Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Missed Me ❯ Missed Me ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Missed Me" ­-The Dresden Dolls

By: BizarreLoveTriangle


One-shot lemon

AN: This was written Pre-Volume-6


missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me


"Mmm..." I tried to mumble against his lips. "I missed---" I was trying to tell him how much I missed him, but his tongue plunging into my mouth made that difficult. His strong hands pulled my hips to him. I moaned quietly at the contact, and my hands searched blindly for his ponytail. I wanted to run my hands through it. He pressed me up against the wall and his groin pressed against my thigh, and mine on his, enticingly.


Can you believe we'd been fighting about something a minute ago? He didn't want me to come back to the dojo... I still want go back, but right now? I feel so good, that that's the farthest thing from my mind. I moan again loudly and slump against the wall as he moves down to my neck. He pushes my jacket off my shoulders so it's just hanging from my bent arms, and I finally find the tie in his hair. As I untie it my hips roll against his leg, on their own accord. I can feel his soft intake of breath as my thigh moves against him. We were quickly coming to a point of over excitement.

"S-shishou..." I moan helplessly. I know the endearment turns him on even further.

"I'm sorry, Kyo." He replied and continued his ministrations.



"For what?" I managed to shiver out as I made to let my jacket fall off my arms. Then I wrapped them around him and raised my leg to hook over his hip. I wanted more contact and apparently so did he. He pressed closer to me and moved so it was easier for me to move my leg. I'd almost forgotten I'd asked by the time he answered me. I probably wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't since the feeling of his hard on against my thigh was so good.

"Everything..." He mumbled as one of his hands ventured up my shirt.

"Nnn" I purred out, reaching around behind him to untie his robes.

"Kyo..." He sighed into my skin. It was an encouraging sound, that is, until he reached to stop my hands. "Shigure and the others are downstairs..." He warned me. Even though his lust glazed eyes weren't helping to convince of anything. I licked my lips slowly, before continuing with my hands. He hadn't been holding them very tightly at all. I know, if he really wanted me to stop he could make me.

"You don't want me?" I asked him, even though I knew that wasn't the case. He presses against me very suddenly, and very roughly. I can hear myself moaning again as he takes my lips with his. I've finally gotten his robes open, and as always there's only the boxers underneath. They might as well not be there though; they aren't doing anything to cover his manhood.

"Kyo, is... the door locked?" He managed to get out as I rubbed against him shamelessly.

"Ah... I... don't know... Shishou..." I glanced over his shoulder to make sure the door was at least shut before worming down to my knees.


As I hook my fingers under the waistband of his boxers he has to lean against the wall for support, and if anyone did come in my room, I'd be hidden behind his robes. Not that I cared, Yuki can shove it up his ass for all I care. Shishou looks down at me through his long gray hair as I lick a line up his well-muscled stomach and pull the boxers down his legs.

"Kyo..." He's trying to stop me again, even though he's stepping out of the boxers. "Yuki and Tohru are downstairs..." I don't want to hear it so I duck under his legs and lick at one of his balls lovingly. He's never been one for moaning, but I can tell by the way he shifts that he's loving this.


if you kiss me mister you must think i'm pretty


We haven't seen each other in so long, I know he wants it too, despite his protests. Actually, the only time he didn't protest was the very first time, when we were up in the mountains. If I hadn't silently wanted it, and enjoyed it so much it would have been rape.


I get drawn out of my thoughts as I feel his hands threading in my hair.

"Mmm..." I purr around the testicle I'm happily working with my lips. The gray pubic hairs tickle my nose slightly. He's really not so old as gray hair, but that's just what color it's always been. He's tugging slightly at my hair now, and I realize I've played long enough. My own erection is almost painful in my pants. But Shishou comes first. So I give my licking attentions to along the ridge of his head, and up along the pulsing vein in his penis. I can hear a quiet noise from him, urging me on. He's got so much control, his hips don't buck, or circle, even though I know he wants me to stop this and take him in my mouth. I want to taste all of him, to remind myself since it's been so long, so I draw back, leaving a trail of saliva as I go. Then I finally place my lips around the head and run my tongue all along the slit, tasting the wonderfully salty precum.


There it is, that little puff of breath that means I'm driving him crazy. I suck softly, and my saliva makes a little slurping noise. He closes his eyes as he tries to control himself, but his hands tug a little bit more on my hair. I haven't seen him like this in a long time. I pull off again with another exaggerated slurp, tilting my head back I look up at him.

"Missed me?" I asked him, not even bothering to hide my smugness.

"Yes." He panted, opening his eyes and leaning down to kiss me again. I know I'm smiling against his lips as his tongue completely plunders my mouth. When he let's me free again I return my attention to his cock, still trying valiantly to ignore my own raging erection. Another quick lick over the head and I've taken it back into my mouth. I make sure that what I've taken in is covered with my saliva before coming away a bit and letting the cold air of the room hit it. Then I've gone back over it, taking in even more. Pausing to suck, and lick before pulling back again. As I continue this over and over, taking more and more in, I reach up a hand to knead his tightening balls. I can keep going like this until my nose is buried in the gray curls and his penis is sheathed deep in my throat. I stop here to work my throat against it for a moment, before pulling away painfully slow and letting my teeth scrape along the sensitive skin just a little bit. He's really panting now, and I know he's close. I want him to come in my mouth, so I began a vicious cycle of sucking, moving my head along the length, and stroking whatever flesh I don't have in my mouth with my hands. I kept it up, even when I heard the quiet grunt, milking all the release and salty cum out of the ever wilting penis.


I drew away at a languid pace, then looked up at him heatedly, licking my lips some more.

"Kyo..." he murmured, and as I stood up he pulled me tightly to him and kissed me. His tongue massaged and lapped at mine passionately. We kept on like that until a strong need for air made itself know. I smiled at him even as I gulped down breath. As he was pressed against me I could already feel his returning erection.

"Shishou, please." I asked him sweetly, once again grinding against him in the hopes of driving him over the edge.

"Kyo," He laughed slightly. "Everyone is still downstairs. And they must be looking for a by now." That was a point good point. But I didn't care, Shishou apparently did though. So I wormed away from him and went over to the door, locking it. "And what about your moaning, boy?" He questioned, lust still twinkling noticeably in his eyes. I returned to him and drew the belt out of his robes.

"Gag me?" I suggested. I wanted this so badly. He paused for a moment, thinking something over, deliberating. "Please." I repeated to help his decision. He reached up over my head, and I was confused as to what he was doing, until the blinds over my window shut, making it much darker in the room. That wasn't a problem though, since that had been his way of agreeing.


if you think so mister you must want to fuck me


I smiled at him again as he reached out confidently to unbutton my pants. I wiggled out of them, and my underwear compliantly. He looked me over appraisingly before shrugging off his robes, then reaching out to lift the hem of my shirt. I took the hint and pulled it off. He took the cloth belt I still had in my hand and led me over to my bed. He was going to have me lie down on it, but I had a different idea. I pushed him down gently instead, and then let him gag me. I didn't keep any lube in my room, and he didn't think I would, so he sucked at his fingers as I presented myself to him. Saliva was just going to have to do. I whined quietly in anticipation for that first finger, and pushed back greedily on it when I finally felt it. I imagine I was quite a sight to my Shishou... Ass out, legs spread thrusting back on his finger... I moaned moistly into the belt as he put in the second one and began to stretch me. Not surprising I suppose, but I feel really wanton. I'm still painfully hard and if I had things my way all the time, I would skip the prepping and just forego the pain. But Shishou won't have that.

"Nnn..." I beg through the belt as he presses that last finger in and spreads them as far as he can before scissoring them lengthwise. I even catch myself whining when he pulls the fingers out. But he just chuckles and tells me I'm ready. I turn around and get myself settled, knees on either side of him as I position his returned erection at my entrance. His strong hands return to my hips to help my descent onto him. My head falls back and my eyes close as his thickness penetrates my protesting muscles, and I'm forcing myself to relax around him. Fully seated, I have to sit and allow myself the time to adjust. But... he does something unexpected. He grinds his hips against me.

"Move Kyo..." He commanded huskily.


I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I lifted myself up a ways anyways, then dropped back down quickly. I really must look erotic to Shishou, fucking myself on him like this. But he loves it too. I have him gasping a little every time I move, and I love the look on his face. So virile and lusty. He shifts his hips just a little and I start panting heavily. He's hitting my prostate now and the immense pleasure is making it difficult to lift myself up. He can tell the motions are becoming tiresome and he thrust his hips up to meet me. I can hear the octave change as I go from panting to keening deep in my throat. This gag was a good idea... That last cry would have been so loud without it. Each time I come down, his meeting thrust presses hard against my prostate and soon I'm clenching and shivering around him. He groans with pleasure and smiles as he sits up, he switches the position so that I'm on all fours in front of him again. It's loud as he pounds into my pliant body, but his release should be quick in coming now. I whimpered and clenched my muscles until after one sporadic thrust he was undone; he came in me, hard and fast.


if you fuck me mister it must mean you love me


He quivered above me for a few moments before I felt him pull out and then untie the gag. It was soaked with saliva in a couple places. He simply tossed it aside and drew me up to him.

"I'm sorry, Kyo." He murmured as I snuggled against his chest. We wouldn't be able to stay like this very long; the others would most definitely be looking for us now. I wasn't worried though. The only one who might know what we had been doing was Shigure, and he wouldn't say anything to Shishou or me about it.

"Sorry for what?" I just had to ask him again.

"Everything..." Now that I wasn't being distracted I could answer him properly.

"You... Don't need to be sorry about anything." I kissed him deeply, and I could feel his worn hands petting up and down my back. But when the kiss broke I pulled away and went to get some tissues or something to clean up with. My stomach was covered in cum, as were my sheets, and the insides of my thighs. After I cleaned myself off, I rather wanted to suck him off, but he didn't allow me to this time. Just wiped himself down with the tissues and then went to get his robe and boxers from where they were still laying at the other side of the room. Then he wound the belt back into the fabric. I followed suit shortly and we left the room together. Well, we left together twice. The first time, as I was leaving the room, he pulled me back inside, kissed me, and then fixed my rumpled up hair and clothes. I kissed him back and helped him tie his ponytail back up, which we'd almost forgotten about. I was about to kiss him again when he laughed and urged me out of the room.



"Shihan?" Yuki looked up from a magazine he was reading.

"Oh! Kazuma-san." Tohru called, and Kagura peeked her head out from the kitchen as well. "Dinner should be ready soon." Tohru went back to cooking, but Kagura kept listening.

"Is everything all right?" The rat raised an eyebrow at us, and I can feel a blush threatening my face.

"Yes, I'm sorry we were gone for so long. We were just having a little sparring match in his room." Shishou replied, and I notice Shigure standing in the doorway of his study. And he isn't buying it. (Yuki and Kagura do though. They know I'm fight crazy.)

"A bit small up there isn't it?" He's the dog; he can probably smell the sex on us unlike Yuki, Kagura, and Tohru.

"Not at all." my Shishou just smiles and heads to help Tohru set the table. Yuki's giving Shigure and I an odd look, but I ignore him and go get a place at the table.


It wasn't until after dinner, that I found out why he kept apologizing to me. He was planning to take my beads. In front of Tohru. I hate turning into that, that thing! It taunts me... But... Tohru saved me. I passed out from the exertions of the day (Sex included) and the rain. But when I woke up... he was gone. So obviously I ran after him.

"Where do you think you're going?" I demanded aiming a punch at him. As always he blocked it, and turned a sad eye to me.

"I had expected you to be angry with me." We continued our little sparring match until he knocked me to the ground and waited for my answer.

"If I'd have lost Tohru, I would have been." I answered truthfully. "But everything's okay now." I smiled at him, and before I knew it he'd knelt down and pressed me into the grass. Then he was kissing me.

"I'm sorry." He was apologizing again? Unbelievable!

"Mmm..." I murmured pressing my lips to his again. "Shishou." I said his endearment in a sultry whisper. "Know how you can make it up to me?"


if you love me mister you would never leave me

it's as simple as can be!


<3 End <3
