Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Lithium ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

C Title: Lithium
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: The space between dream and reality
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Lithium” and the selected lyrics I've chosen from it are property of Nirvana.
Spoiler warning ahead!!
~I'm so happy 'cause today…~
Her reaction startled him, instead of pushing him away, or lashing out at him, she turned her face and buried it against his chest. Eyes wide, fingers clutching at the fabric on her shoulder, Yuki was once more torn with what to do. He had come here for a reason, he had to tell her or he would be forever trapped by her. But as he felt her frame trembling beneath his fingers and the damp feeling slowly trickling along the front of his shirt he knew escaping from this was impossible. His God was crying, and somewhere within him the spirit of the rat wept with her. He knew, somewhere, seeing her like this was a sort of blessing. She didn't show her tears to just anyone, did that mean her words of him not being special were false? He felt her wounds crashing so hard into his core that he felt consumed by her fear and sadness. Was this what the bond meant? To share her pain even when you wished for anything else? His eyes slid shut as he trailed his fingers through her dark hair; he had always known that was exactly what the bond between god and beast was.
~I found my friends…they're in my head~
Yuki almost wished to always see her drunk and like this. While her pain tore him apart, she was much easier to handle when crying against him. There were far less bruises to hide with clothing and makeup. After a moment she pulled away from him, wiping her tear-stained face with a kimono sleeve and turning away from him. "Go away" Something audibly cracked in Yuki and he straightened, going against everything he had made himself come here for. "I will not" Akito's glare was frightening, but he didn't back down, only braced himself for the harsh words and violent acts. "I said go away! No one wants you here!" She swung her arm, but missed Yuki by a long-shot; everything about her was impaired at the moment. "You do, or else you wouldn't have called for me" The shock of realization came to her eyes for only seconds before she swayed a little and buried her face once more in her arms. "It wasn't that I wanted you here…" Yuki's expression softened and he slid to his knees at her side. "It's because you're lonely, right?"
~I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you~
Akito made a disagreeable sound in the back of her throat, ignoring the warm feeling growing within her at the understanding Yuki hadn't left when she told him to. "You were just the first person that came to mind. I should have invited Shigure instead" Yuki frowned, sitting back on his haunches as he thought and watched her. "He's here now… in the main house I mean. Would you like me to bring him here?" Somewhere deep within him, he begged for her to say no…wanted her to wish for his company instead of his idiot cousins. He knew that was wishing for the unattainable though. "If he's here, he should come visit me… the louse. Go find him, and tell him to come here now. Hurry up." She waved her hand in the direction of the door, though she didn't lift her head, it probably felt too heavy to do so. With a disheartened sigh Yuki stood and exited the room to find Shigure. Yuki wanted to slap them both, for more reasons then he could understand. They were both so aggravating; he silently believed they deserved each other…if only for their cruelty and idiocy.
~We've broken our mirrors~
When he found the dog, the looks they graced one another with made even the humble Hatori raise an eyebrow in question. There was something very dangerous going on between the two, which made Hatori simply afraid to ask. The situation became worse when Yuki did a cocky bow, speaking with a spiteful tone. "Our most loving God would like your company." Yuki's words were practically spit out of his mouth and right into Shigure's face. Jealousy was rampant between the two of them and was written all over their faces. "Oh ho, now does she? Well we should hurry and visit her. Can't keep our god waiting now can we" He shoved Yuki forward a little harshly despite the seemingly pleasant grin on his face. Shigure was scheming something… he'd been scheming whatever it was from the start by accompanying the boy… and Yuki was finding this out far too late to be of any use.
~Sunday morning is everyday for all I care~
"Oh dear Akito, what have you done with yourself? Hasn't Hatori told you many times not to drink yourself into a stupor? It's bad for your liver, or something," Shigure waved his hand as he talked, plastering that genuine-looking but oh so beastly fake smile on his face. Yuki hadn't noticed until now, just how much of a lie Shigure's appearance was. Akito turned her eyes to the pair and narrowed them in Yuki's direction. "What are you doing back? I told you to fetch Shigure, not come back" Yuki felt very out of place only after her words hit him. He had been wrong. He might be branded as a 'lover' but he wasn't anything special. Things clicked as he watched the scene unfold around him and he suddenly understood why she always called for Shigure. "What's with that face, Yuki-kun? She asked you to leave, didn't she? You should listen to her. Don't want another dent in your head" Shigure poked the spot where the vase had connected, silky hair hiding the healing cut. His expression, which had appeared torn and pained only seconds ago, now twisted into something hateful and angry.
~And I'm not scared~
"If that's what she really wants then I'll leave. Although I'm sure I'd be better company then you and your lies" He straightened as if trying to look threatening despite his small size. He wasn't going to back down just yet, not after he had experienced her tears only moments ago; and the fact that she had been crying over this prick made him fluster with silent anger. Akito blinked a few times, unsure of the situation and what was happening between the two in front of her. She kept Shigure from retorting by speaking herself, an amused smile lighting her face. "And how would you be better company, Yuki?" Shigure turned his attention to Yuki and smirked, there was no way this kid could be more appealing than he was. Yuki stared back at her, confusion writing itself on his face for a few moments as he thought. How could he be better company than Shigure? There had to be something worthwhile about himself. He said the only thing that came to mind with a defeated bow to his head. "I can be whatever you want me to be," Akito made a sound that wasn't convinced, waving her hand at him. "I have Kureno for that."
~Light my candles in a daze~
Shigure rolled his eyes, shaking his head and smirking ruefully; he had won without even trying. Akito stood slowly, staggering to the side for a moment, which caused both boys to take a step forward just in case. She straightened herself out and simply stared at the two for what seemed like hours before she pointed a quivering finger at Shigure. "You can leave, I've seen enough of you today" Both Yuki and Shigure looked between each other and Akito with great surprise. "But Akito…" She sneered at Shigure's confused plea's, stumbling toward him. She poked him with a little more force then she meant to, her eyes fluttering down for brief seconds to watch the man's arm secure around her waist. She stared up at him and smirked wickedly, tracing her fingers over his face. "You aren't who I want tonight. Remember, I told you: until you are before me of your own free will, you'll never understand." She pushed him back by his face, taking the few steps toward Yuki with a drunken sway and dangling herself over his shoulders. "You'll stay with me tonight…. Oh… wait… you have school tomorrow, don't you?" Her nose twitched when he nodded before she looked up at Shigure with a devious grin. "Bring his school things here, would you?"
~Cause I've found God~
"You're really serious, Akito?" Shigure was fighting between being overly jealous and genuinely worried for Yuki. While Shigure wasn't happy about this turn of events, or that he had just been branded as an 'unwanted toy' he feared for Yuki's safety. This little boy couldn't possibly hold his own against the true wrath of Akito… not even he could do it some days. "Of course I'm serious, I'm always serious." Akito liked to believe she was always serious, but this little act was one big game. A harsh wicked game where you weren't entirely sure what the prize was. "Akito…I don't think it's wise to…" Shigure took a step back as Yuki spoke un-expectantly and using his exact words against him with a just as wicked smirk. "What's with that face, nii-san? She asked you to leave, didn't she?" Shigure's eyes slanted in anger, how dare the little brat act this way. Where along the line had he miss-judged everything and become the laughing stock? "Well, I see where your consideration is, Yuki," The smirk on Yuki's face only grew worse. "Our alliance should always be with God, shouldn't it?"
~I'm so lonely, but that's okay, I'm not sad~
"Go, be sure to send his things over." Akito waved her hands at Shigure, her teeth gleaming through her grinning lips. Shigure's eyes narrowed even further at her and he turned, storming out of the room, the sound of the door slamming rattling about the room. Akito pulled herself off Yuki, stalking back toward her seat and plopping down into it a little harshly. With a long sigh she curled her arms around her face once more. Shigure leaving all flustered was both a win and loss for her. Yuki frowned; perhaps sticking up for himself had been a bad idea. No, he was sure it was a bad idea because now he was stuck with Akito all night. The realization, as the excitement of winning wore off, brought him to the floor on his butt. What was he going to do now that he was stuck in this position? And how was he going to face Shigure when it was time to go home? His pupils became very small as fear consumed him. Had this been her plan from the start? To get Shigure angry at him so that he'd have no choice but to stay in the main house with her? He turned his head to stare at her, unsure how someone so broken with sake and emotions could have any sense to think up such a scheme.
~And just maybe, I'm to blame for all I've heard~
Yuki almost felt drunk himself as he stood and tottered on his feet. Maybe he was drunk on emotions, such as fear or uncertainty. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before moving toward her. "I really don't have to stay... if-if you don't want me here..." Yuki jumped back slightly as her head shot up and he was slightly torn by the blank expression on her face. He didn't want her to hide herself from him. He wanted to understand this other side of her that he'd never seen before. She kept doing this to him, making him want to know her, understand why she held so much pain inside... why she tried so hard to not let other's see that pain. He realized all these thoughts buzzing through his head were both selfish and unwanted. "No, stay... if only for a little while. That man, he needs to learn he can't always have his way," Yuki frowned at her words, he didn't want to be used like that, but he didn't have much of a choice now did he? He slunk down to her side, resting his cheek against the side of her leg, hoping she'd allow him just this slight touch.
~I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there~
Shigure stopped in the hallway, catching sight of Kureno not far away. He smirked, the news would tear the man apart and how Shigure would enjoy the tortured look Kureno would sport. "Aa, my dear cousin, I was looking for you" His masked slipped back into place, a content smile curving his lips as he folded his hands in his sleeves. "You were looking... for me, Nii-san?" Shigure nodded a few times, pulling a hand out to stroke his chin. "Mm, mm, indeed I was. It seems as though Akito won't be needing you tonight, she's found a new toy to sleep with her." There it was, that destroyed look and he burned with a malicious joy, as 'oh' was all the ex-bird could say. "It seems that Yuki truly has become her little slave... such a pity, he had so much potential" Kureno's head jerked up to stare at his cousin, shock overly visible on his face. "With Yuki-kun..." Words Akito had said not long ago made acute sense now and he couldn't understand why it hurt so much. "Well have a good night, Kureno." he smirked, patting the younger male mockingly on the head. Kureno turned to watch his cousin for a moment before speaking. "Would you like company...?"
~But I don't care~
Shigure stopped, feeling the eyes of the other on his back and thought over the offer. "If you have nothing better to do" Kureno didn't catch the devious smile on Shigure's face, or notice the spiteful tone in his cousin's voice. "If you don't mind..." Kureno wasn't entirely used to being alone, or at least with such thoughts running through his head. He'd only ever had to deal with the knowledge that Akito shared her body with Shigure... it had been hard for him to deal with that fact at first but now this... He could see why Akito would want Shigure, the man was everything Kureno was not, but Yuki? What could she possibly want with him? Yuki had even less than Kureno to offer, at least Kureno knew how to please a woman... wanted to please Akito. When Shigure turned to stare at him, Kureno had made up his mind. With Shigure's nod he followed behind his cousin, not expecting or denying anything.
~I'm so horny, but that's okay~
Yuki felt Akito move way before he heard the shift of cloth as she slunk down along his side. He turned his face just in time to smack his nose against hers and smell the still strong scent of alcohol as her breath fluttered across his face. This was okay; he'd expected as much, had somewhere along the line agreed to this. Their lips met and while he had tried to keep any feeling from it the amount of pressure she put against him broke that barrier. He could feel her heat on his leg, the heat starting to move through his body as her fingers brushed along the skin of his stomach. This was like the first time... but not like it at all. While he had no real control of the situation he wasn't terrified of her. A little bit of him actually wanted this, if only to feel that immense sensation he had hit at the end of their first session. Her body was demanding, fingers scraping along his clothed thigh and he knew she would be far more aggressive than the first time, if that were even possible. He silently waited for it and the emotions she would draw from him.
~I like it -- I'm not gonna crack~
His face flushed, body arching when her fingers curled around his flesh, stroking it to life without much effort. His breath became ragged, sparse, and he pressed his forehead to her shoulder. This feeling was entrancing, exotic, and he found he wanted more. Curiously he lifted his arms, his fingers shaky at first against her skin. Pulling his head back he watched his hands as they parted the front of her kimono, fingers tracing down her breasts slowly, admiringly. When his digits passed over a nipple he startled at her reaction; the way she bucked slightly and her back arched to push her breasts harder against his hands. He simply stared for a while until she gave him an unpleased look and he turned his full attention to the curves settled against his palms. He flicked his thumb over the same nipple again and this time understood her body movement meant she liked this.
~I miss you -- I'm not gonna crack~
"Well, what ever shall we do about this situation?" Shigure stared back at his cousin through the black screen of his computer monitor, catching the deep frown before shifting to face the man. "What can we really do? It's her choice..." Shigure once more rolled his eyes, relaxing back against his chair, arms behind his head and pencil balanced on his nose. "You can't be happy about this arrangement," Kureno straightened slightly, a flash of anger crossing his face. "Of course not. What can he possibly have to offer?" Kureno slumped quickly after his words, feeling as if he had spoken well out of turn. What did any of them have to offer her? "Hmmm. That's indeed a good question. I think only she might know the answer" Kureno slumped farther; sighing with the loss they were both feeling. Did Akito even understand what it was she wanted?
~I love you -- I'm not gonna crack~
Yuki's breath was still coming out in short strides, his arms wrapped around Akito to keep her warmth securely pressed against him. She'd pull away when she didn't need him anymore and he was both understanding and upset about that fact. When he noted she had been lying still much longer then he would have intended he shifted his head to stare at her and couldn't help the slight smile that came to his lips. She wasn't scary at all like this, with the soft lines of sleep making her face rather appealing. He felt a deep urge to remain awake and simply watch this miracle before him. After all it wasn't often one got to see Akito so peaceful. His fingers rubbed light paths along her naked side, the other arm still wrapped around her. He understood why the other's enjoyed this... why they went through so much pain and anguish to be able to see her like this... if only for a little while. It was a sort of magic he'd cherish for the rest of his life.
~I killed you -- I'm not gonna crack~
Yuki had hoped his dreams would be pleasant, after all falling asleep with such soft feelings fluttering within him and even a bit of the after effects of orgasm lingering in his body and mind. However, his dreams were no fun at all and he was sure he was writhing and whimpering in his sleep. All he could understand was a collapsing feeling, as if someone were sitting on his lungs. There was that and this ever-lonely darkness that somehow felt to real to be a dream. In reaction to it all he raised his hands, catching onto something that felt like flesh and his eyes jolted open to realize this sinking feeling wasn't a dream. The threatening blackness and lack of air was real and the cause was a pair of angry eyes and fingers digging into his throat. Something within Akito had cracked and he was now paying the price.