Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When the Heart is Gone ❯ Hope Fails ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

This is the Toriru I promised Mona-chan just before her birthday. It's a bit late...okay it's REALLY late...but better late than never. =P A story in four parts, all told from Hatori's POV. Very dark. Very sad. Very angsty. Eventual lemon. Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Part Two - Hope Fails

Two weeks.

It took me two weeks to realize they were being poisoned.

They're bodies were having a slow, yet violent reaction to whatever drug Akito was feeding them. Against my much better judgment, I did as Akito asked. I kept them in my office for a day. Gave them plenty of water and aspirin and then sent them away. I also kept a record of what they were eating and when in hopes of being able to prevent further contamination to their systems.

It was only meant to go on for a little while, or so Akito said. The man was deriving far too much pleasure from their discomfort. But try as I might, he would not tell me how the drug was being administered and who was doing it. I was left to my own devices but could come up with nothing short of running blood tests and the like. If Akito found out he would be furious. Discretion was key. It was also difficult.

Yuki fell seriously ill during the fourth week. His bronchitis, added to this new intruder, put him in serious condition. He coughed up blood much of the time and had a difficult time eating. I asked for Akito's mercy, but he laughed at me much the same way he had laughed at Tohru's plea.

"Yuki is strong. But if he needs help, he must come to me."

I tried to tell him that Yuki wasn't as strong as he thought, but then even I was wrong. He fought the illness with a vengeance, fought the toxins roaring through his system. It was a long, hard struggle. His already frail and effeminate body became weaker for his troubles, but his spirit seemed to gain a little of what he had lost. His resistance was returning.

Kyo had vomiting fits several times a day. He, too, had a difficult time eating, but he tried. Finally I put him on a strict diet of fluids, keeping him in my office for nearly three days.

Akito was livid, yelling and screaming while Kyo was passed out in the other room. I took his verbal abuse, took the punches and slaps and kicks like everything else. The man had already taken my eye. He had taken Kana. Taken my life. What more could he possibly take from me?

My visits to Shigure's meant almost as much to me as they did to Tohru. I continued to fill her in on the boys' progress...or rather, their weakening states. Shigure and I agreed there would be no more hiding Tohru from the truth. We feared she might become as ill as the boys if she didn't know, if she worried too much. Of course, the truth wasn't much better.

"That's terrible!"

I can only nod, knowing that even I have a hand in their illness. "I'm trying to figure out what it is that is making them ill, but Akito will not tell me anything and the servants are too afraid to speak against him."

"He's planned this well."

"Yes, he has." I offered Tohru my best reassuring smile...although I'm sure it fell short. "But I will do my best."

"Hatori-san, you do not look well. Have you eaten yet?"

"Iie, but--!"

"Then you must stay for dinner. I'll go set another plate on the table."

It was Tohru taking care of me again. Not that I was ungrateful, but I truly felt like an intruder. My guilty conscious perhaps. Still, saying no to Tohru was difficult. I felt I owed it to her. And I didn't want to leave just yet.

"Ha-san?" Shigure asked as soon as Tohru left the room. "You're leaving something out. Aren't you?"

I sighed, reaching for my pack of cigarettes. "Let's just say I have my own plan. Pray to the gods that it works."

And so another month passes.

Yuki's body was the first to show lasting effects of the harmful drug. HE had stomach ulcers, causing him even more pain. He refused to eat anything solid. Refused to give up even though he had no idea what was happening to his body. I kept him in my office for several days, much like I had done for Kyo.

"This was not in our agreement!" Akito screamed on more than on occasion. "Why are you disobeying me? You are not doing what you were told!"

But aside from the yelling, there was no hitting, no kicking. No temper tantrum like before. Instead, Akito remained close to Yuki's bedside. Whispering admonishments and encouragement. In a very sick way, Akito loved Yuki, so it was little surprise. Part of me hoped that the sight of his precious toy, all sick and worn down, would halt his vicious plan.

The following week I had to treat Kyo for similar ulcers. In his stomach and mouth. His movements were no longer swift and graceful, but nervous and shaken. Whenever he moved, it looked like it took more energy than he could muster. He pretended he wasn't sick, as if this was a normal occurrence. He believed he was being destroyed by his own curse.

Only I knew that wasn't the case.

I did then what I dared not do before. I followed my conscience. While they slept in my office I withdrew a small vile of blood from each of them. A friend of mine from the local hospice arranged to have it tested for me. I explained what I could, hoping to give them some help. The down side was that, even with priority, it would take almost two weeks. I was certain those two weeks would crawl.

"Ha-san, would you mind stopping over after your last appointment?"

"Please tell me you're not suffering from alcohol poisoning again."

"No, not this time. It's Tohru. I think she's getting sick."

"A cold?"

He paused. "Something worse."

I wasted no time in getting to Shigure's after my three o'clock appointment ended. I didn't even bother to grab my cigarettes as I walked out the door. Shigure had been short on details, but I understood once I was able to see her.

To someone who didn't know her well, Tohru merely looked tired, worn down. She was taking classes at a culinary school and working part-time at the job she had during high school. On top of that she still did chores around the house. It was a hectic and sometimes unmanageable schedule. She was clearly exhausted.

But that wasn't everything. Her eyes seemed glazed over. Her breathing was shallow. She moved as if confined by a dense fog. She was even clumsy in the kitchen...something never seen before. It was her element! But Shigure assured me that he had two broken glasses and a cracked bowl...all of which was not his doing.

I diagnosed her with a severe cold, told her to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids and I told Shigure to make sure she does as she's told. I gave her several types of medications hoping that one of them would take care of the bug dwelling inside her.

But like Yuki and Kyo...she got worse.

My blood test results finally came back. Arsenic. There was a small list of other chemicals, but it was primarily arsenic. Their food was being contaminated. I immediately approached the house chef. He seemed very nervous and denied everything. It was quite possible he didn't have anything to do with it. Still, I prescribed a strict menu for the boys and told him I would be present to see their meals prepared for the first few days.

I also issued another prescription.

Akito's mood had improved, but he was still...well, himself. Apparently Yuki and Kyo were not responding the way he had wanted. He had wanted them to plead, to beg, for their very lives. According to the blood tests if I hadn't interfered when I did, he would've had it in another week.

And then there was Tohru. She seemed to regain some of her strength, but she was still constantly tired. She was happy that the boys were starting to feel better. It would be a while before they were back one hundred percent. But the boys didn't concern me as much as Tohru. I visited three, sometimes four, times a week. I gave her several medications, though neither one seemed to be working.

Shortly afterwards my attention was divided between Tohru and Akito. He had caught a cold and I kept him in his room, tucked in bed and nicely medicated. He tried to protest, but I refused to listen to him. Eventually he spent his days sleeping.

My plan was working.

But Tohru was still getting worse.

With Akito pretty much under, I moved Tohru to the main house so that I could look after her better. The first night she was to stay with me. Then she would be moved to Kagura's house where the other girl could help me look after her. As soon as Shigure brought her over I placed her in bed. When Shigure left, I sat by her bedside, watching out for her as she usually did for the rest of the world.


"Are you thirsty, Tohru? Hungry?"

She shook her head. "Where am I?"

"You're at my place, remember? You'll be staying with Kagura-san until I can treat what it is that's hurting you."

"But...I don't feel any pain."

I did, just seeing her so ill cause me great pain. "I know."



"Stay with me...until I fall asleep."

I nodded. "Rest now, Tohru. Go back to sleep."

As she drifted once more I approached the bed. Carefully, so as not to disturb her, I crawled into the bed beside her. It was wrong of me, I know. But I couldn't help myself. And she did ask me to stay.

Pulling at the covers I created a tiny wall between us and lay on my side. As if sensing my presence Tohru turned onto her side, facing me. She was so beautiful when she slept. I had this strange desire to kiss her. Well, perhaps not that strange since I had had it before. Many times! But unlike all those times, I leaned forward and placed a light kiss to her cheek. Tohru snuggled closer in response, but still maintained a distance. She seemed to relax then, and continued to sleep.

I blacked out not long after.

The phone rang early the next morning. I picked it up on the second ring, afraid to wake Tohru.

"Hatori? I need you to come to Akito's room." It was Kureno. He sounded slightly...relieved.

"Why? Has his condition gotten worse?"

"You could say that."

"I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Don't rush," Kureno said. "Akito's dead."


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^