Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Western Rose ❯ Western Rose ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer-Fruits Basket does not belong to me.

Western Rose by Charlottlette


"Damnit, we weren't supposed to get innocent bystanders involved! That's why I'm the leader of this group, not you!" the young man shouted at his partner.

"Shut up! This is no time to argue. We had to make it look like we meant business or nobody would take us seriously. Yuki and I don't take orders from you anyway, Kyou. We never have!" his partner shouted back.

The young couple that the trip had taken hostage during a daring daytime train robbery huddle protectively around their young child, a small girl of barely eight years old.

She hadn't begun to cry until the three outlaws began to argue amongst themselves, only a few years older than her themselves. Through her tears, she tried to observe them.

She was the less frightened of their leader, the one they called the Crimson Haired Bandit, a stubborn teenager with a surprisingly kind face. His adversary was his right hand man he called Hatsuharu, a tall youth with short platinum blonde hair dressed in black leather. The quiet one that had tied them up was named Yuki, a sullen teen who seemed to be loyal to Haru than to their leader.

"I don't have time to deal with your petty complaints right now! Even if I for one minute, considered stepping down as leader of this group, you still wouldn't be worthy of being my replacement." their leader told Haru.

Yuki sighed. "Please...we got what we came for and we agreed this would be our last heist anyway. I'm sure the authorities will find these three and untie them once we make our escape." he told them.

Hatsuharu turned on their leader then.

"Oh? So that was your plan then? To disband our little group without informing me? Well I'm sorry but I have a problem with that. I want to make a name for myself just as you have as a feared outlaw! That's the reason Yuki and I took these people prisioner, you see? Once I take their lives, everyone will fear me instead of you!" Haru laughed.

Their leader rose from the floor where he had been kneeling, his face a mask of unbridled fury. Only moments before his demeanor had seemed to be quite the opposite as he had knelt in front of the couple out of concern, turning his dark soulful eyes on the crying child. She had stopped crying then and had returned his gaze, finding nothing but kindness in his lingering stare before he had rose to confront his leather clad partner.

"No, I will not allow that! Our group has never harmed a human soul on any heist and we're not about to start now! I will not allow them to get hurt!" their leader shouted.

Haru chuckled. "You don't make the decisions anymore. It is no longer up to you, Kyou." he told him.

Watching as hsi angry partner raised his weapon from its holster, Kyou launched himself at the younger man, the pair struggling against each other for possession. Kyou flinched as he heard the young girl bgin to cry again, her parents struggling wildly against their bonds to free themselves.

Fearful of the angry pair, Yuki did not dare interfere, even as he heard the young girl scream from the sound of a gun shot ring out. Her scream had muffled out everyone else's, as both Kyou and Haru fell to the floor.

It appeared as though Kyou had come out the victor of the fight, as Haru and Yuki were nowhere to be found once the excitement died down. The young girl watched Kyou as he fell to the ground with the gun in his hand, wincing from where the bullet had pierced just above his right knee.

"Oh my" he whispered.

He hadn't intended it to happen, and he certainly couldn't face the trusting eyes of the little girl whose parents had just been the victims of his and Haru's confrontation.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered to her through his tears as he disappeared into the night...