Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ My Strangled Emotions ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey all!! I would like to say u can all thank Polka Dot for provoking me to write this next chapter. *feeds on critisim* Thanks for the reviews, even the not so nice ones.leasleast you read it. Anyway heres the chapter. Enjoy!

Damn was the only word that came to Kyo's mind. He and his prince had just came to terms about how they felt for one another and he thought nothing could spoil that for him, but as the blue haired man he called sensei among things kissed his forehead, he knew there would be trouble. No. Not trouble. Hell.

Yuki held the growl that was threatening to arise again, and moved to leave. Who ever this 'sensei' cctercter was, he immediately had Kyo around his delicate finger like a string was there along, he just hadn't pulled it. Until now. And man did he pull it hard. So hard the orange haired boy didn't even notice him leaving until he heard the door close. Yuki paded across the hall tohis room, and tried to rationalize the situation. The conclusion was he beinbeing....jealous. A faint blush com came to his cheeks. Kyo said he loved him and that meant trust.

He had to trust him, and thinking more about it, he did. With a smile he laid down and went to sleep, dreaming of the time he would spend with the firey eyed boy tommorow.

The strange man turns as he hear the door close. With a wicked grin he turns to his pupil with a wicked grin.

"Hm. I see my hellcat has be domesticated.."

Kyo blushed. "I...I...."

"You don't have to anwser that. Anyway, my dear little Kyo, are you suprised to see me? I have missed you dearly.I know that you are wondering why I am here, but I do not wish to talk about it tonight. I am just glad to see you."

The orange haired boy smiled slightly. "Hai."

" Was that the imfamous Yuki?"

Kyo reddened."Hai sensei."

"Hm. I see my teachings have been put to good use."

He stepped aside, shadows of light casting over his face.

"I wish to talk to you tommorow, but tonight, go to your mate. He probably will want to know who the stranger who kissed you is.."

Kyo agreed. Yuki was probably mad. He hadn't even introduced the man to him, partly because he didn't want this man to even see his love. Not this man. This man shouldn't even be here, but there he stood in bedroom smirking at him. He was dangerous, someone not to be taken ligtly. But he was his teacher and he thought he was the strongest man he ever know. He respected and adored him for that. but he was still cautious. Thats how he taught him to be. He told the man that he could stay in his room and he would sleep in the room with Yuki.

Usually, he wouldn't be so obeying, but Aiyoku-sensei was not the one to be disobeyed. He would do as he was told.

"Arigato hellcat. I shall look forward to talking to you tommorow."

The boy blushed at the nickname and shudder because he remembered how he got it. Exactly how he got it. He walked out the room after bowing in respect, then walked into Yukis room.

The air in this room was diffrent from in his,, partly because it the wind blowed in there from the window, but in this room it was diffrent. It was warm... He closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed where a gray haired boy was sleeping. His long eye lashes touched his face and his wild gray hair was everywhere. He looked so peaceful. Like that little boy he had met by the tree so many years ago...

Silently he lifted the covers laying down beside the sleeping form. Surprisingly the boy didn't wake. He just continued to sleep, chest rising and falling with his steady breathing. Kyo all but smiled to his self, brushing some hair out of his loves face.

"I love you my prince.."

And with that he turned to the door, eyes watching, protecting his love, waiting to see of anyone would enter.

........................................................... ...........

The morning came all too soon. Shigurai yawned and rubbed still tired eyes. It was Saturday and he had the day off. He was hoping to get some rest but he knew it wasn't going to be given to him. The house was a constantly a source for action and something always was happening, and last nighs ths the begining. And he knew it would last well through the weekend, so he just sighed and got his self mentally ready.

Last night he had to comfort Toru as she was very upset over his cousin leaving without eating dinner with her. She was a woman and very emotional. Well young woman anyway. He disliked the whole triangle thing going on between the three younger people in the residence, but he had to admit it was funny. Funny and sad at the same time. He knew that someone was going to get hurt, and much more than alittle like last night. When Yuki came home he could tell. Some thing had changed about him. But that wasn't the half of it.

He smelled something. Something unfamilar and sweet. A mixture of spice and body perspiration. The smell of testosterone. And it wasn't Yuki, who smelled light like fresh grass for some reason he couldn't describe, and it wasn't Kyo. He always smelled like well, a cat. That the only way to describe that. No, this smell sed led like a man, not a boy. Those two wouldn't smell like that for a while. That t tht there was a man he didn't know about in their house.

He jumped out of bed and began to sniff dog like, going around the house until the trail of scent had lead him straight to Kyo's room. He tensed. Did Kyo sleep with someone last night? He shook his head at the thought, not really knowing and opened the door.

A tall man stood beside the bed, shirtless and stretching. His dark blue hair and wild blue eyes seemed to twinkle as he stared at the younger man in the doorway. Shigurai blushed, but kept his eyes on the pale flesh man. If Kyo slept with this man, he was totally jealous. The man smiled at him and pursed his lips, laying a hand on his stomach. The young man was commpletely struck with puppy love...


"I am sorry to come to your house without consent. I have come to see my student and he let me stay in his room. He went to sleep in his lovers room."

Shigurai's mouth dropped, then he began to laugh uncontrollably. So he has finally chosThatThat is good for who he choose, but not for the one he didn't. They would be heartbroken. He told Aiyoku that it was no problem and that he could stay as long as he wished before walking out the door. He paused at the door to his right and slowly opened the door. If he was correct......

The door opened and Shigurai broke into a smile as soon as he seen the two boys sleep, cuddling against each other. He knew it would be this way. He knew even before Toru had come along and he felt sorry for the girl.

Kyo groaned and open his eyes slightly, being greeted by his older cousin wilth a smile. He screammed.

"Dog boy get your ass out!" he spat throwing his pillow at the man.
Shigurai only laughed . "I see I'm interupting....."


So...... it was short. Don't kill me I have a Real Story Im working on
(writes and draws manga) and its beating me! Don't worry, this story has caught me. It has a air of mystery in its writers eyes, like a little kid up to something. Ha. I've got to write more. Its my drug!!!

Anyway If you liked it, review and tell me. If you didn't review and tell me. I want to know.
