Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Where Your Shadow Falls- Part 1: Darkness, My Old Friend ❯ Owner of a Lonely Heart ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Owner of a Lonely Heart
And one day
I swear I'll explode
And everyone will see my insides
They'll see my broken heart
See my blood spattered on the walls
Spelling out the words:
“I told you I loved you too much.””
-All You Had to Do
By: Natilie Sawada
“Isuzu?” Kagura's mother called as Rin walked through the door. It was six in the morning. Rin hadn't closed her eyes for one second…hadn't been able to. “Is that you?” Rin didn't answer; just headed straight to her room. She lay down on her bed staring up at the ceiling.
“You know, Rin, you shouldn't be so cold to Mama,” Kagura's voice said from her doorway.
“Oh yah?” Rin spat back half-heartedly.
“She took you in. I know that doesn't count for much to you, but she really cares about you, Rin. When you didn't come home last night she was really worried.” A flash of pain ripped through Rin.
“Who asked?” Rin shouted, jumping up from the bed. “I never asked for her to take me in! I never asked her to care about me! I didn't fucking ask her to worry about me! I would be better off alone! Everyone else can just go to hell!”
“You don't mean that…” Kagura's soft voice stated. “You know it's not true.”
“It is too, you stupid little girl! How would you know! You don't know what it's like to be me! No one does! I don't fucking want anyone to care about me!” She shouted.
“It's not really something you can choose, Rin,” Kagura's voice had an edge to it now. Pain shot across her face. “You of all people should know that.”
No, not now, not now,
“Go to hell, Kagura!” She shouted, shoving her into the doorframe as the pushed past her into the hallway.
“GO TO HELL!” She screamed as she kicked the door open and started running down the street.
Faster, faster, faster, she urged her body, as if if she ran fast enough, she could outrun life. She ran past the streets, ran past the parks, ran past the schools…past the main gate of the Sohma estate. She started to run again, after slowing down marginally, but…
“Rin?” The low, husky voice asked that made her skid to a halt.
Oh, God, not now. Not now…
“Rin, what are you doing here?”
“Go away, Haru,” she muttered, not turning around. She didn't know if she could look at his face.
“Rin, what's wrong?” She heard him take a step.
“You get anywhere near me, you're dead,” she threatened. He stopped.
“Talk to me, Rin. Something's wrong. C'mon, love—”
“I'm not your fucking “love”, Haru, so back off,” Rin hissed.
“Rin, honey—”
“I said fucking back OFF!” She screamed, wheeling around. The smack of her palm colliding with his cheek seemed to echo in this quiet street. Haru stared down at his feet, his skin turning red from the impact.
“Rin…Do you really hate me that much?” He asked, still staring down at the pavement. A wave of pain shot through her. Rin suddenly couldn't breathe. Of course I don't hate you, Haru! Oh, God. Don't cry, don't cry
“Don't come near me again, Haru!” She shouted at him as she took off running again.
Don't come near me. I'll just hurt you…
“I love you, Haru,” she mouthed, not wanting to take the chance he might hear.
Don't love me back. I'll just hurt you…again…
* * *
"I am older than I once was
And younger than I'll be--
That's not unusual.
No it isn't strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same
-The Boxer By: Simon and Garfunkel
Haru did not move for a full minute; motionless; mind reeling.
Why, Rin? Do you really hate me that much? After everything we've been through together, how can you hate me so much?
“Haru? So this is where you've gotten off to. I wondered where you'd gone.” His mother's voice had a smile in it. Haru plastered a smile on his face so he wouldn't worry her as he turned around.
“I just needed to take a walk, Mom. I'm fine now.”
“That's good,” she said, “You looked really tired this morning.”
“It was…just a bad morning, that's all,” he lied. Haru didn't particularly like lying, but he just didn't want his mom to worry.
“All right. How about we go home? I bought some things to make oden.” A memory flashed through Haru's mind.
“Want to try some oden?” He asked. She hesitated for a moment.
“…I'll try some…” She said uncertainly. “Is it hot?”
“Yah, it's hot,” he said, holding some out to her.
“Oh, yah, sorry. I just zoned out, ya' know?” Haru said, smoothing the hair on the back of his head.
“It's okay,” his mom said, smiling. They walked back to the house in silence.
Have we really changed that much? He wondered, kicking a rock on the street. No. We haven't. We're really pretty much the same as we were before she…
“Uh, Haru, dear? We're home.” Haru looked up. Sure enough, they'd reached the house.
“Sorry. I'm just not all here, today.” His mom just smiled, opening the door. Haru followed her in.
“I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, okay?” She called.
“Okay, Mom,” he called back, bee-lining for his room. He walked into his bathroom, and examined to mark on his face.
Why, Rin? What have I done? I know you loved me. I could feel it; see it in your eyes. What happened? I can't see it anymore.
He sat down on his bed, head in his hands. His heart ached more than his face.
“Rin,” he whispered, “Why can't I let you go?”
End of Chapter 2:
Owner of a Lonely Heart
A/n: Muah ha ha ha ha! ^_^ I have no clue what that was for, but oh well. ^_^u (lol) Anyway. I know this has all pretty much been fluff so far, but I promise I'll start the plot line next chapter. Please keep reading. And please review. I need some feedback so I know how I can do better ^_^ Bya
Rin: Fine, don't mention us -.-
Me: Last time I did, you swore at me >.<
Rin: Shut up `.'
Haru: Be nice, Rin
Rin: You shut up too. I KILL YOU ALL!
Me: O.O
(Bya! See you next chapter (if I survive!) ^_^)
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Fruits Basket is the creation of Takaya Natsuki, and is licensed in North
America by FUNimation (anime) and Tokyopop (manga). Used without permission or the intention of making a profit. Please support the original work!