Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

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Hello, readers! At the request of a reviewer, and my own personal liking of this story, I decided to add another chapter and continue this fic! I'm really excited, and I already have lots of ideas on where this story is going to go. But for now, embrace some more fluff! :D Here's Chapter 2!
P.S. - As always, I don't own any of the characters (or anything) from the Fruits Basket anime or manga.
By the next day the sky had cleared up, and everything seemed back to normal. Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun bickered as usual, Shigure-san raced around the house with his hands usually full of papers, mumbling something about “Damn deadlines….damn publisher…..always nagging me….stifling my creative genius…”, Hatori-san began visiting us again, and I concentrated on schoolwork and housework. Yes, it definitely seemed as if everything was back to normal. People were coming out of their houses to reattach shudders and other parts of their houses damaged by the storm, and animals poked their heads of their dens to see the clear sky. Everyone was starting over with new beginnings after storm - including Kyou-kun and I.
It began very subtlety - a quick glance and a smile every now and then when I passed him in the halls at school, or the way he began washing his own dishes after each meal so I wouldn't have to. But there was no denying, he was definitely showing more….I guess you would call it affection, towards me. I loved this, of course, and we both seemed to be on Cloud Nine for the better part of that week. The problem was, we never got any time alone together! We were both very busy, and if we did find a spare moment to simply talk, Shigure-san would always interrupt us, wondering if we had seen the last chapter that he had written and immediately afterwards misplaced. For a while it seemed as if the incident on the rooftop would never be mentioned again, but that Saturday afternoon Yuki-kun had a school officers meeting, and Shigure-san had FINALLY completed his book and was bringing it to his publisher (And believe me, he wasn't the only one relieved. I am a very mellow person, and practically never lose my cool, but if I had to search frantically around the house for one more chapter of his book, I swear I would have screamed.) Anyway, I was sitting on my bed doing homework when Kyou-kun appeared in the doorway and lightly knocked on the doorframe.
“Hey,” he said a bit awkwardly. He blushed and looked at his feet, which was so unbelievably adorable I had to resist the overwhelming urge to laugh out loud. It was strange, though, that he was so embarrassed to be standing in my doorway when he had been so outwardly affectionate towards me the entire week. I suppose the temporary boldness he felt after confessing he trusted someone was gone now. “Ano….you can come in, you know.” I said, trying to suppress a giggle once more as he cleared his throat and walked further into my room. He sat down on my bed slowly and tentatively and cleared his throat once more. “What's up?” I asked, knowing he wasn't going to initiate the conversation. “Not much,” he replied, “….I….I was just wondering…did I…um…” He looked absently at my wall for a moment before turning back to me and rushing through his next question, “DidIfreakyououttheothernightbecauseifIdidI'mreallysorryand-” He stopped, looking mortified, and turned his blushing face away from mine.
“Can you say that again, Kyou-kun?” I asked, completely dumbfounded. He kept his eyes on my bedsheets and said, “I just wanted to know if I freaked you out the other night…with all that…trust stuff. Because if I did, I'm really sorry. I just wanted you to know and umm….well, you don't have to say anything. I'm done.” He said and began to get up. “Wait!” I exclaimed and put a hand on his arm. I then promptly removed it because of the obscene blush covering my cheeks, and he simply sat there staring at me. I didn't say anything at that moment, though, because I was still trying to process the concept he had proposed. He thought he had freaked me out?!! If only he knew how wrong he was! Didn't he know how much, and how long, I had hoped he would open up to me? Did he have no idea how happy it made me to know I meant something special to him? Then it hit me - he really didn't. He was so oblivious to all of this, and I was so shocked that it made me want to get to my next point that much faster. Of course, this grand epiphany took about thirty seconds of pure thinking, so Kyou-kun was about to get up again when I began talking. “Do you really think I didn't love every minute of our time on the roof?”
He shrugged. “Did you?” he asked, genuinely puzzled.
“Of course I did!” I replied almost instinctually, and his face lit up with hope. “Kyou-kun…The whole time I've known you, you've been trying to push everyone away, not letting them get to know you. Yuki-kun, your teacher, Shigure-san, and even me. And I know it's because of how you grew up, being the cat in the Sohma family. ” He looked down sadly. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…”he trailed off.
“No, no!” I exclaimed, “I understand completely. But that's why when you told me I was special to you…It made me so happy, Kyou-kun.” I said, smiling and gently taking his hand from the bed. “You know, you can talk to me more often when you want to. Girls like that.” He grinned and gave my hand a gentle squeeze, and even though we were currently having the most physical contact we had ever had with each other, for some reason neither of us blushed.
“I thought you weren't like all other girls, Tohru!” He said teasingly.
“We have some things in common!” I said and laughed, letting my hand fall from his grip. He smiled that smile that made my heart melt, and leaned forward a bit. I closed my eyes without thinking and did the same, and before I knew what was happening, he had given me a small, chaste kiss on the lips. When I reopened my eyes he was staring at me, smiling shyly and, of course, blushing- but then again, I suppose I was too. We stayed like that for a while, our faces a mere inch apart, looking into each other's eyes and just relishing in the joy of what had just happened. “You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.” He murmured suddenly.
“WHAT?!” I exclaimed rather loudly, breaking the mood completely and making Kyou-kun start, looking frightened. “I mean, really? You have?”
“Yeah,” he confessed. “Don't get me wrong, you are still my best friend, but I just…wanted us to be more than that. And…well, to be honest….I can't believe I worked up the courage to do that just now, but I just thought that maybe if you liked what I said on the roof then…you wanted this too. And since you don't look repulsed or anything…I'm going to assume you do.” he said, looking a bit worried.
“You assume right, Kyou-kun.” I said happily, and took his face in my hands, kissing him again. Just then we heard the front door open, so Kyou-kun quickly stood up instinctually, but took his time walking out of my room, glancing back at me every now and then and grinning like an idiot the entire time. And I must confess, inside I was too, though I just smiled normally on the outside.
I could not believe it. I just COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! Excuse me while I re-enact the emotions that went on inside me right after our kisses…
*whew* ok, I'm done now. But, of course, you can imagine my feelings….can't you?! I had been in love with Kyou-kun for a long time, but I had never actually thought he had feelings for me too! My wish had finally come true, and as I fell asleep that night, the only thoughts in my mind were ones of our future, and what surprises the next day would hold.
It was almost too good to be true…
A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! Be afraid, be very afraid! Lol jk. But expect some twists next chapter. And remember - no reviews, no new chapters! :P I'm a cruel person, I know. Well, until next time, sayonara!