Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart is Gone ❯ Resistance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

This is the Toriru I promised Mona-chan just before her birthday. It's a bit late...okay it's REALLY late...but better late than never. =P A story in four parts, all told from Hatori's POV. Very dark. Very sad. Very angsty. Eventual lemon. Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Part One - Resistance

I believe it was an English author who wrote, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

Nothing else could've explained it better.

Two of my younger cousins were graduating from high school. That's no simple feat considering they are different from everyone else. Considering the restrictions placed upon them. Considering that their lives are already decided at such a young age. Considering that the life they've been able to lead was about to change.

They were both living my cousin, and best friend, Shigure. They had done so for many years. Happily removed from the turmoil of Souma main house. Another, a young woman, also lived with them. Tohru Honda. Possibly the sweetest woman on Earth. They had grown to become a family, something the Souma unit had not been in quite some time. It was lovely to see and a pleasure to enjoy. But it was fragile, like glass.

And so easily shattered.

Both of my younger cousins were to be moved back into the main house after the graduation ceremony. Yuki, who stood at the podium and made a grand speech about the future, was to be moved into the rooms next to Akito's. The head of our family made a logical argument for his placement, stating that if the two most likely candidates to be ill were in the same place, I could care for them better. His motives, I know, were not so noble. Yuki's future had been decided by his mother and Akito. While he had his pick of universities and colleges, it was already deigned that he would attend a local private institution. He was also told what he would study.

Kyo, on the other hand, didn't get off so lucky. He sat quietly during the ceremony, mumbling to his classmates and overall just being a nuisance. Although I was quite surprised there was such applause from the class when he rosse to accept his diploma. He was obviously well liked. A shame really, that he would never know acceptance again. He was moved into a small shed on the grounds, most of his things placed in storage...or sold and burned as Akito dictated. He had two small rooms to live in and was not allowed to leave without permission from Akito. It was a wooden prison. Visitors would be few and his freedom even less. It was meant to drive him insane. I wondered how long he'd last.

My heart went out to it went out to the one young woman who had befriended them both. Tohru was allowed to stay with Shigure until she had earned her degree from a culinary school. Shigure promised to help her as much as he could, but it would have to be kept from Akito, lest the young woman suffer his wrath. She smiled through the ceremony. Laughed and cried with her friends. She knew Yuki and Kyo were leaving, yet she acted like it wasn't possible. She's so strong, our Tohru. But I knew that, deep inside she, was hurting as much as my cousins.

I must say that I was not happy to be the one taking them away on what should've been a happy day. To my surprise, neither one of them looked at me with contempt or hatred. Even Tohru did not plead or cry. She remained silent, standing in the doorway to Shigure's house until I saw him pull her inside out of the light rain. I gave Yuki and Kyo one last glance in the rear view mirror. Never before had they been so quiet in each other's presence. The significance of the moment had settled. I was proud of them for accepting their fate, and yet...I was sad because I could not change it.

Akito greeted them as we arrived back at the main house. They were given a hug then sent on their way. There was a brief look of despair in both their eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination. Determination to earn their freedom. Determination to fight their fate.

In what seemed like an united front, both of my cousins acted indifferent to their new surroundings. Yuki remained calm, preparing for his school courses and visiting daily with our other cousins. He particularly spent more time with Hatsuharu and Kisa. He took comfort from their presence, something he had gotten so often around Tohru. He even allowed Akito to touch him, hug him, hold him. I think there was a trick to it, because it seemed nearly impossible given the past, but he endured and continued to live a relatively normal life.

In his prison, Kyo went through his normal routines. He ran through his training first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. His sensei, Kazuma, was given permission to see him once a week for an hour. Kyo looked forward to the visits. He also looked forward to the small gifts left for him. I'm not certain how it started, but one day a puzzle ended up outside his window. A candy bar, a notepad, candles, and other personal items followed that. Each gift included a note. Whether each one was signed, I cannot say. All I know is that I didn't sign my note to him when I left it with a book for him to read.

It hurt to see my cousins -- and those younger than myself to boot -- treated so unfairly.

But what was heart wrenching for me was visiting Shigure's home once a week. It had been my idea. I wanted to keep Tohru informed on what was happening with Yuki and Kyo. Each visit was cordial, informal. I would spend so much time talking to Shigure, usually smoking profusely. Then I would be left alone with Tohru to relate pretty much the same information. I left a few things out of course. Things I felt were inappropriate to tell her. she was happy for our conversation. Happy to know that Yuki and Kyo were being so strong. And every time I would see her smile, I would feel my own heart melt just a little. I would feel that much better about my visit. About the whole situation.

But, as they always do, things...changed.

After a month, my cousins' united front was dwindling. Akito has switched tactics a bit, placing even more constraints and restrictions on them both. Kyo's visits from Kazuma were limited to fifteen minutes and the gifts had all but stopped coming. Yuki had been locked in the terrifying room from his childhood. I remember hearing him whimper and moan while inside. Kyo was hating his wooden cage and Yuki was beginning to hesitate around Akito. They continued to fight, when they had the energy, but that energy was quickly draining from them.

I dreaded my visits to Shigure's even more now. While I could confess everything truthfully to him, it was not so for Tohru. I did not want to see her frown. I couldn't bear it if there were tears in her eyes. But I couldn't bring myself to totally lie to her either. I was in love with her you see...and I couldn't let her know that either. I tried to break the bad news to her as gently as I could. That the boys were starting to feel hopeless. That their resolve was weakening. She wanted to see them...they had already been gone for over two months, but it was impossible. Not without Akito's permission.

"Well, then may I ask for his permission?"

Akito only laughed -- and loud -- when I brought it up.

"She wants my permission, does she? That is good, Hatori. You've made my day."

"What should I tell her?"

"Nothing. She doesn't deserve to know what's going on in this house. She isn't family."

But she was family, and it tore at my soul when I returned to Shigure's the following week to deliver the news.

"He won't grant her permission," Shigure said.

"Aa," I said, inhaling deeply and dragging my cigarette in one long stroke. "But they need to see her Shigure. They need...something. She needs it, too."

"Has it gotten that bad?"

I explained to him the beatings. Kyo was beating up himself mostly, trying to find a way to escape, even briefly. But Akito did pay him a visit that left him black and blue as well. I had treated Yuki more than once that week alone. Mostly for beatings...but I believe there was a rape involved as well. Things were not good at the main house. Akito was fed up with their resistance. He wanted to ensure that they realized their fate in the worst possible way.

"I guess we are the lucky ones."

"They are resigned to their fate now. The determination in their hearts is gone."

Shigure nodded. "How are you going to explain it to Tohru?"

I didn't have to. She already knew. Her body blocked the doorway from the porch to the house. She looked very lost, very sad. I wanted to comfort her. To kiss the tears from her eyes. But I could do neither. Not in front of Shigure. We simply stared at each other until the tears began to fall. She turned on her heel, running into the house. I sighed, reaching for another cigarette. Shigure stopped me.

"Go talk to her."

I still wonder what made him say that to me instead of going after her himself. I did go after her, walking silently into the house and slowly up the stairs to her bedroom. I raised my hand to knock, but stopped when I heard wracking sobs and Tohru gasping for air. The doctor in me took over, flinging the door open. Tohru remained on the floor by her bed, crying, gasping, and wheezing. Her tiny body shook from the force of her sobs.

I rushed to her side, pulling her away from her covers so she wouldn't suffocate. The doctor in me yelled at her to breath, to calm down. But the only words that left my mouth were apologies.

"Gomen, Tohru-kun. You should never have heard that...not in that way. It's too cruel. I'm sorry."

I felt her hand on my wrist, felt her hanging on. That was good. But when she leaned forward, placing her forehead against my chest I froze. I waited for my transformation, but it never came. Sighing, I placed on hand to the back of her head, placed a light kiss to the top of her head. It was wrong, I knew, but I couldn't help it. My relief was short lived however as she wrapped her slender arms around my waist. I braced myself as I felt the familiar tingle of transformation.


I wasn't angry, nor was I embarrassed. It's true I'm not fond of my jyuunishi form, but for the instant that I could hold her, it was worth it. She was all a flutter, not quite as badly as when she had first seen my transformation. She rushed to her closet to grab another blanket. She laid me on the bed, neatly folding my clothes and lying them beside me. She apologized profusely as she headed for the door. I wish I could've stopped her, told her that her apologies were not necessary. I merely wanted to take care of her, to make certain she was all right. And here she was, taking care of me.

How very Tohru.

I stayed for dinner then went back to the Honke. I was greeted by a very...unusual...sight. Kureno, my younger cousin by only a year and Akito's other caretaker, was waiting for me on the porch of my home. He stood as I approached and I quickened my pace to meet him.

"Is something wrong with Akito? You could've paged me."

"It is not a rush, but Akito wants to see you."

"Did he say what he wanted to discuss?"

"He would not say."

I walked with Kureno to Akito's rooms. He knocked on the door and we were admitted immediately. Kureno was then excused. Whatever Akito wanted to discuss, it was very secretive.

"I have a plan," he stated happily.

"A plan for what?"

"Yuki and Kyo have been very bad boys again. Yuki has locked the door of his room and will not permit me entry. And Kyo has started refusing teh good food we've been feeding him." Akito scowled, making him look like the devil himself. "How atrocious! Both of them are acting like spoiled brats! I will have no more of their disrespect!"

I nodded in understanding, although I felt nothing but deep sympathy for them both. "What is your plan?"

Akito smiled evilly. "They will be asking to see you, complaining they are sick. Do not give them more than water and aspirin and send them away."

Confused, I asked, "Why?"

"Because it is their punishment!"

And that's when things went from even worse.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^