Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Whitewashed Anchor ❯ Just a name ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

a/n: Sorry this has taken me so long to put out another chapter again. I'm not going to say the next chapter will be coming out any sooner, but please keep reading :3 I'll get it all done one way or another. For all of the fans that read this I've included a link to a special gift for you all and big thanks for 1,000+ hits. <3 to all my fans! Thanks for your support!
C Title: Just a Name
LJ Author: pikapicokitt
Theme: Superstar
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Akito x Yuki
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Fruits Basket is property of its original creator; I can only be credited for the story idea. The song “Just another name” and the selected lyrics I've chosen from it are property of Lifehouse.
Spoiler warning ahead!!
~These clouds around you break your fall~
Nails digging into frail wrists, Yuki's eyes slowly began to glaze over as he fought for breath. He couldn't register the feelings flickering over Akito's face, or if there was even a genuine emotion there at all. She appeared above him, fingers pressing his throat closed, as a blank slate. Yuki felt the hot trickle of tears flowing fast and endless down his face as everything slowly began to grow fuzzy and grey. He felt his grip on her arms loosening as strength fled from him with each ounce of breath that remained just barely out of his reach. This had always been his problem, always realizing his error far too late for it to be of any use. He was paying dearly for thinking there might have been something more to Akito. Once again he had been horribly mistaken as his sight and mind plunged into darkness.
~As you came crashing to the ground~
His eyes fluttered open slowly and he began to register the numbness in his body. At first he only saw white, wondered if this might be heaven, and then scowled as he didn't deserve to be in such a place. When he heard a familiar voice he tried desperately to turn his head toward it, but found he was incapable of really any movement. Hatori's face appeared shortly into his vision and Yuki let out a long sigh of relief; he wasn't dead. "How are you feeling, Yuki?" Yuki tried once more to move his body, groaning in frustration when nothing would respond. "Numb... What's wrong with me?" Hatori scratched his chin for a second and then nodded as if Yuki's answer was just fine. "You will be for a little while, just a reaction to the medication. Enjoy it, you'll probably be in a bit of pain when it wears off." Yuki almost whimpered when Hatori moved back out of his sight. "Wh-what happened? I can't remember clearly..." Hatori didn't move back, instead he sat down in a chair nearby and rubbed at an ache in his temple. "Akito tried to strangle you. Luckily, one of the maids overheard Akito screaming and sent for me."
~Did you learn anything at all?~
"Is Akito-san alright?" Worry lit Yuki's eyes. What ever could she have been screaming about in such a situation? Hatori slumped, scrubbing his hand over his face. Was this their curse talking... or had Yuki fallen into enemy territory? "Akito is fine; it is not her I'm worried about. What she did was wrong, of course making her understand that is damned near impossible. She almost killed you and she thinks that's perfectly alright. Tell me, what did you do to anger her, Yuki?" Hatori looked up from the floor, frowning at the all but destroyed looks twisting Yuki's face into a million different emotions. "I-I don't know. Maybe...maybe she didn't like the way I touched her? I thought I had been doing it right" Yuki's eyes slid shut, Hatori mimicking him with a soft sigh. "I guess with Akito, one can never know." Hatori stood, taking the few steps toward Yuki and brushing some of the boy's silken hair out of his face. "Don't think about it too much Yuki. Just work on getting better. I'll have a maid checking in on you periodically, just let her know if there's anything you need. I'm afraid I have a few appointments to attend to now."
~You climb back up to come back down~
There was silence in the room for a very long time. There was of course the soft scurry of someone's feet every now and then, someone checking on him to make sure his state hadn't become worse. He had asked for a glass of water at one point but other than that Yuki merely laid there staring at the ceiling. When he had finally begun to doze off, Yuki heard a slightly louder patter of footsteps moving toward the door, which quickly stopped when arriving there. The silence dragged on, whoever was there not moving so much as another inch forward, and Yuki was still unable to move his head to determine who it was visiting him. "You look terrible..." The breath Yuki had been holding in anticipation blew out quick and relieved as the voice hadn't been who he'd been expecting. "Do I really, Kureno-san?" There was a deep throated sound that was the ex-bird's way of agreeing before the sound of a chair leg squeaked as the man sat down.
~Everybody knows your name~
There was once more silence, a long pause between the two of them as if they were trying hard to find something worth conversing about, but either too afraid to start. It was Yuki that finally spoke up after a while. "It's nice of you to visit me, Kureno-san; Very unexpected." The sound of shuffling feet came to Yuki's ears and he could tell it was a nervous action as he himself did it quite often. "I had thought against it. Gure-nii was against the idea." If Kureno had been looking at Yuki instead of the floor he might have noticed the way the boy's eyes narrowed at the use of the name. "Well it was good that you didn't listen to him. Shigure is full of deceit and lies." Yuki's eyes slid shut as a frown grew on his face and he could hear the surprise at his outburst in the other's movements. "That's not very nice to say. Nii-san is a very good man..." Yuki's outright laugh had Kureno jerking his head up to stare at the boy lying only feet from him. "Shigure, a good man? He doesn't even know what the meanings of good, honest, or decent are. All he knows is cruelty, perversion and lies. He's filled Akito's head with those feelings after all."
~But they don't know who you are~
"Th-that's enough Yuki. Shigure-nii-san is none of those things and neither is Akito. I don't know where you got that idea... but they are good people... even if a little hurt and confused." Kureno had stood at the beginning of his retort and now remained in that upright position, tugging on the bottom of his shirt almost shyly. Yuki sighed, now a little unsure of everything. Maybe he just wasn't giving everyone enough credit. It was probably only him that thought such things of his cousins and for no real reason at all. He was probably just looking for someone other than himself to blame again. "I'm sorry Kureno. I don't feel very well. Thank you for taking the time to visit me... if you would please leave now." There was another throaty noise and he heard the sound of Kureno's steps as he retreated. Shigure had been right of course, visiting Yuki had been a dumb idea and Kureno wasn't even able to talk about the issue he had wanted to.
~But to them it's just the same~
Kureno had thought about simply retiring to his room but for some reason he turned in the opposite direction and found himself once again in front of Akito's door. He questioned what her mood might be like. Would she be sitting outside the backdoor, watching the garden, or was she just waiting for someone to venture in to take her wrath? Taking a deep breath and preparing himself for the worst, Kureno slid open the door to find the room empty. At least he wouldn't be maimed upon entry. Closing the door silently behind him he looked about the room, heading toward the opposite door to see if his first hunch was correct. He wasn't sure if being correct made him happy or sad. Akito sat on the porch, arms curled around her legs and chin resting on her knees. She looked so small and pathetic like this, watching the birds and leaves play but not daring to join them because she just might enjoy it. She knew he was there, and likewise, he knew she was aware of his presence. Without a word, her hand slid from its hold to trail her fingers over the spot beside her and return to its position around her legs once more. Kureno scuffled forward to gladly sit beside her.
~Yeah, you're just another name~
“So what is it you want?” Akito wasn't even looking at him, her eyes still trained on the vibrant and yet dying wildlife before her. She both loved and hated fall. “Nothing really…” He shifted uncomfortably, wiping his hands across his pants. “Liar, I can see all those questions floating around in that stupid head of yours. Well, don't bother asking me, I won't answer any of it.” She stood, managing to aggravate herself somehow. Kureno slouched slightly before standing himself. “I don't have any questions; I just want to be around you.” This caused Akito to halt in her movement, turn around to stare at him a little incredulously. “I find that hard to believe. Or are you taking advantage of the situation since little Yuki is in the infirmary?” For some reason, to Kureno, that sounded about right and he wasn't happy with how selfish it sounded. “Are you going to ask me why now? Why this, and why that, and why did I?” She waved her hand to silence him when he opened his mouth, retreating to the back of her room. “I told you I don't want to hear it.”
~She said fame will bring you down~
Nothing worked out how he wanted it to. Instead of just letting him be with her, near her, not even touching her, she had sent him away. She had silenced any and every protest that dared to crawl in the back of his throat, begging to be set loose. He had to of course give up his feeble attempts to be with her and with a grand slump to his frame he left the room. Scoffing at the door, Akito curled under her blankets, her body suddenly feeling as cold as her heart was. She knew she didn't really like treating Kureno that way, but she didn't know how else to react to his kindness. It flattered and disgusted her to see him so painstakingly honest. To see that glazed and dull devotion in his eyes that was only there because she wished it to be. He had formed himself to be everything she would ever want and need, and that semi-perfection made her want to puke. Curling her arms around herself and snuggling under her blanket, Akito tried to think of anything other than reality.
~At least that's what she used to say~
There it was again, that disgusting smell of sake that lingered through the open door and into his nose. Yuki was capable of a little movement now, the anesthetics having worn off to leave him close to immobile and in slight pain. With a great deal of effort, Yuki craned his neck to the side and caught sight of Akito right as she loomed over him. He wasn't afraid, instead a little interested and, of course, a little confused to see her there. His nose twitched as her scent trailed over him and that alcoholic smell washed away all the confusion. “Well, aren't you going to say hello, Yuki?” Yuki's eyes slid closed as he straightened his neck, letting his body relax for the moment. “Hello Akito-san, what brings you here?” Akito twirled in place for a moment, finger poised to her mouth as she thought. She was fairly light-headed and stumbled a few times, soon sitting beside Yuki's bed on the floor. “It seemed a reasonable place to be, am I not welcome here?” Yuki made a noise in his throat as if considering something. “No, you are welcome here”
~Then I handed her another crown~
“Hmm of course I am. I am the head of this household; I can go wherever I please.” She spoke as if she were reassuring herself of the title. With a long sigh she rested her face against the cold metal of the bed, a dull throb growing in her temple. “Are you alright, Akito-san? You really shouldn't drink so much, I don't think it's good for your heal...” Yuki was quickly cut off by her uproar. “Who are you to tell me what to do? There is nothing wrong with me. I'm like a superstar, perfect in every way.” She waved her hands in an elaborate fashion, laughing a little giddily. Yuki couldn't help but think that she was a little cute, if not easier to handle in this state. As much as he liked this side of her though, he knew excessive drinking was harmful to her already terrible health. “They're only perfect on stage, Akito-san.” Akito snorted stubbornly, standing up a little to fast for her body to take it and she had to use the headboard as support. “Are you saying I'm imperfect?” Yuki's dull expression was suddenly overcome with a soft smile and he opened his eyes in hope they could express himself better than his words. “I don't mind your imperfections Akito-san. I rather like them; after all, they define you.”
~She said it would never be this way~
Surprise lit Akito's face into so many different colors that Yuki wasn't sure if she was embarrassed or angry, or even pleased with what he had said. “What kind of medication do they have you on that you speak such nonsense, Yuki?” His expression fell at Akito's words, of course she wouldn't believe him, not when he had said something so endearing after such a long time of fearing her. “I was just speaking my mind, you don't have to like what I said” Akito snorted, crossing her arms as if his words had been some grave injustice. “Indeed, now take them back.” That hurt Yuki more than her un-acceptance. How could he take something back he meant so certainly as if it were a lie? “I can't take them back, Akito-san.” There was a loud harrumph, Akito in no way happy that she had lost even a simple argument. “Why can't you take them back?” Yuki sighed, she was becoming difficult now, and making him say things he wasn't even sure of himself. “I can't take them back, Akito-san, because it would mean that I felt what I had said was untrue. It was not untrue, I like everything about you just the way it is, so I can not take it back.” He turned to face and didn't like what he saw. She looked so torn between emotions, as if she wanted to scream in rage and cry at the same time. She didn't do either, instead she turned and ran.