Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When Turning Eighteen ❯ Prelude To Presents ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A young Ayame Sohma stared moodily out the window. Not only was it raining on his birthday, his parents had decided to ground him. For... some reason. He wasn't sure why. Well, actually, he was. His parents hated him. Plain and simple. He wasn't a good boy that they could give to Akito, like Yuki. So they hated him. He'd stopped caring after a while though, and normally would have snuck out by now. But they'd locked him in the attic and gone out.


And before you even think it, he'd already tried the window. It was locked and the attic was completely empty and there was nothing to break it with.


So, in layman's terms: he was fucked until his parents let him out, if ever. It wouldn't surprise him if they never let him out. They wouldn't miss him, or notice he was gone. Definitely not. They'd nearly beaten him to death on several occasions already. He was honestly rather lucky they hadn't done more than lock him up in here. Maybe they were having sympathy since it was his eighteenth birthday? Who knows, either way, once his birthday was over he was going to start looking for a way out of this shit hole. The ideas for his shop were already churning in his head.


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Eighteen-year-old Hatori Sohma had a long drive back to the main compound. His college was a ridiculously long distance away. But he was almost there now. After hours of driving in the rain, and he was almost there.


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The ever-mellow Shigure Sohma was waiting patiently in his house for the dragon. Too bad it was raining... But, Que Sera, Sera! It wouldn't put a damper on the day's activities anyways.


Ah! There's Hatori! The dog perked up when he heard the sounds of the car and went to open the door.

"There's our college boy!" He called as Ha'ri hurried out of the car. The poor boy was completely soaked by the time he got into the house. His friend glomped him anyways, getting his jeans and t-shirt quite wet.

"Shigure... I'm all wet." The dragon pointed out unnecessarily, returning the hug.

"That sounds like a personal problem, Haa-san." Shii-chan winked, and Hatori rolled his eyes.

"Did you tell Ayame I was coming?" he wanted to know.

"Of course not." The smaller boy looked appalled. "It's going to be a surprise."

"All right, whatever you say." Hatori sighed helplessly. "Can I at least have a change of clothes though?"

"No," the dog snickered. "You won't be needing the clothes too much. I'll make sure of that." The doctor-to-be muttered a little something in response to that.

"You're such a horny idiot..."

"Yes, yes." he agreed wholeheartedly. "Shall we go get Aaya now?"

"All right..." So this time they got an umbrella. Shigure claimed he only had one as an excuse to keep exceptionally close to his soggy friend. (Hatori knew he had more, but he decided to humor his friend.)


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Now, the aforementioned snake is still sitting in the attic. He's sitting unhappily under the window with his back to the wall. There were several leaks in the roof, so it was damp and cold up there, and he rather hoped he didn't transform. Actually, that thought was in the back of his mind right now. He was going over all the things that might have pushed his parents to lock him in here. Normally it was the closet, or his room, or the bathroom. Or they just beat him. It was never the attic, the cold, dusty, attic.

"Perhaps they're unhappy that I don't have a job yet... Well, that's Akito's fault, he won't approve anything, so I'm a bit stuck. Maybe it's because I didn't go away to college like Tori-san... Oh, but they didn't want me to go to college either... Hmmm... Do you suppose they know I went to Shigure's when I wasn't supposed to... Or maybe they know about the sex..." The list when on and on, and none of the answers he came up with seemed very plausible, to him anyways. "I know! They hate me, and Akito hates me. So there we are, mystery solved." He was a bit sad to have solved it so quickly, since he would probably be up here for a long, long time.


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"We've taken Ayame out for his birthday?" Shigure read the little note taped to the snake's front door. The parents had signed too.

"Who do they think is actually going to believe that?" Hatori muttered bitterly. He was worried about Ayame now; he had no idea what his friend's parents might have done. The dog looked up to Aaya's window, but there wasn't a light on in there.

"I don't know." He admitted after reporting this to the other. "They might have actually taken him out to, you know, celebrate his being old enough to get out of their house now."

"Or they might have beaten him and locked him in the bathroom again." the dragon pointed out dryly. Shigure was about to answer, but Hatori interrupted. "Or the closet."

"Akito will know." The brunette finally sighed. "They go there to tell him and Yuki everything they do to Aaya."

"Right..." Ha'ri agreed. "Let's go, I'm worried about him." He grabbed Shigure's wrist and pulled him off towards the main building.


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"Hatori..." The eleven-year-old boy murmured with a faint smile. "You're back for a visit? And Shigure is here too!" The tiny little rat sat quietly off to one side, like an ornament.

"Yes, Akito-san. I came to see Ayame for his birthday." The dragon confirmed.

"We've come to you, to ask if you would maybe, just happen to know where he is." The dog added with a smile. They needed to play this just right. Akito did not like Ayame. At all. So if they fucked up, they wouldn't find out where their other third was.

"That's too bad. Coming all this way... Just to find he's been taken by his parents." The, already sadistic at eleven, head replied. Shigure caught a sudden glimpse of the mother watching all this from around the corner.

"Akito-san, please. Tell us where he is?" Hatori requested softly. But he didn't get the answer he wanted.

"My dear Hatori, how on earth should I know?"

"Akito." the dog decided to just take over the situation, Hatori's way wasn't going to get them anywhere. "Aaya and Yuki's parents tell you everything they do, so they can suck up to you. They know you dislike their oldest son, and therefore it would please you to know if they'd done anything unkind to him." His tone hinted that he would be willing to pay for the information, but he didn't say it yet. "But if they've done it now, you know about it, and you're happy, so now it would be MOST kind of you to allow us to find him." Akito laughed softly at his favorite little puppy.

"Shigure, it's so hard to tell you no! But well..." he let his demand for payment hang.

"I would be more than happy to do something in return for the whereabouts of our friend." Shigure agreed.

"All right then." The young boy seemed pleased, and turned to look at Yuki.

"Yuki, why don't you tell them." He knew the rat HATED to talk, but that's what made it so fun to force him to. Poor Yuki hung his head hiding behind his bangs and murmuring. "Yuki dear, they can't hear you." Akito teased.

"They locked... Nii-san... In the attic..." Yuki's soft voice was finally loud enough for them to hear. But the answer made both the older boy's stomachs sink.

"Thank you, Akito-san, and Yuki." Hatori said quickly, getting up and leaving the room, dripping a little with his wet clothes, and Shigure hot on his heels. 'He better be all right...' The dragon thought venomously.

"I'll be back tomorrow to pay you, Akito!" Shigure called as they left.


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Aaya was a bit out of it. It was cold. And it was wet. Was it just him? Or was it raining harder? What the hell was that noise too? Oh well...

"Ayame!" Came Hatori's irritated voice, he couldn't get the damn attic open, and the snake wasn't answering him. "Shigure, will you hurry up and open this thing?"

"I'm trying, I'm trying." The dog whined, being a bit rougher with his lock picking tools. "This doesn't want to unlock."

"Ayame?" the dragon called again, and still got nothing. It felt like his suspicions were confirmed, they had beaten the other and he was lying up there, passed out, bleeding, wet, and cold.

"Ah, there." The lock finally gave a satisfying click and Shigure pulled it out of the hook. Hatori pushed the wooden door open anxiously, and then hurried to pull himself up.

"Ayame?" He looked around the dark room, squinting.

"Aaya?" Shigure appeared beside him momentarily. "Haa-san, you don't suppose they lied do you?" He asked, also trying to look through the dust. But a quiet whispering stopped him from pursuing that idea. "Aaya?" he repeated instead.

"Gure-san, Tori-san...? What is Tori-san doing here?" Came the sleepy little hiss from under the window.

"There you are..." Hatori breathed out with relief as he finally spotted the small pile of clothes and then the snake's head that was peaking out of them. "And you're transformed." He reached out his arm and Ayame wound around it. Well, at least the snake wasn't bleeding or dead… he didn't appear to beaten either. Just cold and wet.

"It's cold." The youngest of the Mabudachi trio told them sullenly.

"Come on Aaya, we're going to take you back to my house." The dog came over and gathered up the transformed Zodiac's clothes.


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"Mmm, Aaya-chan, it does not appear you are having a very good birthday." Shigure pointed out when they did get Ayame back to his house. They had him bundled up under a blanket, cuddled up to Hatori, and given him some tea.

"Oh, it would have been all right." The snake winked. "You see, I had thought to get up early so that that big bruiser and his banshee wouldn't have a chance at me, but then I remembered!" He gasped and looked thoughtful for a moment. (And Hatori rolled his eyes.) "That my poor Gure-san was up all night with me the night before! He would need his rest!" Despite the circumstances, Shigure grinned like an idiot.

"My dear, Aaya! You were harmed because you were thinking of me! I am so very sorry." He kneeled down humbly in front of his friend. "What do you ask of me?"

"Well, I wasn't harmed too badly. The old man didn't beat me up, just pulled my hair quite a bit." To prove this, Ayame set his teacup aside and squirmed until he was free of the blanket, then undid his shirt. And for once, his ivory skin was, indeed, in perfect condition. "And I think you know what I want, Gure-san."

"Indeed, but we need Haa-san's approval." Shigure chuckled, looking to the dragon. He didn't even need to explain, Hatori already knew what they both wanted.

"Is that what you want for your birthday, Ayame?" He asked softly.

"If it's not too much trouble, Tori-san, Gure-san?" The amber-eyed teenager told him with a shy smile. Thought his two friends knew he was FAR from shy.

"Well, Aaya, this is the first time we can legally fuck you in a year." The dog snorted a little. "I don't think we're about to refuse. Right Haa-san?" He nudged the dragon.

"Don't be so crass, Shigure." His bigger friend rolled his eyes.

"Mmm, Tori-san, don't be like that." The snake purred, quite thoroughly interrupting as he crawled up his friend's body. Pressing against him and hugging him loosely around the neck. "You act like you don't want it."

"Don't be ridiculous, Ayame." He rolled his eyes again before pressing his lips against Aaya's.

"Shigure votes that we take the birthday back to the bed." The dog snickered, watching the two of them.

"You don't want us to do it on your couch, Gure-san?" the silver haired boy giggled, and Hatori scooped him up in his arms.

"You know how protective he is of his house, Ayame." He murmured teasingly.


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No ones sure why Shigure has such a large bed. But if you were to ask him right now? He would tell you it's for occasions just like this. Translation? I have a big bed so that's easy and comfortable to fuck with my two best friends on it.


As the older thirds of the trio entered the room they set the, already shirtless, birthday boy on the bed comfortably.

"Tori-san, your clothes are still all wet." The snake laughed.

"He'll be taking them off in a minute, right, Haa-san?" Shigure responded, tugging lightly on the dragon's vest. "How about I strip him down for you, Aaya?" Hatori glowered at the dog, but Ayame clapped his hands together and sighed dreamily.

"Oh yes! And I'm feeling the sudden urge to pay the two of you now…"


The two of them stood at the end of the bed as the show began. Shigure hummed as he unbuttoned the brown vest Ha'ri was wearing and let it hang open on the dragon's shoulders. He then reached up to unbutton the long-sleeved white dress shirt underneath.

"Your hands are cold, Shigure." The doctor-to-be pointed out, glancing at Ayame, who was licking his lips in anticipation.

"How about I stick them down your pants to warm them up?" the shorter brunette suggested idly.

"I thought it was Ayame's birthday?"

"It is, it is, and that's why we're going to fuck his brains out in a little bit. Right, Aaya-chan?"

"Oh yes please, Gure-san!" The two of them snickered together. Once they'd gotten themselves back under control, Shigure continued with the unbuttoning of the shirt.

"And here we see Hatori's lovely upper body. He's a medical student… So we wonder how he has the time to keep it so nice and flat." The dog bent his knees and licked a quick line up the pale stomach.

"By not being a lazy ass?" Hatori suggested, raising an eyebrow even as his stomach muscles quivered discretely with delight. Shii-chan pulled up the bottom of his t-shirt to expose his own stomach.

"Exhibit A." he winked.

"Not much time for tanning, either one of you, though." Their third half pointed out, grinning happily.

"You're one to talk, Aaya."

"You're the palest of all three of us." The two strippers agreed.

"Hush and take your pants off." The snake was twisting his hair up so it would be out of the way. The dog and seahorse smiled at the command and Shigure finished pulling his t-shirt off before continuing on Hatori.

"I can't believe you actually bothered to work out, Shigure." Tori commented quietly as the dog reverently pushed his two layers of shirts off his shoulders.

"I needed something to do. I wasn't supposed to screw Aaya too much while you were away, and I'm still working on the writing. Leaving me a lot of free time." Shigure explained simply, running a palm all along his friend's pale chest.

"Oh, and now that he's eighteen you're going to have a lot less free time?" The dog didn't answer that, just smirked.

"And if your damn father hadn't sent you off, Tori-san, we'd have even less time." Ayame reminded them. A rare smile touched the dragon's lips.

"I'll have to make up for lost time then won't I?" he murmured before grabbing Shigure by the waist and pulling the idiot to him. Their, ever growing, arousals pressed together lovingly, and Aaya let out a low, teasing whistle. The other two smiled into the kiss and continued their show. Shigure's cold hands buried themselves in the hair at the back of his friend's neck and Hatori held onto the mutt's waist tightly. The shorter brunette rolled his hips into the touch as he sighed contently. The rub of clothed arousals felt so good… They were both experienced, and knew how the other worked, so the kiss lasted the maximum amount of time. The seahorse and dog's tongues played enthusiastically between them. When they did come apart for air, their breaths came in quick puffs and a trail of saliva tried to form between them. But Shigure took care of that with a quick flick of his tongue. It really was an arousing sight and Aaya found his hand trying to stray down to the bulge in his pants. But he stopped, deciding he would make himself be patient.


As he watched intently, Shigure's hands moved down to the dragon's belt.

"We're making poor Aaya-chan wait." The dog teased.

"He doesn't seem to mind." Hatori replied, nibbling on the shorter teenager's earlobe. Shigure glanced over at the snake was indeed watching them with lust glazed eyes. Shii-chan finally got the belt off and had Ha'ri's slacks open shortly after that..

"Mmm, Haa-san." The dog purred (oh the irony) as he pushed the clothes off the other's hips. Boxers included. "We certainly missed you." His finger traced a slow line along the dragon's, now revealed, member.

"Gure-san, I think you could be doing something more productive with that mouth of yours." Ayame chimed in. The dog silently agreed with that, and to show it he dropped down to his knees.

"And here we see Haa-san's rather large self." He snickered, licking his lips.

"And soon you'll be sucking on it for Ayame's viewing pleasure." Their amber eyed third added.

"Right, so without further adieu!" He licked over the slit after he said this, then wrapped his lips around the velvety skin. Hatori's hips flexed in response to the sudden feeling, and he was fighting the urge to thread his fingers in that brown hair and thrust forward. Aaya hissed with delight and moved down the bed, lying on his stomach with his feet suspended above him.


When the mutt reached up one hand to warp around the base of the cock and the other to tap lightly on the underside of his balls, Hatori groaned softly.

"Shigure…" He murmured. Ayame watched as the dog smirked triumphantly. After some more, soft, urging from the dragon, Shigure took in more. He could feel the excited twitch of the pulsing organ against his tongue. The snake and the dog giggled at the look on their other thirds face as he was orally pleasured. But, you see, Shigure's giggle vibrated against the sensitive skin in his mouth and Hatori gasped under his breath.

"Tori-san has such a pretty moan…" Aaya cooed, rubbing against the bed to relieve some of the building pressure in his pants. Shii-chan pulled off with an overdone smacking of his lips.

"You would have a lot more friends if you moaned like that more often, and for more people." He agreed jokingly, blowing warm puffs of breath on Ha'ri's momentarily abandoned penis.

"Nnn," the doctor-to-be complained. "No, just for you two."

"Oh! We feel special, Tori-san." Ayame crawled to the end of the bed and grasped the dragon's arm. "Know what would make me feel even more special?"

"What, Aaya?" Shigure snorted, he already had a pretty good idea.

"If we stopped the show, lovely as it is, and you fuck me. Now." Aaya made some puppy eyes and he looked absolutely, well, fuckable. Shigure looked up at Hatori from the floor with an equally heated look.

"It is his birthday." He pointed out with a slight snigger.

"Yes, Yes, so just take Gure-san's pants off and get up here." The snake chirped.

"You heard him." The dragon barked playfully down at the dog. So, Shigure stood up and his taller third peeled away the last stand of clothes. Ayame looked like he might just orgasm from the sight as the two older boys crawled up onto the bed with him.


Hatori hugged him around the waist from behind and kissed his neck while Shigure sat down in front of them/

"Aaya-chan," Shigure smiled and kissed their silver haired friend's lips while his hands worked to undo that final pair of pants. Ha'ri raised up the youngest's hips and the dog pulled them off.

"Pretty, pretty." Tori breathed warmly against his ear, making him shiver. Shii-Chan's deft fingers ran all over the anxious flesh, petting here, pinching there. Tori and Gure had him writhing between them quickly enough. But that wasn't what Aaya wanted.

"Tori-san, Gure-san, no teasing." He whined softly. And when they didn't seem inclined to agree with that, he added a throaty little whimper. "Please?"

"All right, Aaya-chan." He heard Shigure murmur and he felt Ha'ri's warmth leave him. "On all fours, dear." The snake was more than happy to comply, falling forward onto his hands, butt in the air. His erection twitched slightly with excitement as he waited for the next touches. They came with Shigure reverently kneading his firm, pale ass and Hatori offering some fingers that needed to be saliva coated. Ayame just looked back over his at them pleadingly.

"Just do it." He begged and the dog answered.

"We don't want to hurt you, Aaya-chan."

"You won't. Please, just do it." He repeated.

"Say if you're hurt, Ayame." Hatori warned after a few moments of thought.

"Yes, Tori-san." He agreed, his amber eyes completely lusting over as he ground his hips back against his beloved Tori-san. It was a silent hierarchy that Hatori was the one to do it.

"Ready, Ayame?" The doctor-in-training asked, getting into place.

"Mmmhmm." Their younger third moaned in anticipation. The warm head of Ha'ri's penis was already pressed teasingly against his entrance, and soon enough it was pushed in fluidly through the accepting muscles. Aaya let out a pain filled pant once his friend was all the way in, but didn't say anything in the way of stopping. "G-gure-san… Come here." He hissed out.

"Hmm?" The dog wondered as he moved to obey. Hatori was moving in and out shallowly to allow Aaya time to get more comfortable.

"Tori-san, stop that. Just pound me like you want to." The snake admonished as he got Shigure into place. While Hatori picked up speed Ayame wrapped his lips around Shigure's cock. We can't have him feeling left out can we?


Ayame was very good at giving head and rather enjoyed it actually. Normally he would use his hands too, but he needed to hold himself up. His moaning purrs vibrating all along the dog's silky hard flesh made up for his lack of fondling, though. Tori was pounding now, as commanded, and Aaya somehow managed not to loose his sucking rhythm despite this. Impressive considering how much noise he was constantly making. But he let Hatori's pace become his, he didn't have much of a choice about it actually, since he was driven down into Shigure's crotch with each thrust. He made variations in his sucking as he was fucked down into the dog's soft patch of pubic hair. He sucked in viciously when he was forced all the way down and letting up as he was pulled back up over the head. Inside the sweet consuming cycle there were the calculated flickerings of tongue over the ridge, or the slit of the head, and along the touch sensitive pulse in the member. Shii-chan groaned amorously as he felt the careful and purposeful ghost of teeth along his engorged dick.


The dog could tell when Hatori found his friend's prostate, because Aaya's whines increased in severity and he soon found himself moaning right along with the snake. Ha'ri drove down Ayame until his arms couldn't hold him up any longer. Hatori had to wrap his arms around the snake's waist and lift him up lest he completely choke on Shigure. Under Ayame's loving tongue, the smaller brunette felt himself coming violently in his friend's throat, though. He would have liked to just sit there and pant, but instead he swooped down and took Ayame's mouth. He had to coax him into giving over some of his own cum before the snake had a chance to choke on it. Ha'ri really was thrusting that hard and Ayame really was crying out that loudly. It was much easier to hear the snake now that Shigure's penis wasn't in his mouth, muffling the sound. Now that Shigure had moved, the dragon eased his third back down to the bed. Aaya lay all the way down against the bed, since his arms still wouldn't hold him, ass up in the air and head turned to the side. Looking at Shigure in the most adorably randy way. His hips were up just a bit higher than before now, and it allowed Tori to thrust in deeper and even harder against his prostate. Ayame's mouth opened as he gasped for breath, a little saliva dripping over the corner of his mouth since he couldn't find the time in between gasps to swallow. As he was fucked further down into the sheets his cock overflowed with a few drops of pre-cum and his vehement keening begged for release.


Hatori was getting closer as well and the thrust of his hips became shallow and jerky. When he reached under to stroke Ayame's repining erection, to lift him up to orgasm, the snake was completely pleasure delirious. His flushed, sweating skin crawled after a few enticing strokes and the dragon felt the warmth on his hand, and felt the tightening on his length. A few more frantic thrusts of his hips and he too let out a quiet grunt of utter completion.


Shigure watched all this and found it quite possibly the sexiest thing he had ever seen. Sure, he'd seen the two of them fuck often enough before, but this time was just exquisite. His sweet Aaya-Chan's face had a slight pink blush across it. It looked very pretty painted on the happy, sated features. A few strands of silvery hair had come loose from their tie during their carnal birthday activity and now stuck helplessly to the snake's damp skin. Convivial, lust glazed amber orbs watched Shigure from under heavy, half down lids.


Then of course there was Haa-san. His gorgeous dark green eyes had lost their virile shine already and he was pulling out of the pale, pliant body presented before him. He tried to look unaffected, but the way he puffed for breath and the slight smile on his lips said he'd enjoyed himself.

`I should stop writing novels and just write smut… I might get published faster.' Shigure noted to himself as he went to get towels and such to clean the bed and his friends off with. He tossed a towel to Ha'ri and they got to work. Wiping up the cum, and whipping off Ayame and themselves. Once they were done, they got their tired Ayame under the covers, cuddling up on either side of him.

"Happy birthday, Aaya-chan!" The dog cooed noisily, where as the dragon whispered affectionately in the snake's ear.

"Happy birthday, Ayame." Their smaller third was absolutely glowing as he replied.

"Thank you, Gure-san, Tori-san… I love you." He murmured sleepily. His brunette friends blinked for a moment before smiling.

"We love you too."


(The cliché-ness it burns.)


<3 BizarreLoveTriangle <3


AN: I hope all you horny fangirls out there enjoyed yourselves. R&R please. Thanks!