Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Wish for you on a Shooting Star ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Baskets or any of the characters involved in it. I merely wish to portray my own ideas through the characters. Meaning: I no own, so you no sue.

Author's Note: Sorry I took so long to get this out but I had major writers black and you can probably tell from the really short chapter. But once I started writing I kinda punted my writer's block over to Canada and was able to write another chapter, which will hopefully make up for my tardiness and this short chapter. Oh and thanks for all of you who reviewed or gave comments.

Wish for you on a shooting star

Chapter 6: "The Morning After"

Kagura awoke as a breeze ran along her body stirring the shirt laid over her body. Her eyes opened to the morning light drifting through the trees and sat up. The shirt falling off of her nude body. She looked down to see it was her own shirt that was thrown off last night and looked beside her to see Yuki had already gone. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest. 'Why should I be sad? I mean I don't even love Yun-kun; it was only because of last night. Maybe because last night was my first..?' She shook it out of her head and began dressing herself. 'What does it matter? It wasn't like it was out of love!' Her hand went to her cheek as she felt a tear break free and roll across her cheek. I have to get out of here.

Tohru opened her eyes as sunlight filtered through the room, her vision coming to focus on a patch of red hair belonging to the man beside her and smiled. She curled up next to him leaning her head against his own. His crimson eyes slowly opened to meet her own. "Ohayoo," she said softly and smiled.

"Ohayoo," he mumbled stretching a bit before turning to meet her gaze again. "Have you been awake long?"
"No, I just woke up. How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock, I don't think I've ever slept in this late." He gave her a smile and she blushed a deep red.

"Kyo, I love you," she said softly just before her lips met his own.

"I love you too," he finally responded as their lips parted. His arms slowly snaked their way around her waist and pulled her closer and pulled her in for another kiss to which she readily responded. A stirring noise from downstairs made Tohru pull back.

"Looks like we should get up." She began to lift herself from the futon but his hand around her waist brought her down to lay on top of him.

"Come on it's Sunday, it's our day off." She smiled her cute smile that made her look too innocent for her own good even after last night.

"Yeah but if I don't cook breakfast it means Yuki or Kagura will be in the kitchen unsupervised and mess with the stove and there's a good chance the house will catch on fire. And if we stay up here in bed we'd burn alive together." His arm slowly slid off of her waist and fell to his waist.

"You can really be discouraging sometimes," he said with a sigh. She leaned down for a quick kiss.

"Yeah but it's a Sunday, so maybe we can do something later." She got up and gathered her clothing to quickly dress. "I'll get right on breakfast after I change." And with that she left to go next door to her own room for a change of cloths from the wrinkled and soiled uniform she was wearing now. Kyo sat there a minute staring at the ceiling as he sat in contemplation. 'Well we're together now. But where do we go from here? Can we even tell anyone? What about Yuki…and Kagura? I wonder if they suspect.' He sat there another minute before rolling over and going to his closet to pull on some cloths.

Tohru came down the stairs to see Yuki half asleep staring at the stove as if it held the answers to the meaning of life. "Sohma-kun?" She put a hand on his shoulder and eeped as he about kicked her in the face before he blinked a few times and a wave of recognition came across his face.

"Huh? Oh ohayoo Honda-san," he said in a monotone voice. Obviously he was still hurting.

"O-ohayoo Sohma-kun. Why don't you go sit down I was about to make breakfast." She looked around the kitchen and heard nothing coming from anywhere else in the house save upstairs where Kyo was. "Sohma-kun, where is Kagura?"

"She left, early this morning. She said she wasn't feeling well."

"Oh she must have left pretty early. I hope she's alright," she said real concern showing for the girl. "Well I'll make a bit extra in case Shigure-san decides to join us this morning." Yuki nodded his acknowledgment of the situation and left to sit at the table. 'What the hell was that last night? What the hell did I do in my last life to make this one so damn rotten anyway?' His mind drifted back to the conversation between Tohru and him, the pain, the awkward dinner, and then the secret base. He shook his head trying to clear it but it didn't help. His mind kept drifting back to last night, to how hurt Kagura had looked, to the pain they had shared and then…He didn't want to remember, it wasn't him. It was some other him, some other him that didn't care if her had hurt her like he knew he had. 'Why? Why did that happen last night? I wonder if she hates me.'

Kagura entered the house quietly not expecting Yuki to be sitting there at the table staring off into nothing. Her approaching footsteps alerted him and he looked up to see her come in in a daze much like himself. "Kagura-chan. Are you ok?"

"Yes," she quietly with a small nod. She exited the room and returned a minute later with her cat backpack and turned towards the door.

"Kagura," he called out. "Where are you going?" She didn't even turn to face him as she replied.

"I'm not feeling too well, I-" Her voice caught on a sob. "Gomen!" She took off out the door before Yuki could even say anything. Not that he had anything in mind anyway.

He never was good with words. He didn't know what to say in a normal situation, let alone after sleeping with his cousin who he didn't love because he was upset. He had taken advantage of her…that was all there was to it. He knew she was upset and she was vulnerable but he still took advantage of her. She had kissed him, something as innocent as that and he had taken that misplaced need for love and twisted it. He sickened himself. 'Kagura…can you ever forgive me?'

Tohru was stirring up some miso soup when she felt two strong hands surround her waist. She stiffened before leaning back into those arms. She sighed contently before pulling away and turning to face him. "Kyo-kun, what if Sohma-kun had seen us?"

"He was in the other room, I checked."

"I know, but…well after how badly he took it last night I don't want to upset him even more."

"I know, how is Kagura doing?"

"She left…early this morning. Yuki said she didn't feel well, but…I don't know, I think he was hiding something."

"You don't think she did anything to hurt herself do you," he asked with concern taking a step forward.

"No, I think if it were as serious as that Sohma-kun would have mentioned something. But he was tense when I asked about her. Maybe I should visit her sometime this week."

"Maybe, she might hate you for it later though when we tell her." The room fell into a silence neither of them wanted to break, but Kyo finally asked the question that had been on his mind for a while.

"Are we going to tell them?" Tohru looked to the wall for answers. "Tohru?"

"I don't know," she said finally turning to meet his eyes. "I mean, no, not for now. Everything needs to settle down first."


"Well I would like everyone to know, but…"

"Akito," he finished for her. She gave a small nod.

"Even though he seemed to calm down last time we went I still don't know what he would do. Anyone who has tried an outside relationship-"

"Has met with disaster," he cut her off. "And it would probably be worse if he found out about the transformation thing." Tohru nodded slightly.

"I want to tell them," said Tohru meekly. "But I don't want Akito to know, I don't want the chance of him coming between us. I…I," Tohru's head bowed down as a sob threatened and a lone tear fell down her cheek. He took her in his arms holding her close.

"It's ok Tohru, calm down." 'This feels so nice, being able to hold her like this. Whenever she cried before I wanted to do this but got so frustrate knowing I couldn't I'd just blow up. This…is bliss.'

"I just don't want to loose you," she said with a slight hiccup as her sobbing quieted down to a whimper.

"Tohru," he said getting her to look him in the face. His thumb wiping away the two trails of tears. "No matter what Akito says or does, you'll never loose me. You're kinda stuck with me now," he said smiling. "And don't worry about this right now. Let's wait for things to settle and cross that bridge when we come to it." She nodded a smile settling on her face. He leaned down and gave her a quick peck before turning to go into the other room to deal with the grumpy Yuki. A minute later she could hear fighting and a minute after that Kyo flying through either a wall or door meaning she had a hole to patch. The smile still plastered on her face she thought to herself, 'Just another day.'

Author's Note: Good? Bad? Shoulda made it longer? And yes I know I could have attached it to my next chapter but I'm a writer damnit and I'll write however I want, as long as you like it.