Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ What she Did For Love ❯ The Plan ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7: The Plan
“What's next?” she asked quietly.
“We still need to talk to the rest of the Zodiac…” started Yuki quietly his violet eyes filled with pain.
“We can't wait that long! Didn't you see what that… that monster is doing to her?!” screamed Hana angrily, her hair flying about her as she snapped around to look at him.
“Yes I see that Miss. Hana but…” Yuki tried again as he backed away from the enraged woman.
“There are no buts this time.” Said Kyo suddenly.
Everyone stopped and looked at the orange haired boy their eyes wide at the sudden remark. What could he be thinking, surly they couldn't take Akito on with just the small group that they had now, could they?
“Kyo what are you thinking?” demanded Arisa.
“I can not, will not allow Akito to touch her again. I will go there tonight and face him,” Kyo said as his eyes traveled across the room. He took in Shigure's shocked and frightened expression, Hana's angry but satisfied expression, she was just happy that someone was going to jump into action. He glanced at Arisa and her nod of agreement, Momiji's look of fear and horror at what had been done to Tohru and then his determined nod. At last Kyo's maroon gaze rested on Yuki and waited for the other mans reaction and decision.
Yuki had seen all the others and knew what their decisions were, and he knew what his own would be. He raised his violet eyes from the floor where they had fallen after Hana's outburst, and looked straight into Kyo's. He slowly nodded in assent his eyes never leaving Kyo's as they seemed to have some sort of unspoken conversation between them.
“Shigure, do you have everyone else's number?” asked Kyo gruffly as his eyes turned to the man sitting by the computer.
“Yes, but you surly don't mean to call everyone now and tell them do you?”
“No buts writer man, Tohru needs us, she needs all of us including those who are in the Zodiac and she is going to get what she need by damn!” growled Arisa and Hana together as they moved closer to the older man their eyes deadly.
“Yes! Yes! She will get help but don't you think that Akito will be expecting this?” asked Shigure bluntly.
“More than likely, but that isn't going to stop me from going to Tohru.” Kyo answered the older man his eyes filled with rage and frustration, his body tense and angry.
“Call the other three back in here and tell them what you intend to do and I'll call Ritsu, Ayame, Rin, Hatsuharu, Kagura, and Kureno. We'll see where we can go from there.” Shigure said resigned.
“No, you will tell them what the circumstance is with Tohru then you will tell them our plan.” Kyo replied hotly.
“Then what is our plan oh wonderful leader?” demanded Shigure sarcastically.
“Wait until the other three get back in here and I'll tell you I really don't want to repeat it over and over again.”
“No need to wait what is the plan?” said a deep voice behind him.
Kyo swung around and glared at the tall man behind him, he hated when Hatori did that to him, how could such a big man get around so quietly?
“We move tonight, we are going to the main house and we are going to bring Tohru home where she belongs and if Akito try's to stop us we will fight our way through.”
“That's the best you have? Do you want us all to be confined to the main house is that what you want?” growled Hiro angrily.
“Hiro don't start with me! You don't have to come if you don't want to but you know what even if I have to go alone I'm going!” growled Kyo angrily.
Hiro looked at the older man shock in his eyes at the rage, frustration, and utter defeat in other mans eyes.
`What happened to Tohru to put that much rage into Kyo?' wondered Hiro anxiously. He was worried about the girl although he would never admit it to anyone.
“Start the calls as Orange Top said.” Arisa snarled. Under the tall blondes gaze the older man wilted and nodded his head defeated.
`The first part of the battle has begun.' Thought Yuki worriedly.
“Do you think that they will come for you?” asked a dark voice eerily. The voice seemed to echo through the room causing chills to run down Tohru's spin. She refused to give in, to allow him to see her fear, he could never win against her that way. She would keep the others safe until the very end.
“Tohru do you really think that they will come for you? If you do then it is a foolish hope.” Snarled Akito angered at the fact that she was ignoring him.
“I know that they will come for you, they have already began to make plans,” at this Toru's head snapped up her once warm, lively eyes going to Akito's dark ones.
“Ah I see that got your attention!” Akito snickered happily. “Yes even now they are making plans to come and rescue you from your horrible fate! What they don't know is once they are here I shall show them what true cruelty is!”
“NO! Damn you! Leave them alone! Don't you think that you have done enough to them?!” cried Tohru brokenly. Her heart clenched at the thought of the others walking into a trap, walking into something that she herself had walked into unknowingly.
“Oh you won't be around long after they arrive, when they get here they will come to your room unerringly and this is where I will wait for them, with you of course,” Akito explained maliciously.
“I intend to make all their precious plans go to hell as soon as they get here, they will witness your death, the very death they fought so hard to prevent!” laughed Akito.
`No, I can't let that happen I will not die in front of Kyo, I will not cause him more pain than I already have, I will fight back with him against the real monster of the Zodiac.' Tohru growled to herself.
`This will be an interesting battle.' Thought Akito. `Although I will win, it will be interesting to see how far these little monsters will go.'
A/N: Please don't kill me for that cliffy I have been having a bunch of writers block lately and I haven't exactly known where to go with this story, and please, please send reviews they are the things that keep me going! Also if you have any ideas please tell me that way I can fit them in and I might be able to write more often. This is the first time I have really gotten the time to sit down and actually work on the story so yeah sorry about the delay. And again REVIEW I'm begging you here! Thanks and see you in the next chapter!