Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Snow Melts ❯ Problems ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Oi… if I owned this would I be writing fan fiction? … Wait, I probably still would @_@... heh heh… WELL! I don't ^_^ so. Yeah. NO SUING… besides if you do then no more chapters T_T…
Hatori: … *calls lawyer*
Last Time:
“Ah, but Hatori, you are. Whether you see it or not, you are a very good person. I mean… you even sacrificed your love to make Kana feel better…” she whispered.
Hatori froze at Kana's name. “Don't speak of her!” He said quickly, glaring at her unintentionally, his voice harsh and cold. He sighed, regaining himself, “…you should go home.” He muttered. “I can't drive you so I'll call Shigure to come pick you up…” The doctor stood and Tohru whimpered. She suddenly knew she should not have said anything that had to do with Kana.
Hatori though… he never would have been this angry about anyone else bringing her up, but this was Tohru… and she was so much like his lost love it sometimes hurt to see her cheery face.
Only twenty minutes later, Shigure arrived to escort her home. “Something bad happen?” He asked seeing how gloomy she was.
“Ah, ah… no, I just think I crossed a line that I shouldn't have…” She muttered.
“Oh? Really? What was it?” Shigure blinked, looking to the onigiri. She sighed softly.
“I really don't wish to speak of it right now, Shigure-san,” She muttered, “I want… to just go home, please.”
“All right, Tohru…you should get some sleep, anyways…” Shigure offered a soft smile.
“Thank you…” she whispered.
“No problem, little flower.”
Meanwhile, back in his home, Hatori was regretting how harsh he was with the girl. “It's not her fault… not her fault she's so like her…” He muttered staring out the window as it began to rain. “Please don't hate me,” he whispered to nothing.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
Shigure sighed; his flower seemed to be wilting. No matter what he did, even when she smiled, it was so blatantly fake that it made him shiver. Neither Kyo nor Yuki had seemed to notice the tense air surrounding the girl. But he did, and because of it, he couldn't help but wonder what happened with Hatori to bring the girl down… Perhaps he should call and ask the dragon? But…then again, then he would get yelled at. He finally settled on the decision to just call Aya and get him to bug it out of Hatori.
Ayame lounged lazily in his living room, sighing lightly, cursing his own boredom. “Oh, dear, there really is nothing to do. I've finished all the orders, I cleaned up, and I've even ordered dinner…” He heaved another sigh. “What to do, what to…” The phone interrupted his self-questioning. He picked up, “Hello?”
“Aya?” Shigure asked quickly, “Can you do me a favor?”
“Ah! `GURE! I've been so bored and alone, have you called to rescue me?” Ayame grinned.
“Ah, my Aya, I'm sorry, but I really need you to do this. Can you figure out what was said between Hatori and Tohru the other night? I'm afraid our little flower was quite affected with whatever it was.”
“Ah? Ha'ari? Maybe he confessed his undying love for her!” Aya sighed in happiness then, “But… I will investigate just in case. I always have wanted to be a private eye.”
“All right, but don't seem suspicious, or Hatori will get angry.” Shigure stated softly.
“Don't worry, `Gure, I am very sly…”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
“So what did you say to Tohru?”
“Nothing Ayame,” Hatori sighed and shifted through his papers.
“But Ha-to-riiiiiiiiii,” Ayame whined, “You must have said or done something! She's been very… off and mopey, Shigure said.”
“So Shigure put you up to this?” Hatori sighed, glaring at the snake then, “And was that outfit his idea too?”
Ayame chuckled, “Why of course not, I'm the one with the immense sense of style.” He had come to the house, completely decked out in a Sherlock Holmes outfit, even with the pipe… although it only blew bubbles, as he now demonstrated.
Hatori rolled his eyes, “Ayame, I'm busy, why don't you go and do something else while I work.”
“B-B-But… Hatori!” Ayame whined.
“Nothing happened! Now, go!” Hatori ordered gruffly.
Ayame sighed. This certainly wasn't getting him anywhere. Perhaps he should just give up for now and go eat gyoza. He was damn hungry. Being a detective made him famished!
Momiji blinked, seeing Ayame prance out of Hatori's door singing about dumplings. “Well… hmm…Aya couldn't get anything out of him either, eh? Gee, I have to do everything.” The rabbit couldn't help but grin…quite an evil grin, too. I'm sure if anyone were to walk by, they would be quite perplexed, not knowing whether to scream and run away or jump up and hug the cute yet scary little boy.
Meanwhile, back in Shigure's house, Tohru was sitting in her room, working on her homework. `What's wrong with me?' she thought to herself as she stopped, looking at the ceiling. `Oh, mom…why is this affecting me so much?' She tried to think of what her mother would do, or say right now. But for once, her mother's wisdom refused to show itself in her mind. “Mom, please…” Tohru muttered. She lay her head down upon her desk, trying to figure it out… and for once, she found out what was wrong, even without her mother's guidance. She smiled and stood up, going quickly downstairs. “Shigure! I am going to the main house!” She called out, grinning brightly before practically running out the front door.
`I've figured it out,' she thought to herself, `I know why that made me so sad.' She hurried along to the main house of the Sohma family, wanting to tell him exactly what she felt, why everything had seemed duller when he had said that. She knew he would accept it, and then she could be happy again. Soon enough, she reached the main house and ran into Hatori's home, slipping off her shoes along the way. “Hatori-san! Hatori-san!” She called out, running to his office room swiftly.
“What is it?” Hatori asked, looking up to her from where he sat in his chair.
“I have something to say to you, Hatori-san,” She said softly, catching her breath as she stood there, looking at him. “I really do…”
“All right, then, say it,” Hatori said, still just sitting there. “Hurry up, I'm busy with work.”
“R-Right,” Tohru muttered, then straightened up and looked him straight in the eye. “Hatori, I understand why now…why the things you said affected me so.”
“What?” Hatori raised an eyebrow, not knowing where this was going.
“Hatori-san… I think… I'm in love with you,” Tohru muttered, blushing softly and averting her gaze.
Hatori blinked, wide-eyed. He was certainly not expecting that. Did he love her too? He knew he had some odd strong feeling towards the girl but he didn't think it was love. Even if he did, it wouldn't ever be possible. He'd only end up hurt again. So of course, he did the only thing he knew how to. He chuckled. “You…love me? You must be kidding. Honda, don't waste your breath telling me that. No use in it, when all I will do is tell you… to me, you are just a little annoying girl, who won't leave me alone. Now, run home, Tohru. I'm busy…”
Tohru's eyes were wide with disbelief. This…was not supposed to happen. She couldn't believe what had just happened; she replayed it in her head over and over, trying to understand what went wrong. He gave her a masked look, and she couldn't help it, she turned and ran out of the house, past an inquiring rabbit and out of the estate. What went wrong?
She soon returned back home, running straight up to her room and locking herself back in again. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks as she mourned the broken heart residing in her chest. Tohru's eyes grew dull as she cried through the night.
Even the next morning, she did not venture from her room, even for food. She dwelled in her room, keeping the lights off and just staying on her comfortable bed. She burrowed beneath the covers and lay there, wondering over and over, what went wrong? She didn't know what to do. So she just stayed in the place she knew safe and waited, hoping she'd wake from this horrible nightmare.
Of course she didn't, so she got up to once again work on her homework. She said at her desk and looked down at the still unfinished math. Her eyes were drier now but still shone with unshed tears she had held back in fear of drowning herself in them. She sighed softly, looking at the clock, noticing it was getting late. Then she proceeded to stare off.
After a few moments, Tohru sighed and stood up. “I should cook dinner…” So she started down to the kitchen so she could start cooking for the family. When she left her room, she came out to, of course, another of Yuki and Kyo's squabbles. Tohru stopped at the top of the stairs to turn and ask them to stop; but when she turned, something was flying towards her; a table leg, she believed. With no time to move, and no ability to, Tohru clenched her eyes shut as it hit her. Everything seemed to start moving in slow motion as she tilted, then fell, tumbling down the stairs. When the slow-mo wore off, Kyo and Yuki cried out in worry, “TOHRU!”
Downstairs in his room, Shigure perked up at the sudden noise. He sighed, getting up and leaving his room to investigation. “Probably ruining my house again,” he grumbled, “What's going o-” Shigure stopped in his mental inquiry as he witnessed Tohru's crumpled body at the bottom of the stairs. “Oh, God…” Shigure muttered, horrified.
Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived to take Tohru to the hospital, leaving behind two worried zodiac members, Shigure having gone with her. “Oh god, this is my entire fault,” Kyo muttered, cupping his face in his hands, not wanting Yuki to see him crying.
“No… it's both our faults,” Yuki sighed and sat on the porch, looking off into the distance that the ambulance had disappeared into. “We were to distracted being angry at each other to be careful of Tohru…now… we don't know what will happen…”
“I didn't even see her…she just appeared…what if she-”
“Don't think like that,” Yuki interrupted quickly. “Now we just should wait for Shigure's call and until then… we should do something that will keep us busy so we don't dwell on this.”
Shigure, meanwhile, sat in the waiting room of the hospital, rubbing his temples. “How could this happen?” He mumbled.
“Sohma-san?” a nurse asked as she approached him carefully.
“Yes?” Shigure stood. His mind was so focused on Tohru he didn't even flirt…he'd probably kick himself later. “How is she?”
“We've gotten her into a stable state…only a few broken bones…however, she's also got a concussion, and she is currently unconscious. I'm afraid if she remains like this much longer, she'll have slipped into a coma… and then… I don't know how it will turn out. If she does slip into a coma…there's almost no chance she'll wake up.” The nurse's face was apologetic.
“A coma,” Shigure repeated in shock, “not wake up?”
Hatori looked up as his phone rang. He sighed and stood to get it, picking it up lightly. “Hello?” He grunted, quite irritable today.
“Hatori,” Shigure began shakily.
“Ugh…what is it, Shigure?” Hatori rolled his eyes, figuring it would be something mundane and a total waste of his precious work time.
“It's Tohru,” Shigure said softly.
“What about it? Look, I can't help you with making her feel…” Hatori began.
“No. She's … she's in the hospital…” Shigure whimpered, “Hatori, I don't know what to do. She's got a concussion and they think she may go into a coma and not wake up. How am I going to tell Kyo and Yuki?” Silence met his ears for a reply. Finally, after a few moments, Hatori spoke.
“What hospital are you at?” his voice was hoarse.
“Just the local one,” Shigure replied, “But why?” All he heard after that was the dial tone.
Hatori meanwhile, rushed to his car to head straight to the hospital. “Why did this have to happen?” he asked himself allowed, turning the key and pulling out of the estate quickly. “Why her? Why did she have to get hurt? What happened… what am I going to do?” The doctor pulled into the emergency room parking lot and sighed, leaning his head against the wheel. “I don't know what to do…”
Shigure in the meantime was calling the boys. “You see…she may not wake up,” he finished.
“WHAT?!” Both Kyo and Yuki yelled. Shigure was on speakerphone.
“Like she might die?!” Kyo asked loudly, angered obviously at what had occurred still.
“I don't know yet,” Shigure sighed, rubbing his poor delicate ear. He should be deaf by now from their screaming.
“Please call us with any updates. Other than that, we will visit her tomorrow.” Yuki said lightly, and then hung up.
“How can you be so calm?”
“I don't know what to do…”