Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sex Kitten ❯ Cousinly Advice ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Cousinly Advice
Almost a month later, the awkward ambience of what remained one of a rather well known sticky love triangle still refused to dissipate. Since Tohru's confession to Yuki, and Kyo's reaction, things couldn't stay the same. She had anticipated things to get easier, not more difficult. Things were so uptight as when she walked in the room, the cat would feel compelled to leave.
But he couldn't leave her.
Shigure noticed first when Kyo, instead of joining in and trying to spend as much time vying for Tohru's attention over Yuki, would instead decline to go shopping or for a walk or play cards and instead do something alone and solitary. Much of this was reflected in his Martial Arts training. Nevertheless, if it was one thing that made Shigure quite so popular, it was knowing not only that there was something wrong, but also taking a jolly good guess at what had caused the problem.
In fact, he cornered Kyo one day on the roof. Something that Tohru had quite lost the courage to do.
“So, what's going on with you and Tohru now?” he asked, taking a seat next to the ginger boy, and when he jumped up, he caught him by the hoodie and forced him to sit down again.
“If you're going to lecture me about it, don't bother. I already heard it from her. She loves Yuki, not me. I was a fool to think she could ever love me.” Sighed Kyo, focusing on the distant hills as he spoke. The stars were just starting to come out in the eternally deep sky. Not that he cared. The only star that shone in Kyo's sky had abandoned him for another. Not just another, but his sworn rival since time began.
“Ah, so she made a choice.” Pondered Shigure aloud. “Well, I can't say I blame her Yuki is a nice boy after all.” Kyo glared at his older cousin. “And he's well mannered and sweet and sensual. But above all, he's nice.”
Kyo turned his back on Shigure. He hated to be ridiculed, but he just wasn't up to yelling, swearing, or bopping him around the head. He had been defeated in the worst possible way; he just had to accept it.
“But, from my experience,” added Shigure, “Women don't just settle for nice.” This was enough to earn him an ear, and so he continued. “Yes, they like fire and passion and a walk on the wild side. They like to be excited, enthralled, kept guessing by the mind of the man they're with.”
“Excited… Enthralled…” mouthed Kyo subconsciously.
“But every woman has different tastes. Different pleasures and turn ons… it really is quite enjoyable finding them all. Women like Tohru for example, I think, would like lots of soft playful foreplay… you know what that means don't you Kyo?”
“Yeah I know what that means!” snapped back the teen, a new fire of an idea in his eyes, “It means you've been fantasizing about Tohru, you pervert!”
And although Shigure wasn't fond of the remark, he was glad that he was paying attention, and that he may have inspired some hope. Plus, he was right, he had formulated several guilty little scenarios involving himself and Tohru, but that was something else entirely. The point was that now, things would start to get interesting.