Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sing a song ❯ Let the Show Begin! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I go though a long and wacky beta process if you are wondering about the time between updates. I am grateful to both OptiMoose and Salmastryon for their work on making MY version of English legible to everyone else. Please recognize that this is a much better story with their help than it could have ever be with only myself. As always, reviewer blessings are at the bottom. Thanks for staying on the ride!

Chapter 7- Let the Show Begin!

Up in Tohru's room, she hears the ruckus downstairs of Kagura arriving and turns to ask Kisa, who has been helping Tohru get into Ayame's silk creation, about the ruckus. Before completing the motion, it puts Tohru where she can see herself in the mirror. Tohru is stopped by the sight of the blue water silk creation she is wearing.

The fabric shimmers like water. With it's classic scooped neck and simple capped sleeves, the dress delightfully flatters her neck and chest. The motion of her turning also causes the skirt to flare out slightly showing the pleats, which give the illusion of a waterfall to the skirt.

"Is that me?" Shocked, Tohru reaches out to softly touch the glass.

Kisa, herself dazed by the beautiful creation of blue water silk, moves to stand behind Tohru, which lets her see Tohru's reflection too. "Sissy, you look fabulous. Do you want me to help you with doing your hair?"

"No, I think I heard more people arrive. We should go down and welcome them." Tohru turns the rest of the way to face Kisa explaining, "They may want snacks!"

Unknown to anyone at Shigure's, across town a dark shape appears at the entrance to Arisa's apartment. The figure presses the doorbell, which tries to ring but fizzles out instead. The sound of cursing and grumbles can be heard from inside. The door is opened with a thuggish shout of, "What?!" as Arisa questions the ringer before seeing the apparition that waits on her step.

The girl clad in a black billowing cloak, on Arisa's threshold, replies serenely, "I feel weird electric waves from Tohru. Shall we investigate?" and looks at Arisa passively.

"Really, you think there is trouble?" Arisa goes from street thug mode into protective mode in a flash.

"No, not trouble, but something strange is happening. I thought you would want to go with me to see," Saki observes, moving her cloak to the side in a habitual motion.

"Sure, let's go. Maybe I can get Carrot Top to give me another match in Rich Man Poor Man," Arisa comments while gathering her shoes and keys from the doorway.

"I feel the waves of many Sohmas. Could it be a party?" Saki questions rhetorically, as they head out of the building and start towards Shigure's house.

"Tohru wouldn't throw a party and not invite us," Arisa notes.

"True, sweet Tohru would not do such a thing." Reflecting on it some more the always hungry Hana-chan continues, "Well, lets hope she has snacks."

Tohru is nervous in her finery as she heads back downstairs to see what everyone else has been doing while she was changing. She gets to the bottom of the stairs and starts to fidget.

"Kisa, does it look alright?"

In a reversal of their usual roles, Kisa steps up and hugs Tohru. "It looks fabulous Sissy. You will make the rest of us look like we are in work clothes." On receiving a smile in return from Tohru for her words, Kisa gets a warm feeling and smiles herself. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, yes, I guess I am." Grasping her hands together in front her waist in a nervous, steadying gesture, Tohru steps forward.

As they walk into the main living room all noise ceases. Every single person has fallen silent in a wave and turns to see them as they come in. The silence is rather strange coming so quickly after the ruckus that had been going on.

Ayame is the first to react. "I'm a Genius!" He runs towards Tohru, who is frozen under everyone's eyes. "Look, look at you. Am I not the greatest? Just wait till I tell Mine. I told her that was the color for you." Using his hand in a fanning gesture he continues, "Look at the drape on the skirt." He turns to look at the gaping Kyo, then to Yuki and Momiji. He asks the Rabbit sincerely, "Is she not the princess?"

"Yes, she is and I am her knight!" chirps Momiji as he starts towards Tohru at a run. "Princess!"

Two steps from Yuki, who realizes finally what Momiji is doing, Momiji is stopped by the rat's hand on his shoulder.

"Momiji, What are you doing?" Yuki questions the struggling Rabbit.

"I am going to my Princess!"

Hiro, who had been standing with Haru and talking by the equipment since Kagura's entrance, raises his voice to point out snidely. "Stupid bunny, you can't tackle her in that dress. You'll ruin it!"

"Thank you, Hiro," Tohru says acknowledging his help, making the Sheep blush.

Hiro looks away as he moves to intercept Kisa as she moves into the room.

"Why do you care? I bet you are only here because Kisa is," Momiji counters, sticking his tongue out at Hiro childishly.

"Oh, so now I have to have a reason?" Hiro starts in his usual aggressive debating style never stopping in his goal to get to Kisa. "Maybe I just wanted to watch the fun, or maybe I thought we could all be together and it not be a total disaster?" On reaching Kisa's side, he trails off as Kisa grabs his hand in greeting.

Kyo, who is still trapped as a pet, is paralyzed by the sight of Tohru before him. Limply from the headlock of Kagura's arms, he looks for a way out, so he can go to Tohru.

"Momiji, so you and Kagura are here. Is Rin or anyone else coming?" Tohru inquires of the room at large.

"Nope. I think this is all of us," Momiji answers shaking off Yuki's hand and moving towards Tohru. "I am calling tonight- 'Momiji's and Tohru's Karaoke extravaganza'!"

Sputtering at having the lime light stolen, Ayame breaks in with "No, tonight is- 'Ayame's Night of Love and Romance'! I must show Yuki the greatness of this evening and the power of Karaoke!"

"No! It will be our extravaganza!" the bunny counters.

"Romance and beauty," the snake hisses.

As this pointless chaos was going on, Yuki makes his way over to Tohru.

"Honda-san?" he inquires.

"Huh," Tohru answers, distracted by the futile fight. "Oh Yuki, do you need something?"

"Do you like your outfit?" he asks, looking at it admiringly.

Popping in between them, out of nowhere, Ayame chimes, "Of course she likes it! I am the most wonderful of designers." As he looks between the two, Ayame commands, "Tell Him Tohru."

"O-of course you are," Tohru stutters her answer back to him. "I don't deserve something like this," she tells the oblivious snake.

"See brother! Now, you have to do as I say," Ayame boldly pronounces, pointing his finger dramatically at Yuki. "You will wear the outfit I brought for you!"

"Not anytime in this century," is the instant reply.

"But Yuki, I made it just for you," Ayame tries pleading.

Yuki ignores the white headed cyclone beside him, and keeps trying to talk to Tohru. "So, is it comfortable?"

Ayame feels neglected and disappointed because he can not get the Cat or the Rat into their respective party clothes, which he and Mine had worked so hard on today. Deciding he can fix his, Ayame races up to the waiting karaoke equipment, grabs the mic and starts with a, "Are we all ready?"

Me loves all my reviewers. I just do, so if anyone doesn't feel the love, tell me, and I will send more!!

Aura Black Chan - He will sing. I don't care what I have to do. *knuckles cracking and evil look at Hatori-san*

DetroitRockCity - There will be no mention of a certain blonde bimbo, but I hope you like what I do choose for the gang to sing.

Lonny - I am glad you think it is getting better.

Riles - Did you like their reactions? I hope you got what you wanted in this chapter.

Tohma's Sleepless Beauty - The humor is just beginning wait till you see what they sing.

Rykuta - Here is the new chapter. As soon as the next gets through the beta process, you will have it!

Side note to my readers that like Tamora Pierce. I got her new book early and it's great!!