Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ No longer alone ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay guys. Here's Chapter 6. (by the way I still need opinions on the fanart, ne?)

Chapter 6

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Kyo's eyes snapped open, had he been dreaming again? He put his hands over his face and took a deep breath. Just as he was beginning to get relaxed again the door behind him burst open with a loud thud, startling the poor cat. Kyo jumped to his feet and glared at the person who dared to interrupt his peace and quiet. He relaxed then, as he saw Haru step onto the roof with his booted feet. The sunlight reflected off the cows white locks, giving off an angelic look that didn't quite suite the taller boy. Kyo sighed in frustration.

"What do you want, Haru..?

Haru stood by the door, his grey eyes soft and pleading. "I just want to talk, Kyo" was his reply as he took am innocent step forward. Kyo sighed inwardly and returned sitting in the spot he was before. A few moments later he felt the black and white haired boy sit next to him.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Kyo asked, still looking ahead.
"Shouldn't you? " The cow replied in amusement. Kyo snorted in response. They sat there for a while, in a comfortable silence. Haru lay on his back, looking up at the sky while Kyo meddled in his own thoughts.

"I was serious." Haru said out of no where. "About liking you, I really do." He could feel Kyo's body stiffen beside him.
"No you don't, who could love something like me" Kyo's voice was low and full of sadness. Haru winced at Kyo's words, but he refused to give up on the cat.

"You'de be making a mistake even wasting your time." Kyo got up and began to walk to the door. Haru stood and watched Kyo's back sadly.

"It isn't true you know, what Yuki said yesterday.." Haru tried. Kyo stopped in his tracks. 'How does he know about what..?' Kyo turned to look at the cow, but his gaze was focused on the ground in front of him.

"I was coming to visit yesterday and I saw it all." Kyo's eyes widened. 'He saw?' This was bad, Haru saw it..? He heard the words that have been spoken to him his entire life? Kyo dropped his head in shame.

"Then you know.." Kyo said softly. Haru looked up questionably, Kyo met his gaze.

"I can't-"
"You can't what? Be loved? Just because of what that damn rat or Akito said?" Kyo was shocked by the cows sudden interruption.

"B-but..I.." Kyo stuttered, he looked into Haru's soft charcoal eyes. "I'm a monster " He barely whispered the words and dropped his gaze. Haru's heart broke. He walked over to the fiery haired teen and grabbed his beaded wrist, Kyo looked up at him, eyes wide with fear. Haru held his wrist in front of him, Kyo tried to free himself but the cow had a firm grip and had no intentions of letting him go.

"You're not a monster." He told him firmly "This is not who you are" He squeezed the cats wrist lightly for emphasis. He moved that boys hand and pressed it to his chest. (That would be Kyo's chest not Haru's) Kyo could feel his heart pounding rabidly under his hand.

"This is who you are, no matter what anyone says." Haru released Kyo's wrist yet he still held it to his heart. He just stared at him in disbelief. No one had ever said anything like that to him, something so..Nice and caring, not even his master. Was what Haru said true? And could he really experiance real happiness?

"I'll be here to love you if you won't love yourself." Kyo looked dumbfounded at the younger boy in front of him. "It's alright to feel weak sometimes." The cow looked up to meet Kyo's gaze. Crimson met charcoal, Haru smiled.

"But..I.." Kyo was at a loss for words.
"Stop blaming yourself..It's not your fault" Haru took a step forward.

Kyo stiffened. That was it. That was all he'd wanted his whole life. Someone to truly care about him, to love him and understand him. To tell him everything was okay..To tell him it wasn't his fault. He felt warm arms wrap around him as Haru held him in a tight embrace.

"Just give me a chance. everything will be fine" He whispered into the cats ear. Kyo nodded as he returned the embrace, he buried his face into the cows dark shirt. He'd never felt so..At peace in his life, he did all he could think to do, he clung to the taller boy and wept.
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Woot. Alright. That's the second chapter I have that ends with Kyo crying, but hey this one is a somewhat happy one! :D