Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

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To all who reviewed, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I love your positive feedback! I'm really glad you are enjoying the story, and I intend to continue this story for as long as possible! I now happily present Chapter 5!
Btw, I don't own Fruits Basket or any of its characters, sadly.
Chapter 5
For the next three days, Shigure-san teased and tormented us every chance he could get, evoking countless blushes and stutters from both of us. But after that, he (thankfully) decided to end his quest to embarrass us, and after he had gotten over the fact that we were now “an item”, as he put it, things went back to normal (well, as normal as life in the Sohma house can get.)
School became a wonderful, daily waste of time. It was nearing the end of the year, so the teachers were assigning virtually nothing for homework, or classwork, for that matter. And Kyou-kun and I were both exempt from all our finals due to an entire year of straight A's (Okaa-san, I worked really hard this year, and it payed off! I hope you're proud of me.) The spring blossoms were in bloom, and the Sakura trees in the front of the school made for a particularly beautiful atmosphere - one that Kyou-kun and I frequently enjoyed during lunch for the rest of the week. Hana-chan and Uo-chan were exempt from finals as well, so Kyou-kun and I spent a great deal of time with them. It was on one of these days during lunch that an interesting conversation arose.
“Kyou-kuuuuuuun?” Uo-chan drawled in a sing-songy tone.
“What, Yankee?!” Kyou growled at her.
“Come here.” She said, pulling him up by the arm and dragging him away from us to a nearby tree. In response to my and Hana-chan's quizzical looks, she just gave a reassuring nod and held up a finger, signifying that they would only be a minute. When they reached a tree, Uo-chan simply stood there staring at a very annoyed-looking Kyou-kun.
“What?!” He shouted, which immediately earned a “Shh!” from Uo-chan. She glanced at me, then leaned in close towards Kyou-kun and began to say something. It was obvious that she didn't want me to hear whatever it was that she had to say, which, needless to say, only made me more curious to know what it was. Hana-chan and I looked at each other and nodded simultaneously. We began moving our lips to make it look like we were talking to eachother, but we were actually just listening very closely to Uo-chan. She glanced at us once more and began to speak. It worked! I smiled, pleased with myself - sometimes I could be so crafty!
“Kyou-kun…” Uo-chan began, “I have known Tohru for a long time. We go back a long way, and I've seen her through everything. And I mean everything.” She paused here, and continued, “She's had to deal with a lot of crap in her life.” Kyou simply stared at Uo-chan, whose face fell. She said, so quietly that I could barely hear her, “It wasn't right…what happened to her mother…If there's anyone who doesn't deserve that kind of heartache, it's Tohru.” Kyou-kun's eyes fell, and Uo-chan continued. “Ever since she moved in with you guys, she's been happiest I've seen her since the accident. Something about you makes keep going with that ever-present cheerful face. So I'm just going to tell you now…if you do anything to hurt her, there will be consequences.” Kyou-kun eyes snapped up to Uo-chan's, which were blazing with intensity. “I mean it. Don't break her heart.”
Kyou-kun stared at her for a moment, and then donned his Determined Face. He said quietly but forcefully, “I know you're trying to protect her, but I would NEVER do anything to hurt her!” He practically shouted this last part, and Uo-chan quickly slapped her hand over his mouth and glanced over at me, sweatdropping. “All right, all right!” She hissed at him. Kyou-kun still looked a bit upset, and he looked her straight in the eyes and said, “You have nothing to worry about. I just hope I don't let her down…or lose her.” Uo-chan's face went from intimidating to kind, and she patted Kyou-kun's shoulder. “Judging from the way Tohru's been acting since you two got together, I would say you have nothing to worry about.” She smiled and then walked back to where we were sitting, with a dazed-looking Kyou-kun following. I quickly began talking to Hana-chan about our biology project, and gave a fake start when they returned. “What was that all about?” I asked with surprising curiosity.
“Oh, nothing.” Uo-chan said, shrugging her shoulders and proceeding to devour her onigiri. I looked over at Kyou-kun, and he smiled at me before continuing to eat the lunch I had made for him that morning. I couldn't help but think about what Uo-chan had said - about how I had acted differently since I moved in with the Sohmas. The truth was, they really did make me the happiest I'd been in a long time. I just didn't know it was so obvious to other people. In the end, I felt a rush of gratitude and love toward Uo-chan for trying to protect me, and happiness that Kyou-kun had no doubts about our relationship. It was, to say the least, one of the most satisfying lunch periods ever.
Later that night, Kyou-kun and I were sitting on his bed for our usual “study session.” But we were both incredibly tired from a race we had to run in gym that day, so we lay down on our stomachs side-by-side and had the book lying between us. As it was, I could barely keep my eyes open, and I felt so guilty whenever Kyou-kun would begin explaining something only to look over and find me with me head hanging down, eyes closed. He kept saying it was all right, but I insisted over and over again that I needed to study. We had our last important test the next day, but with the combined effort of work and Sohma housework, studying had almost become a luxury, only to be achieved with Kyou-kun's help. After a while, we gave up on studying and simply lay there, exhausted.
I closed my eyes and sighed, snuggling into Kyou-kun's blankets. I felt a hand softly brush my hair away from my face, and opened my eyes to see Kyou-kun looking at me with a soft smile. He leaned down and cupped my face in his hands before kissing me softly. I leaned up and happily deepened the kiss, running my fingers through his hair. We continued this way for a few minutes, and we must have been too preoccupied to hear the front door click, or the steps coming up the stairs, or the creak of the door to Kyou-kun's room opening. Whatever the reason, I was completely unprepared for what happened next.
“I'm ho-” Kyou-kun and I broke apart, and I stared over his shoulder as Kyou-kun twisted around to see who was in his room. What I saw saddened me more than I can say.