Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Well That Was Surprising ❯ Kyo's Adventure Into The Unknown ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi everyone!

This chapter is for animelover630, because she has been so nice to me and her review just made my day, especially since I was having a really bad one. And I know she likes the KyoUo pairing, and I figured that it was due time they got an entire chapter to themselves!! So enjoy this one, and hopefully the next one will be coming soon.

Disclaimer:: I don't own any of the Fruits Basket characters, nor the anime, nor the manga. Yes, I forgot a disclaimer the last few chapters. Don't sue me!!!

After breakfast that morning, Kyo had watched as Shigure hurried out of the house with his editor, and rolled his eyes. The way he saw it, that girl was crazy for even trying to be Shigure's editor.

"I'm leaving too," Kyo stated, standing up and heading for the door.

"Oh, where are you going?" asked Tohru.

"Shopping." Kyo huffed, and slammed the door behind him. Yuki began to snicker, but stopped when he received a `look' from Tohru.

Kyo walked through the woods to get to the mall. Instead of just taking in the scenery, he rushed and could only think about how stupid he was for promising Uo a present. He didn't have to get her one, but...he was going to anyways. Just imagining the hurt in Uo's eyes, and then her just waving it off and pretending like she didn't care, it was enough to spur Kyo onwards towards the shopping centre. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Uo. She was more than just a friend to him now; she was something even more special.

/What would I do if she hated me?/ he questioned himself. He knew the answer though. The answer was he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Uo had a way that she would just look at you, not threateningly mind you, but just look at you, and you'd feel terrible. It wasn't an accusing look; it was an understanding look. Kyo couldn't stand it. It made his stomach churn when he thought of her giving him that look.

Which was another reason why he somehow made it to the mall without scratching someone's eyes out.

The shopping mall was packed full of people when Kyo stepped through the doors. He looked around, unsure of what to do. A group of fan-girls from his school were huddled around in a group. One of them looked over at him and caught his eye. He scowled at her, but she turned a bright shade of magenta, turning back to her friends and giggling. Feeling a bit startled, Kyo turned and walked away from the group, reminding himself that this was for Uo.

Turning himself back to the real problem that he had though, he found it was a bit more complicated then some stupid giggling girls.

/Why in the world did I say I had a present for her?!? Kyo, you are an idiot!/ he leaned up against a wall, running a hand through his hair and sighing deeply. He hated buying presents for people, and this one had to be the best present ever, or else Uo was going to kill him. Or at least put him in a pretty good headlock. Either one would be bad.

Since he had no idea where the flower store was, or if they even had one there, he began to look around. After passing many stores that were selling miniscule articles of material (clothing…?) for staggeringly high prices, he finally found a florist.

Stepping inside, he noticed the music from the inside of the mall seemed to diminish, and instead soft classical music played. There were plants all around him, and tiny display fountains spurted water forth. He was busy looking at a birdbath, which depicted a tabby cat perched on the side ready to pounce, when a voice startled him.

"Can I help you?" said the feminine voice. Kyo seemed to recognize it, but waved it off.

"Actually," he said, not looking up from the birdbath because his face was a not-so-charming crimson colour, "I was actually thinking of getting flowers. For a girl. A special one. Well, um, well you know what I mean!" he sputtered, still keeping his eyes on the ground. He followed the feet, which had black shoes on, to the front counter.

"Well, what's she like?" the store girl asked.

"Well," Kyo paused for a moment, "she's…different. She's strong, and hardheaded, and stubborn, she can take care of herself. She's really good at cards. Surprisingly she can cook, and she's beautiful, even for a loud-mouthed Yankee."

"…Uo?" the voice said, sounding shocked and a little surprised. Kyo's head snapped up at the mention of her name, only to see Hana at the front counter. She had on a black dress, with a white apron over it, and her hair was in its customary braid. Kyo turned three shades redder then ever before. Hana still had a look of shock on her face.

"You want flowers for Uo...well, who would have thought it," she said, going back to her monotone voice. "But are you sure flowers are what she would like best?"

"Well..." Kyo flushed, trying not to get mad, "well that's what Tohru said!"

Hana just smiled. "But don't you know Uo well enough to know that something you pick out for her will be good enough?" Hana asked. Kyo looked thoughtful for a second, and then nodded.

"I suppose you're right. I guess I just...kinda wanted to impress her, or something..." he trailed off, embarrassed once more. His fists clenched and he tried to calm down. Spending so much time with Tohru had helped him learn to control his anger.


He left the store quickly after that, not even bothering to thank Hana. It didn't bother her one bit though, she just smiled. She knew that in his own way, he was thankful. He was just too stubborn to say so.

"Just like Arisa..." Hana mumbled, before greeting another customer.

Kyo sat down on the stone wall of a fountain, watching as the people passed him by. He thought, long and hard, what Uo would want more then anything in the entire world.

Across from him was a store with a window front that the fan-girls, and any other giggly pop-culture girl for that matter, passed quickly, looking down, whispering. Kyo didn't really notice until a girl dropped her cell phone in front of it, and it went skidding into the store. She burst out into hysterical tears.

Kyo furrowed his brow in confusion, and stood up.

"Would you shut up, I'm trying to think," he snapped. He didn't mean too, he was just so used to everyone treating him like a plague that he had developed a bit of a chip on his shoulder. When she began to cry even harder though, and none of her friends made a move to help her, Kyo sighed and cussed loudly.

"For God's sakes. Don't cry dammit! What's wrong," he asked, sounding miserably defeated. The girl took a shuddering breath and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"My-my phone went in there! I can't go in there, I can't get my phone back and my mom will kill me!" she sniffed.

"Oh God..." Kyo muttered, rolling his eyes. "Here, look. I'll go and get your stupid cell phone, if you promise to just shut up and stop crying." Kyo scowled. The girl brightened up instantly.

"Oh, would you really? You're so nice! Arigatou," she squealed. Kyo ignored her and walked into the store.

The first thing he noticed was that his ears were being assaulted by loud, heavy metal music. He spotted the phone and picked it up. It had a little neko-chan chain hanging from it. Kyo decided he hated it. It was pink and furry and defiled the name of a cat.

He was just about to turn and leave the store when he spotted a pair of gloves on display. Leather gloves. Fingerless, leather, biker gloves. Kyo merely stared for a second, and gravitated towards them. To him it seemed to fit Uo perfectly. It had been right in front of him that entire time, if he had just looked up.

He made his way to the cashier, a middle-aged man with long stringy blonde hair and a receding hairline, wearing biker clothes and sporting a bunch of tattoos. A bunch of his friends sat behind him, all looking pretty much the same, some with shorter hair, some with longer. Kyo put the gloves on the table and said that he would buy them.

"They're a hundred and twelve dollars." He said. His biker friends began to holler stuff at him.

"It's free, if I get a piece of that ass!"

"Damn! I'll pay for that if you call me daddy!"

"How about your number sexy?"

Kyo left the store in a hurry, telling the guy at cash to keep the change. He could hear their laughter even after he got out of the store.

He handed the girl her phone, and looked back at the interior of the store suspiciously.

"I take back what I said, I wouldn't want to go in there either." And he walked away, leaving the girl speechless.

Kyo headed back towards the florists, where he knew he would find Hana. When he stepped in though, he saw Hana talking to a girl with long blonde hair…

"Uo!" Kyo whispered, hiding behind a bush. As if on cue, Uo turned around a bit, looking behind her, and then went back to talking.

From where he was positioned, behind a large green potted plant, Kyo could hear everything Uo and Hana said.

"So, you seen carrot top around lately?" Uo asked. Hana hesitated.

"No, not really. Last time I saw him, he had some unusual electrical waves…" Hana looked directly at Kyo, through the plants leaves. Kyo cringed. Would she give up his location and ruin the surprise for Uo?

"Yeah, I know. Well, not really, but he was acting pretty weird yesterday...he said that he had a present for me, and then ran off!" Uo exclaimed. Kyo smacked his forehead from behind the bush.

/Great, now she thinks I'm a fruit or something!/ Thought Kyo.

The conversation didn't continue long between Hana and Uo, because Hana quickly cut it short, glancing at Kyo, then back to Uo, and saying, "You know, I haven't seen Tohru in a while, I wonder how she is. Maybe you should go and check up on her Uo. Oh look, customers. You'll have to excuse me...she turned around and began to address the visitors. Uo left, muttering something about seeing Tohru, and maybe Carrot Top.

Kyo sighed with relief. Maybe Uo would never find out. He stepped out from behind the plat and walked up to the front counter.

"..." he looked at the dark-haired girl and scowled slightly. "Arigatou, Hana." He mumbled. Hana merely nodded and then went into the back room, returning with a single white rose.

Kyo looked at her questioningly and said, "What the hell is that for? I thought you said that Uo wouldn't like flowers!"

"I never said that, I only suggested that she would prefer something else," said Hana dismissively. Kyo fumed angrily, cat ears appearing on his head.


All of this didn't even faze her. Hana went on, pretending like she didn't hear him. "Then again, I never said that she did like them either. The flower is just to provide a romantic touch that I knew you would not have thought of. I had it ready ever since you first left the store."

Kyo just stared at her, a small sweatdrop appearing on the back of his head. She handed him the rose, explaining it was free, because Uo was her friend. Kyo muttered something unintelligible and left the store.

"Crazy psychic weirdo girl with freaky eyes...couldn't she put some tone into her voice...she must scare off customers..." he mumbled as he exited. He looked back quickly to make sure she hadn't heard. She was busy arranging flowers, but looked up and stared at him when he glanced back. Creeped out, Kyo continued on out of the store, out of the mall, and back towards Shigure's house, glad for that endeavour to be over.


Well this is done finally! It was harder for me to write an entire Kyo and Uo chapter. I don't think I've ever read a fic that is solely centred around them, and it's hard not to make them OOC! I tried, really I did! >_<

Did you guys get the fruit joke?? ::: /Great, now she thinks I'm a fruit or something!/ Thought Kyo. ::: <-(the joke) Get it/ Fruits Basket, fruit…yes, I know, I'm terrible at that stuff. But I thought it was funny. I didn't even realize until I re-read it that I used that. :P

Oh yeah, guess what! I got my very first flame (sort of) a couple days ago! Haha, I have finally progressed towards becoming a real professional! ::laughs:: I'm joking. But I really did get a flame. I know I shouldn't be so excited about it, and I didn't like it at all, but I've never gotten one and thought I should share the experience with all of you guys! Thanks for putting up with my ramblings… :)
