Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Sudden Desires! ❯ A Whisper In The Storm: Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Fruits Basket Characters. I do own Karen Hitori but that's all. Those of you who don't like yaoi and mild lemon I suggest you don't read! Please enjoy my first yaoi and please review!!! I would love you forever if you do!!!
Chapter 4
A Whisper In The Storm: Part 2
As I walk past the living room I look in to find that Yuki had fallen asleep. Guess he got bored waiting for me and fell asleep. Karen is about to do the same in a few minutes. Hehe, my plan is working out perfectly! I head up the stairs and reach my room. I open the door and then close it.
“Hey Karen, I got us some hot chocolate, to keep warm. Here take yours.” I hand her the mug that had the sleeping pills, allowing her to sit up first and she gulps it all down, despite it being scorching hot! I can't even do that! Maybe her's is cold. I did let it sit out for a while before taking it up here. Karen almost falls forward and I catch her as she sleepily hangs on to my arm. Great! It's already starting to work! Now to get her in position.
“You alright there Karen? You look a little tired. How about you lie down again and try to sleep while I help you.” Karen nods her head as I help her sit back, pulling her legs up on to the bed.
As I try to remove her hair from her face, she mumbles something before dozing off. Finally! Now to get in the mood. I lower my head and smell her hair. Its strawberry, the shampoo she likes to use is strawberry. I lie on her left side as I smell her hair and then I get on top of her. I look at her face and it's relaxed. Either the pills are really working fast or she's just a fast sleeper without them. I start to kiss her lips and when I retract her head lifted up with me! Ok this is weird! Is she asleep or not?
“Karen? Are you awake?” I ask. All I get is a moan. “Is that a, yes?”
“Mmn.” Is that a no? She shakes her head. I guess yes, that's a no.
“Are you alright with me doing this?” Another moan, except this time she moves her head up and down. Yes, she said yes! Oh this is so justified! Now I won't have a guilty conscience about doing this.
“Good. So this means you're ready?” I ask she shakes her head again. Yup that's a yes! I kiss her again and in no hurry to take our clothes off. I want to savor this moment.
Our kiss deepens and Karen allows my tongue access. I map out her mouth with my tongue, extracting moans from her. I move my hand up and down her stomach, caressing her skin with my lips as I kiss her neck. I made sure not to freak the unconscious Karen out by kissing her right side. I don't want her to get scared. I lift up from kissing her neck and it seems like instead of our clothes drying off, they've gotten wetter from the close in-counter. Her shirt, which I didn't notice before, is a white button up and her jeans are compressed tightly against her legs. I slowly unbutton her wet shirt which is sticking to her seemingly fragile body. I take off my shirt and throw both shirts to the side. I gaze at her chest, not too big, not too small. I don't know anything about lace but it seems like it fits real nicely around the breast.
Karen turns her head, her right cheek facing towards me and I kiss her neck moving down every time. I lift her upper body up and un-strap her bra taking it off her body. I gaze again at her now bare breast and I reach to squeeze them. They fit perfectly into my hands and a little bit over. I another moan come from her but this time it was muffled. She was trying to hold them in. I slide up her body and reach her ear whispering in it.
“How Do you feel?” I ask. I lick her ear and I could feel her shiver under me. I chuckle and continue to kiss her luscious body. I get to her naval and let my tongue swirl around it. She shivers bringing her hips up, as if trying to stop me. Heh this is going to be fun! I unbutton her jeans and then unzip them, just barely getting them down past her knees. Jeans are such a hassle when wet. They cling to her skin tighter than the shirt did and I let them be, for now.
As I kiss her hot center through her panties she shivers again, pressing her back and holing her stomach in trying to get away from me, but the bed is stopping her. I pull the jeans down forcefully and they come off. I fling them to the side and then I unbuckle my pants tossing them as well when I get them off. I strip both of us from our underwear and I can see her shiver again. I slither back up to her face, as serene as it was when I last looked. I smell her hair again; still that strawberry scent and I go to her ear again.
“Are you scared?” I whisper in her ear. She nods sleepily. Poor thing, I'll take it slow then.
I kiss her lips, moving towards her naval again. She shivers again, pressing her body against the bed. Her hands hold weakly on to my back and I slide down some more so that my face is at her center. I get a whiff of her sweet scent and I nuzzle my head in it. Karen moves her move up but stays right where I want her. I smell her center again and shivers race up and down my spine.
I want to get a taste, just this once before moving on. I exhale and Karen twitches just a little, still holding on to my back. I take deep breath in and I kiss her center. Shivers run down my spine again and Karen shudders. I kiss her center more deeply and I get so far as to cause Karen to pull on my hair. As much as she pulls and tugs on my hair she never pulls me from her center, it's more like she's pushing me in.
I taste her sweet nectar and I can feel the heat emanating from her center and my excited cock. I insert my tongue in her center and she moans from pure ecstasy. I can feel her trying to hold back her come but it doesn't work. I taste her fully and she releases me from her tight hold. She's matted in sweat and the heat emanating from her is extreme, as it clashes with my own.
I breathe harder and harder in the air as I watch Karen twist and turn under me, trying to escape from her blissful state. In her slumber she can't escape her imagination and outside her mind she can't escape me or my imagination. She's trapped in both realms. It's so nice to know that I have someone under my control, under my spell of entrapment for pleasure. Soon, very soon, I'll have her in the palm of my hand and she'll succumb to me and my desires and then we'll keep do this for the time to come.
“Are you sure you're ready for this?” I ask her. She nods kissing my cheek tiredly and I kiss her back. “Alright, here I go. If it hurts tell me ok?”
I kiss her on the cheek again; brush my cock against her hot center. Shivers run down my spine as I can feel her arch her back. That one brush was enough for me to get excited and I can't help but get more and more shivers. I take a deep breath as I get ready to insert her. I gulp and shove my cock into her center. She lets out a gasp, not trying to conceal it, arching her back and lower body up and she groans from both the pleasure and pain.
I take my cock out and hold on to her back, gently lying her back down. Her breath had become erratic like before when we kissed only this time it was harder. I stroke her hair and kiss her face repeatedly.
“I'm sorry. Did that hurt you? Do you want to stop?” She shakes her head and press one of her hands on my back saying she wants more. She knows how much this means to me despite how sleepily she is.
“Alright. Alright, I'll keep going.” I kiss her cheek and then her lips. The kiss deepens and I can feel her buck her hips under me.
I move my cock over her hot center that's just begging for penetration. I slide my cock in slowly, as Karen's back arches again. She gasps and groans again causing her to clench on to the bed sheets under her. I start to move in a slow motion just to get her used to it. Her moans became more and more open. In her sleeping state she can only do so much but, I think because she's asleep, her fantasizing became more and more erratic, thus causing her to moan like she is along with my motions combined.
She was trying to hide them before but now she's letting them out like a female cat in heat. Her screams of ecstasy were outrageous. I love them and the way she screams them.
Despite her sleeping state, Karen kisses me back fiercely wanting more. Having hot sex with a girl like Karen was blissful but I can't help but shake this sensation. The sensation that's she has done this before. It's this feeling that I can't shake. What if she wasn't a virgin? I mean, she's not acting like one. Then again I don't know how a virgin female should act.
All I know is that they can't jerk off like we can. What if this whole virgin thing is an act? I stop my movements and her body relaxes. Her breathing is hard and I think she is on the verge of having an asthma attack. Not that she's asthmatic or anything it's just that her breathing is extremely short.
“Karen.” I receive something more on the lines of on the verge to sleeping moan. She's dozing off so I got to make this quick. I can tell she's listening but she might also fall asleep from the silence we've created with in the past minute.
“I love you and all but I have a question for you. Are you a virgin?” No response. Crap! What does this mean, that she's asleep now of all times, when I need her the most?
“Mn.” Is all I get and then her head slumps. I guess that's a yes and no because I just penetrated her not too long ago.
“I love you. I want you to know that. And I'll believe you if that's what you want.” I say whispering in her ear, she moves under me and I kiss her lips again.
Let me love you fully if only it's for a second. I enter her hot center again, causing her to moan and arch again. This sensation is blissful, being inside her like this after all this time. I wonder if this is how it would feel if I was to be with Yuki. If this is anything like being with a guy then I guess I'll be willing to be with Yuki.
I mean I wouldn't try anything it's just that if it results into being alone and without a girl friend to satisfy me then I guess I could succumb to Yuki. I pick up the pace and I can't help myself from moaning. Karen's tired hands grip as much as they can on to the sheets and one of them is on the verge of scratching her delicate body. My pace quickens even more and our screams of pleasure are in bliss synchronization. I feel my heart beat fasten with every motion. I'm almost at my peak. I scream and as I come into Karen's hot center she screams from final release.