Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Who'd thought that? ❯ Birth ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well I've done, I've made my first Fruit Bakset story and proud of it!

Shigure: is it as good as my work?

B.C: maybe, maybe better! wanna do the disclamier Inu-kun

Shigure: ^_^ sure, this wonderful High school girl doesn't own anything except the Character not in the show! *starts humming High school girls*

B.C: please enjoy, *turn to Shigure* shut up perv!
_________________________________________________________________ ___________
"Congradulations, you have a healthy baby girl" the mid-wife exclaimed cheerifully handing the now clean and sleeping child to it's mother, Kana held the baby closes as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks and landed on the Baby girl's head awaking it, blue-grey eyes stared up at the joyus woman. Kana smiled as her little girl giggled, the baby had milky white skin and cute tuffs of grey popped up on top of her head, "now that strange" Kana thought, both her and her husband had brown hair so how could their baby have grey? she shrugged it off as she felt warm lips press againist her forehead, she looked up "beautiful isn't she?" she asked, her husband smiled looking upon the child.
"yeah" he replied, "want to hold her?" Kana asked knowing he would. Her husband nodded eagerly and held out his arms, she put the small child in his arm carefully and her husband held the baby close until *POP*.

Kana's eyes twitch as she saw what was beneath the smoke, he husband was holding a small seahorse "wha-what I do!" he stammered throwing the tiny thing in the air, there was another *POP* and the previous baby came down landing in the arms of the shocked mid-wife, the mid-wife screamed and dropped the baby luckly on the softness of the bed, "what is that" Kana asked fearfully, her husband let out a shaky breath "I don't know".

"We'll be happy to take your child, sorry things didn't work out between you" a elder woman said softly cradling the barely born girl in her wrinkled arms "what is the babe's name?", "Nozomi, " Kana said quickly keeping her tears of now sadness at bay. "well we'll take good care of her", "Please do, good-bye Zomi" Kana said standing and walking out the door "have a nice day" her husband said before following after her heartbroken wife. "why would such nice people wanna give up a cutie like you?" the old woman thought tickling the younger's feet. If only she knew.

*15 years later*
"pitch it already loser!" a girl yelled chewing on her gum adjusting her backword hat, "oh you got it comin now!" a beaver looking kid cried throwing a white ball, the girl smirked and smashed the ball with the bat hard. The other looked it aw as the ball went over there heads and the girl ran to third base, "Nozomi!" a voice called, Nozomi groan and threw her hat down "I'll be right back" she said spitting out her gum and jogging over to the back door, the elder woman stood smiling brightly at her "Nozomi your test scores came back" she said, "yeah so" Nozmi said boredly rubbing a bruise on her arm "they accepted you! You start next week!", Nozomi said nothing "cool, can I go now?" she asked, the elder woman's face turned concerned "whats wrong I thought you'd be more happy?", "yeah well maybe I don't want people to find out i'm a freak!" Nozomi growled kicking a rock, "don't worry it'll be okay" "whatever see ya later Hag" "stop calling me that!"

Yah! okay so its starts out stupid but it'll get better just you see this was just introducing things please review and continue reading? *puppyeyes*