Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi No Kicho (My Precious) ❯ Watashi No Kicho (My Precious) ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by: Miyu, Vampire Princess

A sequel to "Wit's End". Arigato for making me addicted to this pair

Mona-chan. *glomp* I hope that you will enjoy it. A Shigure X
Kagura fanfic. One shot. Lemon warning. Standard Disclaimer
follows story.

Everything looks white at first. Even the clouds, the thick gauze that lies before me. Then the clouds seem to part and I can see the school grounds of Kawaia High School. I was there this morning...yes, I was there to talk to Kyo. I hadn't spoken to him in some time. And since he wouldn't come to see me I decided to go see him.

He never comes to see me. It's not unusual. I love, that's not quite right. I loved him. Past Tense. No, maybe I was right before. I still love him. I will always love him.

Even though he told me to go away.

Even though he told me he didn't want me, that he didn't love me.

Even though he broke my heart.

The words just rolled out of his mouth without warning. I didn't even get my arms around him before he was spouting out his feelings and trying to back away from me. It was such a surprise that all I could do was stare at him. He was finally telling me his feelings.


And for once I actually listened. I didn't want to hear a word he said, wanted to bleach my brain after he did, but I still listened.

"I don't want you falling all over me anymore, all right. I don't love you. I...never did. I tried, but I can't, okay. So just...just... leave me alone, Kagura."

"That's what you really want, is it, Kyo-kun?"

"Don't you get it?!" He sighed, his anger boiling. "What part of this don't you under stand? Don't come by the school. Don't come by Shigure's to see me. Leave. Me. Alone!"

When he turned his back on me, I knew the conversation was over. A sob escaped from my lips before I could stop it. I would not cry. Not there. Not in front of him. I would NOT cry! I saw Kyo's shoulder's hunch, saw him begin to turn around to look at me.

And I ran.


I had no idea where I was going. I fell on the sidewalk several times, running into complete stranger and muttering apologies as I went. I didn't care who saw me, as long as he didn't see me cry.

I suppose I ran far enough when I reached the door of the Honke. I should've gone inside, ran to my room, and thrown myself on my bed. I couldn't depend on anyone else to help me. I was one of the jyuunishi, one of the cursed Sohma. There was NO one I could run to anymore.

Yet I turned away and kept running. There was a dirt path just off to the left. I took in unconsciously, my feet carrying me to my destination. As the woods cleared, I managed to make out a small house through my tears.

I stopped at the front door, suddenly concerned for my appearance. I smoothed my hands over the front of my dress and ran them tentatively through my hair. After a few deep breaths, I opened the door and called inside.

"Shi-chan? Are you home?"

When there was no answer, I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. It looked like no one was home, but then I heard a phone slam down and a loud curse. That was definitely my cousin. Must've been talking to his editor.

Forcing a smile I walked back the hallway to his study. He was indeed in there. He looked rather stressed and I reconsidered. Maybe I should just go home and have myself a good cry. But I didn't want to be alone, so I did the only thing I could do.

I knocked.

I was nervous when I opened the door to look inside. Nervous and a little scared. I rarely can to Shi-chan for anything, including comfort. We'd just never been close that way. But I thought maybe...just maybe he could make my pain go away.

Boy did he ever!

A clock in the distance rings 3:30PM. My arms stretch over my head and I try to get my bearings. My body aches, especially my back. I must've fallen asleep in one position and hadn't moved. I'd would've thought other areas would ache...and actually they did. Just remembering those moments between us made me hot and sweaty.

EW! What was I sticking to? Just what was I lying on, papier-mâché?!

Sitting up, holding the blanket to my naked chest, I peel a few pieces of paper off of my arm. I'm still in Shigure's study, but if it really was so late in the afternoon the others would be home shortly. Tohru most definitely if no one else. Yun-chan no doubt had after school meetings and Kyo...well honestly, I didn't care.

No, that's a lie too. I did care.

Just not if he caught me with Shi-chan.

Speaking of which, my older cousin is sitting at his desk. For a moment I believe he's deep in thought, but as I stand from the futon and carefully make my way over to him, I notice that he's not really working at all. He's leaning back in his chair, his head resting on the back edge with his eyes closed. Was he asleep?

His computer screen blinks at me, a message box saying that the printer is out of paper. I look at the printer and find a pile of papers sitting there. His latest novel no doubt. And it looks huge! With all the books he's already written, what more does he have left to write about?

I find some blank pieces of paper and place them in the printer. I only hope they'll be enough. Once it starts spitting out paper again, I turn back to the computer, hoping to catch a glimpse of what he's written. My eyes scanned the screen quickly, widening in surprise.

"Her fingers roamed over his smooth back and cupped his taut bottom in her hands. She pulls him closer, moaning as his enlarged manhood swells inside her. Her fingernails dig into his flesh, causing tiny red marks to appear. She moans again a she begins to move inside her, his moans echoing hers as her nails continue to bite his flesh. Her hips raise off the mattress, allowing him better access and thrusts harder in response...."

"Good reading, isn't it?"

I turn to see Shigure looking at me with a smile on his face. I jump in surprise. Not because he's looking at me, or because that as I was reading I'd moved closer to him and his computer. No, I kind of like the way he looks at me now.

But his smile.

I don't think I've seen a more boyish...more genuine...grin.

Shigure pulls me into his lap and I wiggle to get comfortable. Leaning back I can feel his breath against my ear. His voice, when he speaks, sounds very, VERY erotic.

"You can keep reading if you'd like."

I would really. But there are other things on my mind. "'s 3:30. Won't Tohru and the others be home soon?"

"Hmmm...." He nuzzles my neck, his lips lightly grazing the edge of my ear. "Probably."

"Is it...."My voice disappears as I moan, his tongue licking at a sensitive spot on my neck. "Is it okay...for me to be here...?"

Shigure pauses, sitting back. I can hear his pout in his voice. "Kagura, are you feeling guilty over what happened before--?"

My eyes go wide. "Iie," I answer immediately, shaking my head furiously. I glance at him over my shoulder, biting my lower lip. How am I supposed to tell him I didn't want Kyo to see? I mean, I guess by running away I had promised not to visit. But was I really...visiting? Again I thought that I couldn't care less if Kyo caught me with Shigure, but there was still a nagging feeling....

Feeling his breath against me ear, I giggle. It tickles. One of his hands begins stroking my arm up and down from my shoulder to my elbow. His other hand, lightly caressing my exposed thigh, causes a warm feeling to build in my stomach. I force myself to relax and enjoy myself. His fingers grave the side of my breast on a down stroke and I suppress a shiver.

"Maybe he should find us," he whispers into my ear. Had he read my mind? Was that even possible? "But he's going to Kazuma's dojo after school. Yuki has a meeting and Tohru's working her part-time." Nuzzling my neck again, his lips find that sensitive spot again and he begins to suckle on my skin. "We're in no danger of being caught."

At his words I find my body totally relaxing. I moan, his hands moving to other places on my body. The hand massaging my thigh moves upward while his other hand latches onto a breast, his arm trapping me in an embrace. His fingers begin kneading my breast and I let my head fall back on his shoulder, whimpering in appreciation and agony.

"Does this mean you don't mind?"

The only answer I can give him is a shake of my head. The hand traveling up my thigh dives under the blanket. I try to move my legs further apart, but the arms of the chair restrict me. I moan again, this time in frustration.

I hear Shigure chuckle in my ear, his lips trailing light kisses across my exposed shoulder. His fingers stop their caressing movements mere inches from my center. His other hand, however, continues to massage my breast, catching the taut nipple between his fingers. He pinches lightly, placing a wet, open-mouthed kiss to the joint of my shoulder and neck.

"Shi-chan," I plead. "Shigure...onegai...."

He groans, the sound making me feel even warmer. His fingers answer my plea, slowly moving upward again. I moan as two fingers part my wet folds, a third sliding easily inside me. My hips buck, pushing themselves back and forth into his touch. My writhing earns me a growl and I stop immediately when I feel his arousal against the small of my back. Tentatively I move again, rubbing my bottom against his hardened state. He growls again, slipping a second
finger inside of me in retaliation.

I feel the heat rush through my body, my hips rocking in his lap. A third finger entered me and I cry out from the pleasure. My hips move faster, my hands grasping tightly to the armrests to steady myself. Shigure's hips grind into me from behind and my release washes over me quickly. I hold my breath, my body shivering from the moment of bliss.

Strong arms wrap around me in a tender embrace. I lean into the warmth, my body going slack from exertion. I notice idly that the printer has stopped and the computer screen has gone black. Had I passed out? For how long?


The blanket covering my chest is suddenly pulled away, causing me to gasp. The soft cotton slides down my body, revealing nearly almost all of my skin to the cool air of the study. Shigure grunts behind me, his hands on my hips. He pushes me forward by leaning forward, his hands grabbing the blanket and trying to pull it away. Using my arms, I lift myself just enough so that the blanket disappears from beneath me. I lower myself onto warm skin, a large, blunt object poking my lower back.

Powerful hands grab at my breasts, forcing them together and kneading them rather roughly. I open my mouth to cry out but all that escapes is a moan. With a little effort, I try to push myself back into Shigure's erection. I want him inside me. I want to feel him stretching me, feel that delicious friction that he can create.

His lips travel along my shoulder again, his hands moving lower to my hips. He lifts me, my arms helping him, and slowly lowers me onto his rigid manhood. It's torture, moving this slowly, but we both moan in unison, appreciating the feel of being one.

I try to set a steady rhythm but he instantly pushes me harder, faster. I grunt with each thrust, my body welcoming his entire length. The feeling is much more intense from this position. He seems to be able to hit this one spot, over and over. I can only moan and hurry my pace with each stroke.

I toss my head back again. His lips suckle my earlobe as I come again. White hot light washes over me and I close my eyes to keep from getting dizzy. I feel my body clench around his, feel him still thrusting into me and then...nothing.

"Kagura? Kicho, daijobu desu ka?"

My eyes open slowly. As they focus, I immediately realize two things. I'm leaning back against Shigure, my body totally lethargic and achy. Secondly, Shigure is still hard and buried inside me.

Why? Why didn't the come?

And did I hear him say "kicho"?

Precious? Me?!

"Aa," I reply as I come to my senses. "Ano...Shi-chan...doshite--?

"What can I say?" He chuckles again, kissing my ear. "Believe me it's not that you're not any good, Kagura. Don't ever think that." His hands begin a gentle exploration of my upper body and I moan in response. He kisses my ear again. "I just like to prolong things. It makes the experience more enjoyable for both of us."

"Will you...." I gasp as his fingers play with my hardened nipples, whimpering as he pinches them tightly.


"I to...." I lose my voice once again as one hand travels lower over my body and his thumb grazes my clit. I loose my train of thought for a second, moaning his name. "I want you to come with time."

He smiles against my ear. "I think that can be arranged." His hands move to my hips again. "Ne, but I want to look at you this time. You look so beautiful when you climax. I want to watch you...I want to see your expression as I come inside you."

His words strike a chord somewhere in me and another feeling of warmth, of want, washes over me. With his help I slide off of him and stand, turning to face him. We smile at each other as he pulls me closer. I think he wants me to sit facing him, but the construction of the chair doesn't seem conducive to such a position.


"Here, I'll help you," he says, pulling me so that my legs brush up against his. "Place your knee here. That's right. Now lift your other leg so it drapes over the armrest. Use the joint of you knee. Yes, that's good. Very good. Now your other leg...."

I feel like a silly marionette, sitting in his lap with my legs dangling off the armrests and my arms linked around his neck. But it puts us in a wonderfully close position. I can feel his engorged cock rub against my still wet and wanting folds as I rock my hips against his. One particular stroke rubs against my clit and I throw my head back. My hips start to rock faster against him until I feel his hands clasp my ass and hold me against him.

"No fair if you're going to come now, ne?" He asks, his voice rough with his own lust and want.

Lifting me, it takes two tries before I'm fully impaled on him once more. The friction is fabulous and the feelings just as intense as before. I try to work myself on him, but I need his help. Thankfully he starts a blinding rhythm, thrusting into me as fast as he possibly can.

He's closer than I thought to his orgasm. I'd like to trick him into coming and prolonging the action myself, but my body doesn't like the idea. Instead I scream again, the white light returning to bath me, to take me away to some pleasurable place with stars in the sky. I'm vaguely aware of him impaling me on his one last time before he comes as well. I try to keep my eyes open, blinking rapidly, but my orgasm is too much and his just sends me right over the edge again.

Kami, is that possible?!

I feel his arms encircle me again, or bodies relaxing against each other. I place my cheek against his left shoulder. I can hear his declining heartbeat as it begins to even out. I stay there, listening to the steady beat. My own heart echoes that beat and I sigh contentedly.


"Hmm." His own orgasm must've affected him pretty good. He seems to be speechless right now, and that's just unlike him. His fingers caress my back and he sighs into my ear.

"Ne, is it okay if I spend the night here?"

"You're always welcome here, kicho."

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course I mean--!"

"No not that," I say with a shake of my head. Lifting myself away from him I look him seriously in the eye. "I you mean it when you say `kicho'?"

He smiles, that same unguarded, honest smile from before and I feel my heart melt all over again. "That's what you are, Kagura. Watashi no kicho." He leans forward and kisses me lightly. "My precious."

Filled with joy at his declaration, I hug him tightly. "Ai shiteru, Shi-chan."



"I...can't...b reathe. You're"

"AH! Gomen! Gomen!"

"It's all right," he tells me as I let him. His face does look a little blue, but his color returns quickly. He smiles at me again. "About staying the night--"

My eyes go wide and for a moment I'm afraid he's going to turn me away. But he leans forward, kissing me in reassurance. "You'll be staying in my room."

I move to hug him again but stop abruptly. Instead, I lean forward and kiss him. We both moan into the kiss as other parts of our bodies begin to react. I suppose it's a good thing that Tohru and the other won't be home right away, and I have no qualms when it comes to Kyo now. Let him see me in Shi-chan's room. Let him catch us for all I care. I'm where I belong. Where I need to be.

With MY precious.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS
Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for
distribution in the USA). They own furuba. THEM! Not me! *sigh*
All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue.
I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills.