Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Momiji's Birthday Trip (Otherwise Known as Hatori, Momiji, Shigure, Kyo, Yuki, and Haru's Very Long and Horrifyingly Ridiculous Trip to the Aquarium) ❯ Yay Chapter One! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is what happens when you're very bored, riding in a car, and talking to one of your best friends after stocking up on sugar - you come up with an idea kind of like this.

Chapter One: Guess What Day It Is (The Birthday, the Attack of the Crazy Fishes, and the Horseshoe Crab Legend of the Multi-colored People)

Hatori groggily opened one eye. Momiji was bouncing ecstatically from side to side, a large grin plastered on his face.
"HA'RI-SAN!" he yelled again. "Do you know what day it is?"
"It's a Saturday, Momiji. Now go back to bed." Hatori turned around and attempted going back to sleep as well.
"Aw, Ha'ri! It's my BIRTHDAY, of course!" Momiji tugged on Hatori's sleeve. "Get out of bed! I wanna go somewhere fun!"
"Go away, Momiji. I'm sure one of the other adults will take you somewhere."
"Everyone else is busy!" Momiji whined.
Hatori sat up. "Then why don't you go to Shigure's house and get him to take you?"
"That wouldn't be too bright of a move. Do you actually expect Shigure to drive Momiji to the aquarium and back with the car in one piece?" Hatsuharu stepped into the room.
"The aquarium?"
"Yes. Momiji said he wanted to go there. You did say that, didn't you?"
"Yeah!" Momiji yelled. "C'mon, Ha'ri, take me and Haru and Tohru and Yuki and Kyo and Shigure to the aquarium!"
Hatori looked at Haru desperately. "Do I have to?"
"Well, it IS his birthday."
Resigning, Hatori stood up.
"Fine, Momiji. Call the others."


"Why are we here anyway? This is stupid."
Kyo stared at one of the fish in the entrance to the aquarium - a tunnel tank. The fish stared stupidly back at him, a stream of bubbles issuing from its mouth.
"Don't be such a whiner, stupid cat. One minute here and you're already complaining. Can't you do something for someone else for once?"
Tohru ran back and forth, trying to get them to stop fighting.
"I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day," Shigure commented, looking over at Hatori.
But Hatori wasn't listening. He was warily eyeing a large greenish fish that had spotted him and was now slowly working its way towards him.
"Eh? Ha'ri-kun?"
Hatori continued to ignore Shigure, watching the yellow-eyed fish with anxiety. Shigure followed his gaze and began curiously watching the fish as well.
The fish kept swimming slowly closer, not letting its gaze drift from Hatori.
Hatori took a step backward.
The fish steadily inched closer.
Take another step -
Swim closer -
Take another step -
A bit closer -
Another one -
Even closer -
Step -
Swim -
Step -
Swim -
Step -
Then, without warning, the fish lurched forward and slammed into the glass with an incredibly loud THUNK, causing everyone in the tunnel tank to turn and gawk and stare at the source of the noise.
Hatori had been quite startled and was slowly recovering. Amazingly, though, the fish kept right on trying to propel itself forward, its face smushed against the glass.
Shigure promptly burst out laughing.
Glaring at Shigure and recovering, Hatori closed his eyes and then slowly opened them.
"Oh, that was great, you should have seen your-"
Hatori leapt back, startled again.
Oddly, another fish had also randomly flung itself against the tank, staring at Hatori.
One by one, all the fish began slamming into the glass, their fat, unblinking eyes fixed on Hatori.
"Yay!" Momiji exclaimed, snapping pictures of the fish.
"Let's keep moving," Hatori snapped, grabbing Momiji and dragging him into the first aquarium exhibit room.


"What the hell is that supposed to be?" Kyo asked, pointing at a horseshoe crab.
"It's a horseshoe crab. Can't you read?" Yuki pointed to the sign on the side of the Touch Tank reading "HORSESHOE CRABS".
"Shut UP!" Kyo turned back to the horseshoe crab, tapping it lightly on the back.
The crab scuttled a little to one side.
"Make it do something, Kyo!" Momiji exclaimed happily, randomly appearing next to him.
"Why should I?" Kyo yelled.
"Because it's my birthday and everyone should do what I want!"
"Waaah, someone, Kyo's hurting me!"
"Move over," Haru said in his oh-so-monotone voice, stepping up to the tank. He grabbed the now-very-annoyed-at-everyone-for-disturbing-its-peace horseshoe crab, lifted it out of the water, and flipped it over, holding it in mid-air.
"WOW!" Momiji yelled, pulling out his camera and snapping a picture of the wriggling now-very-pissed-at-everyone-for-ruining-its-day-and-its-appetite crab.
"Put it down, Haru, it'll sting you," Yuki advised.
Haru nodded and put the crab back in the water, where it scurried off to find a rock to hide under.
In case anyone wants to know, the crab did find a nice safe rock and hid under it, where it refused to come out. And all its horseshoe crab friends tried to find out what was wrong, but all it would say (in horseshoe-crabanese, of course) was, "Stay on the west side. The east is where the multi-colored people dwell." The tale of the multi-colored people (apparently enormous beasts clothed in every color of the rainbow who lived only to torment the horseshoe crabs with their horrifyingly loud voices and treacherous odd boxes that made blinding flashes) became legend amongst all horseshoe crabs, and one day, all horseshoe crabs would sleep and eat and live on the west side of rocks. This became useful for underwater navigation if you had happened to lose your compass and had a poor sense of direction.
"Oh! Yuki, look at the starfish!"

**End Chapter**

Guess I owe some kind of explanation…

I wrote this like forever ago. Like, almost a year ago. About eight-nine months, maybe. In August. Is that eight-nine months? I don’t know.

Anyway, Satsu and I were in the car and she randomly asked, “If rats follow Yuki and cats follow Kyo, do seahorses follow Hatori?”

It progressed from there.

I just finished my homework and I’m bored, so I was peeking at all my old work, and I dug this up. So I figured, hey, why not, I’ll post it! Here you go.
