Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Oh the Insanity ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Yeah. I still don't own anything. Seriously, I don't think I've even ever had my actual own earned money. ._. But, hmm… OOOH, well… lets not dwell on that.
Last time:
“Oh, it's all right, we knew if you were it would be something very vital,” Tohru put in smiling brightly. Hatori fought the dire need to falter humorously at the statement. `Yes, battling and talking with myself is quite important, as well as on the verge of insanity,' he mused silently, letting the two friends get into the back seat before he returned to his seat on the left side (he has a western car, if you don't remember from the anime), and began to drive. Seeing Tohru shift uncomfortably in the back, he took pity on her and broke the ice, “Would you like a mint, Tohru?” his question was soft and she almost missed it, but smiled and nodded, “Here, let me get it,” he said then leaned over to the glove compartment to open it.
“Oh, no, I'll get it, Hatori-san, you're driving,” Tohru said quickly, leaning over to do it instead…
They made a turn…
Tohru fell to the left…
And with a loud poof, they were suddenly left driverless.
~ * ~ * ~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
It was utter chaos. That was all that could be said. There was an unconscious seahorse on the driver's seat and a fourteen year old boy leaning over in attempt to steer the car until it slowed. Of course, the rabbit didn't know the first thing about driving a car, even more so a western-styled one. “Ah!! Momiji! Watch that car on the side!” Tohru shouted quickly and Momiji swerved to avoid the pickup truck, whose driver promptly began making rude finger gestures and comments. “Sorry!” Tohru called out the window.
“WAAAAH! Tohru!! I can't see!!” Momiji whined, his school uniform hat having slipped down over his eyes. Tohru, seeing that the situation that she thought couldn't get any worse just defied her thoughts, began to panic.
“Ah! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no,” Tohru wailed in terror before reaching over to take the wheel as well, trying to control it, when Hatori's curse decided it was time to poof back. And she was faced with a very naked part of Hatori.
A scream rang throughout the air.
Twenty minutes later, the three were safe, and clothed, in front of the grocery mart: one blushing, one hyper again, and the other completely hating his life. “W-well,” Tohru began in a weak voice, “Let's start, shall we?” She looked between the two Sohma men nervously.
“Okay!” Momiji grinned then grabbed each of their hands, dragging them into the store. As the rabbit hauled the two along behind him, Tohru peeked at Hatori, still embarrassed, but now also worried he was angry at her for almost getting them killed.
“E-eh… it's pretty nice out today, isn't it, Hatori-san?” Tohru said quietly, trying to get the quietness to stop, hoping that would make her feel a little less mortified. All she got for a reply was a grunt. Feeling even more self conscious, she looked away, biting her lip with worry. She worried that Hatori may now hate her for her utter stupidity.
She was wrong. Hatori was completely in shock of everything that just happened, and was every bit as mortified as her. How could he not? She just saw his… and then it was all… and she passed out. Oh gods, he would never live this down. Shigure would find out, he was sure, and then he'd be teased until the day he died. Which he kind of hoped would have been then, in that car, before it all happened.
Meanwhile Momiji was completely oblivious as to why the others were silent behind him. He was whistling and skipping along. “Udon, udon, I want yaki udon!!” Momiji began to sing happily.
“A-ah… you want chicken, right?” Tohru asked quietly.
“Yeah, because it's mm, mm GOOD!” Momiji let out a distinguishing giggle. Hatori could hardly suppress his groan of irritation. Couldn't the rabbit see there was supposed to be an embarrassed silence? Really…
Ah, well. This always happened with Momiji. Anyways, Momiji had finally gotten them to the section of the store that provided the ingredients for their dinner. Tohru finally put on her signature smile again and began picking things out with Momiji. “Hmm… what would you like in the rice balls, Momiji?” She asked, smiling brightly still as she did.
“Oh, I love plums,” Momiji grinned, “Can we have those in them?”
“All right,” Tohru nodded then turned to Hatori and smiled at him, “What about you, Hatori-san? Is there anything in particular you like?”
“Plums will do just fine, thank you,” Hatori mumbled softly. Tohru smiled brightly at him then walked towards the fruits aisle to get the plums for the rice balls.
Soon enough, Momiji, Tohru, and Hatori were walking out of the grocery store, hands full of bags. “I can't wait! Tohru's cooking is so delicious!” Momiji giggled happily.
“Ah, thank you, Momiji-kun… but it's not all that great, really. I've tasted much better,” Tohru blushed softly with the compliment.
“Well, I haven't,” Momiji insisted, “I'm sure the others haven't either. Your cooking is really, really great. It's so yummy!” He giggled again.
All Tohru could manage to do was blush more. Hatori smirked, though keeping it to himself, noticing how cute she was looking. Wait…cute? What the heck am I thinking? Tohru is…she's a kid
Even as they got back to the car, Hatori continued chastising himself. “Hatori? Hatori…Ha'ari,” when Hatori came back to, he blinked, seeing Momiji right up in front of him, waving his hand in front of his face, and whining.
“What, Momiji?” Hatori groaned softly.
“You need to unlock the car so we can get in and go home,” Momiji grinned at the doctor's odd staring. “Was something distracting you, Hatori-san?” he smirked.
“No, nothing at all,” Hatori said quickly, glancing about then unlocking the car. “Nothing,” he repeated, although he sounded only as if he was trying to convince himself, “You can get in now. Let's go.”
“Right,” Momiji chuckled before jumping in, Tohru getting in the passenger seat once more. This time, though, she decided it may be best to lean against the window, as far away from the cursed driver as possible. They didn't want a repeat of what had happened just little over an hour ago; they would much rather keep their lives, and their sanity.
A/N: Okay, I know, I know; short chapters. I'd write longer ones if I had less anxiety attacks and more inspiration. Don't worry, I'm going to try and get the next one longer than these last few.
Uh. Oh! O.o Just want to say thanks to my buddy Warm Tea, if it wasn't for her threats, I may not be writing this. *cowers in fear of the scary haritori fan*
Ah! And a thanks to all who actually reviewed. I appreciate it. ^^; Mew! Look forward to my next chapter! <3