Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ The Game of Memory ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: My story. Not my characters.
The Game of Memory
Part I
“All right, guys, be sure to do things that I would do!” cried out Shigure happily while waving them off from his porch.
“OH, SHUT UP, BAKA INU, BEFORE I KICK YOUR SMART ASS TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HOUSE!” yelled angrily Kyo as he pulled Tohru along the walkway away from their home.
Appearing wounded, Shigure clutched his yukata in dismay. “Oh my…such profanity! I only mean to give sound advice to such vivacious teens that have full use of their faculties—”
“Shigure, if you don't shut it, I'll sew that mouth of yours shut. I do have my medical bag with me,” murmured Hatori irritably as he stood next to the over-exuberant writer.
“Eh…heh. Right, Haa-san. Mouth is sealed,” replied Shigure nervously.
“I'll bring souvenirs for everyone! We'll be back later!” called out Tohru happily, trotting alongside a grumbling teen that pulled her faster along the path out of sight.
“Ah…it's so peaceful with our furry kitty gone, ne Haa-san?” Stretching his arms wide, Shigure went into the house and sat at his low table in the living room. As he pulled out a cigarette, he gave another one to Hatori who also joined him at the table. Lighting their cigarettes, they both breathed in the fumes before completely relaxing.
“So they went to the museum?” asked Hatori calmly while gazing out the back door to the garden outside.
“Aa…supposedly they're meeting Momii-chi and Haa-kun with Tohru-kun's friends up at the bus stop. I personally think that they'll play hooky...hehe,” commented the Inu of the Jyuunishi with a sly grin.
“Only you would think that,” dryly remarked his companion. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, Hatori pulled out a book from his medical bag and started to read where he last left off.
“Mou…Haa-san is ignoring my magnificent presence. Really, Haa-san, that can be considered rude,” admonished the writer as he leaned over to glance at the pages the other read. “But I forgive you, as always. What are you reading? That's not one of my creations…”
“I would never read your creations, Shigure,” quipped the doctor unemotionally while continuing to read his novel. Lowly commenting to himself, he added, “I think I'd prefer to be shot dead before I even consider it…”
Crocodile tears soon graced the writer's face. “The indignity of it all! If you can't appreciate my fine works of art, then there's no point in going on living—”
“Shigure…” interjected Hatori with a pointed gaze on him, “I only came here because you said you'd let me read in peace with no interruptions. At this rate, I'm better off at Ayame's place.”
“Gomen ne, gomen ne, Haa-san,” said Shigure repeatedly to placate the stressed doctor. “I am true to my word. Go ahead…read on.”
Resuming his reading, Hatori continued his train of thought prior to Shigure's interruptions. However, a quiet Shigure is even more troublesome than a chatty one. With a groan of frustration, Hatori quickly shut his book and turned to face his friend one more time.
“Fine. Just chat quickly so I can get back to my book,” consented the doctor irately.
“You are a man's best friend! I am so blessed.” Widely grinning in triumph over his predictable friend, Shigure smoked his cigarette one last time before putting it out. “Well, come, come. Tell me how you left the two.”
“You take such pleasure in their grief, Shigure?” asked Hatori testily.
“No, of course not,” replied Shigure with `amazement' wringing in his voice. “This is the one and only day out of the year that our dear Yuki-kun is up before the crack of dawn to leave early to the Main House. And to think he goes willingly into the dragon's lair….eh, heh, sorry, I meant the lioness' den.”
“Not funny.” Sighing heavily, Hatori took one last drag as well from his cigarette before disposing of it. Rubbing his temples to soothe the ache away, he once again stared outside the door, noting how beautiful the spring weather had turned out. Just like that day so long ago…
“It tore them up in the inside and tore them apart on the outside, Shigure.” Staring back at the silent writer, he pressed forward with his cutting remarks. “You can't tell me that you actually share in their pain. If I recall correctly, you had the widest smile on that day. You even laughed when she locked Yuki away that very day in that room even though he was having serious trouble with his bronchi.”
“Gods, Haa-san, you won't let that go, will you?” asked Shigure with an exasperated air. “You know I didn't know then about his bronchial thing until years later when you decided to enlighten me when Aya wasn't around. I would have tried to convince the grieving girl to let him out.”
“That `bronchial thing' landed Yuki in the hospital for two months, most of the time on a ventilator. It's sheer miracle Shigure that he didn't just die choking on his vomit while locked away in that room! And through it all, you…smiled…” Tearing his gaze away, Hatori tried taking deep breaths to regain his composure once again. Feeling the weight of the words exchanged too heavy to endure in that cramped room, he quickly stood up and walked out to the back veranda.
`Damn. I do believe I pushed him a little too far. He was the one to find the poor boy in that mess. He was so scarred by the incident that he swore to learn medicine in order to care for him when no one else could,' mused idly Shigure as he stared at his best friend march straight out the backdoor. Heaving a sigh of his own, he stood up as well and followed his angered friend out the door.
Hatori finally started to feel at peace once again after breathing in gulps of fresh mountain air. He leaned heavily against the post and slid down to sit with his legs dangling in front. Staring at the beautiful forest that surrounded this home, he vainly tried to block the wave of memories this serenity evoked in him. Wave after wave just kept crashing down on him…
“Gomen nasai, Haa-san,” replied Shigure demurely as he sat down next to his pensive friend. “Today is a day of stress for all of us…I didn't mean to make it harder on you. Hmph…it does seem like today is just like that day, ne?”
“Right down to the weather,” murmured softly Hatori, gazing blankly at the scenery before him. Closing his eyes to it all, he vividly saw the motions of that fateful day…the laughter…the tears…the screams. And all from a pair of children that were inseparable from each other and from the adult they adored.
Shaking his head to chase away that train of thought, he looked to Shigure wearily. “Look…I'm sorry…for bringing up old memories. I know you're not—”
Halting his remark with a raised hand, Shigure responded with a wry grin. “Please, don't apologize. I do fear that hell can be freezing over at this minute. Then where would we sinners go to then?”
Scoffing at his remark, Hatori leaned back onto his hands as he stared to the towering trees surrounding the lot. “Indeed…where would we go?”
“Ahem, I did mean just me, Haa-san,” warmly remarked the inu, glad to see his companion in a more civil mood. Staring straight ahead, Shigure commented softly, “I deserve any `constructive criticism' you have on that subject, Haa-san. Considering the crime, hell would be too kind of a gesture to bestow on me. Stupidity begets regrets.”
“Regrets?” prodded Hatori with a side glance to Shigure.
With a smirk, Shigure turned to him fully. “Yeah, even we sinners regret. Not too many times, but there are those few times that stand above all the rest. Just don't go blabbering it to the world. I do have a reputation to maintain.”
Sighing heavily once again, Shigure shifted in his seat to spread his legs out before him. Leaning all the way back so that he laid on his back, he stared listlessly at the ceiling above him. “My childish stupidity knew no bounds back then, ne? But, hey, it did seem like a good idea at the time. (Sigh) Ah well…que sera, sera, you know. Heh, the things I remember…” Turning his head to face Hatori, he asked, “Tell me, what do you remember on this fine day years ago, Haa-san?”
Closing his eyes to the serenity around him, Hatori mentally slipped to the far reaches of his mind where he tucked each and every wound away with care. The one he wanted to find was there in front of his very eyes.
“Screams. I heard the screams of innocence ripped away…that's what I remember of the day Akira died.”
Trees full of spring blooms rustled their leaves with the cool breeze in the quiet of the morning. Eerie silence reigned at the Sohma estate, with not so much as a tweet from a passing bird. This silence weighed down heavily on two beings that were outside in the gardens. Everyone else were simply…gone.
A vacant estate…for this one day out of the year, everyone is ordered to leave the premises. Jyuunishi members and their families were no exception. It was that way ever since that fateful day…ever since a small child screamed to the heavens above to bring him back to them…to her.
`It never fails. Every year, every time, this day would roll around, and it'd always be beautiful. As if the world just laughs in our faces while we grieve.' And it never failed that every year on this very day, he quietly crept out of his bed in the early hours of dawn and found his way back to the Sohma estate. By the time he arrived, the majority had already left.
As discreetly as was his nature, he avoided the remaining stragglers and went on his way to his destination. Stopping for nothing, he finally came to her house, knowing instinctively where to find her. He found a room that never changed, never moving forward along with time. It remained frozen and dead to the revolving world…much like the person that now sat in there with legs tucked underneath.
“You're late…Yuki.”
“Gomen nasai, Akito,” replied Yuki softly while standing still at the doorway. “I had worked late last night on a book report.”
“Don't dawdle, come here,” commanded Akito, unmoving from her position on the floor.
Swallowing inaudibly, Yuki entered the bedroom that had remained the same for many years. Articles on the bureau were never moved, the futon was left out, and the sheets never once rustled from when they were last used, their creases full of dust from misuse.
His normally silent footsteps echoed as he walked across creaking wood floors. Upon reaching her side, he stopped and kneeled down next to her still form. When she said nothing else, he breathed in carefully, afraid that the thick dust in the air would aggravate his sensitive bronchi. Thinking that, he smiled dryly, mentally taking his thoughts back to that fateful day in which he was introduced to that room. He would never forget it, mainly because it ultimately landed him in the hospital for two months.
`I really scared Hatori that time. Hm…I guess that's why he's so paranoid whenever I miss my appointments with him.' Shaking his drifting thoughts away, he brought himself back to the current situation. It was then that he violently sneezed, which mainly consisted of a loud squeak. How he hated to sneeze…it really reminded him of a mouse that got caught under someone's foot…
Akito stared at him from underneath her long lashes, her lock of hair also hiding her face from him. She saw the small smile he had while he looked straight ahead at nothing in particular. As curious as she was to know what he found so amusing, she noted that it wasn't so much as amusement that had a hold of his thoughts. She caught the look in his eye…it was much like hers. Here in the physical sense, but the mind was much too lost in the depths of time of long ago.
`You have a special birthright, Akito. You are destined for greatness…'
`You'll never be alone…I would never leave you to bear this responsibility alone…'
`…I brought you a very special companion…as is his birthright.'
`You'll look after them, won't you? They can only be safe with you there…'
`He's not very strong, my dear…'
`…never let anyone come between you and your responsibility…'
`…but he has an inner spirit that will never fade. Take extra care of him…'
`No one defies the will of the God of the Jyuunishi…'
`Smile, my dear. I have brought Yuki to you…'
She could almost taste the air back then, vividly remembering that she was eating her sweet bread with hot tea. She then caught the sweet scent of him in the air, and so turned to his embrace, allowing the soft scent envelope her completely. It was also the first time that another scent came to her senses…the scent of a fresh winter morning. No other smell from anyone could override the smell of him, so she was intrigued as to whom this new scent belonged to. And loe and behold…the fated meeting was upon her.
`You still bring him to me, even when you're gone…' Closing her eyes to the memory, she quietly remarked, “Go ahead. Open the doors…no need to have you with an asthma attack. Hatori's not around…”
Startled from his reverie, he immediately turned to her, surprised to see her looking blankly in his direction. Nodding in consent, he rose from his seat, and went to open the doors that led to the private gardens outside. The sudden brightness of the morning sunshine cut through the darkest corners of the room, causing his eyes to water.
Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, feeling immediately refreshed. Stifling a yawn, he stretched his arms above him, rubbing his sore neck slightly. `I must have slept wrong on the pillow last night. I'm never working that late again…'
Soft rustling next to him brought his gaze to the female next to him. She hardly spoke on this day, merely shuffling around in her ceremonial robes for the dead. She was insistent that he wore the same as well. He was just glad his brother didn't press the matter when he asked him to make him the outfit.
`He would never know what it's like to be with her on this day. He'd never understand it.' Watching her ease down to her knees once again to stare out at the gardens, he softly sighed, kneeling down next to her as well. Still no words have come forth from her, and so he settled himself for the long day ahead of him. They'll eventually get around to doing what they normally end up doing on this day to pass the time away. That is when she's damn good and ready…
`I wish she'd hurry. The unoccupied mind wanders too much…and I don't want to wander back to those days again…' Such feeble thoughts were just that…he knew well enough that on this day he would do nothing else but remember…
Remember who the man was…remember the peace the man always evoked…remember that this remarkable man died on this day many years ago.
Akito shuffled her robes around her so that she now faced Yuki fully. Arching a brow high, she handed him the items she had hidden in her robes. She primly replied, “Well, let's have it…the day does grow short.”
Yes…to remember how it all started and how it all ended with this man.
This remarkable man who was Akito's father…Akira.
- o - o - o - o -
Outside on a rainy day in which no one would be caught in stood a dark-haired man who was unremarkable in appearance. Average height, average weight…many would never think to look at him twice. Yet, his name alone struck respect and reverential fear into many of his peers, which weren't many. That suited him fine…
“Yes, Sohma-san. I came to collect the child today as per the arrangement. Is he ready?” asked the man as he shook off the water droplets from his overcoat. Discreetly he tried to look around the woman before him to see if he could finally catch a glimpse of the young boy he heard so much of. He had always made it a point to give privacy to the families under his charge.
Certainly he remembers the uproar when the young boy was born. It's not every day that the Nezumi of the Jyuunishi was born in such close proximity with the `God'. It has been many generations of the Sohma line since this had occurred. He was elated to say the least because it meant his most treasured possession now had her lifelong companion, as was meant to be. It was their birthrights after all…
“Akira-sama, I apologize. This child is rather…stubborn!” exclaimed the petite woman in exasperation. “He's hiding away in a closet somewhere. I haven't been able to find him, and with my husband off another trip, that child is unruly, so hard to control...”
“Ma'am! I have him here…he was hiding in the pantry this time,” cried out animatedly a maidservant that dragged a struggling child behind her that was dressed in his sleeping yukata. “He was hard to get a hold of, Ma'am. I tried very hard not to touch him too much lest he transforms…”
The woman immediately grabbed a hold of the small boy's wrists, wrenching him from the maidservant's grasp. Leaning down to his level, she seethed in anger, “You embarrass me, Yuki.”
“That's quite enough, Sohma-san,” interjected Akira coolly. When she turned to him to voice her protest, she quickly swallowed the remark, taken aback at the sudden hardness in his steel-blue eyes. Walking further into her home, he calmly remarked, “Release him.”
She hastily let the child go, and stood back a few steps while she gazed at Akira approach the young boy. Akira kneeled down to Yuki's level, the boy never letting his gaze leave his hands and feet. With a small smile, Akira lifted his hand slowly, softly tilting the boy's chin up. The child's visage was breathtaking…large soft violet/gray eyes with hair color to match. Yet what shone through his eyes is what had stopped his heart momentarily…
`Indeed. His very essence breathes like molten fire much like Akito's. There is no doubt as to his birthright. And he's very beautiful to boot. He will make a fine companion for her.' Widely smiling, he asked Yuki gently, “Ohayo. My name is Sohma Akira. I'm Akito's father. What's your name?”
Yuki immediately ducked his head once more, refusing to voice his name. His mother, tired of his antics and of blatantly humiliating her in front of this influential member of the family, called out to him irritably. “Yuki, you will answer him, now!
“That's enough,” stressed again Akira to the bitter mother. He had been informed of her initial reaction to the news that she had birthed the Rat of the Zodiac. `How fitting…how soon will I be compensated?' The callous remark truly brought his blood to a boil, much like now.
Turning his piercing gaze from the mother to the child, he softly replied, “It's okay. You don't have to tell me anything. But you know what? I have someone that's very special to me who wants to meet you. And we're going to have dinner soon, too. I would really love it if you would come with me. Is that okay with you?”
The boy shuffled his feet, his socks rubbing against the hardwood floor of his elaborate home. Tentatively looking over at his mother beneath his long lashes, he pressed his lips firmly together as he anxiously wringed his hands together. Sniffling, he licked his dry lips, still unable to articulate his thoughts. He was almost certain that the man before him was going to strike him for not responding to him quickly when his gaze suddenly caught sight of the hand before him.
`He's incredibly shy. I'll help him with that.' He carefully reached out his hand to the boy in hopes that he'd take it. When the boy looked up startled, Akira tenderly gazed at him. “Yuki, this hand will never strike you. Just take it…it's okay.”
Akira's gaze and words finally convinced him. Yuki reached out with a trembling hand and grasped the man's warm hand. Once contact was made, Yuki exhaled slowly, remembering that he must breathe calmly if he didn't want an asthma attack. He already had two this morning, and he was rather wary of getting another one.
Carefully Akira reached out with his other arm and brought Yuki to him slowly. Having the child in his embrace with no struggle from the boy, Akira inaudibly exhaled in relief. Standing up, he shifted the boy carefully in his embrace, careful to not get him wet with his overcoat. He was very pleased to feel Yuki tighten his arms around his neck, his face tucked securely in his neck.
“Well, that settles it.” Turning back to the mother, he asked quietly, “Where's his overcoat?”
She looked everywhere else but at him. His gaze bore straight through her as if daring her to speak out of line. She stammered in her response, “He…he's outgrown his. I've not the time to be buying one every other month…”
“Of course not—counting your money is no doubt very time consuming,” he curtly cut her off. Hardening his gaze once again, he tightly commented, “I'll be taking my leave now. Do give my regards to your husband. Let him know that I'd like to see him soon. His constant absence is most…troublesome.”
Satisfied to see her pompous expression change to that of worry, he turned away from her, smirking to himself at seeing that his words were taken to heart. He expected no less…he had much authority within this elite family, and he'd be damned if they forget that. Smiling down on his new treasure, he wrapped Yuki inside of him so that his overcoat was over the both of them. Pleased to note that the child snuggled even closer to him, he went out of the house and made his way quickly to the car waiting for them. The chauffeur opened the door, and once inside, he pulled Yuki to his lap.
`This boy is much too beautiful to be male. His name suits him…he's a perfect match to Akito.' Smiling brightly down on him, Akira remarked, “Once we arrive home, I'll take you to the room you can stay in whenever you're with us. You can change out of your yukata there. We can add whatever you like to the room…toys, pictures, games…how would you like that?”
Wide eyes stared back at him, clearly showing him how stunned the boy was. The boy then looked away to stare out the car window. He was a little saddened that the boy still wouldn't show any inclination to interact with him. `I guess the meeting with Akito will have to wait. He's just too shy…I'm afraid she might scare him…'
“Eh?” he asked as he looked down on the boy in surprise. `Did he just tell me his name? I had thought so…'
“My name…” quietly replied Yuki while clearing his throat. Sniffling some, he repeated himself, “It's Yuki. I…I like…peaches.”
`Soft and clear as a bell…even the sound of his voice is mesmerizing.' Smiling with relief, he quickly responded, “Do you now? Well, I'll be sure we have plenty of those so you can have some once you've eaten dinner. Thank you for telling me…Yuki.”
“Arigato gozaimasu…Akira-sama,” softly thanked Yuki with a low bow of his head.
Arching his brow at this, Akira grasped Yuki's chin gently, bringing it back up to meet his kind gaze. “For you, it's Akira. And don't ever bow to me…you bow to no one. Okay?”
With widened eyes the boy regarded him silently for a few moments before nodding his head in understanding. Slightly smiling, Yuki turned away from his gaze and nestled himself further into his embrace, seeking warmth that he knew existed within this kind man. Perhaps this time it will all turn out for the best…
Akira couldn't have agreed more.
“I wish you'd stop scowling so, Shigure-kun. It doesn't suit your nature,” remarked Akira with a heavy sigh as he leaned against the railing of the high walkway, never once removing his gaze from the two frolicking children below him with their chaperone.
“Akira-san…it's been four months,” replied Shigure softly while struggling to keep his visage neutral, no matter how irked he actually was. “Summer has come and gone, and I'll soon be entering school again. I never got a chance to be with her for even a day…”
Akira draped his leg across the railing and leaned against a post. Breathing in deeply, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the sound of the breeze brushing against the leaves of the towering trees. It was his way of gaining the serenity he would require whenever this subject was brought up, especially with the Inu of the Jyuunishi. It's not like this is the first time…
“Shigure-kun, I've already explained this matter to you and the others. Your best friends, Hatori-kun and Ayame-kun, are more than satisfied with the situation. Why do you persist?” As he questioned him, Akira's eyes opened to look out to the gardens once again, absently wondering if the children's chaperone remembered to give Yuki his medicine. Unlike many who would isolate the sickly child once he had his attacks, Akira did the opposite. He would encourage the young boy to be outside with Akito, albeit with special care, and have him be free from the confines of his room.
`He's a child, not a plague to keep hidden away.' Rubbing his neck from the tension created from thinking these distressing thoughts, he turned to look at the young teen that had grown silent once again. It was often that Akira caught the Inu with a pensive air to him as he looked at Akito grow apart from him. The wistful gaze the teen held then, only to be replaced with a frown when his eyes settled on the Nezumi. Hence why Akira insisted that Shigure no longer visit with Akito…
“Shigure-kun, I can't have you or anyone else upset the delicate balance between those two right now,” he pressed on, trying to come up with a new way of reasoning with the boy.
“I won't cause any trouble, Akira-san!” insisted Shigure while stepping forward to the usually laid-back adult. Staring back at the floor, Shigure stumbled in his thoughts as he tried to convey his greatest wish to be once again by her side. “Akira-san…she's who she is. I want to be there for her…with her…as she grows to become so much more than she is now. I was there for the first few years of her life…do they mean nothing to you?”
Heaving a heavy sigh, Akira got down from the railing and stood tall before the smaller teen. Leveling his piercing gaze at him, Akira decided that it was best to be plain with this one. There was just no way around it.
“I appreciate all that you've done for her in those first few years, Shigure-kun. Your devotion is equal to none, and I couldn't have asked for a better chaperone.” Pausing slightly as the last word he emphasized sunk in, he continued. “But your presence is now more of a deterrent than an aid. And until I feel otherwise, you will keep your distance.”
Clenching his hands into fists, Shigure exhaled shakily while trying to control his desperation. Speaking lowly, he persisted, “Akira-san, the little boy…he's just…not—”
“Careful with finishing that remark, Shigure-kun. I will not allow for anyone, even you, to degrade the position the Nezumi of the Jyuunishi holds in this family,” cut in Akira none too delicately if the hard gaze he was bestowing on Shigure was anything to go by. Advancing on the silent teen with sure steps, he paused just in front of him, mere inches separating the two males.
Shigure immediately bent his head in submission, clearly aware of his error in pressing this matter further when Akira had already made his decision. “Akira-san…gomen nasai…”
“Look at me.”
With the command said, the teen tentatively looked up to his superior, noting how the steel-blue eyes of Akira burned with determination. Shigure licked his cracked lips nervously, and held his head up to face whatever Akira would bestow on him next.
“It's important that you understand the birthrights that each of you have. They are all equally important to me. I respect and defend each of your birthrights to the best of my ability. It only stands to reason that I would be very peculiar with the birthright of my own daughter, your `God'.” Glad to see that the young teen was hanging onto every word uttered, he pressed on.
“Akito is my most cherished treasure, and not because of her position in the Jyuunishi circle. She's my daughter…my only child. She's too precious to have the world taint her with their filth…” He then wretched his gaze from the teen and focused on the trees next to the walkway, seeking to soothe the bile that was rising in his throat as he thought about the `world' he referred to.
`He knows our family all too well,' mused Shigure silently as he watched the adult male regain his composure once again.
Looking back at the expectant eyes of the teen, Akira sadly smiled. “It's not that I don't have faith in your devotion. It's just that you can't be what she needs. It's not within your grasp…your position. Like you said, she is who she is. And you are who you are. You can't be someone you're not. You can't be the Nezumi…you can't be Yuki.”
Breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, Akira looked out to ground below them, finally realizing that the children were already inside. Knowing that this usually meant that Yuki couldn't stay out any longer, he briskly walked past Shigure who made no move to follow or even budge from his spot. Taking the forlorn form of the Inu, Akira shook his head in dismay…he honestly never meant to be so blunt.
“Shigure-kun, if you care for her like you say, then support me on this. He may appear weak, vulnerable even, but having Yuki by her side will benefit her greatly and ultimately our family. He's much stronger than many give him credit for…I can see it clearly in his eyes.” Akira turned to the doorway into the house and paused momentarily. `Yes…the Nezumi of the Jyuunishi will help his `God' with the handling of this troublesome family. I have great faith in that…they will both see to the future of this clan long after I'm gone.'
“I will not abide insubordination, not from anyone outside the family and especially not from within, including you. You can either help me guide them both in the right course their lives as Sohma will take them, or you can stand aside. Should anyone interfere, I will do all that I can to defend the birthrights of the Nezumi and `God' of the Jyuunishi…” He let his comment trail, knowing full well that Shigure understood the implications clearly. Lifting his eyes to see over his shoulder to the teen still in the same position, he softened his voice and replied gently, “Do what you will, Shigure-kun. My only hope is that in the end, you regret none of the decisions you make.”
Akira walked away into the dark pitches of the darkened home, aware only then that it was late in the day. It will be dusk soon. He idly wondered when the days would become shorter…it should be soon…
“Take it slowly, Yuki. Breathe easy for me.”
The soft spoken remark made Akira realize that he was already upon his intended destination. He saw that Akito was quietly sitting next to Yuki with an anxious expression clouding her angelic face, holding his hand in comfort while their chaperone sat on the other side, rubbing in soothing motions on the distressed boy's heaving back.
`This makes four times…' Clearing his expression of his worry, Akira called out kindly, “Kureno-kun, how are things here?”
Before Kureno could respond, Akito quickly let go of Yuki's hand and lunged herself into her father's waiting arms. “Tou-sama! Where were you? Yuki is feeling ill again…make him better, Tou-sama! Make him better…”
Akira smiled tenderly at his daughter who was now on the verge of tears. She had taken to Yuki very quickly and easily, and quite doted on the young boy whenever she could. The only other one she acted the same way with was Shigure, but even then it wasn't to this extent. She took to heart his words to her on that day she was introduced to Yuki. And nothing else seemed to matter to her since then…
“Dry those tears, my precious,” softly pleaded Akira as he gently wiped her tears away with the back of his hand. “Go to Yuki and be with him, okay? I'll take care of the rest.”
His words were golden to her and she immediately went over to console Yuki and let him know that her Tou-sama will take care of everything like always. With a gesture of his head, Yuki let her know that he understood what she had said. Grinning happily, she pulled him into her embrace, her head resting on his shoulder as she patted his back while his heaves subsided bit by bit.
“Kureno-kun, please come,” replied Akira quietly so as not to alert the younger children of his own concern. He looked directly into the soft eyes of the Bird of the Zodiac and whispered, “I want you to go see the family doctor, and let him know that I will arrive shortly with Yuki.”
“Akira-san, he may not be there since it's a Saturday night,” pointed out Kureno, his worry evident in his tone.
“If he's not there, have him summoned. Should anyone question it, have them see me directly. I will stand for no excuses from anyone. Go,” he replied firmly to the teen, his tone and gaze like that of a man with great authority…which he was.
Watching the teen bow lowly and then walk away briskly, he called out to him, “Kureno-kun…thank you for looking after them. You take care of them very well.”
Kureno had turned around when Akira called out to him. And nothing felt better than hearing praise from this kind but firm man. He had doubts about his duties to care adequately for the children, particularly Yuki. He saw now that these doubts were unfounded…Akira was even grateful. So with all the more reason he will rush out to find their family doctor and fulfill his duty as was entrusted to him. After all, to be allowed to personally care for the welfare of the Nezumi and `God' was an honor amongst the family. And he would forever cherish this honor…
Seeing the teen retreat hastily to ready the doctor, Akira turned back to his younger audience. He was pleased to see that although Yuki's face was flushed and was still slightly sweating, he was looking much better than a few minutes ago. Yuki smiled tremulously in his direction as he continued to struggle to breathe easily.
“You are looking much better already, Yuki. Let's sit here a bit, okay?” Settling himself down to the floor, he turned his attention to Akito then. “Come here and sit with your old father, precious.”
“You're not old, Tou-sama,” immediately remarked the young girl as she scrambled to his side, Yuki joining her as well. It was rare that they didn't mimic the others actions…
“Hehe, well, older than you, ne?” teased the father as he wrapped his arms around both children. With a twinkle in his eye, he mischievously asked, “Bet you can't guess what I have in my robe?”
“Eh?” asked Akito bewildered while Yuki voiced the question through his watery eyes. “Your…robe? Let me see!”
As expected, Akito went through the pockets of his yukata excitedly until she produced the object in question. She happily laughed but then frowned. “Tou-sama, what is this?”
Chuckling lowly, he reached out to the item and explained to her. “These are called cards. And you use them to play with. Look at the shapes of animals on these.”
“Wow, look Yuki! They have the signs of the Jyuunishi…they look kawaii!” remarked Akito merrily as she perused through the whole deck. Confused at what she saw this time, she asked, “Tou-sama, why are they two of each? That's strange…”
“Of course it isn't, Akito. This card game is different.” Shuffling the deck in his hand, he laid them all out face down. With that, he turned to cards over. “You see…the point of the game is to find the match of the card you first flipped over. You gather these matching pair. If they don't match, you flip them back down. The one with the most pairs wins the game. Now you try, then Yuki.”
Ecstatic at being taught a new game, she looked to her father with utmost admiration. Smiling widely, she turned to Yuki who was also excited about the new game. Although his visage was that of fatigue, she could easily see through his luminous eyes how much he anticipated playing this game. It was a gift she developed to be able to read the normally quiet boy.
“Okay! Let's see how many we get, Yuki!” She frantically flipped her cards over, but was disappointed to see that she didn't get any matching pair this time around. Pouting slightly, she flipped them back down. “Okay, your turn.”
Yuki's eyes lit up, and he slowly reached out to turn his cards over, with no match as yet. Flipping them back gently, he turned to Akira and smiled, waiting to see which cards the adult will turn. Akira made his move and found no matching pair either.
The game went on for a while, the two children so engrossed in the game until it ended and started again. All the while Akira had slowly eased Yuki onto his lap, very aware of the fact that the poor boy was indeed worn out from his latest bout with the inability to breathe.
He had wanted to take the children's minds off of Yuki's dilemma as it would only worry them needlessly. He knew that he needed to end this game quickly, but he extended it for as long as he could, knowing that this game relaxed Yuki further, and so hopefully, the boy wouldn't become too upset when he finds out that he'll need to see the doctor tonight.
`What this boy has to go through at such a young age…' mused forlornly Akira as he gently rubbed the boy's back, further relaxing him into his chest.
“Tou-sama, is he better now?” asked Akito in child-like wonderment.
“Hm?” Looking down on Yuki, he noticed that the little boy had drifted off to a light nap. Smiling down tenderly, he smoothed the damp bangs from his face, absently noting that his breathing was still a bit erratic but smooth. “Hai. He's much better…but we'll take better care of him in a few minutes. Do you want to come?”
“M-hm,” she nodded happily, knowing that her father was planning on taking Yuki to the family doctor. It was only right since the doctor made things much better…so her father says. “Hehe, I told Yuki you'd take care of us. You always take care of us, Tou-sama.”
Such faith and trust…such precious treasures he cherishes. “That I do, precious…and I hope that I always will.”