Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Haru's Letter ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Before I start, I'd like to say a little bit about ratings, and the deleting of stories off

As of late, a lot of my friends have had their fics reported for rating abuse. Personally I think that they could have done worse, but it is my opinion. Currently I'm working on a website similar to, for people to post their work. In the meantime, I suggest, or as backup websites for your work. And, I only have this to say to people who report these things:

Please Don't.

I mean really, it can't be THAT bad. If you don't like, then don't read. It really crushes a writer's spirit when they find their stories are gone. Ok, well then that's about it.

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"Haru?" Momiji's voice pierced the thickening silence that hung in the small bedroom. Turning from the bed, Haru inclined his head at Momiji, a signal to step in. But for once the young blonde boy did not take up the offer. Instead he looked serious, and…was that blood trickling down his face?

"Momiji, what happened?" Haru gasped, jumping up from his chair to inspect the cut. But Momiji backed away before Haru could graze his fingers across the soft cheek and wipe away the blood.

"Akito…Akito is requesting your presence Haru." Momiji said, keeping his eyes down and his voice low. Haru stood frozen to the spot, not comprehending. His mind was reeling. What had Momiji told him?

"Momi--" Haru began, but stopped himself and instead said, "Go to Hatori. Tell him what happened to you so he can bandage you up."

As Momiji began to walk away, Haru noticed that he was limping as well. His eyes narrowed in loathing as he thought of what he would do to Akito if he had done what he thought. But now was not the time to be thinking of that, he had to get down to Akito's corridors, at the other side of the main house. He set off at a brisk walk, but was not in a hurry at all to get there. And in his haste, the letter he had been working on was carelessly left in plain sight on his desk. Visible to all who walked by.

Haru had always found Akito's rooms to be stuffy and smothering, and quite depressing. The blinds were hardly ever opened, and the décor was all in dark colours. He had also found that by concentrating on something else, he could block out all the dreary colours, and even a bit of the pain Akito inflicted on him. So he thought of Momiji and Shigure, Yuki and Tohru. He saved Kyo for last; thinking of fighting with Kyo helped him get through the beatings. He felt that if he could withstand the agony that was happening, then he could take it all out on the cat later. And though he planned out every fight, down to the last details, (he always won mind you,) he never put one into action. Maybe because when he was angry Black Haru took over and he couldn't think properly through the curtain of red.

Upon reaching the solid oak doors that led to Akito's master bedroom, he knocked and waited respectively. A servant appeared from behind him and ushered him in, whispering that master Akito was having his tea, and that Haru was to join him. Making a face, Haru followed her obediently, for now.

"Hatsuharu, what a pleasant surprise. Have a seat." Akito said, the poor lighting giving him an eerie translucent look.

"You were the one who told me to come here." Haru deadpanned, looking Akito straight in the eye, trying not to show that he was terrified. The look on Akito's face betrayed his anger, and Haru felt a surge of guilty pleasure run through him that he had made Akito Sohma look stupid. But his elation quickly faded when he thought of the consequences.

Surprisingly though, Akito just waved it off and patted the seat beside him.

"Come Haru, have a seat." He said, smiling warmly. However wary Haru was, he still had to obey. So he moved towards the chair and sat down stiffly, wondering what was up.

Cocking an eyebrow, Haru stared at the carpeted floor, his eyes glazing over as he stared off into nothingness. A sudden movement from Akito forced him back into reality.

The pale boy stood up and walked towards his window, seemingly preoccupied. He said, "Haru, what do you know of Kyo and his life?"

Haru was taken aback. Kyo, of all the people. The red head rebel who fought so much…Haru stopped thinking in that line of thought, for fear of where it may lead.

"Nothing…" he said cautiously. He felt like a rabbit caught in a hunting trap. A snare, which he knew he should not step towards, but just couldn't quite grasp why not.

"Nothing you say? But Hatsuharu-san, you must know something." He whispered, leaning close to Haru, his breath caressing Haru's cheek. Turning a delicate shade of pink, he tried to move away from the prying dark eyes that peered into his. Akito placed his hands on either arm rest on the chair and leaned impressively over Haru, who steadily turned more and more red.

"So you know nothing?" he asked smoothly, his silky hand stroking Haru's cheek.

"Y-yeah…" gasped Haru as Akito trailed his finger down his neck and dipped it under the collar of his cotton shirt.

He knew what came next. Momiji obviously had not satiated his hunger, and Haru was his next meal. Shutting his eyes, Haru awaited it. The sexual advances were common with Akito, even when he was younger. Haru had always lived in the main house, so he had always been within reach of Akito.

He had not been the first though. Many nights Haru would lie awake and listen as he heard Shigure shuffle down the corridors, whimpering softly. Or Ayame, or Hatori. It must be painful, he had thought at such a young and tender age. Even though he hadn't fully understood at the time, he did get one thing. Alone in a room with Akito was bad. And years later, it was him who stumbled down the halls in pain, while no doubt Momiji lied awake, wishing, as Haru once had, that he could somehow stop everyone's suffering by breaking the curse. Somehow.

But who would now hear Momiji at night, trying to feel his way down darkened corridors in the glow of the moonlight? Kisa? Hiro? God he hoped not. Haru wanted those two to be untouched by the evil that was in the main house, so they could remain as pure as they were now.

"Haru? Pay attention." Akito's hand came down across Haru's face, drawing blood where Haru had bit down on his lip. Akito licked it away in one sensual motion of his tongue.

WARNING: this is a lemon part, where homosexual sex occurs. There will be bondage, screaming, blood, and generally anything kinky that is possible to do in a bed in the span of an hour. Yes, I am cruel :P Yaoi is a beautiful thing, and if you don't want to read this in full and exquisite detail, then skip this part down to the next big bold lettering. :D

Shuddering, Haru involuntarily leaned forwards, pressing his lips against Akito's. Akito's tongue slipped into Haru's mouth and toyed with his tongue, nipping it playfully.

"Haru…" Akito moaned, biting down on his ear lobe, and causing Haru to gasp from pain and pleasure. In a flurry of movement, Haru found himself halfway onto the bed, his shirt slightly rumpled.

/I could stop this right now…/ he thought, trying to ignore his aching errection. But carnal instinct took over, and the sight of Akito leaning over him with handcuffs made Haru wish he had opted for looser fitting pants, because they were beginning to get painfully tight.

Reaching up, Haru grabbed Akito's wrist and pulled him on top. Akito had a small smirk on his face as he cuffed Haru's wrists to the bedposts.

/This is wrong; this is wrong/ Haru whispered in the back of his mind. But he had to appease Akito, to keep the little ones safe. But not only that…he had to admit that there was a certain amount of lust involved. Here, with Akito, he could get the attention that he seeked from Yuki.

/You're twisted. You're fucked up./ the voice inside him screamed. But he ignored it, focusing only on the pleasure, pretending it was Yuki on top of him, Yuki grinding his hips into him.

Haru watched as Akito pulled out an pocket knife from his robes and flipped it open. He flinched, anticipating pain. But Akito merely cut off the shirt material, letting it drape onto the bed, exposing Haru's stomach muscles.

"Did you think that I would hurt you, Hatsuharu?" Akito drawled, hungrily taking in the sight before him. "Of course, you know I would not. Right?" he questioned. Haru nodded obediently.

/You sicken me./ he whispered to himself. Whether he was thinking of himself or Akito he did not dwell on.

"I would not hurt you. Unless, that is, if it would pleasure you, or me, as well." Akito smiled his cold, cynical smile. He slid his silk robe off, proving to Haru that he was wearing nothing underneath. Haru squirmed beneath him, trying to get more friction.

"Do you want this?" Akito whispered menacingly. Haru whispered something that resembled an `uh huh,'

"Louder," commanded Akito.

"Yes," Haru said hoarsely.

"I said louder!" Akito said angrily, thrusting his pelvis, brushing his naked errection across Haru's clothed one.

"YES!" Haru screamed, raggedly panting for breath. After that it was quick. Akito removed the restricting pants, pleased to see that Haru donned no underwear in them. He pushed a finger into Haru, eliciting more loud moans and screams from him.

"You are being to loud." Akito scolded, reaching over and finding a silk scarf, previously used to tie sweet Momiji up. He gagged Haru, effectively smothering the noise.

Once Haru had been stretched, Akito pressed his member to the opening, watching Haru's face as he squeezed his eyes shut. Haru repressed screams, for it only made Akito more sadistic and…creative.

/Sick. Sick. Sick./ he shrieked in his mind. Akito began thrusting into him, and he found his gag removed.

He tried to stop himself, but lust overcame him, and he was panting hard. Akito simultaneously nipped and sucked at his chest and neck. He bit down on his lip, causing blood, which we drank greedily.

"You taste good Hatsuharu. But I've told you that before," he panted.

Haru did not want to think of that time, where he had lain in his own blood like a broken, battered doll.


He felt Akito's seed pouring into his, and he climaxed as well, feeling the heat of Akito pooling inside him.

And then he passed out.


Akito covered Haru with a large black blanket, and sat down to enjoy his freshly made tea. The boy had passed out. He looked up, interested, when a small bird flew in and landed on the table. He smiled a genuine smile. Not to say, of course, that it wasn't scary, evil, and conniving.

"You know what is expected…"

Yuki sat alone in the house. After breakfast everyone had hurried out, with the exception of Tohru, who was sitting down, talking with Yuki.

"So….Yuki…" She said, smiling nervously.

Yuki said, "You mentioned before that you had something to tell me, Miss. Honda." He watched as she took a deep breath, and fidgeted with the hem of her sweater. On the windowsill, a small yellow bird hopped around impatiently, almost eagerly one could say.

"Uh…" Tohru gazed up into Yuki's violet eyes, trying to find words. "I…I-"

"Yes, Miss. Honda?" Yuki whispered. He was surprised to hear that his voice sounded raspy and…sexy?

"Chicken." She said, rather loudly and randomly. Her large blue eyes blinked owlishly and she smiled at the stunned looking Yuki.

"What?" Yuki exclaimed, thoroughly confused as hell.

"We're…we are out of chicken! And I must go and get more! Because…because…oh yeah, because I was going to make chicken tonight. And leeks. Oh, wait, not leeks because Kyo detests them so…how about turnips?" she rambled on, turning to Yuki for an answer to get abstract question.

"Well…fumbled Yuki, "sure I guess…"

"Great! Mom always said that turnips were her favourite! I have to go to the store now, or else dinner will never be ready on time for all of you!" she hustled out of the room and towards the door.

"Goodbye Yuki! I'll be back soon, I promise!" she said. Yuki had about enough time to wave foolishly as she flounced out the door and down the path.

/What in the world just happened?/ he thought, /I was so sure she was going to say something important, but then…chicken?/

An image of a giant rubber chicken bounced through his mind as he struggled to comprehend how quickly she had left the living room. He didn't realize when the bird irritably flew off.

With nothing else to do, Yuki sighed and pulled out a book, content with the silence of the house, for now.

But he couldn't concentrate on it. He kept reading the same line over and over, not realizing. And eventually he put the book down and stared out the window instead.

It was a beautiful day out, the sun shone brightly and the sky was clear. Even the woods didn't seem so foreboding. He toyed with the idea of going out to his secret place and gardening, but without Tohru it seemed slightly dull, so instead he waited. For what though, he was uncertain. He sat in the glare of the sun, at waited for something that he knew would change him, but with nothing to occupy his time he could only think.

/Tohru…I love her, I know I do…walking home from school on the last day, I felt like telling her, but she seemed so occupied that I decided to wait…was it for the best? She was talking to Haru…what did they talk about? I know that I shouldn't worry but…did she mention me? I wonder…Hmm. Haru…but, he's just a friend, I know he is. That's all he feels for me. I wish that he didn't though…well, not anymore I guess. I have Tohru. But what would I do, what would I do if Haru…/

There was a loud bang outside, interrupting Yuki from his thoughts. Frowning, he stood up and went downstairs to see what the noise was. Standing in his living room stood Ayame, grinning like he had won a million dollars.

"" he managed to grate out, clenching his fists and grinding his teeth.

"Ah, Yuki, brother dearest, where is Shigure on this fine afternoon?" Ayame twirled around the room and stopped in front of the glaring boy, gently patting his head.

Yuki spat out, "He went with his editor to a book signing," and moved away from his older brothers affectionate head pats. Much to Yuki's dismay, his brother looked heartbroken.

"Oh, okay." Ayame mumbled, shuffling to the nearest chair and seating himself. But as quickly as it came, his mood passed and he cheered up again. "Then I guess I'll just have to wait here, until Gure-chan gets home."

Yuki paled at the thought.

"Um, when is Gure-chan getting home…? Yuki? Yuki are you alright, you look pale…"

"Fine, I'm fine," Yuki said, sinking down onto a chair. It would be a long, long time until everyone got home.

Back in Haru's room, someone passed by the door, stopping to notice sheets of paper strewn across the usually empty surface. Striding up, they collected the paper, conveniently numbered, and began to read it.

Dearest Yuki,

I suppose you're wondering why the long letter from me, well you see I have something personal to tell…

Dun Dun Dun! Well, hopefully that was an ok chapter………………I'm, uh, quite unsure of the lemon and how well it fits into the guidelines of's strict censoring rules. Hopefully I haven't crossed the lines so much that I'll be reported and my story deleted off. Furthermore, I'm not sure if the lemon is even very well written. Truthfully, I think it would be worse to be kicked off for being to graphic with a horribly written sex scene then it would be with a well written one. At least I'd go out with a Bang!!!

Thanks so much for everyone's support. I appreciate it so much. It really helps me along when I'm trying to finish my chapters. Special thanks to Sandy, my best bud, who intimidates me into writing more, animelover630, thanks for the nice review, it was cute, except maybe the hunting down part ^_^; I promise more of Kyo and Uo soon! , Kira, who actually made me write this faster so I wouldn't disappoint her, and foxgrl1991, thanks for the random review :D.


review and boost my ego!!!




