Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes... ❯ Cultural Manifestations ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: The bitter truth is … I own nothing of Furuba. Nope, nada, zip.
* 3 *
Cultural Manifestations
“Motto of the trade, my dear—you move, you bleed,” quipped Ayame from behind her.
“Kagura, stop fidgeting,” warned her mother for the twelfth time that hour.
“Argh…I can't help it! I want to see myself in the mirror…can't I yet?” pleaded the girl from the footstool she stood on.
Giving the needle the last loop in the neckline, he finally removed the pin that was holding the lace hemline to the elaborate costume. “Ever so impatient! Ah, the exuberance of a flower in full bloom! Oh, how I am reminded of my own blooming years…those were the days! There was no boundary I didn't cross, no roadblock I didn't overcome, no—”
“—sense to know when to keep quiet,” interjected a highly annoyed little brother. Grabbing the needle that his older brother was waving around while going into yet another dramatic speech (fifth one in the last ten minutes—a new record), Yuki mentally counted backwards from one hundred, hoping his migraine would merely pass away.
Yuki, but I was quiet just a moment ago…silly boy! Come here you!” cried out Ayame joyously as he swept the reluctant boy into a tight embrace.
“Get off me, baka!” Wrenching himself from the `loving' embrace, Yuki glared at his brother before stomping off to place the needle back into its proper place in the sewing kit Ayame had brought with him.
Kagura could only sigh in relief at finally being released from Ayame's grasp. Twirling her costume around happily, she reached out and hugged him joyfully. “Aya-chan, thank you so very much for helping me today! I know it's asking so much from you, what with helping the girls at my club with their costumes and then the other costumes for tonight…”
“Think nothing of it, ma cherie! What's a tailor for in the family if not to help his loved ones, hmm?” replied Ayame while returning her hug as well. Gasping, he held her at arms length and remarked, “Goodness, look at us! We're running late, and I almost wrinkled your costume! No, no, no, this just wouldn't do! Now come dear, the mirror is this way.”
He led her to the full-length mirror they erected against the opposite wall in this spare room. Staring at her reflection, Ayame tugged the costume here and there, checking that all hemlines and lace ruffles are in their proper places.
Satisfied that this one work of art was perfect (his fashionable conscience demanded nothing less), he beamed widely at her. “Kagura, this will bring those men rushing to your booth at the festival, no doubt about it!”
“Well, if they're into arts and crafts, maybe, but I want the new girls to come.” Eyeing her costume carefully, she heaved a heavy sigh as she twiddled her fingers nervously over the expansive fabric. “This festival is supposed to be our biggest chance to draw in new members into our Cultural Arts Club. We need new members to help carry on the club when the seniors graduate this year.”
“Hm, and to think I made that neckline to swoon the boys. Ah well, maybe they'll drag their girlfriends along,” commented Ayame excitedly. “Oh, the intrigue of swaying the hearts of hormone-driven males!”
Nudging him none-too-gently away from the mirror, Yuki stood next to Kagura as he frowned in his brother's direction. “Knock it off, Nii-san! This isn't some sick lure—”
“Hold that thought, mon frere,” interjected Ayame as he placed a single finger to Yuki's lips. Quickly reaching into his bag, he took out his cell-phone and pressed one button. “You just reminded me of your costume for later… AH YES! It is I, Mine! Yes, is it there…no, no, not that one, the other one…yes, fine…oh wait a sec!”
Walking out the door with a widening grin to his face, Ayame continued his conversation in hushed tones out in the hallway. Seeing his brother finally out of his hair for the time being, Yuki turned to Kagura with a sigh of his own. “I'm sorry about that, Kagura. He can be such an imbecile, but he did seem to do a good job with your outfit for this morning's dance act. He stuck with the traditional look…”
“It's so much though! I mean is this what they wear in this folk dance, Kagura?” asked her mother worriedly while giving her daughter the last touch to her ensemble…red rouge lipstick on her full lips. Hair piled to the side in part braids and loops, her face in full make-up with the black mascara and eyeliner, highlighted by the bright-colored eye shadow and rouge-pink blush, Kagura truly played the part of her chosen act.
“Trust this tailor, Madame!” piped up Ayame as he flounced into the room once again. Grasping Kagura's wrist, he gave her an unexpected twirl, while immediately pointing out many details of the costume. “This costume adheres to the very intrinsic traditions of this folk art. Why even the fabric came from over there! That's no small trip (not to mention cheap) to get this here! There's 22.5 yards of ruffle, 215 yards of lace, and 950 degree circumference on this triple skirt length. I kept the design simple but alluring…note the off-the-shoulder neckline and fitted bodice—both white rose print on a black background with white lace on the seams while the skirt has the same print but with deep ruffles separating the skirt in three horizontal parts and black lace highlighting the separations. I tell you this was truly a work of art from your wonderful tailor who is a true genius and has never failed in anyth—”
“ALL RIGHT, ALREADY!” butted in Yuki exasperated as he clamped his hand over his brother's nonstop mouth.
“You are brilliant, Aya-chan!” replied Kagura with a grateful smile to the struggling tailor (Ayame couldn't remove Yuki's iron-clad grip over his mouth). Turning to her concerned mother, she assured her, “Kaa-san, don't worry, it's highly revered as a traditional folk art in the Latin American culture. Baile folklorico is a lot like our own traditional festival dances. It'd be good to show something familiar to them, ne?”
“I guess I'm not understanding how this is going to help your club, dear, that's all,” remarked her mother with doubt still ringing in her tone.
“Well, just having a simple booth to show off our wares—quilts, craftwork, that sort of thing—wasn't going to bring in new members. As the president of the club, I wanted something new and inviting this year.” She turned sour in her next comment. “It was supposed to be a runway show like the fashion models in a fashion show, but NOOO, stupid Fashion Designers Club (no offense Aya-chan) stole our idea—damn spies. We had to go in a different direction.”
“Oh, I see. So that's why you're going to do the traditional dance with your costume on?” asked Yuki with new understanding of her predicament.
Kagura nodded wearily as she smoothed her outfit one last time in front of the mirror. Grabbing her heeled-shoes, which she had ordered specifically for this occasion, she replied ruefully, “Yeah, I figured it'd draw some attention…give the audience an understanding that cultural arts are more than just crafts…it's dance, too, and the costumes they inspire. The theme in our booth is `Dancing Across the Ages…Across the Globe'. Other girls in the club are doing other traditional dances from other countries while I'm doing Latin America this morning, and later in the evening, it'll be something more modern from a different country—oh Yun-chan! Thanks SO much for helping me with my dance routine tonight…”
Smiling warmly at her, Yuki finally released his brother from the near-chokehold he had him in while Kagura spoke with her mother. “I'm glad I could help. I just hope I don't mess up…”
“Mm, no, I don't believe you could even if you tried! We practiced enough times—YIPES! THE TIME, KAA-SAN!!!” screeched Kagura as she ran around the room in a panic while whizzing by a puzzled Yuki. “I CAN'T FIND MY OTHER COSTUME FOR TONIGHT! AND WHERE'S MY BAG THAT HAS ALL MY ACCESSORIES AND MAKE-UP THAT GO WITH TONIGHT'S PERFOMANCE? KAA-SAN, I'M DOOMED!!!”
“Calm yourself, dear!” called out her mother above the ruckus.
“Kagura, don't you remember?” calmly remarked Ayame while coolly placing all his needlework and leftover fabrics into his trusty travel-case. “All your things plus yours and Yuki's costumes have already been sent with my assistant—she'll meet us there later on prior to your grand engagement in the evening. Oh, and let me tell you that she's done a fantastic job on the—”
“Nii-san!” Giving his brother a fierce look that went unnoticed as the elder male prattled on about the details of this other costume, Yuki grasped Kagura's shoulders firmly while forcing her to look at him. “We have all that taken care of! Let's just get you to your first performance on time, okay?”
“Oh…yeah…sure,” gulped nervously Kagura while relaxing under Yuki's reassuring gaze.
“You'll be wonderful, Kagura. You practiced so hard,” assured her mother as well while gathering all her things along with Kagura's purse. “Ayame-san, you have her music, correct?”
Widely smiling, Ayame gave her the thumbs-up. “Absolutely and wait `til you hear this piece I picked out—”
“Okay, fine, let's go now!” butt in Yuki once again while gripping his brother's shirt collar and dragging him out the door.
Kagura followed quietly while draping a large coat over her costume so as to keep it pristine and clean until they arrive at the festival. She was glad they'd be taking the family car on this day. `Please let this be a good day.'
“Kagura, you'll do fine—just breathe,” remarked her mother peacefully. She knew of her daughter's concerns—they mirrored her own. What mother wouldn't be anxious of her daughter's debut in front of a live audience?
“Hai.” Taking deep breaths and breathing out slowly, Kagura tried to calm down, feverishly praying one thing. `God, please don't let me screw up.'
Such a thought was equally shared by many already at the festival. By the time Kagura arrived with her group, she was taken aback at the number of people milling around the grounds. Not all the booths were open as of yet, but pure mayhem was already evident. Scurrying students rushed about to fulfill their given tasks with precision, especially so on this day since the two private schools were allowed to make this a conjoined event. The young men and women were more than just nervous…they were panicking.
`Well, at least we're not alone in this.' Clearing her throat, Kagura's mother smiled happily and excitedly replied, “Kagura, come show us where your booth was set up. But let's all be careful, all right?”
“Don't worry! I'll lead the way!” With that said, Ayame dragged a reluctant younger brother by the wrist through the throng of people running around. The jubilant man was as carefree as ever as he maneuvered his way around the frantic students, ignoring the loud protests from his companion who dared not pull himself away for fear he'd run into someone.
“Eh…Kagura, does he know where he's going?” asked her mother uncertainly.
Thinking momentarily, Kagura shrugged her shoulders in wonder. “Maybe. It's over this way…at the gazebo in the central park.”
Upon reaching the location with little fuss (Kagura did have to dodge wayward men rushing about), her mother saw how well decorated the structure was. “Oh my, what beautiful decorations! All your hard work paid off, Kagura!”
“Hai, we all worked on it for weeks. What's good about this is that the decorations are easily removable so that the next dance routine will have its decorations easily put up and so compliment it. I'm sixth in line.” Twirling her fingers nervously once again on her dress, she bit her lip continuously and was about to chew on her fingernails until she felt her mother stop her.
“Now stop that. Come over here, and let me see that nothing's out of order with your dress,” she ordered while taking Kagura to the side and removing her coat.
“Oh hey, Tomo-chan! This is my mother…Kaa-san, this is my vice president, Kurozaki Tomoe. Ne, Tomo-chan, I love your outfit! Going Dutch looks good on you!” exclaimed Kagura excitedly while gazing at her fellow club member's attire.
Dropping her belongings to the side, she posed for her club president. “Hehe, I hope the audience will like it! I love your costume, it's fantastic! Oh, by the way, we all chipped in and bought a thank-you gift for your family tailor. He was such a big help with our costumes…do you think he'd like this? It's a really cute travel sewing kit.”
Examining the gift, Kagura could already see Ayame's gleeful expression. “Trust me, he'd love it. Put it over here with my things, and you can give it to him later…when he finally arrives.”
“HE'S COMING AFTER ALL??!!” squealed in delight the ecstatic girl.
Sighing mildly, Kagura accustomed herself once again to the squeals that her male relatives evoked in the female population. “M-hm, he's coming with his younger brother…you know, my partner for tonight's routine. Oh, Tomo-chan, could you help spread the word—please, please, PLEASE don't hug or latch onto them. They are very peculiar about that sort of thing…you know…”
“OOOOHHH…that's not FAIR. Ayame-sensei is incredibly flashy…I can understand him not wanting girls to be too grabby with him. It'll be hard, but…hey, how's his brother…cute, too?” The mere thought of another gorgeous Sohma male (she had already met Ritsu) was already sending Tomoe's heart rate up.
“Off limits, Tomo-chan. Besides…ahem…uh…he's taken,” blurted Kagura without a second thought.
“By who?” asked Tomoe petulantly. Seeing Kagura blush all the while, Tomoe gasped in sudden realization. “Oh my gosh! He's YOURS?! REALLY?!”
Shocked at her friend's incorrect conclusions, Kagura could only mouth her protests while her voice failed to come out. Her mother smiled widely and stifled her laughter as best as she could. Before either Sohma female could set the record straight, the men they were speaking of finally made their presence known rather loudly.
“Come, come, show some better manners, Yuki. You don't need to yell, especially in front of complete strangers. And here I thought I taught you better,” mused Ayame with an exaggerated sigh. Just as quickly as he could blink an eye, he merrily called out, “Kurozaki-san! Good to see you—marvelous costume! Mine really did do it justice. Oh, please allow me to introduce my very dear brother, Yuki. Don't mind the frown…it passes.”
“BAKA!!!” cried out Yuki as he soundly smacked his older brother behind the head. Finally wrenching himself free from Ayame's tight grasp, he stomped off in a huff to a secluded corner behind Kagura. He mumbled along the way, “I swear I'm this close to choking him.”
“Uh…heheh…okay,” stuttered Kagura nervously as she tried to come up with some sort of explanation for her companion. She need not have bothered…her companion was completely dazed.
“Kagura…he's stunning…” trailed in her response Tomoe, practically drooling in Yuki's direction. While Ayame was open and bright like the sun, Yuki was more like the passing moonlight, awe-inspiring and mystifying all at once. She couldn't help but start to reach out on impulse in hopes of touching the beautiful young man.
`Time to lay claim…I just hope Yun-chan doesn't hate me for this.' Quickly Kagura brought herself between Yuki and Tomoe, bringing her arms around the slim shoulders of her dashing relative. She whispered, “Play along.”
Startled by the sudden change of events, Yuki looked to Kagura and silently gave her permission to do what she had to do to keep the other girl away from him. He had anticipated that this would happen, so he wasn't too surprised. That was until he heard Kagura speak.
“So, you think my guy is hot? Wait `til you see him tonight…it'll be spectacular! Right sweetie?” Kagura squeezed him just a bit while leaning in next to his head. Seeing that he was just staring at her with a look of surprise, she nudged him a little. “Yun-chan…”
“Ha—hai. Yes, um, certainly. We both worked hard on your routine for tonight. You practiced really well…ahem…sweetheart,” choked out Yuki while turning his blushing face to the side, praying to all known forms of otherworldly beings that his brother heard none of what was said.
Yeah, right…he's just not that lucky.
Ayame immediately grabbed him by the shoulders with a look of disbelief. “YUKI!!! How dare you keep this news to yourself?! And here I was doing my utmost to get you together with To—”
“Shut up!” cut in Yuki angrily through clenched teeth while clamping his brother's mouth shut with his hand.
“Ooohh, wow, look, Kagura. Over by the basketball court. The Fashion Designers Club's runway booth is already drawing in the crowds,” pointed out Tomoe. Peering through her thick lenses, she eyed their outfits with awe. “They really are nice dresses…I heard they were doing their shows the same time we're doing ours.”
“Damn snobs,” grumbled Kagura lowly as she glared at the girls that were now giving out disposable cameras to their growing male audience. The beautifully clad girls looked over at Kagura and waved with a simpering smile plastered on their faces.
“Well, they seem pretty confident with showing off their booth,” remarked Tomoe lowly. Pushing up her glasses, she patted Kagura in consolation. “It can't be helped, Kagura…we'll just have to grin and bear it.”
“Pft…watch me.” Gathering her petticoats and swaying skirt underneath her coat, Kagura left the perplexed group of people behind and went off with a determined pace in her step.
“Ayame-kun, could you please get a hold of her please?” implored her mother, sensing doom just ahead for the poor competitors.
“No can do, Madame…I don't do rampaging boars. The poor saps are on their own,” remarked the tailor while grinning widely at the scene unfolding before them all. “Don't worry, it'll be fine. She just needs to…even the score. That's our Kagura!”
The irate Boar was indeed fulfilling their predictions. She quickly wound her way backstage out of sight of the distracted fashion club members. It was very silent and vacant backstage behind the makeshift runway since everyone that was helping was too busy with the finishing touches on the decorations up front.
`This ought to keep them busy for a while…' As she `accidentally' tripped and unplugged the cables from their sound system, she sauntered back to her booth, once again unnoticed.
Upon returning, she saw that now most of their club was now congregated and hearing out instructions from Tomoe on getting the last of the ornaments and such in their rightful places. It was certainly difficult for the vice-president…many girls were too distracted with staring at Yuki; he was after all a new feast for the roaming eyes. It was all Yuki could do to feign ignorance and try not to squirm under their scrutinizing gaze.
“Come on, girls,” snapped Kagura sharply. “Quit ogling my…uh…boyfriend. Yeah, we need to focus. Those conniving witches in the fashion club are just aching to put our club out of business. We'll need to give our all today or risk losing this club in the next year.”
“Hai, President!”
Happy that they now paid more attention to Tomoe and less on Yuki, Kagura went to check their sound system when she heard Ayame call out to her from behind.
“Kagura-chan, how did your walk go, hmm?” asked Ayame with a grin.
She returned the grin with a mischievous gleam to her eye. “It was refreshing, Aya-chan. It couldn't have been better.”
“That's my girl! Those girls have no imagination in their designs anyway…such a disgrace to my profession! Show that competitive spirit!” cheered Ayame while giving her a big hug. He gasped suddenly and took her by the shoulders. “Oh, here I go again! I must really learn to control myself or risk my work of art being damaged! Oh, by the way, your mother just left to get Ritchan over here in time for your dance routine.”
“Oh, that's great! Thank you for letting me know.” She couldn't understand why, but she definitely felt her heart pick up the extra beat, and her hands became clammy, too. She was startled to realize that she had an actual flush to her face as well.
`How weird. Ever since a month and a half ago, I've been hanging out with Ri-chan a lot. I mean, quitting the dojo was hard after what happened, but he's helped a lot by just being around—he even helped me with all my decorations. Still, how come it's now making me nervous to have him see me do this routine?' Snapping herself out of her thoughts, she resumed her task of checking the equipment to be sure no one decided to `accidentally' damage their show. `Now's not the time to be daydreaming! Oh, please let this all go off without a hitch!'
Once again, her sentimentality was shared by everyone that had finally finished with their booths in time for the official festival to commence. Students with their parents plus the professors of both campuses were all touring the numerous booths found scattered throughout the grounds. The booths that were drawing major crowds were, of course, the sports team's booths with their interactive games that had prizes to be won and any booth that had food as their main ingredient.
What really stood apart and drew in people was the booth that belonged to the Fashion Designers Club. They had brought in a portable CD player and hooked it up to a loud microphone so that their runway show wasn't too delayed. With their mix of pop music from both West and East continents, the younger audiences were immediately drawn to show up. Many guys that were given the disposable cameras quickly started running out of film since they constantly took pictures of the beautiful women.
`This isn't looking good,' mused forlornly Kagura as she glanced their way. Her booth was in a great location…plenty of people strolled by…and strolled onward without stopping. The meager visitors that they had thus far for the past two hours was an elderly couple with their granddaughter who was not going to this school but liked their art crafts and an irate mother that was looking for a restroom to take her squalling son to.
“Hm…at this rate, no one will even bother to come over this way to see the dance routines,” she commented quietly to herself. She didn't want for her club to feel any worse than they already felt.
“Well, this reeks.” Standing up from his seat where he was filing his nails, Ayame marched over to the sound system that was playing mellow music and shut it off. “Kagura-chan, we need to advertise! This place is like a dead tomb…we need to take the bull by the horns! Hm, I wonder if Haru-kun minds if I use that expression…”
Knowing her relative too well, Kagura stood up as well. “Aya-chan, what do you have in mind? We can't do anything that would offend…”
“My dear, I would never offend anyone! Besides, it's every man for himself…er, lady in your case. Oh Yuki…” As he grinned widely at his brother who had failed to make his escape in time, he abruptly grasped the boy's wrist and pulled him to the small stool he was sitting on earlier, only this time he took the stool from the corner and placed it out in the open walkway. Turning on the microphone that was attached to the sound system, he whispered to his brother, “Get on.”
“No, I'm not going to be a part of any of your sick games, Nii-san!” whispered Yuki back vehemently.
“You'll disappoint all these girls because you don't want to help?” Both brothers turned to their female audience that had a look of despair and fleeting hope in their eyes. Yuki knew then he was doomed—so did his brother.
Stepping up onto the stool, Yuki watched the now gathering crowd. It was still strange to see so many people just stop to stare at him…even the mothers of the students couldn't help but gape at his presence there.
“Nii-san, why am I here?” asked Yuki bitterly but with a smile on his face. The smile did it for most women…they definitely stopped in their tracks.
“You're doing fine. Here…hold this placard up. We'll be changing them as we come across the countries I'll be introducing, all right?” Giving Yuki the first large placard with the country of Holland, Ayame cranked the volume up so that he could be heard loud and clear.
“WELCOME TO ALL OUR FINE GUESTS OUT HERE TODAY!” boomed Ayame's voice through the speakers. It reached way out to the various booths across the grounds, including the fashion club's booth. The ringing could still be heard in Yuki's ears, but he was happy to see that it got the attention their booth needed.
“The Cultural Arts Club would like to thank everyone for being present today! In the fine tradition of this school, the club would like to show that they are more than just quilts and crafts. It's all about the grand world of art, and ladies and gentlemen, dance is a part of that!”
“Through the ages and around the world, dance and art have inspired one another! And here today, the ladies will show more than just a little leg…they'll be showing the cultural art form of dance from amongst the great civilizations of our time. Without further ado, here's HOLLAND in our theme of `Dancing Across the Ages…Across the World'. Maestro, if you will!”
Said `Maestro' was one of the other girls that was handling the music for their routines. She quickly put into play the CD for Tomoe's dance routine as Tomoe scurried onstage in the large gazebo to meet her cue in the music. As hurried as her routine was, it was an attention-grabber as many passersby were stopping to see her perform. Kagura felt a fountain of hope burst within her seeing that Ayame's efforts to loudly announce their routines did them justice.
His loud calling caught the attentions of others that were on the other side of the grounds. Many were talking amongst themselves about hearing an overly loud calling to visit the Cultural Arts booth and they were curious as to what it could be consisting of. When word spread that their were dance routines being given by the girls that promised to show a little `leg', many of the young men that could started making their way to the booth in the central park.
Among them was a frantic young man with a young mother in tow. It was an extremely long day already for Ritsu since he was at the grounds bright and early before anyone else showed…his duties with the professors called for it. After much running around with completing his tasks, he finally was able to follow Kagura's mother to the booth that was quickly drawing attention.
“My goodness, this is great exposure for Kagura's club…she must be so excited! I was afraid she wouldn't get any sort of publicity for her booth. That would have been so tragic,” commented her mother idly as she tried winding her way to the booth, careful to keep herself at a distance from Ritsu who was following her closely.
“Hai. She worked so hard for many days and nights on her ornaments. I hope we're not too late to see her routine—I brought the camcorder for just this occasion.” Trying to keep a steady pace after the woman, Ritsu held the small device close to his person. He couldn't help but smile in anticipation of finally seeing Kagura dance. She was adamant in keeping her dance sessions private as she practiced continually on her own these past few weeks.
`I don't understand why she wouldn't let me see her practice. I was going to see her do it eventually.' Shrugging the thought aside, he realized they were now in front of the booth, and from the looks of the audience, the dance routines were proving to be successful so far.
“Oh, there she is Ritsu! It looks like they are just barely starting up…” called out her mother excitedly over the hubbub of the crowd. Thankfully she had led them both in a more secluded corner under a tree. “Are you fine taking the video from here, Ritsu?”
“Yes, ma'am. This isn't a problem at all.” Taking up the camcorder, Ritsu switched it on and saw through the lenses the frantic change with taking the last dance routine's decorations down and putting up Kagura's own set. “Hm, they look like they're searching for something…”
“Eh?” questioned her mother worriedly.
She wasn't the only one anxious. Kagura was frantically searching through all the music CDs to find her personal copy she had used during her dance routine all this time.
`Dammit, where the hell is it?! I had it right here, clear as day!' She jolted upright when she felt a firm hand on her shoulder. She whirled around to see her fellow relative with a very wide smile. “Aya-chan, this isn't a good time!”
Embracing her fondly, he replied, “Calm, future sister-in-law, there is no need to panic. (Yuki yells from out in the walkway, “Baka, I'm not getting married—stop making decisions on your own!” Way too many girls swooned at that declaration.) You see, panicking does no one any good. Now here, take this one I brought and get on up there!”
“Wait…what is this one…I have to be sure it goes with my dance routine, Aya-chan!” cried out Kagura while a club member stuck the CD into the sound system.
“Trust me…it'll work!” Standing behind her, he quickly stripped her of her coat that she still had on.
“AYA-CHAN, NO!!!” yelped Kagura as she wildly struggled to keep her coat on.
“Go for it, Kagura-chan—take a STAB at it!” cheered Ayame as he shoved her onto the stage. Turning back to the large audience that were now very curious to see what was the commotion about, he merrily announced, “AND HERE TO ENTHRALL US, FROM THE FAR REACHES OF LATIN AMERICA, OUR VERY OWN PRESIDENT OF THE CULTURAL ARTS CLUB OF THIS FINE INSTITUTION…SOHMA KAGURA!!!!”
She was a deer caught in the headlights of an 18-wheeler—no, that really doesn't fit. She was the ant caught under the lens of a magnifying glass. No…that wasn't quite right either. One thing was for certain…she had completely forgotten how to do her routine. Poof…gone…not an idea remained of what she was supposed to be doing at this moment. It was perhaps the most humiliating experience in her life and all eyes from the public were witnesses to it.
`I'm…I'm… (Gulp) I can't…remember. I...can't remember! OH NO!!' She clearly heard the snickers and murmurs from the opposing fashion club members that were checking to see how their booth was coming along. Tearing up, her gaze swept through the multitudes all around her, her vision coming to a blur. `I've got to get down…I can't do this!'
The soft whisper caught her off-guard as she stilled in her run off the stage. Darting her eyes to her right side, she saw who had quietly called out to her so as not to raise attention.
“Ri-chan…I…” Words failed her, but her eyes deftly did her the service of conveying to him the troubles she was having. It was all she could do to keep herself standing upright in the middle of the stage.
Ritsu could tell right off from looking through his video lens that Kagura was having the biggest crisis of her life (well, the biggest one in the last two weeks). Hoping to lend a hand, he surrendered the camcorder to her mother, and discreetly and carefully made his way to the gazebo. Upon getting there, he did note that she was at a loss just standing there, too far-gone to think clearly. It was only when he saw her on the verge of breaking down into tears and running off stage that he suddenly called out to her.
`What can I do to make her feel better? I know she knows her routine…she's just so afraid…' He then sighed heavily, ashamed that he's just there feeling helpless while she stood tall, albeit with dread, under the immense pressure from all prying eyes. `She is strong…and I'll help her be just that when she can't.'
“Kagura-san, just look at me, okay? Right at my eyes,” he requested softly. Seeing that she numbly nodded her head, he smiled widely at her, prompting her with his gentle gaze to do the same. At first her lips merely trembled, but then slowly took the form of a small smile. Nodding his head to show that he was pleased with her hesitant response, he looked to the club member in charge of the sound system. “Miss, please put it on now.”
True the music wasn't the same, but the beat was indeed the same. Her feet moved of it's own accord as the music started up. Her arms also took position over her skirt as she started to twirl to the beat of the melody Ayame had chosen. It had lyrics in it versus her other music selection that was strictly musical.
Soy un hombre muy honrado,
Que me gusta lo mejor
A mujeres no me faltan,
Ni al dinero, ni el amor

En mi caballo
Por la sierra yo me voy
Las estrellas y la luna
Ellas me dicen donde voy

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon
Her eyes never left Ritsu's. She didn't even realize that her smile was now widening to a level that exuded warmth throughout her countenance. When she felt that she was about to burst with joy, she turned to her larger audience and greeted them with that same expression on her face. Many amongst the crowd were quickly clapping to the beat of the music as well, the pleasant melody being contagious.
Me gusta tocar guitarra
Me gusta cantar el sol
Mariachi me acompana
Cuando canto my cancion

Me gustan tomar mis copas
Agua ardiente es lo mejor
Tambien la tequila blanca
Con su sal le da sabor

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon
“Nii-san, did that song just say tequila?” asked Yuki lowly to his brother who stood next to him. “That's an alcoholic beverage!”
“Well, maybe it did. Hey, a little of the good stuff goes a long way to make the man's heart fall hard for the senorita of his life,” replied Ayame as if he were speaking this out of experience. Fanning himself with a fan, he added with a whimsical air, “The song of a vagabond of sorts singing to the dark-skinned beauty of his heart…that my beautiful brother is called amore! Oh, here's the best part!”
Kagura stomped her feet to the hard beat of this part of the melody. Everyone were now stomping their own feet as well as clapping in beat to the rhythm. She was so caught up in her routine though that she hardly noticed. With a twirl of her skirts, she was managing to perfectly imitate the traditional dances of baile folklorico. Truly Ayame's work on her outfit did the cultural dance form justice—her dress was the main focal point of the audience as had hoped it would be. Twirling to a proportion that it was literally sailing in the air as graceful as a ballerina's, her skirt and petticoats were fully shown off for all eyes to see.
Me gusta tocar guitarra
Me gusta cantar el sol
Mariachi me acompana
Cuando canto my cancion

Me gustan tomar mis copas
Agua ardiente es lo mejor
Tambien la tequila blanca
Con su sal le da sabor

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon

Ay, ay, ay, ay
Ay, ay mi amor
Ay mi morena,
De mi corazon
As the final beat to the melody ceased, she stopped just as quickly, heavily gasping for breath. A roar of applause along with some shrill whistles could be heard everywhere.
“Damn, Kagura! You ROCK!!!” cried out a voice from the crowd that sounded eerily like Sawamura's. Blushing at the really loud compliment, she curtsied to all before walking off stage to join Ritsu in the corner.
As the elder Sohma brother dashed off to escape an enraged younger brother who was already hot on his heels, many were quickly making plans to return to the booth later that afternoon to get good seating for this upcoming show. All in all, quite a number of young women that were starting to attend the private college were eager to learn more about this unique club and its activities.
“Wow, look at all the exposure you brought in, Kagura!” exclaimed Tomoe joyously, the other members also expressing their glee with warm embraces.
“Mmm—yeah,” murmured Kagura while gulping down cold water. “Tomo-chan, get everyone and try getting all the names and numbers of the interested girls…get their email addresses, too. Remember, we'll meet back here at 5 o'clock.”
“You got it,” saluted Tomoe as she made her way with pen and pad in hand to the large crowd gathered outside the gazebo.
Relieved to have a moment to herself, Kagura sighed heavily, and leaned tiredly against the railing that was built around the gazebo. As she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, she felt a hand pat her head softly. Looking up, she smiled widely to this person.
“Ri-chan…thank you so much!” she happily remarked as she gave him a very strong embrace which caused a bone or two to pop in the poor man's body. “Oh, I'm sorry! You're okay, right?”
“Hai…I'm fine,” Ritsu replied with a sheepish grin while nursing his back. “You were magnificent out there, Kagura-san. I knew you'd do beautifully.”
“Only thanks to you. I was just so lost and…well, I'm just glad you were there. I would have run for the hills if you weren't there.” Leaning on his chest, she closed her eyes lazily and tried resting for a moment when she heard her mother call out to her.
Her mother had a hard time trying to get through the thick crowds to her daughter. Still filming, she waved to her and called out, “Kagura! Sweetheart, that was incredible! Oh please, say something to the camera, darling!”
Smiling brightly, Kagura waved to the video cam and gave it a thumbs up. She cleared her throat some and tried to think of something to say, settling in the end for something simple. “Thanks to Ri-chan for all his help and to you, Kaa-san, and thanks to Aya-chan for being…Aya-chan. Oh, and thanks to Yun-chan, too, he was a big promotional help today. I wonder if he does this often…it seems like he's a pro at it.”
Turning off her digicam, her mother eyed the two Zodiacs before her. It just dawned on her how well they complimented each other…both had extremes in their personalities, but in the end, their hearts were warm and welcoming.
“Hey, let me take a quick picture of you two…don't move.” Seeing them shift to a better angle for her camera, she quickly took the picture and smiled down at the shot she took through the digicam view. “Very nice, you both look great. I'll be making copies of this.”
“Oh, I know a perfect place!” cried out Ayame from behind her. Yuki was seen not too far behind him, his gaze intently set on his elder brother who was rather oblivious at the moment. “I had gotten such a deal at this store, you'd love it! Why it only took them thirty minutes to rush me my order of 350 prints. Here, take a look!”
Taking the prints from Ayame with a smile, Kagura's mother looked at them and gasped in shock. “EH?! These pictures are of your brother, Ayame!”
“And so beautiful he turned out, ne? Ah, the oooh's and aaah's I got from the ladies at the print shop! They were too excited to see my beloved brother in all his glory wearing his summer festival kimono…that was truly a work of art of mine!” Starry-eyed, Ayame immediately snapped out of it when he felt an ominous gloom behind him. Seeing that it was his glorious brother, he immediately reached out to give him a fierce hug, which startled the enraged Nezumi enough to stop him in his tracks.
“MY BROTHER!!! Come, come we need to get you set up here by the gazebo to sign all these out to the lovely ladies that are just dying to have you autograph them!” Joyously twirling his brother around, Ayame gave little care to the world as he pulled out a chair and table from seemingly out of nowhere (actually he had hidden them behind a bush earlier) for his gifted brother to sit in.
“NII-SAN! I'M NOT—” blurted out Yuki before being interrupted once more.
“Tsk, tsk, mon frere! Door prizes for the audience can't wait forever! Shoo, shoo,” motioned Ayame to Yuki as he pulled the teen to meet his new adult fan club. Hm, somehow that just didn't sound right…not to Yuki anyway. Calling over his shoulder, Ayame merrily replied, “Don't mind us, Kagura-chan! We'll keep them here `til you get back!”
Yuki had wanted to say something but was immediately silenced by the barrage of requests by the women, young and old (not to mention several males), to sign the pictures for them. He could only manage a lingering gaze on Kagura, then shifted it to Ritsu before he was brought back to the present riot around him.
“Kaa-san, can you help me out of this now? I want to go look at the other booths the guys have put up before coming back here—there's a lot to see!” Kagura was already gathering her personal belongings to change to more casual clothing and hopefully remove her makeup in a locker room somewhere. “Oh, Ri-chan, let me go change over at the girl's gym in the locker room there. Wait for me out there, ne?”
“Hai,” he remarked happily. Watching her run off with her mother in a swirl of wide skirt and petticoats, he made his way over to the girl's gym, mindful as always of his surroundings.
Finally reaching the building, he stood a ways from the crowd, heaving a heavy sigh as he stared out at the numerous people on the grounds. By combining their schools' festivals as a way to welcome newcomers as well as to celebrate the season, the attendance broke previous years records. It was certainly going to be a memorable experience for many students.
“Oi, Sohma!”
Turning abruptly to that voice, Ritsu saw his very loyal friend making his way through the crowd toward him.
“Ohayo, Sawamura-san,” bowed Ritsu politely. As odd as this friend was, Sawamura really had taken him under his wing and looked out for him when others try to take advantage of his weak physique.
“Damn, Sohma, always being so damn polite,” berated Sawamura while grabbing the slender Sohma into a `friendly' headlock. “I've been tellin' ya to quit that! We're pals now, `kay? Hey, where's the little lady, eh?”
Straightening himself, Ritsu brushed out the wrinkles from the shirt Kagura had given him to wear on this day. “Kagura-san is getting changed. She'll be out in a few minutes.”
“Eh…already waiting for her, huh? Always a gentleman, eh? Hmph, I suppose it's bound to happen. I taught you to be a man and already you're after the girl,” commented Sawamura proudly. Puffing up, he haughtily continued, “Yeah, you teach a rooster how to crow and already he's beating down the door to the henhouse.”
“NANI?!” yelped in shock Ritsu. First he couldn't understand how Sawamura was helping him to be a man, and second, he's no rooster. He's the Monkey of the Zodiac…the poor, insignificant Monkey… “Sawamura-san, ano, I'm not certain what you mean by that…”
“Ah, don't be bashful, Sohma! I have eyes…don't you worry about me. I can always find another henhouse to peck at, eh?” leered Sawamura mischievously as he eyed the ladies coming out of the gym with more than just a friendly smile.
Not even wanting to even guess at Sawamura's thoughts, Ritsu turned his attention back to the door of the gym. Thankfully he caught sight of Kagura coming out in her normal spring attire of a nice floral print dress, complete with straw hat and sandals. The only thing missing was her radiant smile which he quickly saw when she finally caught sight of him.
“Ri-chan! Are you ready to go?” asked Kagura cheerfully as she linked her arm with his. She then noticed that he wasn't alone. Not that she was particularly thrilled with the company, but she tolerated it. “Ohayo, Sawamura…thank you for your support earlier. It was…well heard.”
“Hey, you know me, always there for a friend.” Patting Ritsu on the back `gently', Sawamura leaned on Ritsu's unoccupied side. “Come on, guys, I'll give ya the grand tour. Just follow my lead.”
Sighing, Kagura followed reluctant with Ritsu in tow. Paying little attention to the words coming from Sawamura, she relished in being out in the open during this festival. It was truly a beautiful day…she was so busy and too nervous earlier to have realized this. Breathing heavily, she smiled widely as she looked up and squeezed Ritsu's arm in glee.
Looking down, Ritsu had wondered if maybe Kagura had something to say. Yet staring into her bright eyes, he knew then that no words were needed. He returned her smile wholeheartedly, also content with how the day was turning out to be.
“Do you want to see the water fountain we decorated? We had setup a photo-booth there…we can have our picture taken there if you'd like,” suggested Ritsu.
Nodding eagerly, she replied, “Yes, that sounds wonderful!”
“Sawamura-san,” called out Ritsu, “Kagura-san would like to see the water fountain. We should head there.”
“Really?” Whirling around to face the two Sohmas, he grinned wickedly. “Uh-huh, feh, I know what's this about.”
“Eh? You're not making sense, Sawamura,” remarked Kagura, bewildered to his now growing smirk.
“Damn, Sohma, you've got the hen pecked, and you don't even know it!” exclaimed Sawamura with a guffaw. Snickering, he clamped a hand roughly onto Ritsu's shoulder. “Hell, if I were the rooster in this henhouse, you know that I'd be hot on her—”
Kagura was no novice when it came to men's leering comments. She was well versed on how to defend her honor, and she's done it enough times to know when to stop the talk. Seeing that Sawamura was twitching on the floor with a large lump on the back of his head, she nodded with satisfaction. Grinning sheepishly at the stunned bystanders, she dragged a still-confused Ritsu from the scene of the crime.
“Come on…he'll survive…the big lout,” grumbled Kagura as she marched carefully through the people.
“I don't understand why he keeps mentioning roosters and henhouses, Kagura-san. Is he some sort of a farmer?” asked Ritsu.
`My poor, sweet Ri-chan…how does he ever manage to survive the locker-room talks?' Shaking herself mentally from that turn of thoughts, she replied, “It's nothing important for you to remember, Ri-chan. Just don't ever say those things he says, okay?”
He nodded his head in assent and turned his gaze back forward. He grinned widely, seeing that they finally reached their destination.
“Come this way, Kagura-san. We can wait in line to have our picture taken.” Leading her to the far side of the fountain, he managed to keep a comfort space around them while progressing through the line.
“Ri-chan, I'm not taking up your time from your duties, am I?” It just suddenly struck her while gazing at the many volunteers in this area that Ritsu would indeed have responsibilities to tend to as well. `How thoughtless of me…he even went to my show! He must have his own things to take care of instead of wasting his time with me!'
“Mmm, not really. I had done most of my work before the festival started. I'll have to come back tomorrow, though, to help clean up.” As the line progressed, he mentally went over the different booths that he'll need to help take down tomorrow. He was so focused on such thoughts he didn't catch wind of what Kagura had said.
“Sumimasen, Kagura-san. I wasn't listening,” apologized Ritsu worriedly.
“Oh, I was just saying that we can then go crazy today and go to all the booths we can before my club's routines start up again in the evening. How about it?” she asked excitedly.
“Hai, I would like that very much. Thank you for inviting me.” Just then, they got to the booth where the pictures were being taken. Paying the attendant on duty, he took Kagura around the camera equipment and sat down comfortably on the fountain's edge.
“Wow, this is beautifully decorated. The rose petals floating in the water plus the bouquets in the shelving of the fountain…absolutely perfect.” Settling herself next to him, she hooked her arm next to his as she straightened her straw hat while leaning into Ritsu. Brightly smiling, she merrily replied, “Alright, Ri-chan, wide smile now.”
“Hai.” Smiling widely, he turned the camera as it snapped the shot. Getting up, he viewed the digital shot with Kagura by his side.
“Perfect! Oh, how soon can we get copies?” asked Kagura anxiously. “I want the 8x10 size. Two copies…no, three. You'd like a copy, too, ne Ri-chan?”
“Four copies…they'll be ready at the end of the day. We'll even have them framed since you ordered more than two,” remarked the attendant.
“That's fine!” Waling out with Ritsu, she hugged his arm tightly with excitement glistening in her eyes. “Oh, thanks, Ri-chan! That was great…I can't wait to see the pictures!”
“Hm, but why did you want so many?” asked Ritsu bewildered.
“One for Kaa-san, one for me, and one for my scrapbook. I'm starting one to mark the `new me',” explained Kagura serenely. Turning pensive, she gazed blankly through the crowds, recalling her oath of days past. `I'm walking away from the past. I won't relive it any longer. No more pathetic excuses. No more memories of Kyo that held me back from moving forward. No more…'
“The `new me'—that sounds remarkable, Kagura-san. But shouldn't you really be taking pictures of all the things you were doing earlier at your show?” Taking them forward to a booth sporting dolls that he knew Kagura would like to see, he continued quietly, “I doubt a picture of me with you at a fountain would do your scrapbook justice.”
“Now, none of that defeatist attitude,” exclaimed Kagura indignantly while she punched his arm `gently'. Hastily reaching out to him, she held onto him before he fell forward onto the doll displays. Bowing in apology to the attendant that glared at them, she clung securely to his arm while viewing the dolls from a safe distance.
Clearing her throat, she went on lowly, “You know, you're a part of the `new me'. You're always there for me…that in itself is something I'd always be grateful for. So…what do you say? Want to help me fill my scrapbook?”
She didn't lift her head as she stared blankly at the exquisite doll displays. She had never told him this much before for reasons she didn't understand herself. She always felt that somehow the moment she put her heart into anything, it would quickly leaver her grasp. Call it trauma, call it paranoia, whatever, it was still scary for her to reach out with her heart and grasp for something new.
Tilting her hat a bit, Ritsu leaned down and stared at the doll displays as well. He calmly replied, “Yes.” (Snap!)
She gasped in shock at seeing a camera aimed her way. Thankfully the flash was turned off or she'd be quite blind at the moment. “Ri-chan! Where did you get that?”
Grinning, he turned the dial on the side of the disposable camera to get it ready for the next shot. “The ladies over at the Fashion Designers Club shoved this camera at me on my way to your booth earlier. I didn't understand why, so I hope you don't mind that I took your picture.”
Shaking her head, she heaved a silent sigh of relief as she took him by the hand and led them to the less crowded paths behind the booths. Swinging their hands contentedly, she couldn't help but laugh at this exhilarating feeling of…sweetness. Yes…she really did feel `sweet' all over. The sun shone brightly today, but it didn't match the shine in her eyes or heart.
`Yep, the new me is ready to burst!'
She never did notice the tightening of the clasped hand over her own. Neither did the young man that couldn't help but smile warmly at his companion and think of one thing.
`I hope she doesn't mind my surprise later on…'
“Welcome back to the ladies of this fine institution along with the gentlemen that have been chasing them down all day! (Laughter from audience heard all around.) We have a fantastic show in store for you this evening, so please make yourselves comfortable as the first act commences! Continuing with our theme from earlier, our dear Kurozaki-san has come a long way from the vineyards of, you guessed it, the country of fine wines. Let's hear it for ITALY!”
“Go for it, Tomo-chan!” cheered Kagura happily while the girl rushed on stage with her new attire that represented the small country. Clapping along with the audience, she watched with wonder at Tomoe's dance routine that once again brought the traditions of the beautiful country to light. Turning back to her dance partner, she remarked quietly, “Are you ready for this, Yun-chan?”
Yuki heaved a heavy sigh. “No, but there's no backing out now.” Weakly smiling, he whispered, “I just hope that Nii-san doesn't force me to hand out any more door prizes after this…my hand is killing me.”
Squeezing his arm gently, she grinned and replied, “That was really nice of you two to keep the ladies occupied. I had so many applying for the club…they think that if a couple of cute guys like this stuff, then they'll get into it, too. Really, Yun-chan, thank you, so, so much…I know it was hard on you, what with all the girls…”
“Well, at least they stayed far enough away.” Staring at her, he noted how at ease she seemed, how she carried herself with a slight more spring in her step. It was something he took notice of before, but never really put it together until he saw her with someone else…one in particular. It wouldn't really have raised any suspicion on his part, except that this one particular person had also been exhibiting the same spring in his step. It was to such a degree that he had wanted to put it to the test tonight, but not just for curiosity's sake.
`Hm…I don't want to pry into their affairs, but… I can't help but worry. If it's nothing, then I'll know for sure tonight. If it is…something…well, we'll just see.' Seeing the dance routine from Italy come to a close, he stood tall and held Kagura's hand as a proper English gentleman.
“Thank you for the applause. Now let us welcome back our stunning and talented dancer from earlier, Sohma Kagura, along with her equally stunning partner and my beloved brother (which by the way girls, he's free as a bird!—SMACK!).” Nursing the throbbing at his temple that came from a violent encounter with a sewing kit thrown his way (the mysteries of flying needle boxes), Ayame brightly lit up with joy. “Ahem…yes, let's hear it for merry ol' ENGLAND!”
“Sohma Kagura, may I have this dance?” Asking this, he had led her to the middle of the dance floor, and bowed with a grace fit for a nobleman. They played their parts down to the last `T'. Their costumes certainly evoked the era of the waltzes that were most popular in the past and still were to this day. Her ball-gown of green taffeta with black lace along with her cascading curls piled high on top of her head gave the effect of a lady in the royal courts of England. With Yuki in his own noble attire that matched the emerald green of her dress, they both meshed well with the dance they were about to perform.
As the melody cued, they both immediately took their positions in each other's arms and swung gaily to the smooth rhythm of the waltz. Tchaikovsky's “Second Waltz” was a classic that Yuki himself had picked out. He thought it to be perfect…not too long, not too short and yet mesmerizing. Kagura couldn't have agreed more. Just as she was losing herself into the melody, Yuki suddenly brought her attention to himself.
“Kagura, do you trust me?” he asked suddenly with a serenity matching the mood of the music.
“Eh? Where did that come from?” she asked with a light laugh, keeping her smile in place and gazing into Yuki's compelling eyes as they have rehearsed.
“If it happens tonight, tomorrow, or the days after…it will happen just the same. So…will you trust me…no matter what?” he asked once again, his eyes taking a slightly serious look to them.
Kagura couldn't help but stare at Yuki with wide eyes. `If what should happen? I don't understand… Trust…can I trust him?' Not even a heartbeat passed when she answered with absolute resolve. “Yun-chan, I trust you with my life.”
She never understood why she had said that. Later on that evening, that week, that month, that year…the answer would always elude her. The reason was there, though, she felt it. Yet to uncover it would mean to face certain truths about her bond with the Nezumi of the Jyuunishi along with the others that she knew she could never face. Will she ever? Will any of them ever face the truths of these bonds with one another…with their `God'?
`Maybe not, but I will not doubt this truth…the truth that I implicitly trust Yun-chan. Come what may…I will.'
“Thank you.” Smiling softly, he took her closer into his embrace and steered her towards the edge of the dance floor as he whispered into her ear, “When it does happen, you'll understand then. Trust me.”
It was during a pause in the flowing rhythm of the waltz that Yuki twirled her abruptly away from him and into the arms of someone else. She was completely surprised that she managed to hold onto the flow of the melody as she now danced in the arms of another. Looking up, she gasped and laughed all at once.
“Ri-chan!” she exclaimed quietly while keeping herself in check with the music. Smiling widely, she whispered to her new dance partner, “I didn't know you knew how to dance this!”
“Okaa-san taught me many things other than managing her business. Entertainment is important to our guests at the hot springs, and they come from all over the world.” Pulling her closer into his embrace, he focused on his own rhythm to the waltz, glad that when it came these sort of things, he wasn't too bad. “She liked the waltzes, so she learned and taught me how ever since I could walk practically.”
“Yes, but how…why…here…” she stammered incoherently, still stunned that Yuki had traded his spot with Ritsu for some strange reason.
“Oh, Yuki-san had asked me a couple of weeks ago if I could do this with him.” Feeling the melody coming to close, he leaned down and laid his head next to hers. “Did you like our surprise?”
Before she could come up with a reply, he twirled her out as the melody finally came to an end. Bowing low to her, he took her hand into his and held it above much like that of a gentleman. With the roar of applause ringing in his ears and her mother snapping pictures repeatedly, he turned to Kagura with a wide smile, happy to know that her booth at this festival was a tremendous success. He was too glad to know that he had helped in some small way.
`Arigatou, Yuki-san, for allowing me to help Kagura-san in some small way,' he thought as he eyed the young boy with gratitude shining through his eyes. `She deserves so much more though…so much more… I'll give what I can with all that I am…I hope that's enough.'
Giving a slight nod to Ritsu, Yuki quietly slipped away into the night with his tote bag in hand that had his regular clothes. `I have my answer. I only hope Kagura will remember what I had said.'
If he only knew that Kagura could only think of what he said. And to her astonishment, she knew then what he had meant with his peculiar comments. Why?
Because for just a moment…there on the dance floor…gazing at her dance partner under the soft lights they had hung earlier…she felt the distinct fluttering deep in her tattered heart.
`Dear God…it's happening…'
Edited by: Seiren-no-Kaze 05-06-06, HelloKat 09-28-06

Battered Author Alert (01-11-06):
Uh…am I late? Am I wanted? Am I a jerk?
Hell yeah!
So sue me! Oh please don't, I have no money for anything, really! I was kidding!
Okay, so why the tardiness? Simple…lack of motivation. I knew where I wanted to go with the story, but the momentum that would normally motivate me was pretty dead in the water. Then I felt sort of ill for a couple of weeks in December, then when I wanted to write some, it was hard to follow through since I didn't get my privacy. Then my stinking inspiration hits me when it's the middle of the night, like now (currently 2:36 AM!). Alas, this author really needs to get herself figured out with therapy!
Lack of motivation plus this chapter was HARD! I mean really HARD! I struggled a lot with it because it was a lull chapter but not…it's hard to figure out. I wanted the distinct change in their relationship to be noticed here, so that was hard to pull together. In the end, it seemed to work out okay. I think…
Yuki's appearance here is my respite from the hard labor this fic put me through. Towards the end, you'll see some insight on Yuki and Kagura…this may seem a little out of place, but in the next chapter it'll come together. It also serves to tie it into the theme of SOS. How? You'll see in the next chapter!
The baile folklorico is quite a traditional dance that I like to see whenever I can. It's beautifully done…I love seeing the ladies dance. I had Kagura just dance by herself, but mostly this dance form takes place in groups…large groups. If you get a chance, see one live for yourself. It's a great experience since you can't help but be swept away with their energy!
What songs do I recommend on this chapter release? Well, heheh, during the baile folklorico scene, I was listening to the song title “Cancion del Mariachi (Morena de mi Corazon)” translated “Mariachi Song (Dark-skinned Lady of my Heart)”. It was the song from the movie Desperado starring Antonio Banderas and others. Antonio B. plus the band Los Lobos sang this song in the opening title of the film…it's really upbeat! It's not exactly a song to dance baile folklorico to (hence Kagura's reluctance), but it works! I've not translated the song as yet, but let me know if you're interested! Under fanfiction-dot-net rules, I can't list the lyrics here, but check them out in my Mediaminer account (check under profile). Also for the waltz, I had listened to Andre Rieu's rendition of this masterpiece known as “The Second Waltz”. I LOVE his music, and I will make reference to him in my SOS fic somehow, some way, someday…!
Yeah, finally…finis…almost! Just one more chapter, and I'm putting this baby out of it's misery. Well, it wasn't too bad…I just wish I'd finished it sooner when the motivation was there!
Can I have reviews…just one…or two? Just enough to hold me over `til the next chapter release. I promise you if you give me some, then I can put out more SOS fics faster! How's that for blackmail?
Yep, H'kat is evil when she's tired and sleepy and hungry (yep, I'm hungry at 3AM)—please, don't be afraid. Just walk out slowly from here and be a dear…drop a note and say hello!
Ja ne!