Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Hello again! Emily is back, and with an all-new excuse for not posting for a week! I have been completely busy with all the schoolwork the teacher are piling on me (freakin' U.S. History…) and have had severe writer's block. But, as you can already see, I've become unblocked and am enthusiastically unveiling the twelfth chapter of Rooftop Revelations! Enjoy!
Chapter 12
I stood in numb disbelief as the bouncing, blurry shape in front of me slowed down long enough for me to distinguish it as a very excited Momiji.
“TOHRU! ISN'T THIS EXCITING?! ISN'T THIS…” he trailed off as he focused on our astonished faces one at a time. “What? What are you all staring at?”
“What are you doing here?!” Exclaimed Kyou-kun, dumbfounded.
“Well,” he began, “Akito-sama said that I needed something to occupy my time, and when I asked her why, she said it was because I talked too much, and I said that makes no sense because I don't see her that often and she said I ask too many questions when I do see her, and then I asked her why questions were bad and she said too many of them irritates people and I asked how many questions is too many and-”
“Momiji. Shut up.” Yuki-kun said simply. Unfazed, Momiji closed his mouth and stared at us all with wide, curious eyes.
“Well, that solves the new student part. But what about this teacher?” Hana-chan asked just as the man in question strode through the door.
“Ok, students, settle down and take a seat.” We all did so, mouths gaping as Sohma Hatori stood at the front of the room, waiting for us to sit. As soon as the room was silent, he began his introduction.
“Konichiwa, students. My name is Sohma Hatori - you may call me Sohma-Sensei. I will be your health teacher this year. Some of the topics we will be covering this year include smoking, drug and alcohol use, and -” he cleared his throat once “sexual education.”
A ripple of giggles spread around the room, Momiji's being the loudest, as Kyou-kun, Yuki-kun, and I all blushed simultaneously.
The remained of the class went without incident, and Hatori-san told us a lot of interesting - and scary - side effects of smoking (although Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun didn't seem to think so, since they spent most of the class making paper airplanes and discreetly throwing them at one another.) Hatori-san ended class a few minutes early, so the three Sohmas and I approached him.
“Oi! Hatori! What's with the teacher act?” Kyou-kun blurted out. Hatori-san looked up from his papers, his expression mildly surprised.
“Hello, boys. Hello, Honda-san.” He said, nodding at me.
“Konichiwa!” I said. “Hatori-san….ehh..I mean…Sohma-Sensei, why didn't you tell us you were going to be a teacher this year?”
“And why didn't you warn us this brat was going to be here too?!” Exclaimed Kyou-kun, gesturing at Momiji.
“Akito-san assigned me to be a teacher here because, quite frankly, I am a bit out of work these days. No one in the Sohma family is getting sick!” He said with a hint of amusement.
I laughed, and just then the bell rang for us to go to class. “We're going to be late!” I exclaimed, beginning to take my schedule out of my backpack.”
“We have Algebra 2.” Said Kyou-kun automatically, taking my hand. “Let's go.”
Just then Hatori-san looked down at our clasped hands and back up at our faces, raising his eyebrows again. I blushed and shrugged my shoulders, and Kyou-kun grinned sheepishly.
Hatori-san looked at us for a moment, and I saw a strange mixture of sadness and fondness in his eyes. Blinking twice, he came out of his trance and simply said, “It's about time” before walking away. Kyou-kun and I looked at each other, knowing exactly what he had been thinking. “Let's worry about it later,” Kyou-kun said, squeezing my hand reassuringly. I nodded just as the second bell rang.
A/N - Back-to-school blues doesn't even begin to cover it, does it? ^-^ What will happen next? Will Hatori ever recover from his past? Will Yuki-kun ever find someone to love? And will Tohru and Kyou be able to control themselves for much longer? Stay tuned!