Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can't Say 'I Love You' ❯ When You Can't Say 'I love You' ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Fruits Basket Challenge fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

CHALLENGE: Daring and Dangerous! Take a usually shy/meek character and have him/her go after what he/she really wants. (Week 38)

This was the first pairing that came to mind for this challenge. Probably because I also wanted to answer the call of several fans dying for fanfic of this pairing. Not my first time writing this pair, but my first lemon. It took me longer than the hour for the challenge, but because I jumped around a lot, I can't pinpoint where I was when the hour finished. >.< Gomen.

A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the piece. There are also additional notes after the story. Putting them here would give the plot away. =P

She had asked him to meet her during the lunch period. Embarrassed, but determined, she had come to terms with her emotions. It had been a long struggle. A difficult decision made.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Now she just had to see it through.

'I want to say I love you. Gods that sounds so silly. But I can't just say I love him. Even though I do. I'll be turned away. What's the point?'

"You look very distraught. Is everything all right?"

He stood by the main desk. She stood only a few feet away. There was little distance to cover between them. The heat from his gaze was more intense than the blush that threatened to burn her cheeks.

"I'm fine. Really."

'I just don't have the guts to tell you.'

She couldn't say it. Say anything! Her head was a storm of emotion. Fear of being alone. Fear of being turned away. Fear of losing something her heart desired. Afraid of all these things, words simply failed.

'But maybe...if I showed you....'

In a few strides she stood before him. Her eyes were intense, her determination returning. But it started to waver under the scrutiny of his violet gaze. Before she lost all hope, she reached for his tie. Giving it a small jerk, she pulled him downward and placed her lips against his.

He was clearly surprised, but so was she. Why didn't he push her away? Why didn't he scold her? There were no opposing actions or words to be had! She kissed him. He kissed her. It was simply amazing!

She was surprised further when she felt the tip of his tongue try to slide between her closed lips.

Her body jumped as his arms wrapped around her, trapping her close to his body. This reaction was definitely unexpected! Did this mean that--?! No, she wouldn't get ahead of herself.

'Just go with the flow. Do what feels right. Show him how much you love him.'

She learned to relax, giving in to his small demands on her mouth. Their tongues clashed in her mouth, dancing about. The tip of his tongue brushed the roof of her mouth, sending shivers down her spine. She whimpered into his mouth, her tongue chasing after his.

With her knees melting, she released his tie and opted for steadier ground. Her hands clutched at his shirt, undoing a button or two in the process. When she thought she would fall from the onslaught of sensation he was giving her, she balled the material in her fists. His arms squeezed her more tightly, offering more support. She was crushed against him, her body molding to his.

The kiss ended, albeit regretfully, and both parties were stunned. She looked him in the eye, trying the gauge his reaction. He didn't seem upset, or distraught. In fact his hold on her remained, arms loosening slightly as they parted. And his eyes -- those beautiful violet pools -- stared right back at her.

"Was that what you wanted to tell me," he asked.

"Not exactly.'s something I want to show you."

'What am I doing?!' Pulling away reluctantly, she made certain the door was locked. Wouldn't do to be disturbed now. Turning towards him again, she inhaled deeply before setting to the task at hand.

Her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned her top. Her eyes focused on her work, afraid to see what he saw. 'Don't look up, just keep going,' she kept telling herself. Taking a deep breath, she shrugged from her shirt and set to work on the button and zipper of her skirt. Her entire body was trembling, from fear and cold. The skirt slid down her legs, sending a shiver through her. Stepping out of the pool of material, she tried to gather the courage she knew she needed.

When she finally looked up at him, he was awestruck. His jaw moved up and down, but no words came out. His face turned a pretty shade of pink, and he coughed into a fist to regain some composure. Swallowing appeared to be difficult, but he managed, words finally forming.


"I want...I want you, Sohma Yuki. Right here. Right now."

Slowly she stepped closer. If there was an argument to be had, it was gone in the blink of an eye. Seemingly entranced, Yuki embraced Machi again. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, her chin, her lips. All the while, her fingers worked to unbutton the uniform shirt he wore.

She sighed against his lips as she touched his bare skin for the first time. Skin so soft under her fingertips, she made certain no centimeter was left untouched. His physique was more masculine than she expected, but the angles were soft. There was no doubt he was strong. Muscles jumped as she explored. And his arms were steel bands wrapped around her.

Crushed against his chest in her current state sent tickles of electricity through her body. His lips added to the new sensations, moving away from her lips to seek out other areas. The clasp of her bra became undone, Yuki's hands softly caressing her skin as he removed the garment.

All the new feelings made it difficult to concentrate. She wasn't even certain how they had managed to switch places. Had no idea at what point she had lost her underwear. And when did he maneuver her onto the desk? Wasn't it cluttered with paper?

In an attempt to regain some focus, her hands moved to the waistband of his pants. The button came undone easily. The zipper, however would not give in easily. But it did move downward and she was graced with the sight of white underwear. With his help, both garments were drawn downward. When he stood again, he was as naked as she.

'Gods but he's beautiful,' was all she could think, despite her hard stare at his erection.

"Tell me what to do," he whispered to her.

Determination in her voice and eyes, she said, "Take me." Less forcefully she added, "I want to be one with you, onegai."

He pushed her back until she lying on the desk. Covering her with his body, he kissed her. One hand molded a breast. She moaned into the kiss, her hands grasping at his hips. His other hand reached between her legs. She was already warm, and damp, but not quite ready. She gasped as he inserted a finger. Her body shook when a second joined it.

And when they moved...she was certain she was going to explode.

'More,' she thought. 'It feels soooo good!'

But then it stopped.

His hips moved in her grasp, his erection pressing against her ready folds. There was a pause before she felt the shock of his penetration. She knew it would hurt, bracing herself against the desk as he pushed inside of her as far as he could go. His words of care were appreciated, but it was difficult to decipher. The combination of pain and pleasure she felt surpassed everything else.

Especially when he moved.

She moaned, arching her back off the desk. Friction so gentle sent pulses through her body causing a delightful sensation of pleasure. She clawed at his porcelain skin, lifting her hips in a silent plea. 'Move faster,' she willed him.

And he did.

Overjoyed was her body with this newfound pleasure that she craved more. Needed it! His hands only added to the joy, molding her breasts, tweaking her nipples. Fingertips set fire to her already burning skin. Shivering, moving with each incredible thrust she pushed herself closer to the edge.

The gods had to be smiling. This was simply wonderful! And not unlike she had always imagined. He was in her arms, sharing her love for him. Deep in her heart she hoped he felt the same way. Maybe it was true. Maybe he couldn't convey his feelings with words either, and this was the only way to get his feelings across.

The moment of fulfillment was so close. Excitement rushed through her. Heat encompassed her body, causing droplets of sweat to form. 'Almost there,' she thought. Her body continued to strive for what it wanted most, her head tossing back and forth on the desk. The noises they made echoed louder in the small classroom.

Finally she felt it -- an explosion of heat and light that melted her senses and left her completely blind. Her body shook before sinking into the desk. She felt him move above her, his own release imminent. His lips brushed her skin. His hair tickled her chin. There was another rush of warmth inside of her and she heard him whisper her name.

"Machi.... Mou, are you even listening?"

"What's with that silly grin of yours?

"Hey, Machi?! Hello?"

"Eh? Wha--? Oh man...." 'Not again!'

She had to stop having these daydreams!

"Yuki-kun is waiting for you outside the door!"

"You're so lucky to be a part of the student council."

"Waiting? Oh...right. Sorry."


"If you don't want to talk to him, then I will."

"I got it."

She waved off her classmates as she made her way to the classroom door. Pausing she reconsidered going through with her idea. What if her dream really DID come true?!

'No, no. Don't think about that,' she scolded herself. 'Just tell him how you feel. Tell him! Got it? Good.'

After several deep breaths, she opened the door and stepped outside. Yuki Sohma was indeed waiting, a pleasant smile upon his face. He was as handsome as always, and she had to fight the awful blush that threatened her face.

"Ah! There was something you wanted to speak with me about, wasn't there?"

"Hai." But after her dream, should she really dare? "It's...kind of personal. Can we talk in the student council room?"

He nodded, still smiling. "Of course."

She followed him down the corridors to the clubrooms. Resolve seemed to leave her with every step. Students moved about, coming and going from lunch. She was grateful no one stopped them on their way. And that the room was empty.

"After you, Sohma-kun."

Taking another deep breath, she resolved to follow her dream. What could it hurt? Hers would not be the first heart broken by the handsome prince.

He offered her a smile as he walked past and into the room. With a small smile of her own, Machi followed.

'Just tell him.'

Quietly, she locked the door behind her.


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). They own furuba. THEM! Not me! *sigh* All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^

I don't think I really need to mention this, if you've made it this far gentle reader, but you may still be wondering "why didn't Yuki transform when they hugged?" Simple. It's Machi's dream and the girl knows nothing of the Sohma curse. Just wanted to clarify. Hope you enjoyed the story! Comments are encouraged and welcome. ^_^