Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Mischief ❯ Prince Vanilla And His Reluctant Seahorse ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Operation: Mischief
By, Jamie1317kast
We remember the school trip incident and when Ayame somehow got to keep his long hair. But, what ELSE happened?! From their Freshmen Orientation to their Senior Graduation, this story follows the infamous Madabuchi Trio through their wild and crazy high school days!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket, or Gackt. (unfortunately).
Rated R. why? Because Shigure and Aya are in the same fic, that's why.
Prince Vanilla And His Seahorse:
Shigure and Ayame peered around the corner of the hallway. “ Clear.” The Dog whispered, waving Ayame on ahead. They crept down the hallway in the early morning hours before their first day of high school.
Silently, as Ayame proceeded to pick the lock on the door to the P.A. room, both almost-first-year boys reflected upon the relieved faces of their middle school teachers when they had graduated at the end of the last semester.
“ Our new teachers are in for one hell of a surprise.” Shigure and Ayame giggled evilly, creeping into the room and shutting the door behind them. Not even students yet, and they were already setting up their very first prank.
“ You're late.” Hatori Sohma, their cousin glared at the duo when they finally plunked down into their seats for Freshmen Orientation. “ Where were you two?” He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.
“ Nowhere.” They spoke together, and then resolved into a fit of giggles. Hatori sighed, fools. The Principal stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat. As the poor man turned on the P.A. system, a sound that was not the usual fuzz of the microphone echoed throughout the silent school.
Vanilla by Gackt.(very badly translated)
You're an honest moralist
You trace me with your pretty finger
I'm a pure terrorist
Your thoughts are rising like a revolution.
A specialist bound by romance
You used you long fingernails on me
An egoist who wants to confirm love
I want to struggle on until I'm inside of you.
You keep yourself at a distance
Ah, before I lose myself.
Is it okay to love, too?
In the shaking night
It's good as it is
As those almost maddening lips
I've gotten used to melt together
I am…your…Vanilla
“…you're too affected.”
You're cool like plastic
With hot looks like an ecologist,
Those burning kisses are irritating.
Your distorting face is
Ah, please let me stay myself.
Is it okay to love, too?
In the shaking night
It's good as it is
The almost painful wet lips are
There are no more words
You and I are not burning love.
Ah, if we welcome how many mornings
Ah, will the nights probably stop
Ah, scattered in the sky
Ah, white flowers surround us.
Is it okay to love, too?
In the shaking night
It's good as it is
“ I've seen a tail”
It's almost embarrassing
I've fallen for you
A crew sees crying knees,
I wanna need. Not betray!
Is it okay to love, too?
In the shaking night
It's good as it is
More…you are…
As those almost maddening hips
I've gotten used to melt together
You are…my…Vanilla.
The shocked principal didn't have to look far to find the culprits. They were the notorious Sohma children, Shigure, Ayame, and Hatori. He glared at them waiting for the horrendous music to stop, wondering how fate could be so cruel. It was them, he thought, the devils, the demons, Evil Incarnates!
The notorious Madubachi Trio.
“ I will not allow such obscene music to be played in my school.” Principal Iwata scolded the three boys. “ And at your orientation ceremony too. The least you could have done was to play a song in English so your poor, innocent classmates wouldn't have heart attacks when they listened to the lyrics! How disgraceful! I hope that you three feel properly ashamed of yourselves for the mischief you've caused this morning.”
“ But, Principal Iwata,” Ayame spoke up and Hatori groaned inwardly, not even sure why he was always lumped together with these idiots. “ The song is about vanilla ice cream. Surely there's nothing wrong with-”
Principal Iwata, thoroughly frustrated and annoyed, decided to get things over with as quickly as possible and interrupted Ayame. “ It was still an inappropriate prank. I'll forgive you three this time, but please make sure that it doesn't happen again.”
“ Hai, Principal Iwata!” Shigure and Ayame chorused, leaving the man's wandering eyes to glare at poor, poor Hatori.
“ Hai, Principal Iwata.” He mumbled, wishing that he was anywhere but here.
“ Alright you two,” He motioned to Shigure and Hatori. “ You can head to your classes now. I still need to talk to Ayame-san.”
Shigure hugged Ayame close and whispered. “ Get'm good, Aya!” Before dragging Hatori out of the room and down the hall.
Hatori wrenched away from Shigure straightened his collar. “ Why did you drag me in there with you? I didn't even do anything.” His stern glare had no affect whatsoever on the other teen.
He bounced around in front of Hatori. “ But you have to admit, Ha-san, that was a good prank.”
The Dragon said nothing but continued walking down the hallway with Shigure trailing after him. “ Why did you want to come to this school anyway?”
“ Lots of girls.” Shigure snickered, making an I'm-such-a-Don-Juan pose complete with sparkles and rose petals. A couple of second year girls giggled and blushed behind their notebooks, a pack of first years made a collective attempt to get his undivided attention by batting their eyelashes and flicking back their hair, and the third years either ignored him completely or blew him kisses.
“ Oh.”
“ Gure-san! Gure-san!” Ayame came flying into the classroom, tackling Shigure to the floor. “ Gure-san! I missed you so much!”
“ I missed you too, Aya!”
“ Alright!”
“ Would you two cut it out?”
“ Tori, you spoil all our fun!”
“ Yes I do. Stop crying.”
Shigure laughed long and hard, and Hatori was afraid he was going to transform if he laughed much longer. “ A-a-a!”
Ayame nodded enthusiastically. “ Yes, yes. I did. And now all the other students are calling me Prince Ayame!”
“ Oh, no…”
“ Oh, YES. In fact, however, I told them that they couldn't call me a Prince without addressing my DEAR COUSINS IN THE SAME WAY.”
“ Oh, no…
Ayame stood and leaped onto their lunch table. Every eye in the cafeteria turned to the silver-haired boy and everyone went quiet. Even before Ayame began to speak, Hatori understood that as of that moment, his life as he knew it was officially over.
Hatori sunk down under the table, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as humanly possible as Ayame rambled on.
“ Cheer up, Hari!” Shigure bubbled, winking back at a third year. “ It's only the first day of school! Things can only get better from here on out!”
Unfortunately for him, this was EXACTLY was poor, poor Hatori was afraid of.