Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Tell You ❯ Demon? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
All Tohru could do was run, run for her life, run as is death itself was chasing her.

"He...he can't seem me like this..n..not like this!" She cried. Right now she knew her life was over. Well not her physical life but the life with Yuki was no doubt over.

"Why...Why! Why did he do this to me!" Just then Tohru picked up a sent. "Oh No! Yuki's following me he can't see me i don't want him to it will.............break me heart!"

Yuki didn't know where he was running to he just knew he had to find Tohru. That was the only thing that matter to him. He'd ask questions later. He was still trying to figure out what just happened, he knew Tohru looked way different but that didn't change his love that he felt towards he and he had to tell her that. To him life was more than perfect now.

Tohru was so caught up in her tears she didn't see the tree she was about to run smack into, neither did she realize that she had slown down so much that yuki was right below her.

Yuki never seen anything so beautiful. Tohru was running in the trees with such grace it looked like she was dancing. Then he notice she was crying, and not whatching where she was going. "TOHRU!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!!"

By this time it was to late. ********SMACK******** Tohru fell to the ground. Yuki went running towards that when he heard a growl. "wait a minute a growl that's not possible." Yuki just thought that he was going insane. That is when he saw Tohru, or should say REALLY saw Tohru.

Tohru was pissed, even thought she was half demon she was still clusty. That's when she notice Yuki. "Well might as well get it over with."

Yuki couldn't turn away even if he wanted to but in reality he didn't. Sure she looked way different but she was beautiful. Her eyes where no longer brown they where gold with hints of red in them. But Yuki could tell she could be dangerous judging by the claws she now had and the little fangs that where sticking out of her mouth. But Yuki wasn't afraid, he could tell she was scared, scared of loosing him. Yuki did the only think he could think of.

"No don't Yuki, let me explain." Tohru said.

Yuki saw her pleading eyes and could only nod.

"Yuki, first off, i am a way..... but i am also not. Uhhh...let me see well my mother is a human but my father was a demon, a dog demon at that. That guy you saw earlier was my brother he's a half demon too his name is Inuyasha. This is the way i normally look, i'm not dangerous, wait..... i can be, only when i've been pushed to far. Once a month i become human for one night. I really strong ablities. one you just saw, others....are .... well a great sense of smell, sight, and hearing. There are more that i can show you but i understand if you don't want anything to do with me now soooo.....i'll just...." Tohru started to get up to leave.

"Wait!" Yuki stopped her by grabing her wrist. "I don't want you to leave, I meen don't get me worng this is a shock but I....I....I still love you!"

"You still love me?" Tohru said as she knelt down beside Yuki.

"I have a question Tohru, how have you been able to know hide your true form all this time?"

"Well that necklace i'm always wearing," Yuki nodded, "that had an incantaion on so I could live like a human, hide myself i guess is what you could say."

"Oh, so it is okay that i know right?"

"Yes it is okay, Oh one more thing, i live longer than a human does, and simple things don't kill me and i heal real easly. But Yuki PLEASE! don't tell anyone not yet please."

"I won't, but how are you going to hide now that your necklace is gone?"

"I can answer that."

"Inuyasha? What do you want now?" Tohru look a little agrrivated now as she looked at her brother.

"Here's your necklace back, and don't worry i won't bother you for awhile at least." with that said he handed her necklace back and left.

Tohru put the neclace back on and she was now the old Tohru that Yuki knew. Yuki then took Tohru's hand.

"Let's go home Tohru."

"Yes Lets go."

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