Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ The Problems With a Rat ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Fruits Basket - creation of Takaya-sensei. I borrow her world for my story for your reading pleasure!
Special Note: For those unfamiliar with my fics, usual spoiler with Akito plus character appearance not yet fully introduced to American audiences. I reveal no other spoilers explicitly since the storyline is completely a side-story with SOS. Those familiar with that fic will find no problems reading this one as well. Enjoy!
The Problems with a Rat
Part 1
Under the canopy of an early summer evening, beneath the porch of a secluded home, the peaceful atmosphere that reigned was thoroughly enjoyed by those that were awake to appreciate the beauty of the setting sun through the trees. As the cicadas and crickets began their melody into the night, a gentle breeze wafted throughout the household, taking away the stuffiness found within. It was a soothing balm to one hot individual who was busily fanning himself underneath the wrap-around porch.
“I need more AIR!” cried out the writer of the Sohma family. Wiping away the perspiration from his nose, he flipped the fan harder to bring in some of the cool breeze to his hot skin. “Why do summers always have to be so HOT?”
“Usually summer is defined by HEAT, Shigure. It wouldn't be summer if it weren't hot,” replied the family doctor in turn, calmly sitting next to the writer, reading a book on western literature much to the dismay of his friend.
Clad in his usual business shirt, his tie and jacket shed long ago, he, too, felt the heat a little more today than yesterday. Taking a sip of the cold tea he made because his host was too lazy, he felt immediately refreshed and continued with his reading under the waning light of day. Glad to spend his day off with only one minor inconvenience and with the Neko off at the dojo training, the unusual silence was not unwelcome to his ears. It was substantially better than dealing with the daily traffic going through his office/clinic.
Of course, such serenity was not always meant to last with a fidgety writer looking over his shoulder. Eyebrow twitching with annoyance, Hatori bit out, “Is there ever a moment in your life that you don't feel fear for your life?”
Seeing the dark look in his best friend's eyes, Shigure wisely backed off sheepishly. “Eh…heh…point taken. Say no more.”
“Don't you have some writing to do? I thought you mentioned over the phone that you had to do some research for the next volume in your series of…summer romance…” remarked the doctor tartly as he vaguely recollected the last volume he was forced to read with the writer present. Even to this day, he still becomes ill when recalling certain details of the book.
Impishly grinning, Shigure replied, “Oh, but I am. You make an excellent subject, Haa-saAN—”
Grabbing the mischievous Inu by the ear none-too-gently, the irritated Dragon replied angrily, “You were saying?”
“Ai…ya…I mean, all hail the Dragon--YEOW!” yelped said Inu painfully upon having his ear pulled further. “I'm going to warn MayU—”
“You don't ever take me seriously, do you? I'm sure Mayuko would agree.” Giving the Inu another pull on the ear, Hatori continued, “Perhaps you need another physical since apparently you can't HEAR.”
“ITAI! Okay, okay, the book is not about you, but about rats. Honest! Can I have my ear back now…please?” Having his abused ear released, Shigure whimpered silently, grumbling lowly about rabid seahorses and their obsession with ears.
Hatori was surprised with what he heard. It was certainly an unusual topic for a writer of romance/literature to discuss. “Why rats? Does Yuki even know about it?”
“Hm…well, not really. I just have so many of the little fur balls all around the property nowadays, I told him that I'd be writing about his little friends if he didn't get rid of them since it's all I can think about.” Sighing heavily, the Inu stretched his tired limbs as he stood up. Looking out with his keen eyesight into the darkening woods, he detected the faint rustling of the furry creatures as they prepared for the time that would pitch them against predators of the night.
He couldn't help the heavy sigh as he shook his head in dismay. “This is hopeless. I'm sorely tempted to put out poison for those…things.”
“I didn't think the great writer of the Sohma family was afraid of rats…” mocked the doctor lightly as he continued with his reading unabated.
“It's not that. They just…well, they're everywhere! They'd get on your nerves, too, if they were all over your house!” cried out said writer pitifully.
“Hm.” Not bothering to deter his attention any further from finishing his chapter, Hatori pointed out, “If you want to go with poison, then you'd better tell Yuki first. He'd take offense to that sort of thing…”
“I suppose so. His last run-in with poison didn't go over so well, ne?” Brightening instantly, the Inu casually asked, “So…how's the dear Ren these days, Haa-san, hmmm?”
Another dark look from the doctor almost had the writer retract his words. Almost. “Oh, come now, it's not like I don't already know you visit the disturbed woman…very disturbed. So, was she in better spirits on your last visit? I'd like to pay her a visit myself, but Akito-san would sooner throw me out a window than allow any of us near her darling mother.”
“She's not anymore `disturbed' than the last time around. Now leave it alone.” Returning his full attention to his book on the studies of Shakespearian anecdotes, Hatori ignored the pleading look, the whimpers, and the subtle nudges from the pestering Inu.
“Okay, be that way. I have my own ways of getting the information out of a sanitarium myself. I am after all a respected writer,” proudly declared the writer in a huff.
His friend snorted none-too-lightly at hearing that. “You're a `respected' writer that has no clearance to even see her through plate-glass. And don't even try calling…no calls to her are allowed.”
“Hmph…talk about a `private' facility,” murmured Shigure with a sigh.
“Only the best for such a `respected' woman,” quipped the doctor dryly.
The writer caught the underlying tone in that remark. Sitting back down and scooting closer to his old friend, he whispered conspiratorially, “You did enjoy committing her to that facility, ne?”
“OUCH! Would you quit hurting me?” cried out Shigure as he nursed his throbbing nose from a direct encounter with a thick book.
“Then LEAVE IT ALONE,” reiterated Hatori with a hard stare that finally silenced the Inu, though he thought it was more because the playful Inu didn't want any more pain for the day.
Heaving a heavy sigh of his own, he set his book to the side, idly wondering why he ever thought he could finish one chapter while at this house. Brusquely taking the pouting Inu's face into his hands, he critically eyed the injured nose. “You're making a big fuss over a red nose, Shigure. It's not even bruising. You'll live.”
The diagnosis left the Inu little to be thrilled about. “Oh, thanks! It wasn't your nose that was just smacked. You know my nose is very sensitive.”
Holding back the urge to roll his eyes, Hatori looked to the side, forcing the words to come forward. It was very hard indeed. “I'm…sorry.”
“Eh, what was that?” Shigure asked with all previous theatrics aside.
Dully gazing at him, the doctor replied, “You're only getting one apology, no more.”
“What a courtesy…I should think to take it then.” Looking up to the brightly hued sky from the setting sun, Shigure reflected on what the other woman had become after all these years. She certainly made life hellish for Akito for so long; undoubtedly her only daughter didn't miss her. And to think that after all that frustration of having to put up with the woman, Akito finally succeeded in having her own mother committed to a private sanitarium. “Hmph…it's amazing what a little rat can manage to do on his own.”
“He had nothing to do with Ren's confinement, you know that. Not even Akito managed to get her own way without…help.” Dropping the line of thought at that point, Hatori took care to say no more on the subject that was strictly off-limits even in gossip circles.
It was a subject that Shigure knew well, and to keep appearances, he himself did not wish to say more than was necessary. He did know, however, that it wasn't so much as Akito making the order, but someone else that held incredible sway over the board of elders that Akito headed. There was only one other person that had that much influence over everyone, and he has long since been dead.
Yet, even a strong individual as that person was indeed influenced himself. It couldn't be helped, supposed Shigure, since those sources of influence came from none other than the individual's own daughter and that of her precious Rat. Just exactly what sparked the whole situation still remained fresh in both his mind and that of the family doctor…
“I'm FINE, for the millionth time.”
“I was only asking to be polite…you always say I have not one polite bone in my body,” replied Shigure glibly.
“You don't. Now quit wasting my time and tell me what you want?” asked Akito bitterly as she breathed with difficulty in bed.
Her latest bout with infirmity has taken her cold into the realm of walking pneumonia. Hardly unexpected since she did run out into a raging rainstorm and refused to return inside, all the while screeching incoherently to the thundering skies high above her. She said nothing of the matter afterwards, and no one dared question her after several vases were thrown their way when she was pressed to answer.
Shigure was one of the lucky few that was very good at dodging the flying projectiles. Tempted as he was to push for answers of this latest episode of hers, he knew it was far best for his health to leave that matter alone…for now. Her ill temper brooks no leeway today for his antics.
“I honestly wanted to say hello. You were so sick…Haa-san was worried.” Seeing that she said nothing else but looked listlessly to the side, he felt encouraged to continue. “It's been quite a while since I came to visit. I was certain you'd be more radiant now than before…I'm glad to see I was right.”
“It's called a fever, you imbecile. And you don't visit because I don't wish it. Now be off with you…it's frustrating having to hear your idiocy.” With a final glare, she turned her back to him in her bed, her shallow breathing heard in the stillness of the room. It was disturbed with the faint rustling of fabric and bed sheets from behind her. She then felt a firm arm pull her against a warm body.
Had she the energy, she would have become exceedingly incensed at this blatant invasion of her privacy. It was an all too familiar scene playing out now, many experiences from before that were imbedded in her mind now coming back to haunt her. They were indeed haunts for she didn't care for them any longer. And like any haunts, she shut them out furiously and became rigid in the tender embrace surrounding her.
It wasn't lost on the Inu that his `God' was not welcoming any of his advances. It couldn't be helped, though…he did miss this…miss her. “Akito-san, you're a breath of fresh air to me. Surely Kureno-kun can't possibly appreciate it.”
I don't care what he or YOU see me as. Is your memory daft? I want NOTHING to do with either one of you in MY bed. So GET OUT.” Feeling the embrace becoming only tighter, his soft breath caressing her neck through her thick hair, Akito lashed out, “I SAID LEAVE!”
He knew he was pushing it, but his persistence couldn't be helped either. Her traditional clothing hid her deteriorating condition well. Here in his embrace, he could feel through her thin sleeping robe how frail she had become over the months. Even he could tell it wouldn't be long before her inevitable demise, and that hard truth was very bitter to his palate. He could only hope that her stubborn nature would help sustain her just a little longer.
`Only a little longer, and you won't ever have to deal with this torment ever again. My promise to you.' Thinking further on that line of thought, he came across a rather unpleasant and highly illogical thought. Still, he couldn't help but tartly remark, “Akito-san, if you are hoping for a certain child to fulfill your needs…” (HISS)
The Inu quickly released her while soothing the deep scratches on his arms. Sitting up and away from her, he looked at her stiff back and commented tightly, “You know that hurts.”
“And that matters what to me?” Turning back to face him, she sullenly stared at him, critically looking him over as if the mere sight of him made her sicker. “Your filth is not welcome here anymore, Shigure…must I be more clear? I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME…PERIOD. And keep Yuki out of this…your jealousy is pathetic and a waste of my time.”
With a bemused smile, he looked to her with a gleam to his eyes, seemingly unfazed with her cutting remarks. “It's hardly out of jealousy I point it out, my dear Akito-san. I only say so out of concern—”
“Oh, just SHUT UP. I tire of hearing nothing but absurdities from you. Leave me…NOW.” Her wheezing interrupted any further demands from her, and she once again turned her back to him, effectively dismissing him without further consideration.
Heaving a heavy sigh, he quietly replied, “As I was saying…out of concern, I only wish to point out that the Nezumi can't be what you want him to be—”
He truly was gifted with the ability to avoid flying objects… He must make note to remove the glass of water by her bedside to avoid bodily harm in the future. Looking over his shoulder at the broken glass in the corner of her room, he coolly stated, “That was certainly uncalled for.”
She immediately kicked her blankets away and stood up, her glassy eyes looking all around her as she teetered on her shaky legs. He thought for sure that she was about to use whatever energy she had left to assault him but was surprised to see her wearily walk away, every so often lean one way or the other and yet not lose her balance. He quickly followed her and tentatively reached out to her, shocked that she was seemingly walking away without a cutting remark to him. Her loud wheezing did give him cause for concern, clearly indicating that she shouldn't be walking about. That plus Hatori's warning to him to not agitate her.
Apparently he needed to work on following directions. “Akito-san, where are you—”
“He's here, isn't he?”
Not needing to guess who `he' was, Shigure stood back to watch her walk unsteadily to her doorway. “I thought you didn't want the little Nezumi to see you like this. If you're going out there just to see him—”
“I need to find him…NOW.”
Her raspy breathing did little to hide the sudden urgency in her voice. And what astonished him even more was that she had implied needing his assistance. She never asked for help…ever.
`Well, she demanded more than asked, but still…it's unusual.' Setting aside his own reservations for the time being, he went to her slumped form against her doorway and steadied her on her feet. “The let's hunt down your Nezumi, Akito-san.”
Yuki had promised that he would leave soon after his latest appointment with Hatori. He had even said his goodbyes to the doctor and Kureno. In fact, he was well on his way out the estate when his feet led him back here. Call it his instincts to be nearby or just simply out of curiosity…but frankly, he was out here because he was worried.
Not once did Hatori or Kureno mention Akito, only that she was resting and taking no visitors at the moment. It was the same, dried-up excuse he's heard from time to time for months now. And it was surely an excuse because no one rests that much without being seriously ill. Keeping this from him and making him believe all was okay unnerved him greatly, but he kept his silence and feigned ignorance, understanding that somehow this was how Akito wanted it.
But today…today…no, he wasn't accepting it today. And thus he found himself at the back entrance outside Akito's home, still unable to find the nerve to get him past the entry door. Deflated with his sudden lack of confidence, he took it upon himself to lie outside on her veranda, perhaps hoping his self-confidence would return to him soon.
It could have been minutes, hours even that have passed by. He really wasn't aware of it all since the calm summer weather lulled him into a comfortable nap. He had been having a hard time getting a good night's sleep since the storm a couple of nights back, so his sudden nap wasn't unwelcome.
Odd. He can't hear his alarm the first few minutes when it goes off, he can't fully awaken when others try to wrestle him out of bed, but he can most surely hear and feel the close breathing of someone over his exposed body. And he can most definitely tell that it belonged to a female who was not Akito.
“My, my. This does qualify as deja-vu, wouldn't you agree, little Nezumi?”
His breath hitched for he now knew who was taking advantage of his vulnerable state. How long has it been seen he had last seen her? Years…and he without doubt did not miss her.
`Ren.' The first and last incident involving them both happened long ago, but the fright left an indelible mark on him. It took many a night of fitful nightmares before he could finally block out that vivid memory. The sudden wintry wind snapping him out of his slumber…the unfamiliar female taking him away from his security, from Akito…being led helplessly away to a dark room then thrust out to the unforgiving cold because he didn't give in to her requests. How could he? She took him away from everything he held dear at the time.
Details were now sketchy, but the feelings the memory evoked came back full force. They made him instinctively tense up, and so now, he couldn't pretend that he was still asleep, not that it seemed she would buy it anyway.
“Still no words for me, little Nezumi? Come now, show some manners to those who are your elders.”
Slick…her voice was slick, layered with false civility. It was so thick and full of lies. He felt immediate aversion to her close proximity to his person. Not daring to open his eyes or say anything, he coolly, but quickly assessed his predicament. He was on his back, one arm across his middle while the other served to hold his head off the wood floor. He knew that he was facing the gardens, so there was no chance he'd actually face her. Still, he did not open his eyes. Sometimes the only blanket of security he had was the darkness behind his eyelids. It blocked out many a nightmare before…it would be no different now.
“You still won't look at me? Open your eyes, Nezumi. I am not asking.”
The bitter tone in her voice didn't escape his notice, nor did it move him to do what she had demanded. He kept still, and, as if it didn't seem possible, he shrunk back further from her close contact. She was definitely leaning more into him now, her hands on either side of him giving her enough leverage to pin him against the floor without touching him.
“Fine. Then why don't just open those large eyes of yours and take a good look at what happens when I'm cross.”
It was a clear warning on her part, and he felt inclined to at least peer through his lashes to see what's in his line of sight. And the instant he did that, he wished he hadn't.
A jar of boric acid was in his line of sight. Normally such powder wasn't lethal to humans, but for vermin it can prove to be deadly. And from what he could barely tell, great quantities of it surrounded him and her. He was far enough away from the ledge to see this large amount of toxin spread evenly around them.
Yet, even with boric acid, it takes days for vermin to die. And the dead bodies of several rats surrounding them indicated that the seemingly harmless powder was deadly. Why? An insignificant bottle was then placed by the jar, its diminutive size belying its lethal intent.
Strychnine. And it was then that he couldn't hold in his fear any longer.
He clenched his eyes shut, blocking out the images of lethal poison and dead rats. He suddenly felt his asthma coming back, the situation too much for him to remain calm. He also couldn't help the sadness in his heart, seeing his rather annoying furry friends dead because of poison she laid out. How long had he been asleep before noticing her? He cursed his lack of awareness while asleep.
“You know, your pulse is rather rapid. You should calm down or else your asthma will afflict you. And you certainly don't want to get a whiff of this stuff in you. It would make for a very dramatic mess on my hands. Look at those rats that dared to cross over and bite me. The vermin…oh, but then, that would make you one, too, ne?”
Her glib remarks rolled over him as he focused to keep his calm, the only true thing he had any control over at the moment. The cut to his head from the night of the storm began to throb, no doubt due to his heightened senses and his blood pumping faster through his veins.
“Still, you are the revered Nezumi of the Jyuunishi…'God's' favorite. Her favorite pet…her most treasured Rat.”
He continued to hide in his darkness, not daring to call out for help. How could he when he was sure she would become even more unstable? And she was too close to him to risk moving her away from him by force. All she had to do was lean in a little closer…he would be in his cursed form, and he was certain that it would only get worse from there. He inwardly gasped, feeling an unwelcome hand on his face, tracing his features delicately while taking deep breaths over him.
“Mm. I can't blame the little tramp for having you as her prize. So soft…except for this clenching of your jaw. That must be so sore from having it clenched for so long. Can't you open your eyes for me? Let me see that innocence that's yours alone.”
He felt her settling more comfortably against his legs, effectively pinning him to the floor with only their chests apart from one another and barely that. His senses were now on overdrive, and he could perceive the presence of other furry critters that were eager to help him in his time of distress. How he wanted help, he didn't care from whom or what, but to have them near him would mean their deaths, too. No, he already felt terrible for what happened to the others.
“You know, you remind me so much of Akira. His presence was…fulfilling. Quite the handsome type, too. (Sigh) You are nothing like that Dog or Bird…not even that doctor. No, it's something all your own… Hm, yes…you have such feminine features…your hair is silky like a baby's, your lips are rather full, you have such a dainty nose, your lashes are so very long and thick, you're broad-shouldered but not enough… Heh, I'm sure even the younger Jyuunishi males are surpassing you in stature.”
Aside from the snide remark of his stature, he shirked inwardly at her repulsive touch to his face as she started listing the different aspects about him. He could only remain silent and still, willing that the depraved woman would tire of her little game since he wasn't reacting to her barbs.
“No, you're most definitely not like any of the others. There's that…aura about you…such untainted innocence. Even after all that hell my dear daughter put you through all those years ago, you still managed to retain it. Remarkable…it certainly made you more…special. So…very…special…”
Grimacing inwardly, he felt how she now took liberty to rub his shoulders and arms. Repulsion was not enough of a word to describe how ill he felt in her presence now.
“It's a shame Akito isn't one to share, I should think I would enjoy your treasures. Seeing them in your eyes…hearing them in your voice…feeling them. You have many, I can tell. They were there when you were born and all throughout your life…and now, you're hiding them from me. Again.”
The tone in her voice had turned from slick to bitterness in moments. He could feel how rigid she had become, her face now mere inches from his own. If he dared to take a deep breath, he wouldn't doubt that his transformation would occur.
He only clenched them tighter, his mouth now pressed into a grim line. `Go away.'
`Leave me alone!' Her screeching only made him all the more resolute in his choice to not look to her. Perhaps now someone will hear… `Please…anyone…'
He refused.
No sound escaped him, his focus now on the pounding of blood in his ears.
“Perhaps he doesn't wish to say anything, Ren-san. You are frightening the poor boy.”
Was it relief? Shock that someone finally came? Fear now that this woman would become aggressive with him since someone else was here? Whatever it was, it paralyzed him enough to push his body over the edge. He just couldn't stop the natural inclination of his body any longer.
She quickly pulled away from Yuki's chest and glared at the intruder. “I had believed you were with that wretched daughter of mine, Shigure.”
“Oh, I was. She just wasn't in a chatty mood today. I had to drop her off with Haa-san to keep her from gouging my eyes out.” `Did she ever pitch a fit…she still was when I snuck out.' Sighing heavily, he inched forward further away from the gardens and closer to them. He chanced a glance at Yuki and saw that the Nezumi seemed to be unharmed, albeit his pallor was considerably pale than before.
`Damn, is he having an asthma attack? Just my luck…' Many levels of hell would come down on him if the Rat came to harm because of Ren's games. Discontinuing her reunion with the Nezumi, he advised casually, “Ren-san, why don't you go back to your quarters before your daughter comes around back here? You know Haa-san can't hold her back for long. And I'm pretty sure she'll know where to find her missing Nezumi. Strangest thing, you know…she can tell when he's around…when he's in trouble…do you see where I'm going with this?”
Ren only seethed as she heard him speak. “I will do NO such thing until this RAT does as he's told!” Turning her contempt back to the boy beneath her, she planted her hands on either side of his turned head, shrilly calling out as she leaned in so very close, “OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SAY ANYTHING YOU PIECE OF SH—”
She was abruptly cut off as she felt herself entirely yanked off the Nezumi, her breath still caught in her throat as she was thrown unceremoniously to the hard ground. She immediately stood up to face the person who dared to touch her without permission.
He honestly hadn't meant to be so rough. He was rather relaxed at the time since he was positive that Akito's hysterics were just that. Comfortable with that opinion, he had Kureno stay with her while he went in search of the Inu, confident that the Nezumi had left the premises as he had said he would. Never did it cross his mind that Akito was in the right the whole time.
He saw what he saw, and from where he was from just around the corner on the veranda, it certainly seemed like she was choking Yuki. It was of course the worst case scenario he had conjured up, and so without hesitation, he rushed in and yanked her off. He wasn't careful with her either, taking care not to come too close to her, and threw her off the veranda. He didn't hesitate either to reach down and pull Yuki up and hold him away from their prying eyes, sending the circle of powder in disarray.
It was only then when he looked down to where the Nezumi was that he identified the contents on the floor, his eyes widening as his face took on an ashen look. He quickly pulled Yuki away, trying to determine if the boy was actually poisoned. Unfortunately, the only thing he could tell was that the teen was having trouble breathing because that's all he let on…his eyes and mouth were clamped shut.
“DID YOU POISON HIM, REN?!” angrily shouted Hatori.
His words did little to faze her, her initial anger now fading. She merely shrugged and began to walk off disinterestedly. “Don't be displeased with me, Sensei. I am still very much in charge of certain matters with the family. That child is as petulant as that tramp you call a `god'.”
“ANSWER ME!” reiterated the doctor his demand.
With a frustrated air, she turned around to face him, clearly annoyed that he was speaking to her so disrespectfully. “It's just FLOUR. Those filthy…RATS were the ones I used the little bottle on. The jar is just for show. It's your own fault you come up with these wild ideas that I'd harm the pathetic Rat. He's not even worth the effort to poison…so weak and pathetic.”
Incredulously staring at her, Hatori couldn't help it one way or the other. Feeling immense relief as well as bitter anger, he tightened his jaw and coldly replied, “What you did was unforgivable, Ren. You remember that.”
As the doctor hurriedly led the Nezumi away from them, Shigure couldn't help the chuckle at the absurdity of what the situation turned out to be. “Ren-san, you certainly have a way of pissing off Haa-san. Good thing it was him and not Akito-san, ne?”
“The tramp is yours to worry, not mine,” she remarked idly as she straightened her clothing about her, it being askew when she was thrown down.
“Still…” Coming closer to her presence, he smiled with a cold gleam to the eye. “You did scare Haa-san…really. He might have just been angry, but he was truly scared. And using Yuki just to get back at Akito-san was not…wise.”
It was the one and only time during this whole affair that she felt the chill run through her veins. And it only ran colder when the smile faded to a deadly grin.
“You shouldn't have screwed with either of them, bitch.”
Damage control was swift that day. Hatori could still recall the haunted look in her eyes upon seeing the Nezumi brought to the clinic in a state of shock. There was no telling what level of hysteria she would have been having had she not been so attentive of Yuki's needs. Thankfully the distraught Nezumi had suffered only a mild attack and was physically doing better by the time they arrived at the clinic.
Yuki said little, and even to this day, he refuses to talk about it. As worried as Akito was, the teen showed more concern for her condition than his own. He saw what they had hiding from him…the hollowness in her eyes, her frailty, her overall weight loss…the doctor could tell it struck the teen hard.
Hatori smiled wryly as he recollected how upset Yuki suddenly became and kept apologizing continually. Only with Akito's prodding did the Nezumi clarify that he had let his guard down, and now Shigure knew of his private visits with her. Ill and fatigued, she still managed to pull of her trademark exasperation and lightly scold him for becoming upset over nothing important. She gave the slightest care that Shigure knew now (actually, the Inu had known for some time, but she didn't mention that to him and neither did Kureno or him) and told Yuki so.
Shigure recalled that moment, too, he being present at the time outside in the hallway. As much as it irked him to hear that much indifference aimed at him, he set it aside to focus on what mattered the most to him.
`At least I have no further interference with my plans. I really don't need the psychotic woman lousing up my hard work after so many years of diligence and patience. No, it's best that she stay out of the way…far away.' The Inu grinned and sipped his tea with gusto, deeply breathing in the fresh air during the hours of twilight.
“You know…” abruptly spoke Hatori.
“Ren was adamant that the stuff she used was just flour. How was it then that the aides found it to be actual boric acid laced with strychnine? Any ideas?” asked the doctor slightly suspicious.
Grinning widely, Shigure in turn questioned him. “How was it that someone of her position was committed to a private sanitarium? Should I take a guess as to who made the actual order? We both know Akito couldn't have done it on her own.”
Hatori turned away to stare at the dark woods around him, keeping silent on the matter that was completely Akira's doing. The father had been so distraught about what had happened between Ren and the children that he took both he and Kureno to the side shortly after. He remembered clearly how the situation was and how resentful Akira had been. It was a confidential decree this father bestowed on them both to carry out should he be unable to.
`-To confine Ren permanently should she repeat her course of action. Whatever means necessary to complete this task will be utilized.- So authorized Akira. It took hours to convince the board of elders, but with Akito there, it was all but certain they would consent to it as well. Still, the fact that the substance turned out to be real went a long way in helping me.'
“It's an order I couldn't defy had I even wanted to.” It was said calmly and surely, Hatori's expression never wavering from it's serene state. He only chanced a glance at his friend when the writer had remained silent for a time.
Shaking his head at the doctor's remarks, Shigure sighed heavily and took a cigarette to smoke idly away. “Well, we indeed are a pair, Haa-san. We do what we must. You think our efforts will be worth it in the end?”
“Time tells everything, right?” Sipping his tea quietly, Hatori focused his thoughts on a different matter. “How long was Yuki going to take today?”
“Heh, who knows. Aya is with him as well,” smiled Shigure broadly as he let a stream of smoke into the air. “This should be a very interesting story to hear when they get back.”
Hatori had to agree. It would be…interesting. “Hm, the poor kid…”
- TBC -
Brief Explanations (10-13-06):
Whew…that's a long one-shot that was supposed to be two parts! Eh, well, blame my creative juices taking a back seat to fatigue. It's been one long week at work. Bummer.
Anyway, this is a two-part side-story, so hopefully the other one will be out shortly. I had meant this one to come out sooner, but hey, it's all good. How you like? It's supposed to tie up some loose ends that don't really flow in the SOS timeline. Let me know.
As clarification, the story alludes to my SOS fic, chapters 29, 39 plus TGoM side fic, chapter 2. If you've not read these or can't remember, likely this side-story may be a little hard to pick up, but not too much I think.
I had wanted to include more of Yuki's thoughts here, especially with Akito towards the end of the flashback, but I wanted to focus on Shigure and Hatori on this one. I couldn't help the Yuki moments with Ren, but other than that, I think I accomplished my goal. Next part should have plenty Yuki/Akito moments, including at a young age! I LOVE little Yuki and Akito
I really didn't spoil anything in this fic. If you're up to par with latest developments between Akito/Kureno/Shigure, then you'd see allusions to that here, but nothing explicit. It doesn't flow with my main fic, so of course it's dumped more or less in my fics.
Musical suggestion: “Here With Me” with Dido. Lovely lyrics and melody. Fits with this chapter!
Thanks to all for reading, and do review! It lets me know all is well in my SOS world! Take care. Ja ne!