Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ Moment of Paradise ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What I Love About You
All characters are (c) Natsuki Takaya.
Dont bitch if you dont like it...


"Intensity is the name of the game -- and you're oh-so-game to play. If your companion isn't, you can lure them closer with a couple of innocent questions -- or just have a heart-to-heart with your best bud." Hatsuharu read from the paper.
"Do you actually beleive those stupid things?" I asked, sitting down at the porch table across from Haru.
"Yea, its fun to." Haru smiled and put aside the news paper and grabbed his tea cup. "Why? Dont you?"
"No way!" I took a sip of my tea. Haru laughed.
"Momiji, do you have something you want to ask me?" Haru took a sip.
"What?!" I spit out my tea. "W-where would you get that idea?!"
"Umm... your horoscope?" Haru sad dabbing his face with a napkin. "Thanks for the tea."
"Sorry..." I giggled.
Its so peacful out today. As if nothing can ever go wrong. Especially with Haru beside me.
Haru hummed a tune.
"Whats that?" I asked.
"It's just some song that remindes me of you."
"How does it go?"
Haru turned his head to look at me, the ever so curious rabbit. He smiled. "Thats for me to know... and you to find out... chiquitita."


I awoke the next day. I was still sweating and I couldnt breathe as good. I rose from my bed and trudged to the bathroom. I did my usual habbit of reaching for my morning paper. But my paper was no longer there.
"What?" I looked around. "Wheres my paper?!"
"You mean this?" Hiro said with a newspaper at hand.
"H-how did you get in here?!"
"You leave the door open! How indescent! What if you had a visitor over, oh say ME, and they saw you take a leak? How digusting would that be? Have you no shame, or do you like exposing yourself in front of people?"
"Shut up. Get out!" I closed the door on him. I began flipping through my paper. "Wait a minute!!" I slammed open the door. Hiro was still right there. "Where's yesterday's paper?!"
"In the trash?"
"Why?! I didnt read it yet!!"
"It was YESTERDAY'S paper."
"What's your point?"
Hiro walked over to the living room, ignoring my 'stupidity'. I slammed the door shut again. "Little bastard." I flipped to horoscopes anyway.


"That's it! Get out!!" Hiro yelled.
"Why?!" I yelled back from the couch, "It's MY house!!"
"Your making things all dirty again!!" Hiro said while picking up my cereal mess, "Plus, its not your HOUSE. It's an apartment and you do not OWN it."
"Shut up! I have work in like an hour anyway..."
"Well, then hurry up and get ready."
"I would if you- know what... nevermind..." I sighed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


I got dressed for work and was about to head out.
"Happy now?" I said putting my shoes on.
"," Hiro said.
I left. I headed down the street. Maybe i'll take the bus today... I headed for the bus stop.
5 minutes later the bus came. I got on. I was about to take my seat when the bus driver stopped me.
"That'll be 5 dollars."
"Oh, right!" I handed the man a five. I sighed and took a seat in the back.
I sat there looking distantly out the window. We stopped. I turned my head and saw a young couple cuddling. What a weird place to cuddle. I sadly sighed and faced out the window again.
"Oh! I'm sorry!!" a woman's voice was heard in the front of the bus. I looked over. She looked familiar from my view. Could it be...?
"Tohru!" I yelled getting her attention.
"Oh! Momiji!" she smiled and sat down next to me. "I havent seen you in ages! How've you been?"
"Im alright. You?" I smiled. I missed Tohru so much!
"I'm good."
"So, what happeend up there?"
"Oh... I accidently stepped on someones foot." She laughed. I laughed with her.
Its amazing how many friends i've seen since... the separation.
"Tohru, where are you going?" I asked her.
"Well, I was hungry, so I thought that i'd go out to eat."
"Your kidding! I'm on my way to my job as a waitor at this really cool restaurant! You should come!"
"Your kidding! I'd love to come."


We entered the rstaurant and took off our shoes and jackets.
"Table for one?" asked the maitre de.
"Yes!" she smiled. She followed the man to her table. I headed towards the kitchen to put on my apron and get my book. I exited and walked over to Tohru's table.
"What would you like to drink, princess Tohru?" I giggled.
"Um... I'll have some green tea, please."
I returned with her beverage on a serving plate. She took a sip but quickly moved it away from her mouth.
"Hot!" she laughed at her foolishness.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Im fine." she said. I sighed and smiled.
"Do you know what you want to eat?" I asked getting ready to write her order down.
"What's good here?" She looked through the menu.
"Well... in my opinion, I prefer the udon noodles."
"Okay! Sounds good!"
"Alrighty then. Udon noodles it is!"



twenty minutes later her meal was ready. I served it to her. She seemed quite pleased with the arrangements. I could tell by the sparkle in her eyes.
"Thank you Momiji! It looks delicous!" she picked up the chopsticks and begun eating. I was about to go back into the kitchen when she stopped me. "Could you possibly stay with me?"
I looked around. It wasnt at the very least crowded at all. They wouldn't need me back in the kitchen for a while. I nodded in agreement and sat across from her.
With the candle light in between us she looked very pretty. She's definently matured since last I saw of her. She's become quite the attractive women. Not to say she never was...
"I wanted to ask you something..."
"Huh? What is it?" She took a sip of her tea.
"Um... well... have you seen Yuki lately?" She looked away. Whats with the curiosity about Yuki? Has she been looking for him?
"Actually, yes. I've seen him just a couple days ago."
"Really? Is he doing good?"
"Yea, I think so." I said reasuringly, "Why do you ask?"
"Oh, well. It's just been awhile." She picked at the green objects on her plate. "Whats this stuff?"
"I dont know." I said. She extended her utensils with the green on it to my mouth.
"Try it," she smiled. I opened my mouth and took in the green thing. The taste developed to my senses.
"It's a leek." I said. Moments later we laughed about it. Remembering Kyo's fancy for leeks.


We talked for another 30 minutes about what went on during our long time no see. I had to go because a crowd was drawn in.
"Well, I have to get back to work." I said getting up.
"Oh... okay." she looked disappointed.
"Maybe we can talk again over some tea next time?" I suggested.
"Really? Okay!" she smiled. "How much was the meal?" she asked pulling out her wallet.
"It's my treat."

hey people. sup?

KumiTsukiChihiroItaiRindesayuYet again, TheAnimeFreak14 reccommended this to me.It's very good, don't you agree, Dokori?Dokori: Yes, how 'bout you, Kumi?Kumi: It made me laugh!All: UPDATE SOON!
Wow. Thank you so much! ^-^
TheAnimeFreak14 Me: Very Good Chapter.Your artwork is great.The fics you write, and the art you do.Make a Doujinshi.Sell it under permission of the creator.You'll rake in cash.What do you think Jamie?Jamie (my girlfriend): I agree. I think it would make a great Doujinshi.Me & Jamie: Update Soon!Ja,ne
Oh, thank you! Thanks for looking at my gallery. Means alot. How do I do that?
WindyWolf I lurve Miji fics! You ish a good author!! WindyWolf ish impressed!
Thank you, thank you. Momiji fics are so kool , arnt they?
Miomi Good job! Where, oh, where could our darling Ox be...?Update soon! I'm hooked!
*in mysterious voice* I'll never tell.... lol. you'll just have to wait and see what ive got in store for ox boy.
Slow Motion Runner This is amusing, very amusing. A crazy bachelor Momiji waiting for his prince charming(no offence, Yuki.). I loved it when he yelled at his coat. Priceless! XD Kyou's a model! I can just see it: Kyou: Stop taking pictures already! I can't freaking take it anymore! *storms off the catwalk*Uh...yeah. Don't tell me Hiro's going to stalk him or something?!There's one thing that bothers me, though...Chiquita?! WTF? Later!
Thank you very much. lol poor kyon... Don't worry, Hiro's not stalking him! His reasons will come up soon enough... soon enough. chiquitita is a nickname for Momiji from Haru. It's also a song... the song is a symbol its self of the story.
Dark-KitOh my god... Its so sad! Please make Haru come back, for Momiji's sake at least! And he better come back soon or I'm gonna go in there and hit him upside the head!! Good job though, keep it up!
Oh my, his presence will be known soon enough! please dont hit the characters!!! lol.
unheard screamsHIRO cleans?! dear god, what has the world come to? lol. poor momiji. what happened to haru? T.T and i loved kyo here! haha yuki and kyo still hate eachother. :P update soon!
Hello my good friend. I know, its odd isnt it? lol, it'll all be explained in good time. update "Ashes" asap!! lol.

Well, thats all for today. I'll work on Katze und Ratte next time...
Also, check out unheard scream's fic, "Ashes" its really kool. It's Yuki/Kyo

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