Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ On Our Knees ❯ Down to business ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“So it was good for you, too, huh?”

Mii’s smile lingered stubbornly, although she hid it with her face to the floor, and she half-snorted again, mocking the playful backhanded swats Shigure had landed with his left hand. She antagonized him deliberately, trying to force him into immediate action. Today especially, she had to get things moving; she could still feel the minutes slipping by, and she needed Shigure to make her forget the pages completely, at least until he was ready to give them up.

“I’m sorry, Gure-san, but you make me laugh!”

“Do I? Do I really? Does this make you laugh, too?” He landed a well-aimed SMACK on her left cheek just below the hemline of her skirt. “And this too?” SMACK – SMACK – SMACK “Get ready to laugh it off, then!”

He launched into a series of progressively harder stinging swats, alternating cheeks with deadly aim and, given the position of her bottom resting on her heels, always in the same place. She was squirming and no longer smiling when he stopped. “Okay, that’s enough. I’d better stop before I get downright hilarious, right?”

He grinned as he watched her body relax; her respiration, no longer held, returned to normal. Then he spanked her hard one last time. “Sorry, that was just some sort of aftershock giggle, or something.”

Shigure helped Mii to her feet and walked her to a corner by the door, one hand over her cuffed wrists, the other on her shoulder. He pressed himself into her back, bent his head down her neck to breathe her in.

She tilted her head to embrace his own against her shoulder, turned toward him to slide her cheek against his and receive his kiss with half-parted lips. He moved to her side as he lifted her skirt, tucking it into her waistband. Putting his hand in her panties, he rubbed her stinging bottom as he teased her tongue with his, slipping his free hand into her blouse and drawing his fingertips over an erect nipple, circling so slowly then pinching. She felt her knees weaken, willed his hand downward, dreaming of immediate release.

But his hand left her breast as he pulled away to regard her sternly. “I haven’t forgotten your insolence, young lady, so if you think you’ll be getting any favors right away, you can just forget it!”

He moved back away from her and looked down at her bottom on display. Her panties covered the reddening areas, so he helped them down and they fell around her slippered feet. “Ah, nice. . . wait a minute, have you been working out?”

“As a matter of fact, I’ve been tagging along with Kaori to the gym. Does it show?” Mii knew it did; she hadn’t seen Shigure in almost two months, and she’d been doing the elliptical machine four or five days a week for most of that time .

“It’s like I haven’t seen that bottom in ten years. O joy! Welcome back, long lost friend!” Shigure knelt and kissed both cheeks, nuzzled them with his nose.

Mii squirmed a bit but giggled. “I’m glad you like it, but what does that say about how I looked before?” Although flattered, she couldn’t help but wonder, had Shigure been displeased with her former flabby self?

“What that says is, you were perfect before, and now you are perfect with a firm butt!” He stood and landed a couple of light, teasing swats. “And your thighs are so bad, either! On the other hand, I am going to miss that delicious jiggle. I guess I’ll just have to spank you harder to get the same effect!”

The hard SMACK! on her right cheek made Mii jump and squirm away. “No, thanks! If you’re going to be that way about it, I’ll just have to let myself go again!”

“Now that I know what you’re capable of, I don’t think I can let you get away with that, dear friend. Make sure that you keep yourself Kaori’s good graces–she’s a healthy influence on you.”

Kaori was Mii’s new girlfriend, her first since the disastrous affair with Ran, and although ten years older, she was in much better shape than Mii, who preferred movies with buttered popcorn to weight machines and step classes. Fortunately, they had other interests that were mutual and pleasurable, so each was willing to share the other’s pastimes. Kaori complained jokingly that all she’d gotten from the deal was higher cholesterol, while Mii was getting a new figure.

“I’m not seeing her because she’s a healthy influence!”

“No, you’re seeing her because she’s one sexy lady, according to Ayame. Maybe I’ll have to give her a call. . .”

“You better be joking, Gure-san.”

Shigure smacked her backside hard and Mii yelped. “Shigure-sama, and you know I’ll call her if I want to. . . but I don’t want to. I want you to be happy, because when Mi-chan is happy, we have fun, and when we don’t have fun, it makes me sad. I’m so glad Aya introduced you two. Maybe we should thank him together. . . I know, let’s call him now and get him over here!”

Mii suppressed a wail, kept her voice as even as possible. “The pages, remember? I don’t have time to wait for Ayame–I have to get back to the office!”

“Okay, Hatori then. He’s just up the road–”


“Oh, alright, forget it. Spoilsport!”

“What time is it, anyway?”

“Time to get down to business! But wait a second, I didn’t bring in the futon. I hope the kiddos aren’t hanging around the house. . . “ Shigure slid open the door and peered fearfully into the hallway. “Kyo’s still on the roof, I’m sure. Tohru-san? Yuki? Yoohoo, anybody there?”

“You’ll bring them running like that!”

“Then they can see Mi-chan’s cute new butt, right?” Shigure winked and scurried down the hall to his bedroom, then scooted back with his futon rolled under one arm, hugging three pillows with the other. “That was lucky for you! I don’t know where they’ve gone, but I guess they’ll have to see you some other time.”

Kneeling, he unrolled the futon. “Oh, disgusting! I really need to wash these sheets! Ha ha, just kidding, of course! My cute little wife does that now.”

Mii half-turned in surprise, but Shigure motioned her to turn her face back to the corner. “Touchy, aren’t we? Everything’s just peachy when you think I’ve only got eyes for Aya, but heaven forbid I should get mixed up with another woman! But that’s what you do, Mi-chan, so why can’t I? Now, tell me how jealous you are of Tohru! She is adorable, isn’t she?”

Mii hung her head, not at all liking this teasing. Shigure could read her like a book, and his piercing comments could sting more than his hand. She did prefer to see him with Ayame! Still, after meeting the new member of the household, she felt sure that Shigure had nothing going on with Tohru. But I know he’s thinking about it, she fumed inwardly.

“Yes, dearest, I’m sure you made note of her many fine qualities. She’s the light of my life!” Shigure watched Mii but she didn’t react, not a single wail. She was hurt and holding it in, and she wanted him to know.

He rose and came to her side. “Aww, Mii, you know I like the dark better, especially with you.” He came closer to whisper in her ear. “Tohru wouldn’t like the cuffs, you know. I don’t imagine that she’d appreciate standing in the corner much, either, and I bet she wouldn’t like a spanking. I’m sure she wouldn’t.”

Moving back, he spanked her once, twice, then fell into a quick, steady rhythm, alternating sides, gradually warming her up as he increased the intensity. Bending forward slightly to better present her bottom to receive the strokes, Mii let her forehead touch the wall with the impact of each swat.

As Shigure continued to spank with greater force, Mii’s head hit the wall harder and harder, but she hardly felt that at all, only the delicious warmth that spread across her cheeks with each of his well-placed strokes.

He kept increasing the intensity, she began to struggle to absorb the blows and hold her position. At last her tolerance reached its limit, the burning pleasure eclipsed by the stinging pain and she straightened, head thrown back, and cried out, “Please!”

Shigure moved back to her side, laid his hand on her cuffed ones, and their hands intertwined as he squeezed her fingers for a moment, a comforting touch, then released them. “That was a nice start, for the insolence. What else, Mi-chan?”

“If you think I’m the one who’s supposed to tell you–”

“I don’t think, I KNOW!” He landed a SMACK! for emphasis

“Ye-OWWW! The screaming at lunch!”

“That’s better. Don’t forget who the master is, Mi-chan!” His chuckle, the characteristically evil laugh of a B-movie bad guy, almost got Mii smiling again.

Shigure backed away into a better position for spanking, and picked up where he’d left off. He started at the previous level of intensity, and Mii twisted right and left trying to avoid the blows without moving her feet.

“Don’t even think about making a sound, dear friend–you’ve done enough screaming already! And you know what happens if you move. . .”

Over and over his hand fell, with greater and greater force, the smacks resounding in the sparsely furnished room, but Mii wasn’t hearing them.. Finally, she couldn’t help scooting away. She sucked in her breath as he grabbed her cuffed hands and forced them halfway up her back in one quick motion, enough to have Mii blinking back tears from the sudden pain in her arms and shoulders.

She tried then to keep still and dig deep for more courage, but after the merciless assault on her backside and her restrained arms, she felt the tears in her eyes and pinched them shut, gritting her teeth as she stifled the cry that threatened to burst out of her chest.

Then Shigure returned his attention to her backside. After a few moments it was over again: he had stopped and she sagged on weak knees, head again to the wall, breathing deep and irregular, tears falling freely.

“Mmmn, that felt good, huh?” Shigure came close again and took her earlobe between his teeth, nuzzling her with his nose. “I told you not to move. You are a bad girl, Mii. So very bad….We’re going to have to do something about that.”

He continued to kiss and lick her ear, his body just inches from hers. She longed to lean into him and be wrapped in his embrace, but she knew that would always be the one thing he withheld from her. If she tried to move close into his arms, he would pull away. So she closed her eyes, letting him cherish her in that singular way of his.

Her bottom was on fire, his breath warm in her ear, and she could feel it snaking down to tease the flames upward between her legs, drawing the rising heat over her belly and tingling breasts, higher still up the length of her neck until she was burning all over, his tongue in her ear stoking the sweet fire inside. It dried the tears on her cheeks but made her want to sob again with the force of her hunger.

“I’ve been wondering about something, Mi-chan.” Shigure’s voice caressed her ear. “Does Kaori know what a naughty girl you are?” Mii stiffened, almost groaned. She wanted to lie, but it was virtually impossible for her to deceive Shigure; she didn’t know how, but without even looking at her he would know.

Mii shivered, hung her head as he pulled away from her at last. Where there had been fire, suddenly there was cold, and emptiness. “Does that mean what I think it does? Kaori doesn’t know?”

Mii shook her head, looking at the tatami at her feet.

Shigure laughed and turned away. . .