Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]




Kyo and Tohru managed to keep the secret for over a month and a half. It wasn't easy; they rarely had time to themselves, what with Tohru working all the time, and the fact that they shared a house with two other people. It would be too suspicious for them to stay in either Kyo's or Tohru's room for too long, so that was out of the question. But, to gain a little privacy, Kyo helped Tohru study sometimes, instead of Yuki helping her.


Any moment they could find to be together, they would; under the stairs at school before the morning bell rang, on Shigure's roof late at night, early in the morning before anyone else woke up. And all while they hid their relationship from everyone else, Kyo kept waiting for Tohru to tell him she was ready for everyone else to know; he was growing sick of hiding.


Not that they weren't almost caught several times. Near the last week that their relationship was still a secret, they began getting sloppy. More than once, Yuki almost walked in on them making out when they should have been studying.


But, for Kyo, the most aggravating part of their relationship, wasn't the fact that Tohru wanted it a secret; it was his curse.


It was so hard to keep himself from pressing against her as their kisses grew deeper, fuller. Always, always he'd have to keep a hand in between them, to keep them from touching. Not that that always worked. Most times, he'd forget and crave contact, and pull Tohru closer, and thus he'd turn into a cat.


The day that they were caught started out as any normal day. Kyo woke up, showered and went downstairs for breakfast and a quick make-out session before heading off to school.


"Good morning Kyo!" Tohru said as he walked into the kitchen.


"'Morning," he said, giving her a quick kiss and looking at a dish covered in shrink-wrap. "What're you making?"


"Oh, just something for dinner for you guys. I have work after school. All you have to do is heat it up," she replied, putting heating instructions on the covered dish. "Just let me put this in the fridge and I'll make you something for breakfast."


"You don't need to," Kyo said as Tohru walked the refrigerator. "I can make myself somethin…."


He trailed off, staring at Tohru. She had her back to him, bent over as she moved stuff around in the fridge to make room for their dinner. From where he stood, Kyo could clearly see her panties. He could barely take his eyes off her; they'd never gotten further than hooking up, with the occasional feel here and there.


He could feel himself getting hot just looking at her. Damn. The last thing he needed was a hard-on this early in the morning. Kyo tore his eyes away to try and gain control of himself, and leaned against the counter, trying to focus on something else.


"It's no problem," Tohru said, and he heard the refrigerator door close. "I don't mind. What do you want?"


She was beside him now, and he still couldn't get the image of her pure white panties out of his head. He looked at her, and said, "Let's skip breakfast today."


"Huh? What do you m-"


He cut her off, kissing her furiously. She didn't respond at first, then her lips were attacking his back with just as much fury. Kyo almost wished (in the far back of his mind) that she hadn't responded to his kisses so easily; it was only driving him on harder.


Somehow, Tohru ended up against the counter. Her hands were traveling everywhere on him; his chest, his back, and once in a while, one would snake down to the waistband of his pants before quickly moving away.


A sudden thought striking him, Kyo gripped Tohru's waist and lifted her onto the counter, his lips never leaving hers. Kissing her up and down her neck, he growled, "God, you're driving me insane, Tohru!"


She was pulling him closer; both of them wanted contact, wanted to be chest to chest. But Kyo wasn't ready for this to be over and kept the distance between them. It was so hard to go against the urge; she, her self, her body was so inviting, untouched by anyone else but him. Kyo knew he had to gain more control over himself as he slipped a hand under her shirt, or else they would end up going too far too soon.


Tohru wasn't helping though; her hands began to mimic what he was doing, going under his shirt and feeling his muscular stomach and abs Her touches were feather light at times, fingertips just barely touching his skin. Then she moved her hand up further, and finding a nipple, pinched it.


And then Kyo said fuck control.


Removing his hand from underneath her shirt, he parted her legs.


"Mmm-mmf- Kyo-" Tohru murmured, pushing slightly away from him.


"Trust me," Kyo said, and pulled her closer, capturing her lips. Without waiting for a response, he slid a hand up her thigh very slowly until his fingertips brushed against the soft cotton of her underwear. Tohru jumped at the contact, then gasped as he pushed the fabric aside. Kyo felt her soft curls as he delve further in.


And then, Kyo heard possibly the worst sound he could think of; Shigure's voice, right outside the kitchen.


"Tohruuuuu!" his sing-song voice came floating in through the kitchen doorway half a second before the dog came in. "Where are y- oh!"


Kyo leapt away from Tohru as fast as he could, but not before the Shigure had seen what they had been doing- and where his hand had been. For several seconds, no one moved or said anything. Kyo glanced at Tohru; she was blushing.


"Well then," Shigure said, a mischievous look in his eyes, "so sorry to interrupt. I'll just leave you to what you were doing." He turned to leave. "Oh…and don't mess up my kitchen too much," he said before walking out.


"Fuck," Kyo muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I can't believe he saw us- me - doing that."


Tohru bit her lip. "Do you think he'll tell anyone?"


"Of course he will! It's Shigure!"


"Even if we ask him not too?"


"I'd bet my life he's telling that damn rat right now, or about to!" Kyo snapped. "That mutt can't keep anything a secret."


"You really think so he would?"


The words were barely out of her mouth when Yuki came running it. He glanced around the room, at Tohru (still sitting on the counter, he shirt and skirt askew and her legs still wide open) and then Kyo. Then, without any warning at all, he punched Kyo as hard as he could on the nose. Kyo reeled backwards, his hands over his nose.


"Kyo!" Tohru cried.


"Miss Honda, are you all right?" Yuki asked, helping her off the counter.


"What the hell was that for?" Kyo snapped, though he knew exactly why the rat had hit him; Shigure had told him about what he had seen.


Yuki looked bewildered as Tohru (who had rushed to Kyo's side) gently pried his hands away from his face and was inspecting his nose. Kyo winced when she lightly touched it. "I'll go get ice," she said, running to the fridge.


"I-I thought," Yuki stammered, clearly still confused. "I though Shigure- he said that he saw you-"


"I was," Kyo growled, grinning. Finally, the rat would know who Tohru liked better.


Yuki stared at him for half a second, then punched Kyo again, this time sending him flying.


"Kyo!" Tohru cried again, dropping a rag full of ice.


Kyo hit the kitchen wall with a loud crack. Damn, his nose hurt. He felt something warm dripping into his hands; looking, he saw blood in his palms.


"You filth," Yuki sneered as Kyo stood up. "How dare you touch Tohru like that!"


"Why shouldn't I?" Kyo replied, still grinning. "She's my girlfriend."


The angry look on Yuki's face was replaced with one of shock. "She's your what?"


"Girlfriend. You know, as in, we're dating."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," Tohru said. "We wanted to keep it a secret…."


Yuki looked absolutely stunned. "How-how long?"


"Over a month," Tohru said. "I'm sorry Yuki."


"No….It's all right Miss Honda….I'm just surprised." He blinked and kind of shook his head. "I'm going to go finish getting ready for school…."


Yuki walked out of the room, leaving Kyo and Tohru once again by themselves in the kitchen.