Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Miserable Pleasure ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket, or any of the characters.

^_^ Hey, minna-san. ::claps:: Here we go, my first Fruits Basket fic. ::sigh:: But I haven't seen the whole series yet (only the first 6 eps, so far. ::pout:: Damn FUNimation) so I'm sorry if I mess anything up. It's gonna be slightly AU, though, so hopefully that'll make up for it, hmm?

Ok, now for the fun part! It's yaoi. It's Kyou/Yuki with hints of Haru/Yuki and implications of Shigure/Ayame. ::nod:: And it's rather angsty. And there's foul language (Duh, Kyou-sama's in it...) And there's sado-masochism. And suicide attempts. And it's a bit of a deathfic. So, if any of this bothers you, go the fuck away! Flame me for these things, and you will be laughed at.


Still here? ::claps:: Good deal. So then, lets start the fic, huh? ::pets her over-hugged and very irritated neko Kyou Muse:: ^_^ Kiiiiitty....


Miserable Pleasure

by Kat-chan


"Dammit!" Kyou's fist hit his locker- hard enough to put a good sized dent in it- before the redhead stormed off down the hall. Tohru blinked and stared after him, wondering what exactly had caused the sudden outburst. He'd seemed just fine, five minutes earlier, in class.

"Oh well..." She sighed, before slowly heading down the hall as well. There was nothing she could do about Kyou's problem, whatever it may have been, at the moment. She could talk to him after work. It was probably nothing, anyway. He just had a bit of a temper. That's all.


Kyou glared at the clear sky above him, arms tucked back behind his head as he lay, stretched out, on the roof of Shigure's house. He couldn't figure out why, but he was still really angry. He hadn't even had a reason to be in the first place. What was wrong with him? He didn't even say goodbye to Tohru after school.

With a small groan, Kyou closed his eyes- angry now at himself for being such a jerk. Now Tohru would think he was mad at *her* and that would piss Yuki off and...

His train of thought stopped there as the warmth and comfort of the outdoors overcame him and he drifted off into a half peaceful sleep.


"Kyou!" The redhead stirred slightly, ruby eyes fluttering open for a second before drooping shut again, "Kyou! Get down here, you idiot feline!!" This made him sit straight up. No one called him an idiot and got away with it...

Except for Shigure. Somehow, the look in the raven haired man's dark eyes made Kyou obey, and quickly. He landed gracefully beside his elder cousin but refused to actually look at him, keeping his eyes on the now very dark sky. Had he really slept so long?

"What?" Not to step out of character, Kyou let irritation lace through his voice as Shigure didn't speak immediately.

"Would you quit being an ass for *one* minute and think about someone other than yourself?" The sudden harshness of Shigure's voice quelled Kyou's mild anger as the taller man pointed inside, to where Yuki sat by a small radio, trembling violently, "It's all over the news, Kyou..."

"What..." Kyou moved slowly forward. Through the door, across the room- until he could hear the radio.

"And in breaking news, it seems that the car crash of earlier this evening put two teenaged girls in the ICU, while the third, sixteen year old Honda Tohru, was killed instantly..."

Kyou paled, knees buckling beneath him. He barely caught himself, palms flat on the hard wood floor. The radio seemed to fade into the background and his heart began to pound in his ears, his breath becoming shaky and uneven. For a long moment, he just stared at the floor before him, ruby eyes wide and wild.

"Kyou?" Shigure dropped to kneel beside his younger, red haired cousin, laying a gentle hand on the teenager's shoulder.

"Oh God..." With a violent retch, Kyou vomited, then coughed- suddenly very glad that he hadn't eaten much that day. Shakily, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as Shigure rubbed his back and shoulders sympathetically, burying his own emotional distress, "Oh my God... Oh my *fucking* GOD!!" His voice cracked and Yuki jumped, spinning around and staring as if he hadn't even noticed the other teen's presence until right then, violet eyes wide and filled with pain and sorrow.

"Kyou, please..." The redhead's hands flew up to cover his ears, eyes shut tightly.

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up!!"


::cough:: Ok... well... There's more. ^_^'' Really. I'll post Chapter 1 after I get some feedback, k? For all the Tohru fans out there who want to kill me right about now... I'm sorry. I really do like her, but she just needed to go for this fic... Alright, so, review. Tell me what you thought. Okie dokie? ^_^ Till next time!