Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ White Flag ❯ No Surrender ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Fruits Basket Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

An Akito x Hanajima romance. Yes, romance. Be afraid. Very afraid. I believe Nightmare Kitty can be blamed for this titanic brainstorm. =P It's the finale, told from Hanajima's POV. Light lime. Standard Disclaimer follows the story.


What was I thinking?

I've known this man for several months. I've seen two sides of one coin. His lighter, more childish side and his darker, tormented side. He has the ability to scare me...something very people can do. He may very well try to control me, although I was certain it worked both ways to extent.

Perhaps it was simply too soon to tell.

"I thought you were suppose to be a very ill man, Akito."

"Maybe I just needed the right medicine."

Medicine? I guess one could call it that. Most people call it sex...or making love. I suppose we did a little of both that night and learned a little more about each other in the process.

The sex was good and I said yes to his proposal. It's that simple.

You may call me crazy whenever you like.

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender

News of our engagement quickly spread through the main house. It was even published in the local newspaper. But my friends and family were still the first to know. Technically, Tohru and Arisa were the first to know. I was nervous when I told them, not that they would've noticed. I think. The initial reaction was a unanimous "WHAT?!". But the mood quickly changed. The smile on Tohru's face was all the reassurance I needed. Arisa's shocked, yet joyful, hug of congratulations was also helpful.

My family's reaction was similar, although the shock didn't wear off as quickly. My mother's bulging eyes and my father's gaping jaw were less than reassuring. And Megumi was silent. Not that this shouldn't be normal, but it's a silence different from the norm. I said a few words to reassure them and asked them to meet with Akito on the day he had chosen. Still in awe, they agreed.

Do you think that meeting went any better?


"How large of a party are we talking?"

"Small...only family and friends."

"But your family is quite large, Akito."

"Hmmm, you're quite right. I suppose a few hundred people at best."

"You call that small?"

Until we began discussing matters of the wedding ceremony, that is.

"And the ceremony will be held in the Spring Garden."

"The Spring Garden? How lovely!"

"I can't afford that...."

"You won't have to. I will be paying for all of the services."

"Now hold on just a minute!"

As they argued - well it wasn't much of an argument as Akito's business savvy was really coming through -- Megumi stepped up to my side. He gave my fiance the once over then looked up at me.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

He nodded back.

It was a silent understanding and it helped to reassure me, despite the ongoing testosterone battle before us.

My mother and I discussed the smaller, much finer details. Guests. Decorations. Invitations. Food. My wedding kimono. My mother had wanted me to wear hers, or so she had said years ago. But now, she wanted to try her hand at making one for me. Understand, my mother is not a seamstress by any means. As a compromise, we went shopping for something simple, not totally plain, but just perfect for me. Then my mother was going to hand sew a pattern of leaves and petals into the fabric.

I believe all the wedding preparations helped to ease my parents' uneasiness. By the month before, they were more excited about the event than I. Tohru, too, had outdone herself by throwing me a small bridal shower. Small as in six people. The gifts were typical, I suppose. Right down to the lingerie Arisa bought as a "gag". Black leather and lace. My mother nearly passed out. Tohru and Kisa blushed furiously. I merely smiled.

The Souma family took our engagement as a blessing. Perhaps it was. For them anyway, especially the jyuunishi. The cursed Soumas. Everyone endeavored to help with some aspect of the event and it made planning that much easier.

The day before the wedding, as preparations were being completed, my things were moved into the main Souma residence.

The next night, I became an official resident.

Akito's foul moods lessened since our engagement. On a regular basis I was beginning to see the man I had fallen in love with, and so were the rest of the Souma clan. They were amazed by his transformation...although some days were better than others. Even his health was steadily improving. Perhaps it was a blessing after all.

"What do you mean they're not ready?!"

"I'm sorry sir, I'll go check on them again."

"You'd better! And don't come back until they're ready!"

It was a slow transformation, but progress is progress.

The ceremony went off without a hitch, although I could see that the day was wearing on Akito's nerves. I kept close by, helping to support him and, in some cases, shocking him back into reality. His smile continuously turned into a scowl and he kept muttering about leaving. After I was assured that my friends and family would make it home, I grabbed his arm and led the way to his room.

Our room.

He surprised me on our wedding night. Not with a shower of gifts, but with tears. I believe the years of anguish he had endured were to blame. He had already told me about the lectures and the harsh words. The sacrifice he was expected to make. I had hoped to keep him safe from the last, but he assured me that it would come to pass eventually.

There were still a few secrets he didn't share, but I was certain I'd learn them all in good time.

Our lovemaking that night was frenzied at first. But after our blood cooled, it was a prolonged exploration. I cannot say for certain how many times we connected, or how long it lasted. All I do know is that I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck and my leg was caught between his legs and the blankets on the bed. I had to uncover both of us to get out of bed.

Of course, Akito spoiled that right away.

"What's the rush?"

"Shouldn't that be my question?"

I thought I was totally unprepared as he held be down against the mattress. But my body was more than ready as he slid himself inside of me. He moved quickly at first, bringing us both to a mutual release. But then the tables turned and I road him for what seemed like hours. It was torture, for both of us...but it was payback for making me miss my breakfast with Tohru and Arisa.

The days following our wedding were only the beginning...of a very long road. While Akito's mood swings became less and his health steadily improved, I could still see a shadow in his aura. I hadn't really taken notice of it, since it was so well hidden in the background. It remained in the background for the most part, but he did have moments of foul outbursts and violence.

On one occasion he nearly took out Hatori's other eye.

And he nearly scarred Rin on another.

There were still things I didn't understand about the family...about the jyuunishi curse...but I knew his family was expecting too much of him too quickly. They wanted more freedom. They wanted the thing he would not allow them to have in the past. They wanted change.

And it was frustrating him.

He tried, he really did, but it was too much too soon. I suggested a trip somewhere...a hot spring, or perhaps the beach. He would go almost unwillingly, yet the change in atmosphere seemed to relax him. The quiet time allowed me to relax as well. I was quite tired of being on edge. But it was only a temporary fix at best. Then things would return to...for lack of a better term...normal.

Contention broke out among the family. They kept pushing, seeking, yet unable to find. I called them all together. Not Akito. Me. I knew I truly did not have the same powers as their god, but something had to be done. Akito would not see to it, so it was up to me. It was a feeling of power to be with all thirteen jyuunishi and I understood a little of what my husband felt. The responsibility that weighed on his shoulders. I smiled at them as I approached Hatori's office where they had gathered.

"I something wrong with Akito?" Hatori asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing serious. I simply wanted to talk to all of you."

"Why?" It was Hatsuharu who asked.

I sighed. The moment of truth. "Because you are asking far too much of a very sick man...and of myself." They mumbled to themselves and I continued. "You want a change in your lives because Akito has changed, correct?"

"Yes." "Of course." "Sure."

"And you shall have change," I told them. "But it will come only as slowly or as fast as the changes in Akito."

"You have no idea what he's done to us." It was Hiro's comment that allowed my denpa to lightly charge the air.

"Correct," I replied calmly. "I do not know what he has done, only that it was very hurtful. But pushing him to change, and quickly, is only making him more irritable. More unstable."

"He slapped Momiji for asking a simple question," Kisa spoke up.

"And he verbally assaulted Ritsu when he came to visit," Yuki said.

I sighed. "You speak to me as if I am immune." Carefully I pulled back the sleeve of my blouse, allowing them to see the damage done to myself, just for trying to comfort him. "I am not."

The bruises on my arm immediately drew Hatori's attention, but I smiled at him. "He is not immune either. I did what I had to do to defend myself."

"When did this happen?" Kagura asked, still in shock.

"This morning, when he found out I was meeting with all of you."

"Bastard," Kyo muttered.

There were more murmurs as well, but it was Momiji who asked, "What do you want us to do?"

"Have patience," I replied. "Good things come to those who wait...or so the saying goes."

That's when my world went a little hazy, spinning on an angle. I grasped Hatori's forearm and he held my arm that much tighter. I winced, but the pain never registered.

"Eh? Saki-chan?" Yuki stepped forward, grabbing my other arm.

"I feel a all." Strange, I'd never been dizzy before. I was trying to keep myself upright. I didn't want to fall into the doctor or Yuki and trigger their transformations.

"Saki-chan?" Shigure sounded very worried.

I smiled. "I'm...all right...."


Then I passed out.

When I woke up, I was in Akito's room -- our room -- and I could hear Hatori's voice from somewhere not too far away. "How do you feel?"

I thought it over a moment then replied, "Like I'm going to vomit."

And I did. Not once, but three times. Good thing Hatori wasn't far away. He managed to get a wastebasket to me just in time. I settled back in bed, grateful for someone else to clean up the mess. When he returned to the bedside I asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"You're pregnant." Only by a few weeks, but Hatori was certain I was with child.

I really didn't know how to take the news. I felt all at once overjoyed and saddened. It was very confusing. And very tiring.

What was certain was that I was not going to tell Akito. Hatori insisted. Neither of us knew how he would take the news. I pictured him being quite happy. No, wait. He was.

He burst into the room after speaking with the doctor. The first thing he did was kiss me. Tenderly, passionately. Then he laid down beside me and held me, whispering promises and words of praise in my ear. It was comforting. Reassuring. He promised to stay with me, to see the birth of our first child. To hold it in his arms. To take care of it, nurture it.

But I have to get it out of me first.

Gods but it hurts!

There were no complications until I was already heavy into labor. The child was restless, but would not turn properly. Hatori and others tried to aid the child, but the loud bleeping of the monitors told me he was in distress.

Yes, he. A little boy.

My own condition was dwindling. I could feel it in my body, feel the shadows of the room pulling on me. I could hear people calling my name, shouting encouraging words. I tried to do as they asked, but the painkillers were exceptionally good.

Then I heard it. The wail of a child. Screeching at the top of his lungs. I hope Hatori didn't spank him too hard. Tohru's voice was in my ear whispering, "It's a healthy boy, Saki-chan. He's so cute."

I smiled in response. My son was alive. After several months of careful wondering. I could hear him calling for me. I tried to open my eyes, to look at him, but they wouldn't open. Instead, I felt myself falling, pulling away.

And for the second time in my life, I passed out.

"Ah! You're awake!"

I'm surprised to see Tohru peeking into my room. My room? No, this wasn't the room I shared with my husband. Where am I?

As if the question is written on my face, Tohru answers, "You're still in Hatori's office."

Hatori? Yes, the doctor. "How long...was I asleep?"

"Not quite a full day. Are you hungry?"

I shake my head, or at least try. Why can't I move? Oh yes. I had been given certain drugs to help with pain. It seems they have not totally worn off yet. Slowly I manage to move my hands to stomach as awareness returns. Then my memory of the labor returns. There had been a cry. Was it my child? My son?


I offer my friend the best smile I can manage. Hearing her call me by my first name is a bit strange, but good to hear nonetheless. "I'd like a glass of water, if the doctor approves."

She smiles brilliantly, lighting up the room. "Of course! I'll be right back."

Seconds seem like hours, minutes like days, but Tohru returns with a large glass of water...and a few visitors.

"How do you feel," Hatori asks as he places a warm hand to my forehead.

"Tired. A bit sore. But I am otherwise fine."

"You gave us quite a scare," he says with the hint of a smile.

"You are quite skilled," I tell him.

"We thought we lost you there for a moment, Saki-chan," Tohru says, eyes wide. "You and the baby."

"But I was in the best of care," I say with meaning.

"If we hasn't managed to turn the child, he would've died," Hatori states. "His head was already caught in the umbilical cord."

"It was quick thinking to do a "C" section, Hatori-san," Tohru comments.

"Ah, but it put Saki at risk." His smile grows the faintest fraction. "Your denpa wasn't easy to work around either."

"You nearly singed Momiji's hair," Tohru laughs. "And Kagura received a few minor burns on her hands."

"But it was all minor compared to saving your life...and that of Kiseki."


"Our son."

It is the first time I notice Akito in the room. He steps away from the doorframe, holding a small bundle in his arms. On his face is a look of pride...or rather a smirk that passes for a look of pride. It's all in his eyes.

"That is not the name we agreed upon," I remind him.

"I know."

"But I do like it."

"I know."

"You have already written it in the family scroll...haven't you?"


"May I hold him?"

Carefully, Kiseki is placed into my care. He is so small, smaller than I pictured newborns to be. Before I can ask any questions, Hatori reassures me that he is healthy. It matters little when his little mouth opens to yawn. His dark eyes squint open and he looks up at me for the first time.

"Konnichiwa, Kiseki," I whisper to him.

A smile magically appears. His eyes close and his mouth opens in another yawn. Without saying a word he falls asleep in my arms. Gazing upon him, I am reminded of his father. He looks like Akito in my opinion. Perhaps he will have my disposition then.

"You look tired, Saki." Akito sits on the edge of the bed. With one hand he brushes some stray hairs from my eyes. "You should eat, then rest."

"But I am not hungry."

"Eat, then rest." He said it lightly, but with the same weight of command he gave to everyone in the family.

I sighed, managing another small smile. "All right."

" you want us to watch Kiseki-chan while you eat?" Tohru asked.

"Iie. I will keep him with me...until I'm ready to rest."

I think I fell asleep with him in my arms. But then, I was not alone. No. Someone was lying behind me on the hospital type bed. A warm arm wrapped around my middle, hugging me.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be ****************************************************


Fruits Basket is owned by Natsuki Takaya/HAKUSENSHA - TV TOKYO - NAS - Fruba Project and licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd (for distribution in the USA). All copyrights go to them and not me. All characters are used here without permission. Please do not sue. I have no money, although I would be happy to give away my bills. ^_^

Lyrics are from Dido's song "White Flag," which appears on the album "Life for Rent". (c)2003 Arista Records