Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Water Conducts Electricity ❯ Water Conducts Electricity ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Aya X Hana


As wonderful as it would be this is strictly fan-fiction and I don't claim any ownership to Fruits Basket!


Water Conducts Electricity


Chapter One:


It was a truly miserable day. There were power outages all over town due to the heavy rains that had plagued them all week. Saki Hanajima was out in the middle of the spring storm.

She hadn't been able to get a hold of Tohru Honda all week long and was filled with a strange signal she'd not felt before. Hana was really starting to worry she was sure the signal came from the house where Tohru lived.

Tohru had lived with the Sohma's for three years at Shigure's house just outside of the city, but it was a long walk for Hana in the heavy rain. Soaked to the skin despite the umbrella she carried, she wondered why the strange new feeling of need was getting so much stronger the closer she got to the Sohma residence.

Walking out of the city Hana was pleased to find some shelter from the rain as the tree line along the road created a natural canopy. The weather was definitely full blown springtime; the chill in the air wasn't as bad as it had been a few weeks ago. Hana smiled as she walked along, this was a beautiful walk and it seemed finally the rain provided a lovely scenic backdrop.


Through the mist, Hana thought she saw someone up ahead of her sitting to the side of the walkway. Hurrying her pace, she once again started to worry for Tohru.

Coming closer she discover that the person watching the weather much like she had just been doing, was not Tohru. This was Yuki's older brother if she remembered correctly, Ayame Sohma. She only met him once and that had been a while ago.

Hana slowed as she neared him not wanting to startle him as it seemed he still hadn't noticed her. The beautiful man was just staring off into space. Hana cleared her throat.

"Hello." Hana left it at that and waited to see what the older man would do when he finally noticed her.

Jumping up off of the bench he'd been sitting on, a startled Ayame Sohma took in the drenched young lady standing before him. With his usual flourish Ayame made a quick recovery and a grand introduction. "My dear! You must forgive me for not seeing you sooner: for I, Ayame Sohma would have escorted you on your walk, saving you from your rain soaked fate" He gave a grand sweeping bow that had his long hair was almost brushing Hana's wet shoes.

"It is nice to see you again, I am Saki Hanajima… Tohru's friend." As usual Hana was brief, "Have you been sitting here long?" Her electric signals were pulsing as she made polity conversation with Ayame. **Could Ayame be the source of the strange signals that brought her out in the storm?**

Hana was getting curious; she was sure now, that Ayame was emitting the source of her electric based concern and not Tohru. She was sure she could FEEL him. Well, pretty sure, Hana was no longer worried about Tohru; just… Curoius…about Ayame…

"Alas, Yuki will not allow me in the house despite the storm. It seems I've upset him over something again." Ayame sighed and continued his story. "I was feeling so lonely in this wretched weather that I came all of the way to Shigure's just to spend time with my little brother and now it will be several hours before Hatori can come to get me. I've been passing the time in the peaceful shelter here for some time now."

"I see." Hana interjected, "perhaps you would like some company. Tohru is not expecting me so she will not miss me if I don't arrive until later."

Ayame stood quickly and took one knee in front of Hana, "I would love the company of anyone as beautiful as you, and I would be simply honored!" Standing and unhooking his long outer robe Ayame quickly shed the garment and spread it on the bench he'd so recently vacated.

Motioning for Hana to sit, Ayame took a closer look at the girl. He took in her gentle soft features framed by long damp tendrils. Hana arranged her skirt as she sat and smiled up at Ayame.

Ayame sat down as close as he could get to her on the bench and was pleased when Hana just turned and smiled at him.

So quickly before he knew what he was doing Ayame had reached out and pulled loose a lock of Hana's hair. Suddenly determined to charm the lovely girl before him he brought it to his lips. Ayame was overcome with being drawn to the pretty quiet girl. He felt so Pulled into her gaze. He was starting to wonder if it had been wise to so recklessly tear off his robe. His body definitely knew what it wanted.

"May I ask you a question?" Hana began and continued before Ayame could answer. She needed to find out if this beautiful man was really the reason for her being here. "When you said earlier that this weather had caused you loneliness, I wonder what you would say if I told you that I am here because of the same reason."

There was no doubt that Hana was starting to feel a deep attraction for Ayame. She began to hope his answer led to further conversation or maybe even something else. The signals she was getting from him were making her very warm despite the chill in the air.

"I would say that we must be two lonely souls brought together by a cruel twist of fate!" Ayame turned Hana's face to his and looked deep into her eyes for any sign that she wanted him to stop. He was surprised when he saw no resistance in her face and leaned closer until their breaths mingled.

"I was starting to think much of the same thing as you it seems." Hana met his warm gaze and realized her voice was getting heavy and low.

Ayame leaned the rest of the way and placed a gentle lingering kiss on Hana's soft lips. When she reached up to caress his face he slipped an arm behind her and pulled her as close as he dared as he slipped his tongue into Hana's mouth.

Hana sighed as she fell into Ayame's kiss. She slowly let his electric signals in stronger and was almost overwhelmed by them. Noticing her jump a bit Ayame pulled back and looked in Hana's half closed eyes. What he saw there was lust, plain and simple, not at all what he'd expected after he felt her jump.

Hana saw the question in Ayame's eyes and decided to let him in on the secret. "I can sense you have very strong electric signals."

He grinned at the compliment but Hana knew that Ayame didn't fully understand what she had meant. She smiled and slipped a hand behind his neck. She sent a small current from his hairline down his spine. Ayame closed his eyes and shivered.

"That was simply marvelous! You are truly a talented young lady." Ayame purred in her ear. "I could feel you everywhere inside of me, Amazing!"

Now it was Hana's turn for a surprise, the current she sent into Ayame was no where near strong enough to travel more that a few inches. "You really felt that all through your body?" What she thought next was **And you didn't mind, you liked it!**

Ayame grinned and looked down, his robe did not hide the fact that the current had gone throughout his entire body. Hana followed his gaze and smiled to herself.

"Yes, it seems that our damp clothing has enabled my currents to be stronger than usual." Hana took Ayame's body to mean that he'd enjoyed her little surprise. She sent another current as she trailed her fingers around to his collar bone.

As her hands started to send a trail of electric impulses through Ayame he pulled her in for another kiss. This was much deeper than before and he heard Hana make a small cry as she slipped her tongue in his mouth. "I can feel the current through you!" She sighed.

Their hands began a game of copy cat as they traced the torso of the one in front of each of them. Ayame reached for Hana's hips and turned her so they would each be straddling the bench facing each other.

Hana broke the current to help Ayame move her and he groaned in longing. She struggled to help raise the damp fabric of her skirt so she could sit comfortably. Ayame was having the same dilemma with his robe.

With Ayame still standing over the bench, Hana reached over and ran her hands up his lean form. She resumed the small electrical pulses and watched his body quiver. Giving up on the robe Ayame tore it off over his head and leaned down to find the source of all his pleasure.

Hana sat back as Ayame bore down on her. She took a long look at his body before he caught her back in a kiss. Without thinking she started to pry her dress the rest of the way off. Sensing her struggle Ayame helped and quickly freed Hana from the dress.

"You're even more beautiful than I'd imagined." Ayame stared. Sitting on the bench with their knees touching on either side they met for another kiss.

Hana could feel her shocks through the parts of them that were touching. The mist that settled under the trees was making sure that they wouldn't dry off and they started to glow with their efforts as well. "Ayame, please…" that was all Hana could get out before Ayame started to move his tongue to her neck.

"It's just Aya now." He mumbled it against her breasts.

As he slipped her bra off she started to arch into his mouth. He nipped and sucked all the while receiving the delightful electric pulses from Hana's fingertips across his back, arms and chest. He was very aware that her shocks were touching her as well; everywhere his tongue traveled.

Ayame gasped as he felt her reaching for his manhood. He wasn't sure if he could handle her touch directly. He was already so hot that he was having trouble holding himself back. As Hana touched him he sat straight and arched into her warm caress.

Seeing the look on his face was the encouragement Hana needed. Lowering herself to his lap she took the tip of his member in her mouth. She lowered the pulses she sent out as she lowered her mouth. Then slowly began to raise her mouth along Aya's shaft.

She nibbled and increased the pressure and felt Aya reach for her. As his hands grabbed a fistful of her hair each she spead up her massage. The salty tang of Aya was starting to make her want more.

Hana felt herself being lifted from Aya's hardness. She looked into his eyes with a question that would never get answered.

Aya lifted her till she was standing on the bench in front of him and slowly lowered her panties. Hana delicately stepped free and stood looking down at Aya. He took her in his gaze standing in the mist in only her socks and shoes. It was incredibly sexy.

Hana cried out as Aya pulled her to his face by her hips. She held to the top of his head as she started to feel his tongue and fingers exploring her mound. She sent a strong current through them both when he found her clit.

She rocked hard against Aya as the current raced back from him to her. Hana was more than ready for him. He slipped his fingers into her folds and felt the current tide was deep within her. She was moaning his name.

Aya finished and once again took Hana by the hips and lowered her to the bench this time he lowered her to his lap. She was still reeling from being so engulfed in her orgasm that when she felt his member pressing at her entrance she bucked in his grasp.

"If you keep that up I'm going to ravage you?" Hearing Aya's teasing voice so rich in her ear made up her mind for the both of them.

Hana reached down to Aya's erection and positioned herself. With another wave of stronger currents she bore down on him. "Aya!" All Hana could focus on was how badly she wanted him.

Having the shocks running wildly through him Aya found himself so hard he had to grit his teeth to keep from cumming in that first thrust. He'd felt her hymen break and wanted to go a little slower for her sake.

Waiting for Hana to adjust and begin to move again didn't take as long as Aya had feared. He started to feel a gentle *buzzing* feeling coarse through him as she began to move him more deeply within her.

They quickly built up speed and found a rhythm. With the mist shrouding them like a fine bedroom curtain lost themselves in the sensual bliss.

Hana leaned back and braced her hands on either side of the bench for leverage as Aya's thrusting became faster. Drawing her hips up with his, Aya braced one knee on the bench. This new angle created both the visual and physical stimulation they needed.

Watching Hana's face, so alive with passion in the mist Aya was overcome and knew he would need to fulfill his passion soon. Very soon.

Finding her G-spot was easy enough with their new position and Hana's body began to rock and buck as she rode out her orgasm. Aya joined her as soon as he felt her body grab onto him as if life itself depended on it.

As their sensations slowed down Aya realized he could still feel the electricity pounding in his blood. This was too good to be true.

Lowering himself to straddling the bench again he brought Hana up to his lap again and drew her in for a soft kiss.

"Are you Ok, Hana-chan?" Aya's whisper was still gravelly with passion and Hana shivered.

"I am fine Aya. Thank you for your concern. I enjoyed this very much indeed." Her own response was soft and warm in Aya's ear.

They sat for a time still locked together in the mist feeling the electricity in the mist and knowing it was helping to keep them warm in the cool spring air. Each was lost in their own thoughts until a sound far down the path brought them back to reality.

The new lovers quickly dressed and looked each other over.

Aya burst out laughing and began to fuss with Hana's clothes. "You really should take better care of your dresses," he smirked, "If you're not careful I'll have to create something marvelous for you to wear the next time we see each other!"

"I think I would like to see what it is you would have me wear. Shall we set a time then?" Hana smiled up at Aya and received a quick kiss as confirmation.

Tohru and Yuki had just come into sight and hurried when they saw Hana and Aya together.

"Hana!" Tohru stumbled as she ran in the muddy path, "What are you doing way out here in the rain! You'll catch cold and you too Ayame, I begged Yuki to come out and tell you it was ok to stay at Shigure's till the rain passed and Hatori could get here, but the storm was so bad and we didn't know how far you'd walked and I was so worried!" Tohru finally had to stop rambling to take a breath, and Aya quickly filled the silence.

"Ah Tohru! You don't have to worry about me! As sweet as it is, it seems Hana came just in time to rescue me from the cold loneliness of my wait!" Aya swept Hana closer to him to show Tohru just how fine they both were. Ignoring Hana's faint blush he continued, "Yuki! How good of you to come with Tohru all this way and just to rescue your older brother! I'm so Happy!"

Hana's blush deepened as she felt the reason Aya had brought her to stand in front of him nudge her back.

"Um, yes, Tohru, Yuki it seems that with all of the moisture in the air my electric signals are able to offer some small warmth and we enjoyed the time we spent out here. I was concerned for you with the storms lately but I can see that you are indeed well." Knowing she needed to soothe Tohru, who was prone to worrying about those she cared for Hana tried to explain. She needed them to return to the house. "Our clothes were already damp and with a small effort I was able to send a deeper, warmer current."

Hana couldn't continue, she kept feeling Aya's hard member twitching into her back. She was also getting hot again under the circumstances. She sent him a light current.

Realizing that Hana was struggling to explain Aya came to the rescue. "Now why don't you two kids run along back to Gure's house and we'll be along after a bit! Ah Tohru perhaps we could stay for one of your delightful dinners!" Aya positively gushed!

"You are not welcome to stay for dinner however if you wish to escort Miss Hanajima I could possibly tolerate it just this once." Yuki conceded in a near mumble knowing how happy Tohru would be at having company.

"Yuki! You'll not regret it! I promise to be as well behaved as I always am," Aya started. "You are never behaved at all you stupid snake! Come Miss Honda, I'll help you start dinner." Yuki finished and nodded politely to Hana and led Tohru back the way they had come from.

When the sounds of Tohru's dinner ideas faded and became to difficult to overhear, Hana turned to face Aya.

"Well it seems we are alone again for a time. I wonder how you think we should spend it?" She reached to close the distance between them and sent the spark he was waiting for.

Aya was definitely the signal that Hana had felt in the storm.



End! I know the ending can go to more chapters but I don't know how soon I'll be able to follow through! Aya and Hana are two characters that I have very little I can relate to with so writing them into a story has obsessed me and driven me to even stranger behavior than usual. Ja ne.