Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Kyo's Letter ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Kyo's Letter
When she made it to the main road she was surprised to find someone waiting for her.
“Shigure, I know something is up! What the hell is it?” demanded Kyo angrily. He slammed his spoon down onto the table his gaze deadly as he glared at the older man.
“Yes, what is going on?” Yuki asked softly. He placed his own spoon down as he stared at the older man coldly.
Shigure had been waiting for this, he knew what he wanted to say, but now that it was here, he didn't know what to say. He looked at the two young men who sat with him, their glares identical, and tears poured from his eyes. Kyo and Yuki looked at each other in amazement, then looked back to the crying man in front of them, their eyes filled with fear.
`What is going on?' thought Yuki worriedly. He couldn't move, it was as though his body was paralyzed, he couldn't do anything but wait.
`This ain't good.' Thought Kyo anxiously.
“The curse will be broken soon,” the older man sobbed helplessly. Kyo and Yuki stared at him, the sadness in his voice worried them, wasn't it a good thing that the curse would be broken?
“What's wrong then?” demanded Kyo.
“The price may be too much to pay.”
“What?” asked Yuki softly. His heart pounded with fear.
“Go to your rooms and you'll understand.”
Kyo looked at him questioningly as he stood, his thoughts chaotic and jumbled, his eyes never left the dogs eyes. He was so distracted he didn't even notice when Yuki stood, his expression one was one of horror, but Kyo did hear what he said.
“NO! Please Kami NOT HER!!” whispered Yuki.
Kyo understood that, he gasped and took off through the house towards Tohru's room. His desperation to reach her gave him speed. Yuki was hot on his heels. He threw open the door, only to find a dark, empty room.
“NO!!!!!” screamed Kyo, unable to believe what he was seeing.
`She's gone! She can't be gone!' he thought frantically as tears poured down his cheeks, and his legs collapsed under him. He fell to his knees, his shoulders shook with the power of his sobs.
Yuki stumbled out of her room and headed for him own, unwilling to show his own anguish in front of the Neko. He felt as though he had been punched in the gut, he couldn't seem catch his breath. When he reached his door, he fumbled blindly for the knob, scared to see what was beyond the door, but he needed to know. When he opened his door, the first thing that caught his eye was the ragged, blue hat that sat on his bed. He recognized that hat and knew what it meant. He felt his heart clench and felt as though someone were trying to rip it from his chest. His tears fell uncontrollably as he reached out with hands that shook, and grasped the small hat in his hands, the same hat that he had given away so long ago. That was when he noticed the little letter sitting on his pillow, and the hat fell from his hands to land at his feet. He reached out and picked up the little letter, and he sat down on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands as he cried. He knew everything was true, that this time she was gone for good, this time he couldn't go after her and save her. Finally, when the tears had subsided, he opened up the letter and began to read the Tohru's last words to him.
Kyo unable to believe or unwilling to believe, that she had gone rushed to his room, and stopped when he saw the white envelope that graced his pillow. He was scared, he didn't know what to do as he eased into his room. He smiled a small smile when he noticed she had tidied up some. He walked over to his bed, his heart thundered madly as he looked at the little white letter. He reached out with hands that shook, his palms sweaty as he neared it. He picked up the little letter and sat on his bed and opened it. Once he had pulled the paper out of the envelope he began to read.
My dear Kyo, I know you are probably angry that I have left. I'm sorry to make you feel that way. I wanted to tell you how I felt before I left, but I know that you would not have listened or had you listened you would not have let me go. I love you, and I have for a long time now. What I'm doing is freeing all of you to love, and be loved in return. I don't know exactly what is in store for me but I do know hat I'll do what ever it takes, no matter what you and everyone else will be free. Kyo, please understand, I'm doing this because I want to, I want to save you, because I love you all and I want you to have the lives that you all dream about. So, I will do what it takes, no matter how long or painful it will be. I love you and I'm so happy that I was able to love you, and be a part of your family. Thank you so much Kyo.
Kyo reread the letter several times, each time his heart clenched painfully. He crumpled the letter in his fist as his anger grew along with his determination. He turned and ran out his door and down the hall towards Yuki's room.
`I WILL NOT LOSE HER! I WILL GET THE CHANCE TO TELL HER HOW I FEEL!' he thought frantically as he threw open the door to Yuki's room.
Yuki looked up when his door was thrown open, surprised to find Kyo standing there, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. Yuki quickly wiped the tears from his eyes and face, and glared at the other man.
“What do you want?” demanded Yuki weakly.
“I intend to go after her.”
“I am going to fight Akito and bring her back, but I need back up.”
“I'm going to ask the rest of us, but if you are there with me, they'll come to,” growled Kyo impatiently.
“I can't go against him and you know that!”
“Yes you can! If Tohru can, then you can.” Snapped Kyo angrily.
`I know he's right, but I'm scared.' Thought Yuki anxiously. `But Tohru stood up to him even though she was scared, for Momiji, and now again for us.'
“Who do we start with?” asked Yuki, determination in his eyes.
`We will get her back.'
“My little monster, are you ready to break the curse?” asked a tall, thin, dark haired man in a sickening sweet voice. He smiled when he saw the girl flinch at his voice, and her eyes come up to meet his with fear.
“I need to make another stop, then I'll be ready.” She replied her voice steady and firm, as determination came into her eyes. She looked at the man before her and wanted to cry, she knew that she was in for a great deal of pain from him but she would do what ever was necessary.
“Where do you need to go?” sneered Akito angrily.
“Arisa Uotani's house, please.”
“Get in the car.”
Tohru flinched at the anger in Akito's voice, but she walked toward him her head held high. Akito smiled when she came to him, and he opened the car door and slid inside, there he waited for her to sit down beside him.
`She can't break the curse, only the cursed can do that. The only problem is she has made them feel special which is giving the power to break it should they decide to, and for that she must be punished.' Akito thought evilly.
“Take us to her friends house.” Ordered Akito to the driver.
When the car was finally in motion, he turned to look at the woman in the car with him, who was looking out the window sadly, his thoughts were on all the ways that he would punish her. He reached out and gently caressed the soft skin of her face and neck, and saw how her pulse jumped in fear at his touch. Suddenly the car stopped, and he growled in frustration at the interuption.
“What is going on?” he demanded.
“We're here.”
“Fine! Monster get out and do what ever you need to do, then get back here!” ordered Akito harshly.
“Yes Akito.”
Tohru quickly opened the door and looked up at Saki's house, her heart thundered painfully as she walked up to the mailbox. She opened the door on the mailbox and inside she placed two letters within, the last two of the five that she had wrote. She looked up at the house as the tears threatened to come once again, and smiled a watery smile.
`I'm so sorry about having to leave like this, be safe.' She thought sadly.
She turned and walked back towards the black car that waited for her, and the angry man that waited inside. With every step she took towards the car the heavier her heart became, and the more forlorn she felt. Once back inside the car, she wanted to run away to get away from the man that she was now with.
“We don't have to go any where else, I took care of everything.” Tohru said with a shudder. She looked at the man beside her with disdain, and gave a light shudder of fear.
“Good.” Akito replied. He had seen the shudder and the look and he wasn't happy about it, the girl should be worshiping the ground he walked upon, not looking at him as if he were an insect that was nothing to her.
“Back to the house.” Ordered Akito.
`Back to your punishment and eventual death. As well as my own personal satisfaction.' He thought happily.
Tohru could only shudder at the sound of his voice and the undisguised malice in it.