Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Release Me ❯ Meetings and Greetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Chapter 1~
A girl around 6 years old sat in a tree with a wolf bear with a red ribbon around its neck. The streets were dark as she stared at the people walking home from work. One girl in particular caught her eye. It was our lovely heroine Tohru Honda. She was wearily walking back to the Sohma house and exhaustion was written all over her body. No one could walk her home and she was slowly making her way home from work. The little girl jumped down from her perch in the trees and followed behind her. The little girl watched as Tohru walked the streets. Her eyes were empty thinking back into her life. The little girl's hand reached out and grabbed the edge of her shirt as Tohru was stopped from walking into the street and getting run over by a passing car. She looked surprised and was suddenly brought back to the world and out of her memories. She turned to the little girl and smiled gently at her.
Tohru: Ah! I wasn't watching where I was going! I'm sorry.
The little girl nodded. She had short dark purple hair and smoky gray eyes with a purplish tint to it. She wore a plain gray dress that fell to her knees. The wolf was a dark gray and black color.
Girl: Onee-chan, don't be sad. Be happy that you have people there for you.
Tohru: Oh! I'm not sad! I was just thinking really hard! Ahahahahaha…
Tohru's gaze drifted to the sky above but her gaze soon returned to the little child before her. It was then that she realized that the girl looked dirty. Dirt stained her face and arms and legs and some parts of her dress were torn. The wolf bear however remained spotless.
Tohru: What's your name? I'm Tohru.
Girl: My name is… Sanyu.
Tohru: Sanyu-chan what are you doing out so late? Don't you have to be at home and sleeping by now?
Sanyu: Home?
Tohru: Where are you staying?
Sanyu: The park! Now I can play all day and not worry. ^^
She beamed up at Tohru and latched onto her.
Sanyu: Will Onee-chan play with me? Let's go and play!
Tohru: You were playing in the park?
Sanyu: Yup!
Tohru: Why don't you come home with me and we can call your parents ok?
Sanyu looked apprehensive but nodded. They walked back to the Sohma home together with Sanyu gripping the end of Tohru uniform. Tohru and Sanyu entered the house to be greeted by Shigure.
Shigure: Ah! Our lovely flower has returned to us once again! ^^ Oh! Who is this Tohru?
Tohru: Shigure, I hope you don't mind! She stopped me from walking into the middle of the street and I just brought her here to call her parents and maybe clean her up. Is that ok? I mean I'm so sorry! I should of asked first since this is your house.
Shigure: It's fine! Go ahead and clean her up and let her call her parents.
Tohru: Thank you Shigure! Come on Sanyu-chan! Let's go get you cleaned up ok?
Sanyu: Let me go get my stuff from the park first ok? I'll be right back!
It was then that Kyo and Yuki entered the hallway
Kyo: What's all the ruckus?
Sanyu embraced Tohru tightly obviously frightened by the sudden appearance of the boys and Shigure explained why the little girl was at the Sohma house.
Tohru: It's not safe for you to be out Sanyu-chan.
Kyo I'll go with the brat ok Tohru? I `ll bring her back safe. Finish your homework or whatever.
Sanyu let go of Tohru and looked at the boys from behind Tohru's legs.
Sanyu: Hey misters what are your names?
Yuki: I'm Yuki Sohma. The idiot over there is Kyo.
Kyo: Shut up you stupid rat! I'm not an idiot!
Sanyu: I'm Sanyu! It's very nice to meet you! Come on nii-chan you said you'd take me so let's go get my stuff from the park!
Sanyu grabbed Kyo's hand and ran out the door and called back to Tohru.
Sanyu: I'll be back soon onee-chan! Don't worry.
Kyo: Hey you! Slow down will you?!?
They receded into the distance and Tohru smiled happily at them. Then came into the house. Yuki watched her and followed after.