Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ No longer alone ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kuu: Hello again! I've been working hard on these upcoming chapters! I've decided I'm most likely gonna put in a naughty scene sometime soon..But It's hard since I've never done it before and I feel a bit akward doing it..So bear with me! Today was dubbed National Kuu Hentai Day in reguard to my not doing any work in ANY classes while I tried to decide how to go about all the stuff..And Sadly..I'm still kind of stuck..But fear not! it will be along soon hopefully. Then the angst and stuff will probably be back >.>;;
Kyo: ... You talk WAY to much.
Black Haru: I don't care about that, but, your little 'scene' better be good. And I mean GOOD xCracks KnucklesX.
Kuu: Eheh.. This sucks..I'm gonne die.
Chapter 13?
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The two teens entered the house. Kyo slipped his shoes off at the door and waited for the taller teen to do the same. Haru sat and began working on the boots he wore, undoing a buckle here, untying a lace there. Kyo couldn't help but gape at the cow.
"Go ahead, I'll be there in a minute, these are just a little complicating to get off.." He looked up and gave a warm smile. Kyo smirked slightly as he entered the dining room. Tohru and Shigure were already seated, he also saw that there were only four plates on the table. He quirked a brow and left the room. Tohru looked at Shigure in wonder, but the dog only shrugged in response. She was about to get up when Kyo returned with an extra plate.
"Ne, Kyo? What are you doing?" She asked curiously.
"Haru's here too." He told her as he put the plate across from his, then took a seat.
Haru quietly entered the room with his hands, like usual, shoved into his pockets. He casually walked around the table and took a seat across from the fiery redhead.
"Hello Hatsuharu! I didn't know you were going to be here!" She smiled brightly at the white haired boy for a moment, then suddenly she got a panicked look. "Oh no! I hope I made enough food! This isn't good at all!"
"Uhm, It's okay. I'm not really hungry anyway." He told her nonchalantly. She looked at him for a moment before nodding and smiling.
"Hmph. So finally we get that stupid snake out of our hair and someone else shows up. What a bother." Yuki stated from the door way, glaring. Haru squinted his eyes a bit at the statement, but said nothing.
Yuki crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from the younger Sohma as he made his way to his seat. Kyo looked at the cow for a moment, he could see that that Kuso Nezumi's comment hurt his feelings, which pissed him off. Haru didn't do anything to deserve that kind of treatment.
Haru could feel he was being watched, he glanced up and met the cat's gaze. He arched a brow at the older teen. He had a very meschievous look in his eyes, which worried him a bit.
Kyo waited quietly as Yuki walked passed him on his way to his seat. At the last moment, before the rat was out of reach Kyo's leg shot out, tripping the rat.
It all seemed to go in slow motion for the Ushi. Kyo had tripped Yuki, who then did a face plant on the carpet. He couldn't believe Kyo just did that.
Kyo on the other hand was laughing hysterically.
"Haha, I can't believe that actually worked!" He pointed at the rat. "Maybe if you weren't so busy being a prick, then you wouldn't have fallen on your pretty boy face!" He scolded the rat, still laughing.
Shigure, Tohru and Haru all sat there, still shocked that the Neko actually pulled something like that.
Yuki pulled himself from the ground and glared evilly at the very content looking cat.
"Why you..I...ARGH!" Yuki growled. He was so mad he didn't even know what to say. He took a deep breath and turned away. He was determined not to beat the cat in the middle of dinner. He took his seat.
Kyo turned his attention back to the dumbfounded teen in front of him and gave one of his rare smiles. Haru nearly melted right there. Had Kyo done that for him? And that smile..It was like a ray of sunshine to the cow. It took everything to keep him from ravishing the redhead on the spot. Just thinking about it made his stomach flutter.
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Haru sat there absently poking at his food when he realized the sudden silence spreading throughout the room. He looked around and saw that Yuki, Shigure and Tohru had all left without him noticing, their plates were even gone. The only people left were him, and Kyo, who sat across the table from him still eating. He noticed Haru looking at him and smiled, licking his lips seductively. Haru gaped, dropping his chopsticks. He didn't even know Kyo was capable of looking at someone like that. Kyo stood, pushing all of the contents out of his way and jumped onto the table, crawling toward him slowly, that look of mischief returning to his slitted eyes.
"Earth to Haru!" Haru shook his head and looked around to see Yuki, Tohru, Shigure AND Kyo looking at him curiously.
"Huh?" He blinked
"What's so interesting about that grain of rice? You've been staring at it non-stop for about 10 minutes." Shigure quirked a brow in amusement. "And..Your nose is bleeding too."
Haru looked from Kyo to Shigure as he brought his fingers to his face and examined the red dampness on his fingertips.
"Uh..I guess I was spacing out." Haru told them, a warm flush staining his cheeks. He looked down at the table, Shigure observed him suspiciously for a moment then continued his meal.
Haru twitched. 'Oh god. I'm turning into a pervert just like that damn dog! This is terrible!' He inwardly panicked. 'Although..Kyo would look nice in..AHH! NOO!' Another very provocative images of the cat flashed through his head. He jumped up from his seat with his hands over his ears, as if to keep everyone from seeing his thoughts.
"Stop it you perv!" He screamed at himself. He sweatdropped. realizing he just yelled at himself in front of everyone. He glanced around the table, they all stared up at him with shocked and confused looks on their faces. Flustered, he quickly walked from the room to avoid making a bigger ass of himself.
"Well..That was..Interesting?" Shigure chuckled to himself. Kyo stared at the door where the cow has disappeared.
'What was that all about?'
After a few minutes, Kyo excused himself from the table. He wanted to ask Haru about his odd behavior at dinner.. He checked hi room, which was empty. The bathroom and guest room were both deserted as well. He scratched his head, thinking of where the cow could be.
'Maybe he went outside?' He sighed as he walked down the hallway towards the stairs. When he walked by the last room in the hallway an arm shot out and jerked him in, the door slamming shut behind him..
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Blah ha ha a aa ahaha?
Review please.
Kyo: ... You talk WAY to much.
Black Haru: I don't care about that, but, your little 'scene' better be good. And I mean GOOD xCracks KnucklesX.
Kuu: Eheh.. This sucks..I'm gonne die.
Chapter 13?
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The two teens entered the house. Kyo slipped his shoes off at the door and waited for the taller teen to do the same. Haru sat and began working on the boots he wore, undoing a buckle here, untying a lace there. Kyo couldn't help but gape at the cow.
"Go ahead, I'll be there in a minute, these are just a little complicating to get off.." He looked up and gave a warm smile. Kyo smirked slightly as he entered the dining room. Tohru and Shigure were already seated, he also saw that there were only four plates on the table. He quirked a brow and left the room. Tohru looked at Shigure in wonder, but the dog only shrugged in response. She was about to get up when Kyo returned with an extra plate.
"Ne, Kyo? What are you doing?" She asked curiously.
"Haru's here too." He told her as he put the plate across from his, then took a seat.
Haru quietly entered the room with his hands, like usual, shoved into his pockets. He casually walked around the table and took a seat across from the fiery redhead.
"Hello Hatsuharu! I didn't know you were going to be here!" She smiled brightly at the white haired boy for a moment, then suddenly she got a panicked look. "Oh no! I hope I made enough food! This isn't good at all!"
"Uhm, It's okay. I'm not really hungry anyway." He told her nonchalantly. She looked at him for a moment before nodding and smiling.
"Hmph. So finally we get that stupid snake out of our hair and someone else shows up. What a bother." Yuki stated from the door way, glaring. Haru squinted his eyes a bit at the statement, but said nothing.
Yuki crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from the younger Sohma as he made his way to his seat. Kyo looked at the cow for a moment, he could see that that Kuso Nezumi's comment hurt his feelings, which pissed him off. Haru didn't do anything to deserve that kind of treatment.
Haru could feel he was being watched, he glanced up and met the cat's gaze. He arched a brow at the older teen. He had a very meschievous look in his eyes, which worried him a bit.
Kyo waited quietly as Yuki walked passed him on his way to his seat. At the last moment, before the rat was out of reach Kyo's leg shot out, tripping the rat.
It all seemed to go in slow motion for the Ushi. Kyo had tripped Yuki, who then did a face plant on the carpet. He couldn't believe Kyo just did that.
Kyo on the other hand was laughing hysterically.
"Haha, I can't believe that actually worked!" He pointed at the rat. "Maybe if you weren't so busy being a prick, then you wouldn't have fallen on your pretty boy face!" He scolded the rat, still laughing.
Shigure, Tohru and Haru all sat there, still shocked that the Neko actually pulled something like that.
Yuki pulled himself from the ground and glared evilly at the very content looking cat.
"Why you..I...ARGH!" Yuki growled. He was so mad he didn't even know what to say. He took a deep breath and turned away. He was determined not to beat the cat in the middle of dinner. He took his seat.
Kyo turned his attention back to the dumbfounded teen in front of him and gave one of his rare smiles. Haru nearly melted right there. Had Kyo done that for him? And that smile..It was like a ray of sunshine to the cow. It took everything to keep him from ravishing the redhead on the spot. Just thinking about it made his stomach flutter.
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Haru sat there absently poking at his food when he realized the sudden silence spreading throughout the room. He looked around and saw that Yuki, Shigure and Tohru had all left without him noticing, their plates were even gone. The only people left were him, and Kyo, who sat across the table from him still eating. He noticed Haru looking at him and smiled, licking his lips seductively. Haru gaped, dropping his chopsticks. He didn't even know Kyo was capable of looking at someone like that. Kyo stood, pushing all of the contents out of his way and jumped onto the table, crawling toward him slowly, that look of mischief returning to his slitted eyes.
"Earth to Haru!" Haru shook his head and looked around to see Yuki, Tohru, Shigure AND Kyo looking at him curiously.
"Huh?" He blinked
"What's so interesting about that grain of rice? You've been staring at it non-stop for about 10 minutes." Shigure quirked a brow in amusement. "And..Your nose is bleeding too."
Haru looked from Kyo to Shigure as he brought his fingers to his face and examined the red dampness on his fingertips.
"Uh..I guess I was spacing out." Haru told them, a warm flush staining his cheeks. He looked down at the table, Shigure observed him suspiciously for a moment then continued his meal.
Haru twitched. 'Oh god. I'm turning into a pervert just like that damn dog! This is terrible!' He inwardly panicked. 'Although..Kyo would look nice in..AHH! NOO!' Another very provocative images of the cat flashed through his head. He jumped up from his seat with his hands over his ears, as if to keep everyone from seeing his thoughts.
"Stop it you perv!" He screamed at himself. He sweatdropped. realizing he just yelled at himself in front of everyone. He glanced around the table, they all stared up at him with shocked and confused looks on their faces. Flustered, he quickly walked from the room to avoid making a bigger ass of himself.
"Well..That was..Interesting?" Shigure chuckled to himself. Kyo stared at the door where the cow has disappeared.
'What was that all about?'
After a few minutes, Kyo excused himself from the table. He wanted to ask Haru about his odd behavior at dinner.. He checked hi room, which was empty. The bathroom and guest room were both deserted as well. He scratched his head, thinking of where the cow could be.
'Maybe he went outside?' He sighed as he walked down the hallway towards the stairs. When he walked by the last room in the hallway an arm shot out and jerked him in, the door slamming shut behind him..
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Blah ha ha a aa ahaha?
Review please.