Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Once again the cat's fists and feet whipped through the air, the bell that hung around his neck ringing with each movement. Despite having permission to go to his master's dojo, Kyou chose to continue training on his own at the main house for now. He stopped after some time, lifting the towel that hung over his shoulders to wipe the sweat from his face.
Tohru had been searching for Kyou for the past week Shigure wouldn't really say were he had been staying, but he knew that he had gone to the main house for help from Hatori. She had slipped into the main house threw the hole in the fence that the little rabbit had shown her. She tried her best to keep out of sight of the other members of the house until she finally saw the orange haired neko. "Kyou-kun!"
His eyes widened as he easily recognized that voice. His towel dropped to the ground as he dashed toward Tohru, quickly grasping her and pulling her into some bushes by the building out of the sight of the window Akito would normally watch Kyou from. He covered her mouth as he did so, hoping that Akito hadn't heard her. He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming, then back to Tohru. He put his finger to his lips, signally that she should be quiet before removing his hand. He knew that Akito would be far from happy upon seeing Tohru here, especially talking to the cat.
Tohru watched him closely nodding faintly as she looked to him about to cry. "... Where have you been Kyou-kun... I've been so worried about you I thought you ran away and headed into the mountains..." She spoke barely above a whisper as she stared into his crimson eyes. it was apparent that she wanted to hug him close, but she knew she couldn't even though they were secluded by the brush.
"Tohru..." He kept his hand by his throat, trying to hide his collar from her. He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes. "I didn't mean to worry you. I thought Hatori or someone would've called for me. I got sick and went to see Hatori. I've been staying here since then."
"But why you know Akito-sama is here she's going to hurt you if you stay." She was worried about him now her hand slowly sliding to his cheek. "Come home I promise I'll make all sorts of fish meals for you for a whole week... Just please come home..."
A blush came to his cheeks, his eyes widening slightly as they finally looked into her's. "Tohru..." He lifted his hand, placing it on top of her's. He knew she was different. He knew Akito was wrong. "I'm just going to stay for another day or two, then I'll be back home." However, he couldn't bring himself to mention that he would leave once more, after their graduation.
"... You promise?" She spoke once more in a sad whisper trying to make contact with his eyes.
She didn't have time to get an answer out of the cat before a rough hand had grabbed her by hair pulling her from the brush and into the mudd. "How dare you, you stupid girl who gave you permission to come into my home!" Akito screamed down at the girl kicking her in the stomach hard causing her to cry out in pain. "You little bitch!"
"Tohru!" He pushed his way out from behind the bushes, his arms wrapping around Akito tightly from behind to pull her away from Tohru. "Akito, calm down!"
She growled at him her fist hitting him right between the eyes. "How dare you, your mine remember that!" Tohru looked up covered in mudd her hair a mess.
He grasped the fist that hit him, pulling it away from his face and revealing the red mark left behind. He pushed his hand under her fingers tightened in the fist, hold her hand while his other hand rubbed her knuckles, which were likely sore from striking the hard-headed cat. "I know. I'm yours, Akito. So there's nothing to worry about. Just let her go." His voice sounded surprisingly calm from the normally short-tempered cat, but his hand tightening on her's sent a silent threat that she had better not try to hurt Tohru further.
Her head lowered as she tried to struggle out of his grasp. "... You want to go back to her then go I don't give a fuck what happens to you anymore!" She pulled away from his grasp reaching around her neckpulling the necklace from her neck throwing the key toward the stupid girl. "I'll just die then you'll all be happy then won't you!" She looked down to the confused girl before heading into the main house shutting and locking the door behind her.
"Akito!" He called out to her, then looked down toward Tohru. He knelt down by her, putting his hands on her shoulders to help her up. "Are you okay?"
She nodded sadly looking up to him. "... Kyou I don't understand why did she say that you were hers...?" She leaned down picking the key out of the mud.
His crimson eyes looked down toward the mud, finding himself unable to look into her eyes once again. "I just...I just wanted to make someone you always I can deserve you. But..." He could feel the tears forming in his eyes, but he didn't know which woman those tears were for. He regretted that both of them had gotten hurt. "I'm sorry..."
She lowered her head hearing his words her hands sliding over to his hands setting the keyed necklace in his hands. "... Its your choice..."
"That's just it!" He tossed the key down into the mud. "I don't know what the hell to do! I never...I don't...damn it!" He slammed his fist into the ground, gritting his teeth as he growled in frustration.
She flinched watching him act this way now she knelt beside him placing her hands to his. "... Kyou please stop this..." She was in tears she didn't know what else to do for him.
He lifted his eyes up, his hand reaching up and brushing her tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Tohru. I didn't meant to...I didn't want you or Akito to get hurt. You both mean so much to me."
She opened her eyes slowly feeling his tender hands brush her tears away. "... You should stay with her if it makes you happy... I'lll still wait for you I'll set your place at the table until you come home... If your happier here then stay I'll wait..." She tried to smile for the neko wanting to make him happy even at the cost of breaking her a little inside.
The cat stared at her in amazement as the tears were finally release, streaming down his cheeks. It was more kindness and love than he had ever been shown, too much for his delicate heart to handle. He smiled weakly at her. "You're way more than I deserve." He leaned toward her, pressing his lips softly to her's.
She blushed at the tender kiss, but she moved away this all felt wrong this wasn't how it was supposed to be. "... Kyou-kun please don't do this..." She tried her best not to cry anymore, but the kiss was really effecting how she felt right now letting him go.
He look away from her and toward the ground, ashamed of himself. "I'm so damn selfish...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."
Tohru slowly pushed herself up looking ahead. "... Will you come by the house sometimes... Or are you just going to get your belongings and stay here..."
He looked up at her, then pushed himself up to stand. "I'll still come by, but once we graduate Akito might become more strict about it..."
"... Will you still be around the estate grounds or in the cage?" She looked to him sadly as she started to rip part of the trim of her dress.
He blinked as he watched her, unsure of what she was doing. "She said as long as I stay with her, I won't be locked in the cage."
"... Then I'll leave little treats for you by the hole in the gate..." She smiled faintly taking the ripped light blue trim reaching up to the collar tieing it in a little bow on the bell. "... So you don't forget me..."
He let out a short laugh. "I could never forget you." He brought his hand up to his face, partially covering it. "I still can't believe you sometimes. That you would do all this for an idiot like me..."
She smiled kindly. "But your kind to a ditzy girl liked me like when those boys' were going to do something bad to me you stopped them. Your like my gardian angel..., but Akito needs you right now..."
He blushed slightly, shrugging his shoulders. "It's no big deal, really. But you're right. It might sound weird, but I want to help her."
"... Its ok... I better go I hope to see you soon." She reached in flicking the bell to hear it ring. "... I'll miss you and I'll keep setting a place for you..."
A sweatdrop ran down his head as she rang the bell. He didn't quite get why two girls now seemed to enjoy playing with it. He nodded toward her. "Thank you..." Tohru looked away from the cat sadly as she headed out toward the hole in the far corner of the house.
He shivered lightly as he turned his back, his breathing becoming heavy. "I love you..." He muttered under his breath after she left him. It felt like too much for him. He felt like he was going to pass out from it all. "But I'll never deserve you...not after what I've done to you." He headed back toward the window where Akito had watched Kyou train for the past few days, hoping that he could get through to his owner. Her window was cracked but her was dark and a total mess everything she could get a hold of everything she could could pull down lay on the floor scattered or broken she laid beneath her on the futon that lay tilted on the floor her slider arms wrapped around a decrotive box.
The cat pushed the door open, stepping up on the windowsill to get into the room. He closed the window behind him and moved to Akito's side, kneeling down and placing his hand on top of her's. "I'm sorry, Akito." He swallowed his pride and bowed his head low, his forehead nearly pressed against the floor. "I'm your pet. I had no right to do what I did to my owner."
Akito dropped the box to the floor her arms wrapping around his arms tightly her head burrowing into his neck tears soaking threw his shirt. She seemed so much like a child lost and confused only needing the comfort of something to hold and cradle her.
His arms wrapped firmly around her body, his lips pressing gentle kisses to the side of her head to soothe her. He brought his lips near her ear, softly whispering to her. "I...I love you, Akito..."
She clutched his shirt then hearing him. "... Please don't leave me... Promise me... I don't want you to leave me until I die... I need you..." She spoke sadly her voice was soft and raspy from crying so hard before he came back to her. "... I need you Kyou..."
His hand gently ran up and down her back. "I know Akito...and I need you. I promise you, I'll never leave you. I'll be by your side until the day you die." Akito cuddled close to his body staying close to him as she started to drift off holding his shirt tightly as she started to fall asleep. Hatori finally was able to slid the door open, he looked around the room seeing that the room had been destroyed by her wrath. His gaze soon focoused on the two on the floor.
He looked toward the door as he heard it slide open, seeing Hatori. He then looked around the room, and a sweatdrop ran down the side of Kyou's head. He wasn't looking forward to questions from Hatori. "Um...hi?"
He stepped over some of the larger stuff in her room as he leaned down picking the sleeping girl up into his arms. "Do you think you can clean this up?" The girl only stirrred a little in the dragon's arms, but didn't wake.
Kyou guessed that tearing up her room wasn't abnormal for Akito, judging by how calm Hatori reacted to it. He nodded to the dragon. "Sure, just make sure she's alright."
"I'll just give her some seditives to keep her calmer after she wakes. Oh and cat don't open that box." He spoke in his normal dull tone heading for the door the girl's left arm hanging behind the dragon her read on his shoulder.
He blinked as he looked toward the box, but nodded in understanding. He stood up and pushed the furniture back up into place, picking up the smaller things and putting them back into place. He set some broken things aside that he would see if he could fix later. Akito laid in Hatori's room covered by his thick blankets. He gave her shots up and down her arms to help calm her nerves and numb the pain she felt from moving around to much while destroying her room.