Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ welcome to my horrible teenage life ❯ when will it end?!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ayumi: wow!! I'm actually updating!! Isn't that amazing? Well anyways, Duo went out to try and get Heero to come in here..........soooooo......we got Trowa here today!! Trowa: **snore**
Ayumi: aheam.....i SAID we got Trowa here today!!! **waits** **starts getting impatient** all right!! What's going on?! **goes over to the other room were Trowa was supposed to come out of**
Trowa: **snore**
Ayumi: alright! You guys go ahead and read the fic. While i try to wake up sleeping beauty over here.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fruits Basket it belongs to the great Natsuki Takaya.
But I do own all my oc's and plots. And anything else that comes out of my black void of a mind.
Regular pov
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
As our “heroines” walked through the gates of Kaibara High School they have no idea, what a huge adventure awaits them. When Rika, Sakura, and Suki arrive at the office, nothing could prepare them for the chaos in there.
“What the hell?!” yelled Sakura over the telephones as she ducked for cover from a secretary holding way to many things.
“First days of school are always like this,” answered Rika as she led them to the principal's office. Luckily none of the girls were harmed in this dangerous trek. Just as Rika was about to knock on the principal's door, the door swung open to reveal a Very agitated Kyo. (A/n Yay!! The great Kyo appears!! ^_^ V)
/Boy is fine!!/ thought Sakura.
/Damn!!/pondered Suki.
“Shit!” said Rika as she saw the agitated Kyo. //Okay you two stay close to me, because an agitated Kyo is a snapping Kyo. //
//Whatever, not like I was interested anyways// teled Sakura.
//Oh darn! // teled Suki. Rika lead them into the office as Kyo stomped away furiously, and totally ignoring Rika. (A/n we'll just call the principal Ms. Takaya)
“Ms. Takaya?” asked Rika, “These are the American students I was talking to you about.”
“Ah, yes I see, well here are your schedules” said Ms. Takaya as she handed them their schedules, “And Rika, would you be so kind as to give these young ladies a tour of the school before going to class?”
“Oh no problem Ms. Takaya” answered Rika.
“Good, well here are your hall passes and letters to your teachers explaining why you are late,” said Ms. Takaya as she handed Rika the said items, “And I hope you all will have a great year here at Kaibara High School.”
As the girls finally got out of the chaotic office, they compared their schedules.
“Well looks like we all got class D, so that means we're all in the same classes except the electives,” said Rika. (A/n I'm basing their school system on my school thingy) “Alright then let's get this tour on the way.”
Ayumi: well I'm ending it there because i am running out of creativity and if i go on then it would just suck up this whole plot line. So yeah well it looks like I can't get the sleeping beast up **points at Trowa**
Trowa: **snore**
Ayumi: Hmmm.... i wonder when Duo will be back....oh well anyways before I end this thingy, how do you people feel about having some Yuki / Kyo in this story? Because if I get enough votes and comments and stuff I will put a pair up, meaning if you don't like Yuki / Kyo then give me some other pair and I'll think about it. Bye Bye for now!!!