Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ To love the enemy ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: To love the enemy
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: YukiKyou
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Fruits Basket!
Status: chapter(s) 9/12
Summary: In which more dreams were revealed, Yuki and Kyou relationship strengthen and improves.


Note: /.../ Dream Scene

/Two boys of six were playing together by the koi pond when one boy called out "Yuki!"

The other boy looked and smiled. "Kyou-kun..."

For a while, they were smiling and playing with each other when out of a sudden, a group of grown-ups appeared. The two boys were forced apart and dragged off to another area. The next moment, they were kneeling in front of Hatori as the young man erased off their memories. Hiding from view, Akito Sohma was smirking behind a pillar. /

Beads of perspiration rolled down Yuki's forehead as he sat up aruptly in bed. Throwing caution to the wind, he kicked off his blankets and made a beeline towards Kyou's room. Without even bothering to knock on the door, he pulled the door opened and stepped into the room. However, the 'Slam' of the door woke Kyou up from the light slumber.

"Yuki?" Kyou looked at Yuki strangely, wondering why the other boy looked so traumatize.

Without warning, he dived head first into Kyou's embrace, startling the other boy. Glancing up he found Kyou frowning at his abnormal behavior.

"Please, just hold me for now." Yuki said shakily.

Having no choice, Kyou agreed. Now that he was safety tucked in Kyou's embrace, Kyou couldn't help but asked. "Yuki, what's wrong?"

For a moment, Kyou thought Yuki had no intention to answer his question when Yuki spoke up softly. "Kyou, did you ever have dreams on our past?"

"Huh?" Kyou stared at Yuki bewilderly, before asking. "What do you mean?"

Yuki ignored Kyou's question and continue "I had been having such dreams for a month now. Everytime, it's the same thing that happens over and over again."

"So what exactly happened in those dreams?" Kyou asked.

"At first, we were playing by the koi pond... we appeared to be very happy with each other..." Yuki frowned when he recalled the next scene. "Anyway, we were soon separated by the adults and the next thing I know was that we were kneeling in front of Hatori and for a while I actually thought I saw Akito smirking at the back of the room."

Yuki stopped speaking when he remembered the sight of Akito in his dream scene. All of the sudden, he started shaking and the next thing he remembered was the fact that he was crying on Kyou for the second night in a week. Slowly, he felt himself drifting into a deep slumber with his body wrapped tightly and securely in Kyou's arm.

~ to be continue~

date started: 04/05/05

date revised/completed: 14/05/05