Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved torturer ❯ Silent Screams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: NO I do not own Fruits Basket though I wish tear or the Characters.

A/N: Oh I really hope you like this. I tried really hard. I would also like to say this fic was inspired by my favorite Author YUKI THE RAT and I would urge you to read her stuff it is great. I dedicate this to you YUKI. Please, please, please don't flame me but if you do have a nice flame. Well I should let you read now enjoy.

My beloved Torturer

Screams unheard

Yuki POV

The sun shone in the bright morning sky. My silver hair blew gently in the wind as I tilted my head to the side and breathed in the sweet scent of new flowers and summer shower's. Nothing could beat that beautiful scent except… There was one scent I could never get out of my head the scent of my one true love. A smile crept it's way onto my face at the thoughts. I was lost in an endless dream until…He showed up. He walked down the hall long smooth strides one after the other. Those dark eyes always got to me. Those were the eyes I hated so much. It was hard to look at him but I did it none the less. I would not back down and let him ruin My good day. I ran my hand slowly threw my hair to teas him. I knew he hated it when I did that but that was the best part. He knew he couldn't have me…not now. I let my hand drop to my side and slid it in to my pocket. Placing a very noticeable smirk on my face I broke the burning gaze between us and my smile grew even larger as I heard someone call my name.

"Yuki wait up…Yuki!" Haru was out of breath and panting he bent over and placing his hands on his thighs he caught his breath to continue. "Yuki I wanted to walk to school with you this morning. Didn't you hear me say I was coming." He looked a little upset as he starred at me and I could do nothing but feel bad. We reached my locker and after I unlocked it I turned to Haru and placing my hand gently on his shoulder I said, "I am so sorry I didn't hear you this morning. I feel bad for not waiting for you. I swear I will pay you back for it." Then I took my books out slammed my locker and before turning toward my class I heard Haru whisper "You had no problem noticing Akito this morning and he didn't even say anything." My heart broke at those words I had truly upset Haru. By this time the warning bell had already gone and I needed to get to class. I turned around and with my biggest Yuki smile ever I said "Gomen Haru you have it all wrong I was upset because of seeing him this morning. After seeing you my hopes were raised Arigatou." Then I walked into class.

Haru POV

The halls were empty now and I could not get the image of Yuki this morning out of my head. He had taunted Akito. I had been worried for a while that maybe Yuki was falling in love with Akito but I quickly shoved the idea aside but now the thoughts were resurfacing. Could he truly forget how I felt for him? My depression left me with a deep pain in my stomach I guess I was expecting the worse.

Yuki POV

I dropped my bag hard on the floor how dare Haru imply such a thing. I had truly not noticed him this morning. I felt bad enough about ignoring him but he had to bring up Akito. The only reason I noticed Akito was because I hated him so much. My head was spinning with despair I had never wanted to make Haru upset. He was my best friend. I was deep in thought as someone tapped my shoulder. I twisted my body around in the seat to face her as she whispered something I really didn't care about "Yuki where is Kyou. Why is he late?! Did he not wake up?! I knew I should have checked to make sure he was up. Ooh now his grades are going to drop, and he will be kicked out of school, and…and." I calmed her down considering her voice was increasing in volume every other word and mouthed that "Kyou was a big boy and could take care of him self." Then I saw kyou slip into his seat unnoticed and looking very proud of himself he gave a little wink to Touru (I don't think at that point Kyou had realized that after he had winked. Touru had turned a very cute shade of red.) I turned back around to find the teacher right In front of my desk. After giving me a forty minute long lecture about the importance of paying attention in which he had implied I had no attention span. He gave himself a huge headache and let the class out early.

As I excited the class kyou slipped in beside me and began the nagging "Wow who would have thought that YUKI would be getting in trouble today. I should have brought a camera." I didn't need this who did he think he was, making fun of me. I brushed him off calmly stating "The reason I got in trouble was because I was trying to calm down your one and only." (I had started calling her that after I had come to the conclusion that Kyou was hopelessly in love with Touru.) I pointed in the direction of Touru coming through the door. I guess I shouldn't have done that. Kyou's face turned the shade of a tomato as he yelled at the top of his lungs "SHE IS NOT MY ONE AND ONLY. Though this is great coming from someone who almost started crying because a teacher yelled at him." His fist started to come toward me but before it could make contact someone held his hand back. The calm cool voice of Manabe cut through the tension building between us. "Please Kyou control yourself. It is totally obvious that you like her and as for that teacher he was new. That's the only reason he said anything to Yuki. Also I don't know what you were seeing but Yuki was not crying. On the contrary I thought he was being very brave he kept his cool even though he knew you should have been the one in trouble for being late. You should thank Yuki for not ratting you out." Kyou let out an annoyed grumble in which he stated "I would expect that from someone who IS a rat." I grabbed Manabe by the arm and lead him to our next class. I could not risk Kyou letting out my secret.

I came to a halt in front of my class and leaning against the wall I waited for the next bell to go so I could enter. I had been drifting off into the sweet silence when Manabe began to speak. I had enjoyed the silence but hearing his voice made no difference it was sweet. He had a gentle way of saying things a soothing way of saying just the right thing. It felt like he was caressing my ear with his words until I heard what he said "Yuki…did you have a fight with Haru. I saw him before class and he looked like he was going to cry." My attitude changed from content to deeply upset. I starred at the floor as the morning's events went through my head. Then I spoke maybe a little to harsh for Manabe's intent "Why as soon as Haru is upset do you turn to me. What makes you think I upset him? Maybe he had a bad morning. You are just like everyone else. They all jump to conclusions about me." Manabe looked down at the ground. Then in a low whisper he said, "I just thought…that maybe since you two were always together…that maybe…you would know why he was upset. And you are the only one I see around him. Gomen Yuki." His last words were choked out and I felt instantly bad. How could I yell at Manabe? He had always stuck by me. I went to capture his hand, to reinsure he wasn't upset but the bell went and he walked into the class. Taking a seat far away from me (He usually sat beside me.)

My day had gone terribly I had upset both Haru and Manabe, I had seen Akito more than once, I had been yelled at by a teacher, and Kyou had a stupid rumor going around the school that I was seeing Manabe. That was a funny one. Me dating Manabe I would never…not that Manabe wasn't attractive but I…had been his friend for so long…well long enough…plus he wasn't interested in me. He had never shown interest before.

A chill crept up my back as I walked home alone that night. I had gone to my secret place to think late that night and was heading home. I recognized the chill that made its way along my back and new it was HIM. I turned around. What was he doing out this far this late, ALONE. I felt something cold and sharp slide up my side. Then I was thrown to the ground. He wasn't strong enough to do that. Why was he so strong I was confused then I felt someone straddle my thighs. That cold hard voice cut threw the air "you know better then to teas me Yuki. I get very angry when one of my toys are being naughty…well unless… his slender silk hand made its way up my chest and to my neck then the knife slide lightly cross my jaw leaving a trail of blood. I winced at the cold wind hitting my open cut and my mouth was covered with HIS. It was like every night my screams would go unheard or maybe just ignored and then no one would come. Well at least I thought that. My mind had vacated my body and I just let HIM take control. Then I heard a sound like twigs snapping coming from a near by tree and I guess he heard it too because he was gone in a flash.

I heard very familiar voices. It was Momiji and Haru I attempted to get up. What would they think if they saw me lying on the ground with my pants half off? But as soon as I got up I fell back down. It wasn't until now that I realized he had jabbed the knife deep into my side. A cupped my hand over the bleeding wound and got back up. I stood for a second but stumbled down beside a tree and leaned there for a second catching my breath until I felt someone stroking my cheek and a muffled voice.

I woke what seemed like hours later at a strange house. I sat up and clutched my side as a wave of pain went threw me. It was bandaged and I was wearing strange clothes a white button down shirt a few sizes too big and pair of loose black cargo shorts. The shirt was left unbuttoned I guess so the person could bandage me up. But this still did not answer my question. Where was I? My body ached and I heard a voice from the hall. The door opened slowly and a small boy with short blond hair poked his head in. Then with in a second he was on top of me yelling for another a few seconds later Haru entered the room and shoed Momiji off me. The smile that was plastered on Haru's face was unmistakable he was so happy to see me. He gave me a huge hug and talking into my shirt he said, "I'm so happy you woke up I was starting to worry." My shirt became vary damp and I realized `Haru was crying' I felt to small arms circle around my waist and Momiji's voice came to my ear "Yuki we were both very worried. I am going to go tell Shagure you are ok." He moved to run out the door but I yelled for him to wait. "Momiji how many people know I am hurt." He looked quizzically at me for a second then said "Oh don't worry Yuki. Haru told me only to tell him." Then he skipped out the door. Haru sat beside me starring down at my stomach. I knew he wanted to check it to see if it was all right but he was afraid I might get angry. This was most definitely white Haru.

His eyes looked amazing in this light. They shimmered lightly and his hair blew softly in the breeze coming threw the slightly opened window. His lips were in a small pout as he looked over my stomach. I was waiting for him to make a move to check my bandage but he didn't. I didn't understand why did he act like I was going to rip his arm off. Then I thought…those were still the same lust filled eyes I had seen before, he still wanted me so…it wasn't disgust. Could he still be hurt from this morning? This morning had been terrible. I had to make up for it.

I softly picked up his hand which had been lying in his lap and held them tight. His eyes snapped up to meet mine. I let the smallest of a smile meet my lips as I noticed the tint of pink come to his cheeks. I pulled his head toward mine so he was in breathing distance. I spoke softly as my lips grazed his " Haru Gomen-nasi please do not be upset. I would never choose Akito over you." I could taste his smile and closed my eyes to bask in it. I could feel him start to move toward me. I wanted him to do it…oh god I wanted him to do it. So bad I could hardly wait until his lips pressed against mine. Then

Momiji POV

I burst into Shagure's office and leapt into his lap. He smiled softly and said, "Momiji has our lil Yuki woken up? Is he ok? Where is he?" Momiji scampered over to a near by chair and said "he is up now. I think he will be ok soon. He seemed like it still hurt, and he is with Haru at his house. Shagure looked stunned for about a second and then asked in an odd tone that did not suit him "Are they alone?" The question was weird. What was he thinking about? I nodded my head softly in response. Then Shagure stood up and walked out of the room. Where could he be going? I thought he would be happy if he found out Yuki was ok.

Shagure POV

I walked down the hall and into Yuki's room. Standing at the open window I looked out into the dawning moon. I began to speak gently to the air. "He's alone with Haru…We can't let them get together. What ever it takes we can't let that happen." The soft voice gently said " Shagure how can we stop them. It is obvious that they are meant to be together." I starred hard at the floor and said "But Hitori how can we not…then…then…" A sweet voice held me in my place as Hitori left "Don't worry…what will happen will happen." A pair of arm's made there way around my waste and I held back my on coming tears. "I knew you were here. I wish I could." The last few words were said silently to myself but I was sure he got the point across.

Akito POV

I sat in my darkened room the drapes pulled shut so that not even a string of light could get through. I starred at the wall mentally burning a hole threw it. My blankets were strewn across my bed and there were feathers and blood splattered all over the walls. A feather lightly dropped from on top of my cabinet. Catching it softly in my hand I found it captivating. I held it flat out in my palm. It was almost completely red from blood and even as I held it. My already bloody hands were being soaked. This innocent feather mocked me and stood for everything I hated. My anger rose and I wanted no longer to hold it. I watched as I clutched the feather hard and blood cascaded from my hand. All this time I had one thing in mind YUKI. He had taunted me this morning made me feel like trash…and even worse…it all worked. Every breath he took every curve of his body made me ache I wanted him then and I wanted him that night under the tree and with help from Hitori I could regain my strength and be with him. He would except me once and for all. Yet I don't want to be excepted by him I want…I want…to kill him watch his blood pool out around his lifeless form and laugh. Was there away I could do both. I became light headed and leaned my head back against the wall. Then a voice broke threw my thoughts "Akito what happened. What have you done." The man helped me up to my bed and laid me down. He placed a hand on my head and rested it there. My eyes closed softly as I spoke out loud. What I meant to be silent "Hitori!" I could feel him though as he gently pushed my robe aside and checked the places I had cut my self.

Kyou POV

Touru Was flipping out all night that annoying voice where is Yuki? Did he get hurt? Maybe he's dead. Yeah if we are lucky he would be dead. The only reason I put up with that damn rat was because Touru loved him so much. I bet if I were the one late coming home she wouldn't worry about me. Yeah, Yeah I know he said Touru was worried about me this morning but it was probably just that rat trying to get me riled up he knew I was crazy about her. Ever since she chose to hang out with me over Yuki He has been kind a quite, no real fights between us but…when he stopped hanging out with her she stopped hanging out with me. I felt my insides burn as I thought of how much I loved her. All those times I had a chance to be with her and she would make some excuse to leave I knew she never would love me…but something about the way Yuki was acting was telling me otherwise. She was so worried about Yuki. She sat on the porch…starring. She was waiting for Yuki. She wouldn't do that for me. I bet that if I went up on the roof now she wouldn't even notice. I made my way up the ladder and sat in my normal place.

I was about to drift off when I heard footsteps on the roof. Ha it was probably that damn rat trying to jump me or something and rub in my face that she sat up waiting for him. I sat up and yelled, "LOOK YOU DAMN RAT. I DO…" Then I opened my eyes and saw a pair of legs go over the roof. I ran to the other side of the roof and caught one of her arms. I pulled her up to rest on the middle of the roof so as not to have anymore accidents like that. Then in an irritated voice I said "Why are you so clumsy. I swear if I hadn't" I heard a small sniffle and looked to my side "Touru…don't cry…I…I" She looked softly down at the roof and said "I'm sorry I bothered you I was just worried…that…there was something wrong…Ill go."

She stood up but I caught her wrist and pulled her back down to sit beside me. Then I explained "You were not bothering me. It's that stupid rat …I only called you clumsy because I was worried you would get hurt." I heard another sniffle and turned to face her. What had I done now I finally open up to her and she cries? She looked deep into my eyes surprising me she never did that! She then said "Kyou I…I…did you just say you were worried about me. I…I am…so happy." She then wrapped her arms around me. Then Poof I turned into the cat and she squashed me. That's how it usually went. She would show some sort of affection toward me and I would turn into a cat. She than sat up and with tears in her eyes said "Kyou Gomen-nasi, Gomen-nasi, Gomen-nasi, Gomen-nasi." She had her head permanently bowed down to me. She then stood up and with me in her arms she carried me to my room to get changed.

Momiji POV

I was running toward Haru's house as fast as possible. I wanted to see Yuki again. I wanted to make sure he was ok. He was like an older brother to me and I would always stick by him. It had started to rain as I ran to Haru's house. My feet splashed in deep puddles and drenched my legs up to my knees. Luckily I was wearing my baby blue short set so the only my socks and shoes got wet. I had been a little surprised at Shagure's sudden disappearance but I guess he had to do something important. I walked into the apartment and up the stairs. I could have gone up the elevator but I felt like running up the stairs.

Hatori POV

I starred out the window and into the courtyard of the main house. I stood in Akito's room waiting for him to wake. He had hurt himself again. Very few people new of Akito's True self, His dream self. The one person he dreamed of being. He had told me before that it was beyond him to be that person…but right now while he slept. He was that person. He wore a smile that wasn't fake like the others. His black hair fell across his face and his hands were gracefully placed aside his body. His breathing was calm and once in a while you could hear him sigh. That's the Akito I wanted the others to see…that's the Akito I wanted Akito to see. I walked over to his bed and held my hand firmly around his. I was startled when I looked at Akito and found him looking up at me. I tried to compose my self but when I looked at his eyes my cigarette fell out. Those eyes. They were so calm…gentle. They smiled at him and danced with happiness. Why were they like that? I moved my hand away from Akito's hand and bent down to find my cigarette. I looked back up and found Akito still looking directly at me except…Akito now held my cheek. I thought this normal. He was probably just delirious and mistook me as Yuki. I readied myself to get up but before I could even push off the bed Akito kissed me softly. I took this as a mistake but couldn't help but want more of this. Akito then pulled away from my lips and said "Thank you Hitori." The last word took me by surprise "Hitori." He wasn't mistaken he new it was me. Akito knowingly kissed me.

Momiji POV

I was running down the hall now. I could smell the aroma of Haru's calone I could smell it all the way down the hall. He put so much on you could hardly go anywhere in this building with out smelling it. Not that it was a bad thing. I liked it. It was Yuki who had first brought up the idea of him calming down on the calone. It was to bad that he said it to black Haru and it just ended up Haru pouring the whole contents of the bottle out on him self. Haru was quite the complex person to get sometimes. But we all dealt with it. I couldn't dream of leaving Haru just because his dark side came out once in a while…he was my best friend… He wasn't only a best friend but I…loved him more than I could ever tell. I never told him but I loved him so much and I would never leave him. I loved both his white side and his black side. I was in his apartment now running down the hall to the bedroom I had left them in. I rounded the corner and pushed the door slowly open meaning to scare them. I wasn't ready for what I saw. My heart broke and crumbled to my stomach.

Touru POV

I had felt terrible not only had I almost pushed Kyou off the roof but also I hugged him…and he turned into the cat. I had brought him down to his room and placed him onto the bed. I didn't want to impose or be rude by just standing there so I decided to leave but as I left Kyou grabbed my dress. What was he doing? I turned around a little aquardly and decided to break the silence by talking "Kyou wha…what would you like? I really should go. Yuki might be back. I should check." With that his tiny paw let go of my dress and he plopped down on the bed not saying a word. That wasn't unlike him. I knew him to go silent before but…this time it was different I felt like there was something really wrong with him. Before I knew it I was on the bed stroking his back. Kyou's hair stood on end at my touch and I meant to pull back but…I didn't. Then I was talking. "Kyou is there something wrong. You can tell me. Kyou?…" My question was left unanswered except for a sudden pop sound. Then Kyou was there the human kyou. ACCKKK! Oh my gosh. What should I do I couldn't run out…that would be rude. I did the first thing that popped into my head. Grabbing the blankets off the bed I was sitting on I pulled them up and threw them on top of Kyou. The only problem was I was on the bed and the sudden jolt I created from the sheets flipped both the sheets and me over on top of Kyou's very naked form. I was so stupid why did I do that. I knew I would go with the sheets. I couldn't run now I might hurt him, I couldn't wait for him to get dressed he was underneath me. So I did the only thing I could. I closed my eyes and hoped kyou would take control.

Kyou POV

Touru had stroked my back; She had worried about me and all I could think about was myself. She wanted to know what was wrong with me so I decided to be honest. I could tell her I was jealous, she would understand and maybe she would like me too. Just as I turned around I could feel it and suddenly I was naked sitting in front of her. I couldn't comprehend what happened next but she was on top of me. I could hardly breathe. What was I supposed to do? I had to calm down. Then a thought crept to my mind…why hadn't I transformed. Then it clicked. She didn't have her arms around me she had her arms crossed between the two of us and her eyes were shut. Yup this was my Touru. So innocent even the thought of being near me like this scared her. Now the only thought going threw my head was how sweet she looked there with her eyes squeezed shut. I found my hand graze her cheek and I tilted her head up to meet my gaze. Her eyes were clear and I could tell she was deeply embarrassed…yet there was something else in those eyes. I pulled her softly toward me feeling her clothes brush against my naked flesh sent shivers up and down my spine. We were so close now that I could smell her and I wanted to dive into that luxurious scent. My breath caught as I felt her tremble her breath out and I could do nothing but sub consciously taunt and tease her senses. My lips brushed against hers and I caught a taste of her. She leaned up but just before her lips pressed against mine she slid her arms around my middle and yet again POOF. I was it again.

Shagure POV

I had made my way back to the kitchen, the kettle was boiled and I wasn't about to let it all dry up just because HE was here. I poured my self-a large cup of green tea and as I held the kettle up for measurement (I might as well leave Touru some for later. She will need it when she finds out about Yuki.) I felt something tug at my clothes I looked down and found Ayame playfully tugging at me. Then he sung out "Oh gure-Kun would you be a sweetie and poor me a cup of your exquisite tea. Oh how I love YOUR tea. It taste so much better then that instant stuff." Then with a huge smile I said "but Aya-Kun I always use the instant stuff. You know I can't cook anything even make home made green tea. Aya-Kun would you please get off your knees and stand up. You don't have to beg for tea." Ayame shot me a small smirk and said "but gure-KUN you don't mind any other time when I'm on my knees. How come you care now?" with this point brought up I just smiled and said, "because the kitchen is saved for a special occasion."

Hatori POV

After the kiss I had chosen to forget it happened considering Akito passed out again. I was now in my study lying on my couch starring at the ceiling trying to think of who I had to see tomorrow and other business connected things but no matter how far I got away from that topic I would always find my self back at HIM. That kiss was so unlike him it was soft and gentle I didn't sense Akito in it. There was something up with him. The question was...what did I have that he wanted.

Akito POV

I starred out in to the darkening sky the rain thundered down and I could smell the danger coming, it was coming. Soon every one would know. Akito Sohma could change everything he would change everything. I would not go down in vane. A flash of lightning lit up my room sending a shower of images cascading across the floor. The wind blew hard knocking tree limbs against the house. I decided then and there that I was going to pay Yuki a lot of visits from then on. A small smile grew on my face as the storm went quite. For now though I would keep playing this game with Hitori. I couldn't wait to see his face when his heart went down in flames.

A/N: Well that was my first chapter I tried so hard to put a little bit of everyone in it to balance things out. I actually think I could never rank up to the many other authors on this sight but this is worth a try huh. Well I g2g I hope I didn't leave you unsatisfied.