off the plate and down the roof. She quickly held it in place.


"Oh….Thanks," Kyo said, taking the plate from her.


"They're salmon flavored….I think I remember you saying you liked it[1]." She stepped onto the roof and sat down beside him. "Thanks again for taking me to a movie."


Kyo shrugged, and licked a few stray grains of rice off his lips. "It's not a big deal. All we did was see a movie. Bet Yuki did something better."


"N-no, not really. He got me a rose and took me to dinner, but what you did was really nice. I liked it a lot."


Damn. Yuki had done better than him. Again. Kyo sighed inwardly, and swallowed another bite of one of the riceballs.


"Kyo…you don't need to compare yourself to him all the time," Tohru said. "You're just as good as Yuki; you two are just different."


"I don't compare myself to that damn rat!" Kyo snapped. "I'm much better than him!"


He felt Tohru sigh next to him. "….Okay, Kyo…." She leaned her head on his shoulder, and Kyo felt flip-flops in stomach.


"Are the riceballs good?" Tohru asked.


"Y-yeah, they're fine," Kyo said. "Do you want one?"


"No, I'm full. I think I made you spend too much money on food at the movies." She shifted so that she was lying on the roof, looking at the sky


"Don't worry about it. It wasn't that much." He lay beside her, and looked over at her, watching her stare at the stars.


They lay in silence for a few seconds, before Tohru looked over at him, obviously having felt his eyes on her.


"What?" she asked, smiling slightly. "Do I have something on my face?"


Kyo hesitated. He could flirt a little, act all mushy like Yuki, and possibly give his first ever kiss…but, again, it would mean acting like the rat. But, if he didn't, he could miss his only chance of getting close to Tohru.


"Yeah," Kyo said, knowing in a few seconds he'd feel like a total fool and scooting a little closer on his stomach. "Your pretty smile."


Tohru blushed, and Kyo felt as though his cheeks would match his hair at any minute. She smiled, then brought her hand up to cover her mouth. Kyo swallowed his pride once again, and pulled her hand gently down from her mouth.


"Don't hide it," he whispered, leaning in closer, so that their noses were almost touching. Tohru didn't pull away, and so Kyo closed the distance, pressing his lips to hers…finally giving his first kiss.




Whew! That took a while! Sorry `bout that, folks. I was a little shtuck on the end…couldn't figure out how I could get Kyo to hiss her without him getting mushy…then I realize I couldn't! I know he got rather out OOC, but please forgive me.


Oh….just thought I'd add this early on…there isn't going to be a happy ending…if you all ready couldn't tell by the prologue. So, if you're looking for an angsty story that ends with everyone living happily ever after, stop reading.


[1] In the….second manga, I believe, my dearest Kyo-kun states that the only flavors that belong on a riceball are salmon and cod….I think it's cod. I know he said slamon.