Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What I Love About You ❯ A Visit To The House Of Heartbreak ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What I Love About You
All characters are © Natsuki Takaya
If you do not like this, then do not read this.
Should I ask Kyo about it? Eh… probably not. He'll just scold me like usual. Maybe… no. Tohru wouldn't even clarify who she seen over the 10 year separation when I asked her… so I doubt she'll tell me something like that.
Then there's Yuki. Had someone broke his heart? Is that why he's so down lately?
Momiji lay on his bed, not even trying to sleep.
Strange things have been happening to me lately… there's Hiro's sudden arrival, Kyo appeared, and I met with Tohru again… It's almost as if everyone's getting back together. Just like the good old days.
But it's not the same without Haru.
The next day…
“I'm outtie.” I said waving bye to Hiro. “By the way…”
“What are you still hanging out here for?” I asked. Not that I mind his company.
“Oh… um… because… because your bound to make a mess of things!!” he retorted back.
Why do I have the feeling that that's not the only reason?
“Okay, bye.” I left.
Okay, I'm on my way to Yuki's… I have to find out about his heartbreak. Not because I'm nosey, I'm just concerned. Not to mention, it might have something to do with Kyo and Tohru.
I knocked on his door. Seconds later there was an answer.
“Yuki!” I smiled.
“Hey.” He said and allowed me inside. I threw my shoes off and sat on his couch.
“How've ya been, Yuki?”
“I'm alright, you?” he asked making his way to the kitchen to make tea. I got up and followed him.
“Um… I've been okay.” I said peeking into the kitchen. “Wow! This place is a mess!”
“Oh… yea. Well, I can't cook worth a damn, so… yea. Pretty self explanatory.” I laughed.
“Oh yea. Kyo told me about your little meeting a while ago. He was pretty surprised, he said.” I laughed again.
“Oh… yea, that.” Yuki sighed. “It was Shigure's idea on a pen name. He actually chose it for me too.” He laughed a little. I laughed along.
“I didn't know you took pictures of models.” I added curiously.
“I don't. It was Shigure's sick prank. Though, I do photograph.” Yuki said.
“I miss Shigure! When have you seen him last?”
“Probably a month ago?” Yuki thought.
“Where does he live? Same house?” I asked.
“Yes… he likes that house. And now that we're all out of it, it has a better chance of staying in one piece.” I laughed. Yuki handed me my tea cup. I blew on it. We walked to the living room and sat across from each other.
“Speaking of which… who else have you kept in contact with since you know…”
Yuki looked at me. His eyes were dark and empty. Have I asked too much? “Oh, sorry. Nevermind.” I drank from my tea even though it was too hot.
“Well… I still talk with Hatori.” He said. Phew…”And Shigure obviously… oh then there was that dreaded encounter with the cat.”
“You know, Hiro comes over everyday. And Kyo drives me home from work most of the time… Oh! And you'll never believe it… guess who I ran into awhile ago?”
“Who?” Yuki asked taking a sip.
If I have to find out if Tohru is involved with Yuki or Kyo this was the time!
Yuki looked pain-stricken. He had a dark look in his eyes as he concentrated on his tea. It was silent.
“R-really… that's great…” he whispered. So he HAS met with Tohru…
“Isn't it? I missed her so much! You should see her; she's gotten even more beautiful!” I said gleefully.
“Where do you work?” Yuki asked sternly. He did it on purpose.
“Oh… Kuidokoro bar Toki. It's near the edge of the city.”
“That's nice.” He smiled somewhat.
“How about you? Do you make a lot of money with your drawings and photographs?”
An hour later I left. Poor Yuki… I wonder what exactly happened between him and Tohru. Heh… I wonder if we're facing the same problems with love.
“Hey, its you!” said a voice.
“What?” I turned around. It was that girl from the other day. “Oh, hello…”
“Have you met with your friend?” she asked.
“Oh… no. not yet.” I said.
“Where you headed?” she asked.
“Um… home.” I said. Pointing the direction of my apartment.
“Oh good! Then you can walk with me!” she said and took my arm. Too close!
“Eh? Uh… no. wait! What're you doing?” I asked.
“Can you walk me to school?” she smiled.
“I don't know…” it might not be a good idea…
“Oh come on! Please!” she gave me sad eyes. They remind me of Haru's when he would beg for me to do something naughty.
“Well… okay.” I gave in.
“What's your name?” she asked.
“Momiji. What's yours?”
“I'm Aki Amaya.”
5 minutes later…
“Here we are. Thank you!” she smiled.
“No problem,” I said. I watched her enter the building. Reminds me of my high school days. I miss them.
I turned around and left for home.
Thoughts on achieving chapter 10: “Where's Haru?”
Just kidding. I know where he is. But alas, he will make his appearance sooner or later.
Next chapter is going to be about the love triangle that is Yuki, Kyo, and Tohru.