Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ Choices ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: Choices
Warning: This chapter will contain rape (not detailed but rape), torture, and some very dark shit, if you have a problem with that then please do not read, you have been warned so I am not liable for anything else that you read if you continue on.
Disclaimer: I don't understand why we have to put this in on every dang chapter you would think by now that people would know that I don't own the characters in this story, nor do I make money from this, all that is mine is the plot, now that is all mine!
“We'll help to.” The two women said together.
Kyo looked at the tow women as his respect for them grew and tried to decide whether they should come or not. He looked at Shigure who shrugged, then at Yuki who seemed deep in thought.
“They love Tohru as much as we do.” Yuki reasoned. He thought that it would be a good idea, but the ultimate decision was up to Kyo.
“Yuki has a good point, plus she's had a big impact on their lives to you know.” Shigure put in. He looked at Arisa who stood there proudly, her head held high as she waited for their answer.
“We can go with you guys or go alone your choice.” Said Arisa angrily.
Kyo looked at the tall, blood no emotion showed on his face.
“I don't see why not, they could be helpful in pinch.” Admitted Kyo reluctantly.
“Good now that it's decided what now?” asked Hana quietly.
“We need to get Kisa and Hiro here as well as Momiji and Hatori.” Said Kyo.
They all turned and looked at Shigure who was already reaching for the phone. After dialing a few numbers on the phone, he waited for Hatori to pick up. After about three rings the phone was picked up and a deep voice came over the phone.
“Hatori, look can you come over and bring Kisa, Hiro, and Momiji with you?” asked Shigure.
“Yeah, what's up?”
“I'll tell you when you get here.”
Hatori didn't answer, he thought that Shigure sounded worried, which worried him, Shigure never sounded worried! Finally he sighed and hung up the phone with a soft click.
“He's on his way.”
Tohru shivered as the cold air hit her bare flesh and wrapped her arms around herself. She was scared, the wait was slowly killing her, what did Akito have in mind for her? Soon the door opened and Akito stood there. She scurried over to the corner and covered herself best she could, her heart hammered in her chest as she waited for more pain.
“My poor little monster, are you scared?” asked Akito in a deceptively sweet voice.
Tohru didn't answer, she couldn't, she was too scared. Her eyes never left his, her breath came faster in fear, her shallow breaths was the only sound in the room. A cold sweat formed on her skin as Akito smiled at the obvious fear in her gaze, and he decided what he would do next. He stalked closer to her trembling body, his thoughts raced for the best way to cause her pain. Akito reached down and grabbed her thin, pale arm, and dragged her to her feet. Once she was on her feet he pulled her over to the manacles that were attached to the floor, and pushed her down, forcing her to lie on her back on the cold floor. Tohru started to fight him, swinging her fists as hard as she could, trying to get him off, but it was to no avail, she couldn't escape. Tears of frustration, fear, and humiliation ran down her face as he attached her hands above her head. Once her hands were secure, he backed off to admire his handy work. As soon as she was able Tohru kicked out with her feet, her legs strained as she tried to kick him and her arms pulled against the cold chains that held her.
Akito approached once again, his eyes held lust and joy at the fear on her face as her body strained against the chains her hair sweaty and matted against her skull. He grabbed her legs and spread them wide, her cries fell on deaf ears as he attached her legs to the floor. Once she was securely attached to the floor he backed away once again and watched her as she fought against her chains. He walked over to the whip he had earlier discarded and stroked it lovingly as though it were his lover. When Tohru saw what he had in his hands she struggled madly, her breath came harder causing her chest to heave.
“This is for making them believe!” growled Akito as his eyes flashed madly.
He raised his hand above his head and brought it down with all his might, which brought the thin leather down across her right shoulder and across her left breast, and left a red welt in its wake. She didn't scream with the first blow, but the next drew blood and caused her to whimper in pain as she tried to get away.
Akito beat her with a ferocity that seemed inhumane. He left bloody gashes across her chest, tender breasts, and stomach. The gashes oozed blood, a bright contrast to the paleness of her skin. With every lash she screamed in agony, her screams echoed through the room, and died on a moan. Finally he laid down the whip as he saw she was not exposed enough to suit him, at least not for what was coming next. He walked closer to her and shifted the chain so that her thighs were spread even further apart, fully exposing her to him.
Tohru moaned in pain as he shifted her body. Her heart hammered mercilessly as she gasped for breath. Once Tohru was positioned Akito moved away enjoying the view that she was forced to offer. He reached down and grabbed the whip, his intent clear in his eyes. He raised the whip high above his head an insane smile on his face, and brought it down with all his might, right between her thighs on the tender flesh in between then, and drew blood with the first strike.
Tohru screamed an unearthly, agonized scream that ended on a sob as she writhed in pain, her back arched to try and lessen the agony. This continued until she could scream no more, her voice gone, her body bloody. All she could do was moan in pain with every strike. Suddenly there was a sound from the doorway.
“Akito-Sama, Hatori is here to see you.” Whispered the servant.
“Bring him to me now.” Ordered Akito as he smiled at the young servant.
“Yes sir.”
After a few moments Hatori walked in to find Tohru naked, chained, and bloody on the floor and Akito standing over her with a whip. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of such cruelty, and took a step forward, but stopped when Akito motioned for him to stop.
“Hatori, my dragon, I want you to watch this, and tell those fools you are going to see, that they will never be free.” Akito ordered maliciously.
He slowly lowered his pants his eyes on the helpless girl on the floor. Then he moved toward her, his engorged cock stood out. He lowered himself on the bloody girl, ignored her cries, and thrust himself deep within her, roughly tearing though her barrier, causing her even more pain. Hatori could only watch as Akito pumped inside her and finally came.
“Wait outside.” Ordered Akito.
Hatori bowed and walked out, his horror disguised best he could as he waited for Akito to appear.
Within a few moments Akito emerged from the room, completely dressed and a video in his hands.
“Give this to the monster.” Ordered Akito. “I know you're going to see them.”
Hatori looked at the man, his anger hidden as he reached out with hands that shook to take the video.
“Be back by nightfall if you can.” Akito said as he walked away.
`Kyo is going to flip.' Thought Hatori sadly as he looked at the door that had Tohru behind them.
He tucked the video into his pocket, and slowly, reluctanly turned away and walked towards the main gate to where the others waited. He couldn't tell them what he had witnessed but he knew what Kyo would do once he saw the tape. He could only hope that Tohru would survive until they could help her.
A/N: I am so sorry that it took so long to update, its been a hectic week. I have finished my exams and stated my next semester, and good lord I don't know when I'll have the time to get on here and update my stories with all the homework that I have. Teachers seem to think that students have no life what so ever! Any ways tell me what you think I am begging you please oh please review, I really want to know what you think and all that. I will try to get Chapter 5 up soon. See you in the next chapter!