Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Under a Cherry Blossom Sky ❯ Lake Effect ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I so love this pairing, and they need so much more love than they get in the fandom. A romantic and sometimes funny story. This chapter told from Yuki's point of view. WARNING for LEMON content in later chapters. A hint of LIME in this chapter. Possible SPOILERS for those not familiar with the end of the manga. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 1 - Lake Effect

"Here it is."

The air never smelled so sweet.

"This key will open every door at the lake house. You'll have to turn on the breakers though. They were turned off for the winter."

"No problem."

There's nothing but bad memories here.

"The phone is programmed with most of the local numbers you'll need. The list is on the fridge." A pause. "And you may want to open the windows. Air the place out a little."


The air was always stale and the woods served as another fence.

Another cage.

"Any groceries can be placed on the family account at the local store. For take out, you're on your own." Another pause. "Any other questions?


"Should there be something else?"

I'd only been here several times in my life. The last time was with Honda-san and Kyo, back in high school. It seemed a bit different then too.

"I don't.... No, I guess not."

"Just don't destroy the place. Okay?"

"All right."

But now it was REALLY different.


Especially having my girlfriend with me.

"You like it?"

As I inhaled another deep breath, I glanced at my girlfriend to gauge her reaction. The smile from ear to ear was a good start. I could see her eyes sweep the length of the lake house before taking in the tall trees and blue sky above.

"This place is gorgeous," she practically whispered.

I opened my mouth to reply, then smiled to myself.

It wasn't half as beautiful as her. Cliche, I know, but it was true.

Graduating from the university was a great accomplishment. One many of my relatives had celebrated. But amongst all the revelry and merriment, poor Machi had been pushed away. Oh she had been happy for me too. Supported me 110 percent. Yet my studies and impending job search made it difficult to spend time together.

Especially time alone.

When I first approached the head of the family to request the keys, I was first surprised to be greeted so warmly. Secondly, I was floored by how easily she handed over the keys. And with a smile, even! Things had never worked out so easily before.

But then, many things have changed since high school.

Since the curse was broken.

Kyo was proprietor of Shishou's school, already running most of the classes by himself. He'd also starting doing some construction work in his free time. He's working his butt off, I know. Keeps him out of trouble. I hear he wants to propose to Honda-san when she comes back. I know she'll say yes.

Honda-san...I mean, Tohru, had gone to school briefly for cooking, then for business. As far as I know, she's now in Europe at a reknowned cooking school. She plans to open a pastry shop when she returns next month. Momiji has already signed up to help once he graduates. As have Kisa and Hiro, who are one year away from completing their high school studies.

I haven't heard from Haru or Rin since they left Japan a few months ago. Haru has been signed to a new band in the U.S., and Rin is modeling. Surprising really, but the band is pretty good and Rin photographs very well. I hope they're enjoying themselves.

"Can we go inside?"

Cause I certainly plan to.

"Yes. Let's bring our things inside and then go for a walk."

"Sounds great."

Machi Kuragi had a tough year ahead of her. She planned to graduate with two degrees. And I thought I was an overachiever. But she's determined, and both majors suit her perfectly.

"Which room, Yuki?"

"The first one the left."

For a while, I was fearful she wouldn't get along with other members of my family. But Momiji and Haru were very kind to her, especially after I'd left high school. And Kisa has a certain fondness for her, nearly clinging to her side at family events. If Machi is opposed, she's never shown it. Hiro, too, took a liking to her forward candor. She isn't one to sugar coat her opinions. And she has plenty of them. She and Ritsu had a friendly debate going at my graduation party just a few weeks ago.

"Are you sure about sharing a room, Machi?"

"Would you feel more comfortable in a separate room?"

"No, not really."

"Then it's settled.

Our relationship has grown much over the years. Sometimes I wonder how I ever lived without her.

"Ready," I asked.

She nodded. "Let's go."

Once we decided on sleeping arrangements and our luggage was secured in an upstairs bedroom, we went for a walk around the lake. The path was a little grown over, but exactly as I remembered it. Following the edge of the forest, it looked like a very long walk.

Hand in hand, we made our way around the water. It was as blue as I remembered. A reflection of the sky, Machi had commented. Occasionally we'd stop to take in the view, or point out something of interest. We passed a nest of loud, baby birds and were followed by a small deer for part of the journey. There was some new growth along the trail -- a type of wild berries. We picked a few and fed them to another nest of birds. All the while we were silent, simply taking in the scenery and enjoying each other's presence.

Once the walk was over, our stomachs decided on the next course of action. Shopping. We took the car into town and stocked up on drinks and multiple ingredients. Machi had taken a few lessons from Tohru and was determined to make me something spectacular. No complaints here!

The old woman behind the counter remember me from long ago. We chatted a bit while she checked us out. She even commented how nice it was to see a young a couple in love. We both blushed a bright red. Thanking her, we returned to the car, carrying several bags each. There was probably enough to feed ten people, but much of what we didn't use could be transported home.

We arrived back at the lake house just before dusk. As we unpacked the groceries, we talked about dinner. Something light and easy to make, we agreed. Once that was settled, I invited Machi to take a bath while I did the preparations for dinner. A brief kiss on the cheek and she left me to arrange everything in the kitchen.

The feeling of being with her is like being at home. Calm. Peaceful. Warm. I never really had those feelings growing up. Until I met Tohru, And once I took an interest in Machi, got to know her better, and fell in love, I knew where I was supposed to be in life. I'm proud of myself for achieving all that I have, proud of the friends I've made and the family I have -- well, with the exception of my mother. I can even tolerate my older brother more, but only in bits and pieces.

I think I understand him more, too.

With everything ready to go for dinner, I head upstairs to check on Machi. I don't hear the water running and find the door open when I reach the top of the stairs. She must be in the bedroom.

Quietly opening the door, I find her inside sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to me. I crept up on her, slowly moving from the door to the bed. She had changed clothes, wearing a fresh blouse and a pair of jeans. It was refreshing to see her in the denim pants. Her upbringing dictated the dresses and skirts that she wore, but she looked just as good in a fitted pair of jeans.

As I leaned over the bed, I realized it would be more difficult to sneak up on her. Moving slower, I crawled across the mattress, trying to make as little movement as possible. And whether or not she knew I was there, or simply oblivious, I carefully sat behind her and kissed her shoulder.

Machi giggled, a clear indication that she knew I was coming. Go figure. I hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek. Her fingers grasped my arms, squeezing lightly.

"You know....” Her voice was a tad deeper than normal, more heady and wanton. I always liked that tone. “I never got to give you all of your graduation present," she said.

"Is that so?"

She smiled. "Mm-hmm."

Her upbringing may have been stringent, but our relationship had never been boring. Especially in the sex department. We tried to fight it, but it was pointless. And in relieving our anxieties, I may have helped release a monster.

No, I'm not complaining. Just stating a fact.

As she leaned back, I leaned in for a kiss. Just one moment with her. One simple kiss. Dinner still needed to be prepared, and there was no rush. It's not like we needed to go any where tomorrow. But as our lips touched, electricity shot down my spine. My grip on her loosened as I moved to the right, allowing her to fall back on the bed.

I made short work of the blouse's buttons, my finger caressing her ribcage under one breast. She moaned into our ongoing kiss, framing my face with her hands. They caressed my cheeks and neck, moving lower until they reached the buttons of my shirt.

Slowly she unbuttoned them, one by one. It was my turn to groan when she finished, placing one hand on my chest. I broke the kiss, rising to remove my shirt. Tossing it aside, I leaned down, pressing my lips to her neck as her fingers caressed my back.

But before I could kiss her again, a voice called out from downstairs.

"Honey, I'm home!"

We both froze. While we didn't hear the door open, it definitely closed with a loud THUD.

I immediately sat up on the bed, pulling her with me. She looked at me, confused, and then heard the footsteps downstairs. All I could do was smile apologetically while looking for my own shirt. She handed it to me, kissing me on the cheek before rebuttoning her blouse.

Knowing she was covered, I made for the stairs, buttoning my shirt as I went. I knew who was downstairs, though it seemed impossible. How would he know we were there? Akito, of course. The head of the Sohma household. The person who gave me the keys.

His wife.

My eyes then widened in stark fear. Was she with him?! Even after all the changes, I don't think I was prepared for some "quality" time with Akito.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase, he came into view. Shigure Sohma was already digging through the refrigerator in the kitchen. And he seemed disappointed in whatever selection he was looking for. But he emerged with a can of juice.

"Shigure," I said evenly.

"Oh, Yuki! You made it," he said, opening the can. "How was the trip?"

"Peaceful," I replied simply.

As he moved towards the adjoining living area he asked, "Find the breakers okay?"

"Right where Akito told me they were."

"Looks like you're about to make dinner."

I followed him into the living area. "I was."

He smiled that knowing smile of his. "I hope it's better than when you were in high school."

I couldn't stop a smirk from appearing on my lips. "I've learned a few things since then."

The next voice I heard sent chills down my spine.

"Yuki! How I've missed you!"

It took all I had left to muster a slanted smile for Shigure's partner in crime. Ayame Sohma sat on one of the plush chairs on the far side of the room. He had his own can of juice, raised as if in a toast. The broad smile he wore, while normally infectious, made me fume a little more. I love my brother, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't planning on spending the weekend with him.

And when he and Shigure were together, it was nothing but trouble.

"What are you -- both -- doing here?" The question came out with no thought, although I managed to keep my voice steady and even.

"Why? Dear brother, we've come to keep you company," Ayame replied.

Company, huh? I looked from him, to Shigure. Obviously they knew I was here. Under normal circumstances, I'd put up with or avoid the terrible twosome. Yet here they were. Gods help us.

But did they know I didn't really need the company?


Machi came up behind me. It was her touch, her hand on my arm, that began to calm my ire. My smile became a bit more genuine, but only for her.

"We have...guests," he told her. "You remember my brother, Ayame."

"Ah! Machi-san!" He came at her like a storm and embraced her so quickly and tightly that there was no escaping his grasp. "How good to see you again!"

"Ayame-san," she replied, her voice strained due to the tight embrace. "It's...good to see you too."

She was still in shock when he released her and moved back towards his seat, I was afraid she'd fall. I grasped her hand, moving closer in case she needed support. My brother sometimes had that overwhelming affect on people. Even on Machi, who'd known him for several years now.

"Don't forget me," Shigure chimed in with a wave. "I hope you're doing well, Machi-san."

She gathered herself enough to nod and smile. "I'm well. Thank you, Shigure-san." After a pause, she asked, "Are the two of you spending some time here for the weekend?"

"We knew Yuki would be here, so we came to keep him company," he explained. "We didn't expect to be playing chaperones."

"This is going to be such a great weekend," Ayame exclaimed.

A great weekend? I wasn't so sure. But it would certainly be a LONG one.


Fruits Basket is the property of Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions (anime) and Tokyopop (manga) for distribution in the US and Canada. All characters are used here without permission. No money is being made from this story, so please do not sue