Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Hi. I decided to try and continue even though I still feel nervous about this. But anyway, on with the story. I know it's a little slow in the romance department, but I think it's more believable if it's slow. I mean I don't know about you but I don't go off and have sex when I first start going out with someone. There are many other fun things to tease people with along the way to that. So anyway tell me what you think and sorry if people are a bit OOC but I'm really trying! Anyway thank you!

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 2: "Secrets"

They both stayed in the awkward position on the floor their faces stuck in a dumbfounded position. It was finally Tohru who broke the state of shock by sitting up and grabbing Kyo's arms and looking them over before rubbing the upper part of his body and looking him over. Even though it was mostly to see if any part of him had transformed she did let herself enjoy it a bit. When she finally concluded he was indeed still 100% human she sat back on his lap looking at him with her face flushed before embracing him.

"T-Tohru, nani?" Both of their faces were flushed as she held him close. 'This…this feels so nice,' Kyo though as she held him. His arms slowly snaked their way up and wrapped around her as well. They sat there holding each other for what seemed like an eternity before they finally sat up and held each other at arms length.

"You're not a cat," he sweat dropped as she pointed out the blatantly obvious. "Why?" This question caught him off guard.

"You mean you don't know?" She shook her head. He sat there still holding her out at arms length. His face suddenly turned red at his realization and dropped his arms. At this point she also realized her position on his lap and scooted off. They sat on the floor facing away, both of their faces blazing.

"S-so…do you think this might mean the curse is broken," she asked tentively. His head shot up at this.

"The curse…broken? But what if it's not?" She turned her face to meet his, the blaze on her face currently extinguished.

"But why would I be able to hug you and not anyone else." To be blunt he was pretty happy with that idea but didn't want to say something that could upset her.

"How should I know," he snapped. He instantly regretted it and tried to amend himself, "I-I mean what if it is just me? Then what? What if Akito finds out?" The last question was said softly more to himself then Tohru. But Tohru did hear it and became quiet. Her last meeting with Akito had shaken her pretty badly; her trust in him wasn't the best. She'd heard of the many things he had done to hurt others and had seen his anger first hand. 'What would he do,' she asked herself.

"M-maybe…maybe we shouldn't tell anyone." Kyo stared at her gaping like a fish out of water. 'Good natured, innocent, little Tohru thinking of keeping a secret from everyone? What's going on,' he asked himself in his state of shock. "I mean just until we can figure this out. Why get everyone upset when we don't even know anything yet, right," she said flashing him one of her smiles that made him blush. Something was nagging at the back of her mind. Something about hugging him and about last night…the incident of the night before completely slipping her mind.

"So what now," he asked trying to get his face under control. She glanced at the clock on her bed stand.

"Now we get ready for school, Yuki and Shigure should be up soon."

"Yeah," he said getting up. He held out his hand for her and she smiled and took it. He hoisted her from the floor and gave her one of his rare smiles before he turned and left her room.

She felt her face grow hot and had to fight her mind from thinking dirty thoughts. Every time he smiled like that she felt something inside her change. She felt like she was on fire and wished she could hold him close. She sighed scolding herself and reminding herself of the curse like usual when something in her brain clicked. She could hold him…she could touch him…she could…she smacked the side of her head. 'Goodness where am I getting such ideas. Things like what I'm thinking could probably be found in one of Shigure's novels.' This made her face blaze even redder then before. She tried to calm down but her heart just wouldn't stop pounding. 'But if I can touch him, and hold him…' The memory of the embrace earlier filler her head. 'Then maybe…just maybe…I could tell him…' She smiled her cheeks down to a pink tinge and went to get dressed.

Kyo found his way to his room and started changing trying to keep all thought of what just happened from entering his mind. At this point and time it would just confuse him and screw with his mind. But try as he might his mind wandered back to earlier when she had embraced him. It felt so nice to hold her close, to smell her sweet scent, to feel her breath on his shoulder and be able to hold her back without transforming. He shook his head to snap himself out of it and looked down as he found himself trying to put his sock on his hand and sweat dropped.

He tried clearing his mind but the memories of the day kept coming back and she just wouldn't leave his mind. She was on his mind a lot anyway but now that this had happened… He was able to hold her, to be close to her, to be normal. 'To be in love…?' He shook his head as he came down the stairs to hear Tohru chatting with Shigure. 'Could I ever tell her…?'

"Ahh! My little flower what smells so good," said Shigure announcing his entrance. Tohru turned and smiled at him.

"Oh just some miso. I'm sorry it's not done yet I woke up late this morning. Gomen!" She gave a low bow.

"Torhu it's fine. And that miso smells like it's worth the wait! Will we be having any leeks with that," he asked hearing Kyo near the bottom of the stairs.

"What the hell did you say," yelled Kyo taking him by the front of his kimono ready to beat him to a pulp.

"No, no, I-I'm not making any leeks," Tohru said trying to get Kyo not to kill Shigure today. It was at that moment that Yuki in his half dazed state came downstairs and the entrance of the kitchen that just happened to be blocked by two very noisy people. So he got rid of them. With a swift kick both Kyo and Shigure were sprawled out on the patio with one of the rice paper walls crushed under them and a fretting Tohru coming to their aid. All this time Yuki was rubbing the last bit of sleep from his eyes.

"Oh good morning Honda-san," he said with his brightest smile. Kyo's eye began twitching as he sat up and witnessed Yuki trying to play innocent to Tohru. The twitch got worse as he got to his feet and started walking. But the walk turned to a run as he let out a battle cry and lunged at him. Yuki dodged; Tohru was standing there trying to think of something to make them stop when it hit her. She was about to hug Kyo when she remembered what happened earlier and stopped, only to trip into Yuki. *POOF* Yuki was now a rat.

"Gomen, I didn't mean to, please forgive me," she said starting her familiar plea for forgiveness for changing one of them. While she was saying that she was thinking, 'Yuki changed, but why is it that Kyo doesn't anymore?' Her mind was screaming something about last night but she was pulled back to reality when she realized she was getting a strange look from the three men in the room, Yuki had already changed back and was dressed. 'Oh no, did I say any of that out loud?!'

"Honda-san are you ok. You were saying sorry but then you just stopped and got this far away look in your eye. Are you ok?" She gave an inner sigh of relief that she hadn't said anything when she realized she still hadn't said anything.

"I'm fine really. Guess I'm still tired," she said trying to look sheepish. "Well I should get back to the miso, it should be done soon. I should probably get a few rice balls together soon too, the rice shouldn't be too much longer."

"I'll get the rice balls," he said in mock grumpiness. Tohru just smiled.

"Thank you Kyo-kun." He blushed and just walked over to the rice cooker to check on it. While that was going on Shigure had begun whining about his poor house.

"Will you just be quiet Shigure. It's too early in the morning," said Yuki sitting down at the table in a grumpy mood. Something was up and he knew it. He saw she was about to hug Kyo to stop their fighting like she had done before but she stopped, a flash of recognition came across her face right before she stopped. Something was up and he wanted to know what. But most of all how she had given Kyo that smile of hers when he said he'd make the rice balls. He would have helped her…if there weren't a chance that they would die from them. While he was stewing Shigure kept complaining about his poor house and disgruntled youths.

Tohru looked over her shoulder and strained to listen in on what was going on in the other room. She looked back down at the stew as she stirred it a few more times before turning the burner off. "Kyo-kun, it is just you," she said quietly hoping they wouldn't be overheard.

"Yeah I know," he said but he didn't sound grumpy anymore.

"What should we do," she asked as she poured the soup into bowls.

"What can we do," he asked as he opened the rice cooker and began forming neat little balls. "If we tell anyone Akito might get wind of it. And even if you don't care, I don't think having Akito find out would help your situation right now."

"Because he hates me right," she asked softly. He looked over to see her head down and saw her shake a little. 'Shit she's crying.' He walked over to her and put an arm on her shoulder.

"Hey it's not your fault. He hates me too. Akito is just an ass you shouldn't worry about him. So for now, let's just keep this a secret ok?" His normally grumpy tone was serious and her heart felt lighter as he helped calm her down. 'I like seeing this part of Kyo. It's kind of like how Kagura is so nice whenever she isn't around Kyo. When it's just us…' She looked up and was once again caught in those eyes.

"Just our secret," she asked softly not really sure what was happening as she leaned closer, a blush spreading across her cheeks to match the redness of his own face.

"Yeah, just us," he said feeling his heart jump up in his throat as she leaned closer. He tilted his head and brought it down. Their faces were just centimeters apart. Her soft pink lips just within reach…

"TOHRU! You're going to be late," came Shigure's singsong voice from the other room. They both jumped apart blushing furiously and gathered up the rice balls and the soup. Both of them mentally chanting 'So close, so close…' Actually Kyo's was more along the lines of, 'Must kill Shigure! Damn you Shigure! So close!!' They ate breakfast in almost complete silence. Which wouldn't have been too odd if not for the fact that Kyo was ignoring Shigure's teasing and Yuki's comments about 'Baka Neko,' without flinching.

It was only as they were leaving that Kyo was snapped out of his dreamland of killing Shigure and kissing Tohru by Tohru. It was then he noticed they were walking; Yuki, Tohru, and he down the path to school. He looked down to see Tohru had grabbed his hand along with Yuki's, snapping him out of his thoughts. He saw her turn and smile to Yuki and turn to smile to him, and wink.

Uo and Hanajime waited in the classroom talking between them until Hanajime announced ", Tohru is here." No sooner had the words left her mouth then the trio entered the classroom. Hanajime's brows came together giving her a concerned look.

"Hey Hana, what's up," asked Uo wondering what was the matter with her friend.

"There's something weird about Tohru's electrical waves."

"Weird," questioned Uo looking over at her friend who was still talking to the two Sohmas. "Is she sick or something?"

"No it's not that. Her waves, they feel different, almost…excited?"

"Excited," Uo said giving her friend a weird look.

"Yes, that's not all. Kyo, his electrical waves are…calmer. It's like their two waves are almost in tune with one another." At this point Uo just gave a look like 'your kidding me right?' and turned to walk over to Tohru with Hana close behind.

"Hey Tohru, red top, prince," she addressed all of them.

"Good morning everyone," said Hana coming up behind Uo and giving Kyo and Tohru a scrutinizing look. "Tohru your waves are different." Tohru and Kyo both physically stiffened at this.

"W-What do you mean Hana," she said trying not to sound nervous, but Tohru being Tohru was never very good at hiding something like that.

"Your waves seem to be almost in sync with Kyo's." Tohru looked like she was going to hyperventilate and Kyo was using every ounce of his strength to keep himself there and look normal, lest he bring down the wrath of electric girl who was one of the few people he didn't want to mess with.

"Hana," Uo cut in. "Not this stuff again. Didn't you say something like that about Yuki and Haru?" This got a giggle from Tohru as Yuki showed signs of being pissed off and Kyo just looked smug. "Don't pay attention to her. But you do seem happier than usual Tohru. Something happen that we should know about," she said as she stepped forward blocking her off from he Sohma's indicating it was girl time as Hana came up on the other side of her.

"T-there's nothing to talk about guys I don't know what you're getting at," she said trying not to sound nervous. 'But nervous about what? Am I more nervous about Kyo's transformations not happening? Or was it when he almost…' She couldn't finish the thought as her cheeks once again began glowing pink.

"So there is something," prodded Uo. "Come on you can tell us. Did the prince put a move on you?" Tohru's head shot up her blush gone and a confused look on her face.


"Ok, guess not," said Uo sighing. "Well then what did happen?" Her face once again turned scarlet.

"Well…I…" 'They are your friends. It might be alright to tell them.' "Well thi-"

"Everyone take your seats," said the teacher cutting her off and pretty much closing the subject. "Now please turn to…"

She couldn't take her eyes off him. She really wanted to pay attention to the teacher but her eyes just subconsciously went to him. She sighed and looked at the clock. 'Still have 5 more minutes 'til lunch. Maybe I should talk to him about this morning.' Her cheeks went pink again. Tohru turned her head to look at Kyo again. He looked about as bored as her. It was then that he turned and their eyes met, before they both quickly looked away their cheeks pink.

He turned his head away as he tried to clear his mind. 'Man I really have to see her. After this morning…' His face kept its pink tint. 'Damnit why am I letting everything get to me? Maybe I should just hang out alone today at lunch.'

The bell rang and everyone got up to leave and eat lunch. Tohru found Uo and Hana and they walked together for a bit before being joined by Yuki who didn't have presidential matters to deal with for once. As they met up with the last few members of their group, Haru and Momiji, Tohru couldn't help but wonder where Kyo had gone to. 'I hope he wasn't mad about what Hana said this morning. Maybe I should go find him.' She took one last bite of the rice ball she was eating and wrapped up her remaining lunch.

"Hey Tohru where ya going," asked Uo.

"Oh I needed to use the bathroom and was going to return a book to the library," she said giving them a smile.

Uo just gave her a knowing smile and said," see ya in class!" Tohru quickly jogged to the stairs taking them two at a time to the roof. She walked out and climbed the ladder poking her head over the top of the top of the stairwell seeing an orange-haired uniform clad Kyo lying lazily in the sun. He jumped as she climbed on the top of the roof with him.

"What the hell are you doing here," he yelled instantly regretting it. Tohru just shrugged it off and gave him a smile before crawling over to sit beside him.

"I just wondered why you didn't eat with us like you usually do." She said smiling at him.

"Just wanted some time to think," he said sitting up.

"About this morning," she asked looking over at him. He turned to face her their eyes locking.

"What part about this morning," he asked boldly. 'Where the hell did I get that from?' She felt herself blush but couldn't pull away from his gaze.

"About our secret," she said quietly. He was so close, too close. She could feel his breath on her face and her heart was about to burst from her chest.

Kyo looked down into her eyes. 'She's so close. Her lips are so close.' He wanted them; he didn't care if Akito popped out in a thing of red flames with a pitchfork right then and there. He wanted her, now. His hand cupped the side of her face as he brought his down to catch her lips in his own. Her lips were so warm and sweeter then he could have ever imagined. His heart was going a million miles an hour and he never wanted this to end. But eventually he needed air and pulled away slowly looking down to see her pink cheeks. She stared up at him with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"You mean that secret," he asked still cupping the side of her face. 'Her skin is so soft.'

"Kyo-kun," she said just above a whisper and leaned forward for another kiss when…

"TOOOHHRRUUU," yelled Momiji from the stairs. Tohru and Kyo bolted apart and tried to calm their poor panicked hearts. Not a second later Momiji popped up over the edge of the roof. "There you are!! I've been looking all over for you. We're late for class." Tohru got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach before jumping up.

"Oh no. Come on we can't miss class." She hoped they mistook the blush on her cheeks from her missing class and not something else.

"Oww!! Tohru, Kyo's picking on me!" She turned to see Kyo giving Momiji a noogie…again.

"Hey you guys, party's over," said Haru appearing from the stair well. Some how when Haru appeared Momiji disappeared from Kyo's noogie and was now beside Haru.

"Why you little," said Kyo ready to jump off the roof after him. 'Fucking brat ruined the moment! I'm going to kill him!' Until he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked over to see a smiling Tohru.

"Come on Kyo-kun we're going to be late." He gave her one of his awkward smiles and followed her back down the stairs.

Author's Note: So how bad was it? I know I'm not really keeping up with the name endings like Kun and San and stuff. But for some reason I don't think it works unless it's Yuki or Tohru using it for someone else. But I may have a stray one here or there. Hope it's not too bad. Well I gave it my all. And if it's not too bad I'll try for another chapter.